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Differences of Subject-Predicate Structure between Chinese & English 汉语的分析型(analytic)语言VS.英语的综合型(synthetic)语言 汉语的复杂谓语成分VS.英语的单一谓语成分 汉语谓语的多主动式VS.英语谓语的多被动式,4. Choice of Predicate,分析型语言VS综合型语言,汉语分析型语言典型特征: 无词尾屈折变化 (inflection) 英语综合型语言有丰富的屈折变化形式: tabletables runranrun the boys She sings beautifully. 我(你,他,他们) 来自 深圳。 I (You/ He/ They) am (are/is/ are) / from Shenzhen. C come (come, comes/come),谓语成分的复杂性VS英语的单一谓语成分,1. 她的未婚夫都60了。 Her fianc is already 60 years old. 2. 我想吃麦当劳。 I want to eat at the Macdonalds. 3. 快餐食品并不健康! Fast food is not wholesome, after all. 4. 三星的手机外观很漂亮。 Samsung Brand cell phones look beautiful.,5. 历史, 人民创造的。 History is made by the people. 6. 他就会持枪劫车杀人越货。 He is good for nothing but hijacking vehicles and looting the goods by killing the drivers with his gun.,汉语谓语的多主动式VS.英语谓语的多被动式,1. 问题解决了。 The problem has been solved. 2. 大家都觉得这样做不妥。 It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 3. 必须采取措施来控制水污染。 Measures have to be taken to control the water pollution. 4. 明天下午两点开教学研讨会,全体教师务必参加。 There will be a Teaching Symposium at 2:00 p. m. tomorrowAll the faculty are expected to attend,确定谓语的原则,谓语要和主语保持人称、数的一致; 谓语要明示汉语隐含的时态、情态和语气; 谓语必须与主语及宾语在逻辑上搭配得当 4. 原文若是形容词短语、名词性短语、数量词或介词短语做谓语,译文常代之以系表结构 5. 原文若为有/无形式标志的被动式,译文宜用被动式作谓语; 6. 若不知原文谓语动作的发出者是谁,或者原文的主语为 “人们”、“大家”等,或者句中含有 “据传”、“据悉”等字眼,译文的谓语常用以 “it” 为形式主语的被动句式;,1. 他的那副尊容,只要见过一次,无论什么时候都不会忘记。 He has a face that once you see will never be forgotten. 2. 当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发展。 Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country. 3. 她的独子让车给轧了。 Her only son was run over by a car., 所选的谓语在人称和数上与主语一致,1. 茶会上只供应茶和蛋糕。 Only tea and cakes will be served at the tea party. 2. 今晚有人在此讲了些不该讲的话。 Something which shouldnt have been mentioned was said here tonight. 3. 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。 His absent-mindedness during the experiment nearly caused an explosion of the chemical., 所选的谓语必须保持时态、语气、情态和语态与原文语义相吻合,4. 本公司全体同仁竭诚为各界服务。 Our corporation will whole-heartedly serve various circles. 5. 我希望一年四季都是春天。 I wish it were spring all the year round. 6. 石油价格自去年以来稳步上升。 Oil prices have been rising steadily since last year. 7. 该产品贯来是市场紧俏产品。 This product has sold well since it entered the market.,1. (日本派大批的留学生,到中国来学习中国文化。)自然,他们也学会了中国的饮茶。 Accordingly, they became accustomed to the Chinese tea-drinking. 2. 本书精选中国南方26个少数民族的131则脍炙人口的故事。 The book consists of 131 superb stories popular among 26 minority nationalities in the south of China. 3. 这一证书课程分三年学完。 This certificate course will spread over three year.,注意谓语与主语及宾语的逻辑搭配,原文若是形容词短语、名词性短语、数量词或介词短语做谓语,译文常代之以系表结构 1. 这部电影很有教育意义。 The film is very instructive. 2. 北京的秋天最美。 Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing. 3. 她今年21岁。 She is twenty-one this year. 4. 经理今天不在办公室里。 The manager is not in the office today.,5. 他们正在谈论的那个女老师品格正直。 The woman teacher they are now talking about is upright. 6. 武汉这个地方,我觉得比深圳好。 I think Wuhan is better than Shenzhen. 7. 这种打字机轻便耐用又经济实惠,适合高中学生使用。 This type of typewriter is portable and durable, economical and practical for high school students.,民工潮 新年春节刚过,农村的破旧小车站就挤满了成千上万的农民。他们只有一个目的,到城市去。八十年代初,农村的改革,使得千千万万的农民从土地上解放了出来,纷纷跑到城市找工作。自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。这不仅是因为对城市设施造成了极大的压力,而且他们担心会引发许多社会矛盾。所以外来民工往往被看成二等公民,不能成为城市居民,孩子不能在城市读书。但是另一方面,城市和经济开发区的发展急切需要大批劳力到工厂和建设工地。而且政府也感到如果不让农民出来,让他们也富起来,城乡的穷富差别将进一步拉大。而农民的不满加剧,会导致社会动乱。Flood of migrant workers Right after Spring Festival, a small old station of rural was filled with thousands of farmers. They only had one purposewent to the cities. Early eighties, the reform of rural areas, thousands of farmers from the land liberated went to cities in search of work one after another . Since then, this massive flood of migrant workers made the cities get a headache. Not only because migrant workers caused great pressure on cities facilities, but also urban citizens worried about that it would lead to a number of social conflicts. Therefore, migrant workers were often seen as second-class citizens. They couldnt become urban residents as well as their children couldnt go to school in the city. On the other hand, the development of urban and economic developmental regions eagerly needed a large number of labor to work on factories and construction sites. Moreover, the government thought if w


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