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Unit 4 Too Many People,Too Much Traffic Jam Tomorrow?,Background Information,Background Information 1: Overpopulation,Overpopulation: a condition where an organisms numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth.,Overpopulation can result from: an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances an increase in immigration an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources,The resources to be considered when evaluating whether an ecological niche is overpopulated include clean water, clean air, food, shelter, warmth, and other resources necessary to sustain life. If the quality of human life is addressed, there may be additional resources considered, such as medical care, education, proper sewage treatment and waste disposal. Overpopulation places competitive stress on the basic life sustaining resources, leading to a diminished quality of life.,Background Information 2: Weather Forecast,Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. Weather forecasts are made by collecting quantitative data about the current state of the atmosphere and using scientific understanding of atmospheric processes to project how the atmosphere will evolve.,Uses of Weather Forecasts,Weather warnings are important forecasts because they are used to protect life and property. Forecasts based on temperature and precipitation are important to agriculture, and therefore to traders within commodity markets. On an everyday basis, people use weather forecasts to determine what to wear on a given day. Since outdoor activities are severely curtailed by heavy rain, snow and the wind chill, forecasts can be used to plan activities around these events, and to plan ahead and survive them.,Background Information 3: Traffic Jam/Traffic Congestion,Traffic congestion is a condition on networks that occurs as use of vehicles increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased queueing. When vehicles are fully stopped for periods of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam.,Pre-reading Questions 3: Some suggestions on how to improve current traffic condition,1. Develop the transportation system: 2. Widen or build more roads to provide better traffic conditions 3. Identify bottlenecks and try to fix or avoid them 4. Make it more convenient for people to use public transportations rather than cars restrict car uses in certain periods or roads 5. Promote traffic rules and regulations among people increase awareness of security ,Background Information 4: Fahrenheit and Celsius,Fahrenheit is the temperature scale proposed in 1724 by, and named after, the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (16861736). Today, the temperature scale has been replaced by the Celsius scale in most countries. It is still in use in the United States and a few other nations.,Celsius (known until 1948 as centigrade) is a temperature scale that is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (17011744), who developed a similar temperature scale two years before his death. The degree Celsius (C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale.,Fahrenheit Temperature Conversion Formulae,C = (F 32) 59 F = C 95 + 32,Words Study,1. accurate: adj. 准确的,精密的 accurately: adv. accuracy n. We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes so that there would be less loss for our mankind. It would be accurate to say that the wedding ceremony of prince William and Kate on April 29th , 2011 was perfect. 同义词: correct(正确无错),exact(丝毫不差),precise (精密无缝),2. artery: 动脉,(道路,铁路等)干线 扩展:vein 静脉 a major artery For those whose routes take them along but a single traffic artery, the interpretation would be simple.(本课例句),3. congestion: n. 拥塞,堵塞 e.g. nasal congestion 鼻塞 Determining the extent to which traffic congestion will delay that journey is, however, less straightforward. (本课例句) 扩展:congest vt. congested adj. 近义词:jam,4. crucial: a. 决定性的,关键性的,至关重要的 be crucial for/to e.g. a crucial moment in the negotiations Success or failure here would be crucial for / to his future prospects. It is crucial that this matter (should) remain secret. Admittedly, predicting tomorrows traffic temperature differs from predicting tomorrows air temperature in a crucial respect. (本课例句),5. current n. 水流,气流,电流,潮流 a. 流行的, 当前的 e.g. current events / current affairs 时事 current prices 时价 current fashion 时尚 current account 活期存款帐户 a current of cold air 一股冷空气 the warm currents in the Pacific Ocean 太平洋的暖流 go with the current of the times 顺应潮流 扩展:currency n. 流通,流行;货币,通货,6. disperse: v. 分散,扩散,散开,驱散 e.g. The clouds have dispersed from the sky. 天开云散。 The wind dispersed the fog. 风把雾吹散了。 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge; of the foolish rumor. 智者传播知识,愚者散布谣言。 The children went through the crowd dispersing handbills. 孩子们在人群中散发传单。 近义词:scatter v. 散播,播撒; 分散,离散 scatter the fields with seeds or: scatter seeds on the field The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.,7. incorporate v. 包含,吸收,并入,合并 (in, into, with); 把纳入 Her photo was incorporated into an advertisement for a new brand of soap. 她的照片被插进新肥皂的广告中. The CEO refused to incorporate his proposals into the new project. 老总拒绝把他的建议纳入新项目中去。 原福建农业大学和福建林学院于2000年合并为现在的福建农林大学。 The former Fujian Agricultural University incorporated with Fujian Forestry University in 2000 to be the current FAFU., 构词法: in-corpor-ate: in-: into; corpor: body; ate: v. 结成一体 inc. (abbr.) incorporated (美)股份(公司) Field Service Co., Inc. 菲德尔服务股份公司 (Co.= company) 扩展: corps 军团,团体 corporation 公司,法人 corpus 主体,本金 corporal 身体的,8. occupancy: n. (正式)(对土地,房产等的)占有,占用期 e.g. 70 years occupancy A publishing firm has taken over the occupancy. 一家出版商已占用了该房子。 the level of hotel occupancy (本课例句) 扩展:occupy v. occupation n. 占有,占领,职业,工作 e.g. a well-paid occupation That farm has been in the occupation of the same family for over a hundred years.,9. precise a. 精密的,精确的,确切的 准确的 扩展:precision preciseness n. precise instruments 精密仪器 precise calculations 精确计算 the precise location 准确位置 the precise moment 正当时 The precise nature of the disease has not yet been established. 疾病的确切性质尚未确定。 A lawyer needs a precise mind. 律师需要有严谨的头脑。 He was very precise in his manner. 他说话做事有板有眼。 What is needed is a way of specifying traffic congestion with greater precision. (本课例句),10. specify v. 具体指定,明确说明 学校的各项规章制度明确规定,任何人不得无故迟到或缺席。 The school rules and regulations specify that on one should be late for or absent from classes for no reasons. Did you specify where the new office furniture was to be put? 你是否指定新的办公家具摆放的位置? What is needed is a way of specifying traffic congestion with greater precision. (本课例句) 扩展: specific 确切的,具体的 specification 清单,详细说明书 special 特别的 specialize 专业化 specialty (美)=speciality(英)专业,专长,11. vary v. 变化 Houses vary in sizes and prices in this residency. The weather varies from hour to hour. He encouraged firms to vary the working pattern. Slightly longer-term forecasts will also draw on historical data about how the flow of traffic varies with the day of the week. (本课例句).随着一周七天的不同而变化 扩展: varied a.变化的,不同的 various 各种各样的 variety (生物)品种 a variety of variable a.可变的,易变的 n.变量 dependent variables 因变量 independent variables 自变量,12. but (Para.5): adv.: merely, only She is but a child. Since that day, my mood has changed but a little. but: conjunction except (for), excluding. I have no choice but to leave. I want nothing but my Barbie.,Phrases & Expressions,Paragraph 1,set off 开始, 启程; 引起 for work: 出门上班; for a journey:出门去旅行 They set off for the journey to Qingdao in a brilliant sunshine. The senators statement set off a lively debate. For most people, checking the weather before setting off for work in the morning is simply a matter of switching on the radio or television. (本课例句) 扩展:set out 出发,2. to an extent: to a certain degree 到达一种程度 His statement is true to a certain extent. 他的陈述多多少少有些真实。 to such an extent that 中国的食品安全问题已经严重到这种程度:普通老百姓每天都不知道该吃什么,该买什么。 The problem of food security in China is serious to such an extent that common people every day feel at a loss what to eat and what to buy. to some extent: 从某种程度上讲 To some extent she was right.,3. spy on /into 侦察,(暗中)监视/察 He is paid by the police to spy on the director of the bureau. Why do they spy into our affairs? Even those broadcasters who are able to afford helicopters to spy on the rush-hour cannot easily quantify their observation in the ways that meteorologists are able to do with rainfall(本课例句),Paragraph 3, convertinto: changeinto 转变成, 转换成 The smart old man converted the room facing the street into a mini supermarket. For the business trip to Australia, we converted our RMBs into Australian dollars. How do you convert Fahrenheit into Celsius?,Paragraph 4,1. correspond to: be the same as, be equal to 相当于,类似于 The fins of a fish correspond to the wings of a bird. 鱼的鳍相当于鸟的翅膀。 A traffic temperature of 60, for example, might correspond to “no delay” along a route compared with the traffic conditions normally experienced on that route. (本课例句) A traffic temperature of 80 might then correspond to 20 minutes delay, a temperature of 100 to 40minutes delay, and so on. (本课例句) 扩展: correspond with 与一致,符合; 通信 What he says doesnt correspond with what he does. They keep corresponding with each other after the study sessions in FAFU are over.,2. stick to 坚持 stick to the truth Driving is simple if you stick to the rules. He is keen for the resulting numbers to fall into a range familiar to Americans, who stick stubbornly to Fahrenheit. (本课例句) c.f. sticking a nose out of the window (本课例句) 把脸伸出窗外(试探气温),Expressions about the Nose,stick / poke ones nose into 探听 Dont stick your nose into what doesnt concern you. by a nose: 极小的差距 The horse won the race by a nose. follow ones nose: 一直往前走 Just follow your nose and youll get there. get up sbs nose: 惹人生气 Her cheeky remarks really get up my nose. have ones nose in a book 埋头读书 keep ones nose out of: 不干预 Ive already decided how to do it so you just keep your nose out of it.,keep ones nose to the grind stone 埋头苦干 Hes got to keep his nose to the grind stone to feed his wife and five children. keep ones nose clean 安分守己,规规矩矩 If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you. turn ones nose up at: 对嗤之以鼻,不屑一顾 She turned her nose up at my small donation. under sbs nose: 在某人的眼皮底下 My classmates copy one anothers homework right under the professors nose!,Paragraph 7,6. draw on 利用,动用,凭借 draw on ones past experience 凭借过去的经验 Your expert knowledge will be drawn upon increasingly as the negotiations proceed. 谈判越进行下去就越要仰仗你的专业知识了。 draw on ones savings 动用存款 Slightly longer-term forecasts will also draw on historical data . (本课例句),Paragraph 9,7. Keep an eye on 密切注意,照看 Keep an eye on the baby while I go out hang out the washing. 我去晒衣服,请照看一下小孩。 You have to keep an eye on the pedestrians and cyclists while driving in China. If traffic forecasting can be made to work, keeping an eye on the traffic temperature should help drivers to keep their cool. (本课例句),Other Phrases and Expressions,1. sb. be familiar with sth.: 对熟悉/ sth. be familiar to sb. 2. be applied to: 适用于 3. be caught in: 遭遇到(某种不愉快的事) the rain, the traffic jam 4. be in/into a tight corner: = be in a tough circumstance处于困境中 e.g. His lie got him into a tight corner. 撒谎使他陷入困境。 We are certainly in a tight corner, but with perseverance we shall manage to get out of it. 我们现在确实陷入困境,但是只要坚持努力,我们会走出困境的。,5. switch on/off (the radio/TV/light, etc) = turn on/off : 打开/关掉 6. in terms of: 根据,依据 At present, China is undergoing an unprecedented process of urbanization and industrialization in terms of scale and range. 7. work out: 解决、算出: a problem; a solution 8. enable sb to do sth: 使能够 9. be keen on/for sth, to do sth: 对感兴趣,10. fall into a range:属于某一范畴 11. vary with: be different with.随着变化而不同 12. keep ones cool:保持冷静,保持自制力 13. take off: become popular, become successful 起飞; 突然走俏,突然成功 Our plane took off at 4 oclock. Computers games really began to take off many years ago.,Sentence Patterns,What is needed, , is a way of specifying traffic congestion with great precision. (Para.2) A way of specifying traffic congestion with great precision is needed.必须要做的就是更清楚精确地描述交通阻塞的详细情况。 specify: to state in detail with great precision: more clearly or accurately 句型: what - 引导的主语从句,句型: what - 引导的主语从句, What- 可用来引导名词性从句,如主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等。一般来说,what 除引导从句外,还在从句中作成分,意为“所的(东西)”,在含义上等于“名词+that”。 本句中what引导的是主语从句,在整句中充当主语。 例句: What (=The thing that) he said was true. 他所讲的是事实。 What he had hoped at last came true. 他所希望的事终于成为现实。 What he said is beneath contempt. 他所说的话不值理睬。 What he says is true, possibly. 或许他说的是对的。,What引导的其他名词性从句,Im sorry for what I said. 我为我说的话表示歉意。 Thats what I want to know. 这是我想知道的。 You had better hear what I have to say. 你最好听听我的意见。 I managed to get what I wanted. 我设法得到了我要的东西。 It was what he meant rather than what he said. 这是他的原意而不是他的原话。 Theres something in what he says. 他的话有些道理。 Her interest was roused by what he said. 他的话引起了她的兴趣。,“what” & “that”, that也可引导名词性从句,经常与what从句混淆。that 只起连接作用,在从句中不作任何成分,无意义,在宾语从句通常省略,但在主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中均不能省略。 That she lacks experience is obvious. 她缺少经验,这是显然的。 My idea is that you shouldnt have left the country. 我的意见是你不应该离开那个国家。,Exercises on Page 63,Paragraph 4,A traffic temperature of 60, for example , might correspond to “no delay” along a route compared with the traffic conditions normally experienced on that route. 例如,某路段交通温度为60时,就意味着与其正常交通情况相比较,该路段不会出现交通滞留现象。 correspond to: be equal to compared with/to: To identify either the similarities or the differences between two things, use “compare to.“ To identify both the similarities and the differences, use “compare with.“ In comparing with something, one finds or discusses both things that are alike and things that are different. P 63 Exercises,2. compare with: 与比较 Compared with other universities in Fuzhou, FAFU really has a breathtaking campus. compare to: /把比作 The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life古代埃及人把日出比作生命的开始,把日落比作生命的结束。,Text Outline and Organization:,Exposition,Part One (Para.1): Problem: Traffic congestion/jam Part Two (Para.2-8): a proposal and two methods Solution: Traffic temperature (idea) air temperature Methods 1 1: Determine and broadcast current traffic temperatures Benefit: Help drivers to acquire a feel for the total duration the their trips would be able to allow extra time when necessary (酌情考虑增加时间 ) .,Steps ( Para. 3-6) Gather data by roadside cameras and induction-loops buried in the tarmac. Convert the data into a single number. Put the resulting numbers into a range of Fahrenheit. Make traffic-flow maps (updated very five minutes and presented in different colors).,Method 2 2: Forecast future traffic temperature Benefit: Help commuters to set their alarm clocks much more accurately.,Steps short term future: combine “real-time” data with a traffic-flow model for short-term future to work out how current congestion will ripple and disperse through the road network. Draw on historical data for longer-term forecast (data about how the flow of traffic varies with the day of the week, the weather, the level of hotel occupancy and weather it is a school day). Incorporate self-affected factors into the traffic forecast


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