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A Sad Love Story,Pre-reading:,Do you know the history of Valentines Day?,公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯(Claudius)。离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙。修士瓦沦丁(Valentine)就住在这里。罗马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦沦丁的祈祷。古罗马的战事一直连绵不断,暴君克劳多斯征召了大批公民前往战场,人们怨声载道。男人们不愿意离开家庭,小伙子们不忍与情人分开。克劳多斯暴跳如雷,他传令人们不许举行婚礼,甚至连所有已订了婚的也马上要解除婚约。许多年轻人就这样告别爱人,悲愤地走向战场。年轻的姑娘们也由于失去爱侣,抑郁神伤。瓦沦丁对暴君的虐行感到非常难过。当一对情侣来到神庙请求他的帮助时,瓦沦帝尼在神圣的祭坛前为它们悄悄地举行了婚礼。人们一传十,十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦沦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。消息终于传进了宫殿,传到了暴君的耳里。克劳多斯又一次暴跳如雷,他命令士兵们冲进神庙,将瓦沦丁从一对正在举行婚礼的新人身旁拖走,投入地牢。人们苦苦哀求暴君的劾免,但都徒劳而返。瓦沦丁终于在地牢里受尽折磨而死。悲伤的朋友们将他安葬于圣普拉教堂。那一天是2月14日,那一年是公元270年。,Fast-reading:,What was Li Fang doing? Why did Li Fang feel like a fool?,2. What was showing on the TV, when Li Fang was in sadness?,3. Why did Li Fang throw away his flowers and chocolates?,He was waiting for his girlfriend Hu Jin, but till very late she didnt come.,It was showing a sad Chinese story about lost love.,Because he thought Hu Jin didnt love him.,Intensive reading:,1. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiaojie?,2. Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story?,If the weather is fine, Niulang and Zhinu can meet . If the weather is raining, it means that Zhinu is weeping and the couple wont be able to meet.,Because he saw Hu Jin was waiting for him, but he had threw away his flowers and chocolates. Li Fang may really lose his love.,I But she didnt turn up.,但是她还没露面。,1. I cant heat it clearly, please turn up the radio 2. His nose turned up slightly. 3. He turned up the card that lay on the desk. 4. He turned up the ends of his trousers. 5. I forgot the address, but it can quite easily be turned up in a dictionary.,调高,放大,向上翘/翻,翻过来,使。面朝上,卷起,找到,发现,II -ing 1. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. 2. Finding that Zhinu was heart-broken, her mother decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year.,1句 ing 分词作伴随状语 , 2句中 ing 作原因状语,ing 分词作状语应注意的几点:,分词表示的必须是主语发出的动作; 分词表示的动作和谓语动词表示的动作是同时发生的; 分词表示的次要的动作,对谓语的动作或者状态加以说明。可表示伴随、时间和结果。,Being so poor in those days, we could not afford to send the boy to hospital. Walking out of the room, he found the boy still there. Her husband died in 1980, leaving her with two boys. They stood there for an hour, watching the game.,III couple: 夫妇;一对,The young couple _ (seem) to be happy.,seems/seem,They keep a couple of dogs. I will have a couple of drinks and I will go home.,两条狗,几杯酒,试比较 couple / pair,I found a couple of socks in the room but they do not make a pair. Not every couple is a pair.,天下夫妇多,珠联璧合少。,IV Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.,他不打算精神紧张地等她来道歉。,apology (n),用法: I come here to apologize to you for having broking your cup.,apologize to sb for sth / doing sth,表达道歉 接受道歉 拒绝道歉,make / offer an apology accept an apology refuse an apology,IIV They got married secretly.,据例句自我总结用法,Im happy he married a girl of cheery personality. Mr Brown married his daughter to a rich man. She got married to a man from her hometown. They have been married for more than 25 y


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