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河北省邯郸市大名县2018-2019学年九年级英语上学期期末检测试卷卷I 听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1. A. house B. health C. horse2. A. stomach B. head C. hand3. A. great plans B. full of hope C. good things4. A. I cant carry the box. B. I can carry the box easily. C. I can carry the heavy box.5. A. He came here last month. B. He will come here next month.C. He has stayed here more than two months.II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6. A. I cant open it. B. Sure. C. Oh,thanks.7. A. Have a good time. B. I dont care. C. Its my pleasure.8. A. Yes,you need. B. Never mind. C. I dont know.9. A. Sunday. B. 3:30. C. January 1st.10. A. Dont mention it. B. You are welcome. C. Thanks a lot.III.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。11. A.B. C.12.A.B.C.13.A.Her father is careful. B.Her father has done a lot for her. C.Her father is warm-hearted.14. A. Cool. B.Fine but hot. C.Windy.15.A.He has never experienced it. B.He doesnt like hot weather. C.He likes cool weather.16.A.She cant eat candy anymore. B.She got hurt. C.One of her teeth was rotten.17.A.Much better. B.Very bad. C.Very good.18.A.To have some water. B.To form good habits. C.To have a rest.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。19.Where is Sanya located?A.The south of China. B.The center of China. . C.The north of Asia.20.Why does the writer want to go to Sanya? A.It is colder than Beijing. B.It is near his hometown.C.It has sunshine,seawater,beaches,green vegetation and clean air.21.How is the weather in Sanya ?A.Rainy. B.Very pleasure. C.Very cool.22.When was Jobs born?A.On February 24,1950. B.On February 20,1955. C.On February 24,1955.23.Where does Jobs found his company?A.In a tented house. B.In his friends garage. C.In his home garage.24.Why did Jobs dropped from college?A.He was poor. B.He wanted to do what he likes. C.He didnt like to study.25.What do you think of Jobs?A.Tall and rich. B.Slow but hard-working. C.Successful and kind.笔试部分V.单项选择选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.My younger sister is one month old_name is LindaA. He B. Him C. She D. Her【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我的小妹妹一个月大了,她的名字是Linda. A. He他;主格;B. Him他,宾格;C. She她,主格;D. Her她的,物主代词。这里是形容词性的物主代词作定语。主语是My younger sister这里用her,根据题意,故选D。2.Li Nan often helps Granny Liu do some cleaning _ Sunday afternoons.A. in B. to C. on D. at【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:在周日下午,李娜经常帮助刘奶奶打扫卫生。A. in加一天中上午,下午或晚上;B. to去;C. on加具体的日期,节日,星期;在具体的某天上午,下午或晚上;D. at加具体的时间点。on Sunday afternoons表示在周日下午。根据题意,故选C。【点睛】at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子。例句:Can you finish the work in two days?你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?1. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如:at five oclock (五点),at down (黎明),at daybreak (天亮),at sunrise (日出),at noon (中午),at sunset (日落),at midnight (半夜),at the beginning of the month (月初), at that time (那时),at that moment (那会儿),at this time of day(在一天的这个时候)。2. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:in 2006(2006年),in May,2004 (2004年五月),in the morning (早晨/上午),in the afternoon (下午),in the evening (晚上),in the night (夜晚),in the daytime (白天),in the 21stcentury(21世纪),in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week (一周),in spring (春季)。3. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。如:on Sunday (星期日),on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night (12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon (那天下午),on the following night (下一个晚上),on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日),on New Years Day (新年),on New Years Eve (除夕),on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上)等3.All of these players in the team feel _ because theyve won many matches this year.A. proud B. tired C. sad D. stupid【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:所有这些队员都感到骄傲,因为他们今年赢得了很多场比赛。A. proud骄傲的;B. tired 累人的;C. sad悲伤的;D. stupid愚蠢的。根据下文because theyve won many matches this year.可知上文是感到骄傲的。根据题意,故选A。4.Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him.A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like【答案】C【解析】句意:祖父和我们住在一起,我们都照顾他。A. look at看;B. look for寻找;C. look after照顾;D. look like看起来像根据Grandfather lives with us.可知祖父和我们住在一起,所以我们都照顾他。look after照顾,故答案选C。5.you sing this song? Oh, I can have a try.A. May B. Can C. Need D. Must【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你能唱这首歌吗?哦,我能试一试。A. May可以;B. Can能,会;C. Need需要;D. Must必须。根据下文Oh, I can have a try.可知上文是在问你能唱这个歌吗?用情态动词can。根据题意,故选B。6.My mother _ when I got home.A. cooks B. is cooking C. was cooking D. cook【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:当我到家的时候,我的母亲正在做饭。A. cooks做饭;一般现在时态;B. is cooking做饭,现在进行时;C. was cooking正在做饭,过去进行时;D. cook做饭,一般现在时态;根据when I got home可知上文是过去进行时,其结构是be doing的形式。根据题意,故选C。7.Bill is one of _ boys in our class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:Bill是我们班最高的男孩之一。A. tall高的; B. taller更高的;C. tallest最高的;D. the tallest最高的。根据one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最之一,根据题意,故选D。8. Peter,what did you buy? I_a souvenir in the Capital MuseumA. buy B. bought C. will buy D. am buying【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:皮特,你买什么了?我在首都博物馆买了一件纪念品。A. buy买;原形;B. bought 买,一般过去时态; C. will buy将买,一般将来时;D. am buying正在买,现在进行时。根据上文Peter,what did you buy?可知下文用一般过去时态,根据题意,故选B。9.Get up early,_ youll be late for the trainA. or B. but C. and D. so【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:早点起床,要不然你就对赶不上火车。A. or否则,要不然;B. but但是;C. and和,又;D. so因此。这里是祈使句+or+一般将来时,根据下文youll be late for the train可知用连词 or,根据题意,故选A。10.The 2022 Winter Olympics_ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A. hold B. was held C. will hold D. will be held【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:2022年冬奥会将在北京和张家口举行。A. hold举行;原形; B. was held被举行,一般过去时态的被动语态;C. will hold将举行,一般将来时;D. will be held将来被动语态,根据时间状语The 2022 Winter Olympics可知用一般将来时的被动语态,其结构是will be done的形式。根据题意,故选D。VI.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always_11_the dog inside the house.One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, _12_they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went there _13_their car.When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the _14_and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass on the door was _15_. The door was unlocked and half-open. A robber (抢劫犯)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see_16_things the robber had taken. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was _17_. The dog was sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was _18_the dog. Why didnt you keep the house ? she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners. It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its _19_.It went to the lady and _20_the thing at her feet. When the lady had a look at it, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dogs present was? It was a mans finger.11. A. left B. stayed C. ordered D. asked12. A. so B. but C. then D. because13. A. on B. off C. in D. by14. A. a present B. house C. gate D. car15. A. stolen B. fixed C. broken D. repaired16. A. when B. where C. that D. what17. A. missing B. going C. leaving D. closing18. A. afraid of B. angry with C. worried about D. surprised at19. A. leg B. hand C. tail D. mouth20. A. pulled B. ate C. dropped D. caught【答案】11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C【解析】【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了一对夫妇养了一只狗当他们出去时狗就为他们看门。一天晚上他们去看电影,留下狗看门。回来后发现门上的玻璃碎了,他们以为是遭了抢劫。可是什么东西也没丢。最后他们知道是他们的狗把贼赶跑了。【11题详解】句意:当他们出去时总是把狗留在家里看门。A. left离开;B. stayed呆; C. ordered点,命令;D. asked问。根据上文A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out可知这里是离开的意思。根据题意,故选A【12题详解】句意:一天晚上,他们想去看电影,但是他们把狗留在家里,锁上了门和花园的门。A. so因此;B. but但是;C. then然后;D. because因为。根据上文One evening they wanted to go to the cinema可知下文是表示转折。故选B。【13题详解】句意:他们乘车去那儿。A. on在上;B. off 远离;C. in在里面;D. by通过方式。乘坐某人的小汽车用介词in;in ones car表示乘某人的小汽车。根据题意,故选C。【14题详解】.句意:他们打开门,把车放好。A. a present一个礼物;B. house房子;C. gate大门; D. car汽车。这里是他们把汽车放好,可知他们打开了大门。故选C。【15题详解】句意:但是当他们来到前门时,发现门上的玻璃有一部分坏了。A. stolen偷;B. fixed修理;C. broken弄坏;D. repaired修理。根据下文The door was unlocked and half-open.可知上文是说门是坏的。故选C。【16题详解】句意:他们走了进去,很快在所有的房间里看了看强盗拿走的东西。A. when当的时候;B. where在哪;C. that 那个;D. what什么。这里是what引导的宾语从句。根据题意,故选D。【17题详解】句意:句意:但是一切都在合适的地方,什么都没有丢失。A. missing错过;丢失;B. going去;C. leaving离开;D. closing关。根据上文But everything was in the right place可知下文是没有丢失。根据题意,故选A。【18题详解】句意:那个女士对小狗很生气。A. afraid of害怕;B. angry with生的气; C. worried about担心;D. surprised at对吃惊。根据下文Why didnt you keep the house ? she said. The dog was pleased to see its owners.可知这里是说对小狗生气。根据题意,故选B。【19题详解】句意:它开始摇尾巴,然后走到房间的一角,嘴里衔着什么东西。A. leg腿; B. hand 手;C. tail尾巴;D. mouth嘴。狗在房间的角落里用嘴捡起了什么东西。根据题意,故选D。【20题详解】句意:它走到女主人那里,把东西放到她的脚边。A. pulled推;B. ate吃;C. dropped放弃;掉下;D. caught捉住。根据上文It began to wag (摇) its tail (尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its _9_.可知下文是说我东西掉到他的脚边。故选C。【点睛】技巧一完型在填空的时候,切忌用中文的搭配去感觉,也就是所谓三大出题伎俩之一的中文代入。要思考英语的搭配,不要死记,要理解和搜集。技巧二首段首句不出题,是主旨句(2001年除外),除首句外基本每句话都要出题,首段首句没有读懂就不要做下去;技巧三考研完型填空里面名词、动词、形容词,这些实词的考点往往被给出明确的线索,存在于改填空的前后,对该填空进行前后联系(名词前面adj。后面从句;形容词前面adv。后面n.;动词前面主语后面宾语等等)指示,考生如果能够判断出前后的关键而又是少量的信息,可以保证题目做对技巧四如出现陌生的选项词汇,而我们又不认识的时候,这里注意,蒙也有技巧,一般来说选择相对简单的词汇,不要选择偏的怪的词汇。技巧五答案分布规律: 每篇完形填空中A.B.C.D作为正确选项的个数各在46个之间;A作为正确选项的个数最多;没有连续三个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况为03个; 在五个一组的答案中,最少要出现三个字母作为正确的选项;技巧六在四个选项中,有两个实词互为同义词时,答案往往在其中; 在四个选项中,有两个虚词互为同义词时,答案往往都不选;当四个选项有一个共同意义时,该意义往往不能入选,要看选项的特殊含义第三部分 阅读理解VII.阅读理解阅读A.B.C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThis is the true story of a great woman. Her name was Helen Keller. She was born in 1880s in Alabama in the U.S. when Helen was one year and a half, she got ill and then she became blind and deaf.Her parents tried to do their best for their daughter and they asked a young teacher called Anne Sullivan to their home to teach Helen. Anne herself was almost blind in her youth. Helen was a smart girl but she couldnt hear or talk. She was angry at this. So she was always crying and shouting. Then Anne often went for walks with Helen in the country near her home. After two weeks, Helen became quiet. Anne began to teach her how to spell and Helen learned to write. Boards with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight. Soon her talents were famous all over the world. There were her stories in newspaper and magazines. By the time she was 17, she was studying French, German, Latin, physics and many other subjects. She was still blind and deaf. In 1902, she wrote a book The Story of My Life. It became well-known all over the world.21. Helen became blind and deaf when she was .A. one year old B. half a year oldC. one year and a half D. two years old22. Why was Helen always crying and shouting?A. Because she couldnt hear and talk. B. Because she felt lonely.C. Because Anne always went out with her. D. Because she was bored.23. Anne taught Helen how to .A. run B. write C. speak D. swim24. Why did Helen need to use special boards to write on?A. Because she didnt like desks.B. Because she didnt have desks.C. Because boards with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight.D. Because she liked to use them.25. How old was Helen when she finished the book The Story of My Life?A. 51 B. 42 C. 17 D. 22【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D【解析】【分析】这篇文章主要讲了海伦一岁半的时候,她生病了,然后变得瞎了,聋了。海伦是一个聪明的女孩,但她听不到或说话。她很生气。所以她总是哭,大喊大叫,安妮开始教她如何拼写,海伦学会了写,1902年她完成了她的书。【21题详解】细节理解。根据When Helen was one year and a half, she got ill and then she became blind and deaf。当海伦一岁半的时候,她生病了,然后变得瞎了,聋了。可知选C。【22题详解】细节理解。根据Helen was a smart girl but she couldnt hear or talk. She was angry at this. So she was always crying and shouting.海伦是一个聪明的女孩,但她听不到或说话。她很生气。所以她总是哭,大喊大叫。故选A。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据Anne began to teach her how to spell and Helen learned to write.安妮开始教她如何拼写,海伦学会了写。故选B。【24题详解】细节理解题。Boards(木板) with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight.带行的木板帮她使单词保持直立。故选C。【25题详解】推理判断。通过In 1902, she wrote a book The Story of my life. She was born in 1880。1902年完成了我的生活故事。出生在1880年。可知是22岁。故选D。【点睛】1.平心静气审题,切忌粗心。在解答阅读题时,千万不要慌,要静下心来,按照由易到难,由浅入深的思维方式,先从容易的入手,逐渐的打开思路。2.仔细研读语段,整体感知文章内容。通常阅读一篇文章,第一遍需要速读,首先要重点理解文章的体裁是记叙文还是说明文。答题时切忌文章都没完整的阅读过,就匆匆忙忙地写答案。最好先把文章从头到尾通读一遍,对文章有一个整体的认识和理解。3.巧妙借助原话,确定解题空间。在通读全文的基础上,将要回答的问题放到阅读的文章中来,再去浏览所要回答的试题,经过初步的思考,确定解决问题的阅读空间。有些试题它要求用文中原话来回答,我们就可以用文中的原话来作答,这时就可以从文章中直接提取信息来回答问题。4.合理控制答题时间,先易后难。应浏览阅读理解的全文,了解阅读理解全文的概貌。看完后,应记住阅读理解文章的要点,阅读理解重要的结论以及阅读理解中的一些关键性的人名、地点、定义和数字。碰到阅读理解的难题时,千万不要钻牛角尖,耽误太多时间。BReporter: How long have you been a firefighter?Wilson: For eight years. JP Reporter: How did you get started?Wilson: First, 1 had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months. 1 learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment I alsohad a full-time training every day!Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?Wilson: I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank (氧气瓶) and a mask (面具). They help me to breathe in a smoke-filled building. Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?Wilson: We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat. That way, we canexactly tell the place of a fire. Reporter: Do you save pets?Wilson: Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Petsusually bide during a fire because they are afraid of danger. Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?Wilson: No. There is no time to he afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely. Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter? Wilson: Helping people!26. Kate Wilson has done her job for_.A. 2 weeks b. 3 days c. 4 months D. 8 years27. To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson _at first.A. took a lot of tests B. learned to stay safeC. saved some animals D. used fire equipment28. Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because_.A. she has an oxygen tank B. she knows how to fight firesC. she enjoys finding heat D. she is too busy putting out fires29. As a firefighter, Kate Wilson likes_ most.A. wearing a mask B. asking questionsC. helping people D. hiding in smoke30. What did the reporter make this interview for?A. To tell people what a firefighter does.B. To teach people how to prevent fires.C. To make people want to be firefighters.D. To show people how a firefighter is trained.【答案】26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A【解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一个记者对消防员Wilson就消防工作方面所进行的采访。【26题详解】细节理解题。根据记者的提问及消防员的回答For eight years.,故选D【27题详解】细节理解题。根据First, I had to take a lot of tests可知先要进行许多的测试,故选A。【28题详解】细节理解题。根据No. There is no time to be afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.故选D【29题详解】细节理解题。根据短文There is no time to be afraid. I think about what I have to do to put out the fire safely.描述可知他没有时间去害怕,因为他在考虑用什么去灭火。故选C。【30题详解】归纳理解题。根据记者对Regina的采访可知主要是想让读者了解消费员的工作,对比选项,故选A。考点:采访类短文阅读。CEvery day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses.Last year, serious accident happened in China. The most serious accident happened in Gansu, a nine-seat minibus crashed(撞车). There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died. What should we do to keep the students safe?To stop such accidents, the government decided to make the school buses safer. On April 5, 2012,our government published(出台) new rules about school bus safety. These rules are much stricter than the old ones?Under the new rules, local governments (地方政府) must reduce(减少) traffic risks when students go to nearby schools by school bus. Also, local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.From now on, school buses have a speed limit (限速). Other cars must let school buses go first.The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded(超载的).There are many other rules, too. A school bus must have more than seven seats. On each bus, there must be at least one adult to look after the kids. Each school bus must have a fire extinguisher (灭火器), a first aid kit (急救箱) and a GPS.31. In China, about _ children go to school every day.A. 100 million B. 200 million C. 200 billion D. 30million32. The underlined word minibus in this passage means in Chinese.A. 地铁 B. 小型公共汽车 C. 火车 D. 自行车33. Our government published new rules about school bus on April 5, 2012.A. safety B. danger C. order D. keep34. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. A school bus must have less than seven seats.B. From now on, school buses dont have a speed limit.C. The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded.D. A school bus must not have a GPS.35. What is the best title(标题) of the passage?A. The Most Serious Accident B. One Adult to Look after the KidsC. Safety First on the School Bus D. The school bus.【答案】31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C【解析】在中国,每天约有200万儿童上学。他们中的许多人乘校车。去年,严重校车事故使政府决定加强校车的规则。4月5日,政府公布有关学校安全的新规则。这些新规则比旧的要严格得多。在新规则下,地方政府必须确保学生就读附近的学校或寄宿制学校,减少交通风险。【31题详解】细节理解。根据文中Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school.可知,2亿孩子每天去上学。故选B。【32题详解】细节理解。根据下文There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died可知上文中minibus的意思是“小型公共汽车”,故选B。【33题详解】细节理解。根据文中On April 5, 2012,our government published(出台) new rules about school bus safety.可知,我国政府于2012年4月5日颁布了新的校车安全规定。故选A。【34题详解】推理判断。根据文中The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded(超载的).可知选项C正确的,新规定还说校车决不能超载。故选C。【35题详解】标题归纳。这篇短文主要讲述了学校公交车的安全第一。故选C。卷II听力


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