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,Week9 Sentence Structure,英语当中所有的句子按结构可分为三种: Simple Sentence (简单句),英语当中所有的句子按结构可分为三种: Simple Sentence (简单句) Compound Sentence (并列句),英语当中所有的句子按结构可分为三种: Simple Sentence (简单句) Compound Sentence (并列句) Complex Sentence (复合句),简单句、并列句和复合句,简单句,简单句是由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。 (1) 一个主语和一个谓语 e.g. 我的钱包掉了。_ (2)并列主语和一个谓语 e.g. 我和妈妈都爱吃米饭。_ (3)一个主语和并列谓语 e.g. 我昨天打了篮球,游了泳。_,简单句五种基本句型,句型一:主系表 句型二:主谓 句型三:主谓宾 句型四:主谓宾宾 句型五:主谓宾补, 句型一、主语+系动词+表语 常见系动词:be:am/is/are/was/were 感官动词look/seem/appear/sound/taste/smell/touch/feel 趋向动词:get/become/turn/grow/fall/remain/stay/prove eg. I am interested in music. 主 系 表 介词短语 The flowers smell nice. 主 系 表 They have grown stronger than before. He will become a scientist in the future., 句型一、主语+系动词+表语 常见系动词:be:am/is/are/was/were 感官动词look/seem/appear/sound/taste/smell/touch/feel 趋向动词:get/become/turn/grow/fall/remain/stay/prove eg. I am interested in music. 主 系 表 介词短语 The flowers smell nice. 主 系 表 They have grown stronger than before. 主 系 表 介词短语 He will become a scientist in the future. 主 系 表 介词短语,【练1/5】梦想已经实现。 The dream has come true.,【练2/5】互联网是当今世界所有知识和信息的关键。(剑6,G,TB,W) Internet is the key.,【练3/5】传统的方法也许可以在未来被证明有经济价值。(剑3,T2,W) Methods can be proved valuable.,句型二、主语+谓语vi. (+状语) eg. He cant fly. My ink has run out. I was sleeping. Wheat grows well all year around in north of China. 主语 谓语 方式状语 时间状语 地点状语 He suffered from hunger and cold. 主语 谓语 介词短语做状语 My head aches heavily.,句型二:主语+谓语,【练1】第一印象很重要。 The First impression counts/matters.,【练2】近年来政府对报纸的控制已经放松了。 The control has loosened.,句型三、主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语,eg. I met an interesting person last year. 主 谓 宾(用定语修饰) 时间状语 Have you read the story about the witch yet? 助动词 主 谓 宾 介词短语 状语 He should look up the new words in the dictionary in advance. My friend hasnt called me for a long time. They will put up a factory and a premise next year.,句型三、主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语,eg. I met an interesting person last year. 主 谓 宾(用定语修饰) 时间状语 Have you read the story about the witch yet? 助动词 主 谓 宾 介词短语 状语 He should look up the new words in the dictionary in advance. 主 谓 宾 介词短语 状语 My friend hasnt called me for a long time. 主 谓 宾 时间状语 They will put up a factory and a premise next year. 主 谓 宾 时间状语,【练1】教育满足需要。 Education meets/satisfies the demand/need.,句型四:主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,谓语动词特点: 双宾动词:人+物 短语搭配,句型四、主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 常见跟双宾语的动词:give/ask/bring/offer/send/pay/lend/show/tell/buy 间接宾语可以紧跟动词之后,也可用to后置 eg. She always gives me a surprise.=She always gives a surprise to me. He bought her a laptop.=He bought a laptop to her. 间接宾语可以紧跟动词之后,也可用其他介词后置(for/of ect.) eg. Could you do me a favor?=Could you do a favor for me? He robbed me of a necklace. The doctor cured her of cancer.,【练1/3】大学授予了我奖学金。 The university gave/granted me a scholarship.,【练2/3】迈克尔向经理递交了一份申请书。 Michael gave/presented the manager his application.,【练3/3】他还不让你有获取某些信息的机会。 He has also denied you access to some information.,句型五:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,谓语动词特点: 宾补动词:appoint, find, keep, make, prove, believe, think),主语+谓语+宾语+补语,常见的宾语补足语有:形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、不定式、分词,eg. I made my sister angry. 主 谓 宾 补(形容词) They saw a puma running after them. 主 谓 宾 补(现在分词) I heard the window broken. 主 谓 宾 补(过去分词) He considered it an easy question. 主 谓 宾 补(名词) I found him out. 主 谓 宾 补(副词) He feels the yogurt in the fridge. 主 谓 宾 补(介词短语) We noticed him steal the purse. 主 谓 宾 补(省to的不定式),They appointed John chairman. 主 谓 宾 宾补(名词做宾补) A hedge between keeps friendship green. 主 谓 宾 宾补(adj.) 保持距离,友谊常青。(君子之交淡如水。),【练1/3】许多人觉得他们的回报不公平。(剑6,T2,W) Many people think their reward unfair.,【练2/3】技术时代的到来使知识更加重要. The advent/coming of technology makes knowledge more important/ crucial.,【练3/3】这些技巧会帮助他们在未来成为更有价值的员工。(剑3,T3,W) These skills will make them more valuable employees in the future. These skills will help them become more valuable staff in the future.,并列句,两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词and, but, so, for, or 等连在一起构成的句子,叫做并列句。并列句中各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间是平行并列的关系,它们之间用连词连接。 根据并列分句之间的不同关系,并列句可以分为四种。,并列句,第一种:表示并列关系 此类并列连词有 and, bothand, neithernor等。 如:He likes sports and he often plays basketball . Neither Jack nor his wife can play the piano.,并列句,第二种:表示转折关系 此类并列连词有 but, however, while 等。 如:The old woman lives alone, but she never feels lonely.,并列句,第三种:表示选择关系 此类并列连词有or, eitheror等。 如:Get up early, or youll be late for school.,并列句,第四种:表示因果关系 此类并列连词有so, for等。 如:I turned on the TV, so we sat down and watched it.,复合句,复合句是由一个主句(main clause)和一个或一个以上的从句(subordinate clause)构成。 主句是全句的主体,通常可以独立存在;从句则只用作句子的一个成分,不能独立。,After the students were all in the chemistry lab, the teacher brought out three bottles.在学生全都进入化学实验室后,老师拿出三个瓶子来。 (主句是“the teacher brought out three bottles”,从句是“After the students were all in the chemistry lab”。),Corn is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways.玉米是一种非常有用的作物,可用许多不同的方法制作成食物。 (主句是“Corn is a very useful plant”,从句是“that can be prepared in many different ways”。),从句的基本概念及其结构,从句不能独立成为一个句子,虽然它也有主语部分和谓语部分。从句通常由关联词引导,并由关联词将从句和主句联系在一起。 从句的结构通常是:关联词+主语+谓语。 When I came home, my wife was cooking dinner. 我回家时,妻子在做晚饭。 He said that he would come. 他说他要来,关联词(connective),引导从句的关联词共有下列5类: (1)从属连词:that(无词义),before(在前),whether(是否),after(在之后),if(假如、是否),since(既然、自从), because(因为),as/so long as(只要),when(当时候),so that(结果) (2)疑问代词:who, which, whom, what, whose等。 (3)疑问副词:when, why, where, how (4)关系代词:who, which, whom, that, whose (5)关系副词:when, why, where,关联词在从句中的功用举例,We cant travel through the forest by road because there arent any roads! 我们不能从陆路穿过森林,因为这儿根本没有路可走!(关联词是从属连词because,引导状语从句),Anybody who breaks the rule is punished. 谁要是破坏了这条规则,谁就要受到惩罚。(关联词是关系代词who,引导定语从句,在从句中作主语),What we need is more time.我们需要的是更多的时间。(关联词是疑问代词what,引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语),从句的功用和种类,从句在复合句中,可作主语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语、状语等,因此,可分为六类:即主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句。,翻译练习,这座水坝是世界上最大的一座,长3830米。(含有which引导的定语从句),The dam, which is the biggest in the world , is 3,830 metres long.这座水坝是世界上最大的一座,长3830米。(含有which引导的定语从句),当11层楼起火的时候,


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