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Unit 2 English Around the World,language point,1.Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world? 你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗? more than one +n. 意为“不止一个.”, 在语意上虽为复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数。同类用法的词组还有many a “许多,大量“ More than one student _ to go to swim. Many a person _ injured in the accident,Explanation,was,wants,more than 超过, 不止 1. More than + 数词 : More than one student wants to go to swim. 我不止一次向他打招呼,但他仍然不理我. I said hello to her more than one time, but she still ignored me. 2. more than + 名词n. :” 我们两不止是同事,我们还是知心朋友. we are more than workmate, we are close friend. 3. more than + adj / adv. / 分词 : 他们非常乐意帮忙. they are more than glad to help. 4. more than + 动词 / 句子 :” the beauty of nature is more than I can describe.,Words differentiation,“比多” “超过”,“不止是, 不仅仅,“ 非常,很”,“ 岂止是; 不仅仅; 比更,more than 超过, 不止 一. 写出句子中more than 的含义或翻译句子. 1. Finishing the museum took more than three years._ 2. His report is more than a survey. _. 3. His answer more than satisfied me. _. 4. The cost of the trip _ _ _ _ _ ( 总计达 超过) 2,000 dollars. 5. The children are _ _ _ ( 非常兴奋)to to experience outdoors. 6. Do you need any help, Lucy? Yes, The job is _. (超出我能力所及 范围),超过,不止是,非常,added,up,to,more,than,more,than,excited,More than I could do myself,2. At the end of the 16th century , about five to seven million people spoke English.,At the end of + 名词短语, 意思是“ 在 末端/ 尽头/极限 在街道的尽头有一家服装店 There is a clothes shop at the end of the street. at the end of corridor / this season/ my patience / food supply In the end “ 最后,终于”.= finally, at last. 表示事情的结局,在句子中单独使用. e.g. Xiao Ming passed the exam in the end.,3. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.,Make/ take a voyage 去航海, 航行 Go on a voyage 正在航海、航行 (强调动作) Be on a voyage正在航海、航行 (强调状态) 1)The sea became calm after the thunderstorm, so they decided to _ 2) The ship hit the heavy fog _ Peru,take/make/ go on a voyage,on a voyage to,3. voyage/ journey / trip / tour / travel (p21 导),1)The _ from England to India used to take six months. 2)It is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Moscow. 3)We went on a guided _ round the castle. 4)They made a _ across the oceans.,voyage,journey,tour,voyage,3. Because / because of (p21 导),1)The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair_ he wanted to sit next to his wife 2)_ what he has done, the young man has to take the old lady to the doctor and pay for it. 3)He was late not only _ his illness but also _ be missed the train.,because,because,Because of,because of,because 为连词, 后接原因状语从句; because of 为介词短语, 后接名词、代词或名词性从句。,3. Because / because of (p21 导),4) 因为花了很多时间打点衣服, 这个年轻女子错过了航班。 the young lady missed the flight. 5). The open-air celebration has been put off _ the bad weather. because of , due to , owing to , thanks to , on account of, as a result of,Because of spending too much time packing up the clothes,Because she spent too much time packing up the clothes,because of,因为, 由于,4. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.,ever before : 以往任何时候,The country is wealthier and more powerful than ever before. This years yield of wheat is higher than ever before,4.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. (p22) 把英语作为母语的人相互之间可以交流,即使他们说的不是同一种英语。 Native: adj.本地的, 本国的,本国人 native country/ land / language / / be native to a native of,祖国,故乡,母语,原产于,.的人,even if= (even though)是连词词组, 用来引导让步状语从句,意为 “尽管;即使” Even if /Even though he suffered from a lot of difficulties, he never gave in. 尽管饱受许多困难之苦, 但他从不屈服。 Even if /even though引导让步状语从句,主句用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时表示将来时。 Even if I fail this time, I will try again.,用if, as if, even if填空。 (1) _ I had money, I wouldnt buy it. (2) _ I had money, I would buy it. (3) It looks _ it is going to rain. (even if 引导让步状语从句; if 引导条件 状语从句; as if/ though “似乎是” 引导方式状语从句),Even if,If,as if,5. 写出下列句子come up 的词义。 (p24) 1) Id like to come up to your apartment. 2) Luckily, we watched the sun come up 3) The problem came up at the meeting 4) The grass is just beginning to come up.,发芽,上来, 走近,升起,被提出,come up with a good idea. 想出 come about 发生 come true 实现 come out 出现,出版,开花 come in 进来 come across 偶然遇到或找到,While we were talking, a man _. (走过来) The seeds _ (还没有发芽)yet. _(大量好主意被提出来) at this education conference to improve the students study. 4. Although against my opinion, the old professor didnt come up_ his own. 5. Many questions came _ at the meeting, but he answered none. 6. She came_ an old friend at the department store. 7. When will his first new book come_? 8. Have you _ some new ideas? -yes, Ill tell you later.,up,Come up with,out,across,with,came up,A great many good ideas came up,havent come up,即讲即练,6. So why has English changed over time? as time passes,随着时间推移,7. Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. P23,事实上, 当不同文化相互交流渗透时, 所有的语言都会有所变化, 有所发展。,事实上, 我在他的生日宴会上玩的很开心,Actually, I had good time at his birthday party.,8. At first the English (spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 )was very different from the English (spoken today),首先,大约在公元450年到1150年间, 人们所说的英语跟今天所说的英语就很不一样。,9. It was based more on German than the English (we speak at present). 当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天说的英语则不是。,1) be based on/upon 以为基础,依据(p23) This movie was based on a true story. Do you think enjoyment should be based on others pain. The director based the movie on a true story. Do you think one should base his enjoyment on others pain. 3) 他以事实为基础发表观点。 His opinion was based on fact. He based his opinion on fact.,2) base sth on/upon 把.建立在.之上,1) at present 目前, 现在,目前, 我与我的新同学们相处愉快。,I am getting along well with my new classmates at present.,我现在很忙, 我不能参加你们的游戏。,I am very busy at present, and I cant join in your game.,现在, 我正在遭受重感冒折磨。,at present, I am suffering from a bad cold.,present 作形容词时位置不同,意义迥异。 1)作前置定语时,意为“现在的,当前的” Did you see the present government leader 你见到现任政府领导人了吗? 2) 作后置定语时,意为“出席的, 到场的” Did you see the government leaders present 你见到在场的政府领导人了吗?,The present situation concerns all the students present. 目前的状况关系到所有在场的学生。,be present at : 出席,Present sth to sb 把给某人 Present sb with sth 给某人某物 Present sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人,Present 作名词 = gift 礼物,Present 作动词, 意为:“把交给, 颁发”,The headmaster presented a medal to each winner. The headmaster presented each winner with a medal. Now let me present my best friend to you.,一言辨意: the present president present at the meeting presented us with presents. 出席会议的现任总统向我们颁发了礼物。,10. These new settlers enriched the English language especially its vocabulary. 这些新的定居者大大丰富了英语语言, 特别是在词汇方面。,Settle(v.) settler(n.),rich (adj.) enrich(v.) (使富裕,充实,改善) en - 是一个常见的构成及物动词的前缀。表“使.” 例如: able(adj.) enable(v.) (使能够) large enlarge (v.) (使扩大) noble- ennoble (v.) (使高贵) bitter embitter ( 使受苦) (如果adj. 的首字母为m,p, b 时,en 改为em.) root enroot (使植根于) danger endanger (危及) courage encourage (鼓励) power - empower (授权,使具有权利) loose loosen / weak weaken / strength strengthen/ deep - deepen,11Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.(p 24) 莎士比亚使用了比以前更为广泛的词汇量。 make good use of 好好利用 make the best/most use of 充分利用 make full use of 充分利用 make little use of 很少利用 We could make good use of our resources. Every minute should be made good use of.,12. At that time two big changes in English spelling happened. Happen : 发生,出现. accident like this happen all the time. 此类事情经常发生. you will never guess whats happened. 你根本猜不到出什么事. 她按下按钮,但什么反应也没有. she pressed the button but nothing happened. Happen : 碰巧. 我们打电话时,他碰巧不在家. she happened to be out when we called. It happened that she was out when we called.,13. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者体现了美国英语拼写的独有特性. 1) latter: n. ( 两者中的)后者(与the 连用) 丽莎跟班上的一个男孩相处不错,后者来自美国 Lisa was getting along well with a boy in her class. The latter came from America. 两者当中,前者比后者更有用. Of the two, the former is more useful than the latter. 2) latter: adj. (两者中)后者的 The latter point is very important. 后面提及那一点很重要. the latter 作主语时, 谓语动词的数取决于它所指代的意义. e.g. The city has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter_ both built in the 1950s.,were,13. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者体现了美国英语拼写的独有特性. (p24) Later : adj. 后来的,以后的, 晚年的 coming after sth else or at a time in the future. this is discussed in more detail in a later chapter. 在后面的一章中对这一点做了更详细的讨论。 比赛已被推迟到以后的某个日期举行。 the match has been postponed to a later date. she found happiness in her later years. 她在晚年才寻得幸福。 2. later. Adv. See you later. she later became a doctor.,7.India has a very large number of fluent English speakers a number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数) A number of people have came. the number of 的数目(其后谓语动词用单数),The number of homeless people has increased.,The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were,C,只能修饰可数名词的: a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few,只能修饰不可数名词的: a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little, a large sum of 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的: plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of,8.English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.,such as 例如,诸如 I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom.,such as & for example,such as用来列举事物时, 一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子且所列举事物的数量不能等于它前面所提到的总和, 一旦相等,要用that is 或namely。 for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况, 一般只举同类人或物中的 一个为例, 作插入语,可位于句首, 句中或句尾,通常与所给的例子用逗号隔开,其后的例子可以是从句。,He can speak four language


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