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某英语报向中学生征集关于开展研究性学习的文章,请你根据提示,用英语写一篇介绍你校研究性学习活动的短文。,审题,1.建议 如何解决污染问题 2.感想与体会 开展研究性学习 开展研究性学习后对环保的认识,存在问题: 1. 书写较差,卷面不整洁,涂改较多。 2. 部分同学遗漏要点(主要是感想与体会部分)。 3. 拼写错误严重。 local costome choice the subject 4. 中式英语、牵强拼凑的表达较多,不会套用句型,逐词翻译。 life wasted water waste water from daily life water was pulled into the river water was poured / pumped into the river water emission water discharged from Farmer use agricultural chemicals is the 3rd reason caused pollution. The 3rd reason is pollution caused by frequent use of agricultural chemicals,Step 1 List the key points 要点1:研究主题丰富多彩,选择性强 研究主题 research subjects themes of research 研究项目 research projects 做从事进行研究 to do/ conduct/ undertake research carry out a research into /for make researches research (into/ on ) sth. study sth. / make a study of sth,Step 1 List the key points 要点1:研究主题丰富多彩,选择性强 various subjects a wide range of subjects a variety of subjects The subjects of the research are colorful for us to choose from. The subjects of the research range fromto,要点2: 当地风俗习惯、人民生活变化、环境保护 local customs / manners and customs changes in / to peoples life changes in peoples living conditions (of sth)替代;更换 : a change of government 政府的更迭 environmental protection /the protection of the environment,要点 3 你家乡的河流的污染问题 the pollution in / of the river in my hometown the river pollution in our hometown the polluted river in our hometown 要点 4 工厂废水、生活污水、农民使用的农药 生活污水 domestic sewage 生活用水 water for life waste /polluted water from the factories waste water from peoples daily life agricultural chemicals,Step2 Make sentences 要点1 我们的研究主题丰富多彩,选择性强,如当地风俗习惯、人民生活变化、环境保护等。 We have a variety of subjects to choose from, such as local customs , changes in peoples life, protection of the environment and so on.(注意from不可被省略;such as 与前半句用逗号隔开,不能用for example ) There are many kinds of research for us to choose from , such as So colorful are the research subjects that your choice can range from local customs , changes of peoples life to the protection of the environment.,要点 2:我们小组的研究主题是家乡河流的污染问题。 The research of my group was the pollution of the water in our hometown. Our group made a study of the water pollution in our hometown. Our group carried out a research on the water pollution in our hometown.,要点3 三大污染源是河流污染的主要来源。它们是工厂废水、生活污水、农民使用的农药。 ? resources / sources of pollution,要点3 三大污染源是河流污染的主要来源。它们是工厂废水、生活污水、农民使用的农药。 Our research shows that the river is mainly polluted by the waste water from the factories, thewaste water from peoples daily life and the use of agricultural chemicals without limitation from farmers. We find that the waste water from the factories, waste water from peoples daily life and agricultural chemicals from farmers are the three major causes which lead to / contribute to the water pollution.,The research shows that not only the dirty water produced from the factories as well as our daily lives but also the agricultural chemicals lead to even more severe pollution. We find that there are three major sources that have caused the water pollution, namely the waste water from factory, the dirty polluted water from our life and the agricultural chemical leftover.,要点4 : 建议与感想与体会 这部分是半开放型作文的重要部分,切忌不可遗漏。“建议”重点放在提出解决问题的方法。 “感想与体会”重点放在通过这次活动,自己的收获方面。例如:建议: call on people to be aware of how serious the situation is raise peoples awareness of the environmental protection take measures/take action to stop this phenomenon,The waste water should be treated/purified before it is let out / discharged reduce the use of agricultural chemicals and try to limit the pollution of drinking water ,感想与体会: gain/ build up practical experience improve/ develop our ability to cooperate with others The processes dont always work out as planned. As long as were determined to finish the work perfectly, well finally accomplish the goal.,1. Abusing agricultural chemicals also led to the water pollution. 2. Having done the research work, I have come to realize we shouldnt turn a blind eye to the pollution around us. People are supposed to try their best to live in harmony with nature.,3. We do various kinds of research work, depending on our interests and abilities. During the research we helped each other and enlarged our views( broadened my horizon/widened my knowledge ). I did realize the power of team work and learnt how to work together with others. I think we should do more research work like this and I believe that we can get benefits from it.,There are a range of ideas about research work, such as different local customs, great changes I peoples life, environmental protecting and so on. Of course, we can choose the main idea which interests us most.,There are a range of subjects of research work, such as different local customs, great changes I peoples life, environmental protecting and so on. Of course, we can choose the one which interests us most.,Through our research, we learned something we didnt learn in school. we should get together to protect the environment so that the nature and human beings will be linked as a whole.,Through our research, we learned something we couldnt have learnt in school. we should work together to protect the environment so that nature and human beings will be able to get along well with each other/live together peacefully .,One possible version 第一段: Nowadays we are required to do research work apart from the lessons we learn in school. We are very interested in this kind of activity. We have a variety of subjects to choose from,such as local customs, changes in peoples living conditions,and protection of the environment,第二段: Last term our group made a study of the pollution in a river in my hometownThe river used to be clean, but now it is dirty and the water gives off a terrible smellOur research shows that the river is mainly polluted by the waste water from the factoriesWaste water from peoples daily life and agricultural chemicals also lead to the pollution of the riverTo deal with the problem, we call on people to be aware of how serious the situation is and do something about it,第三段: Through our research,not only did we gain practical experience。but also we developed various abilitiesWe find such research very valuable and helpful,Version 2 Nowadays we are required to do research work apart from the lessons we learn in schoolWe are very interested in this kind of activitySo colorful is the research subjects that your choice can range from local customs, changes of peoples lives or environmental protection.,With the developmen


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