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EX5T7,Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world -of-. bereft theatricality composed adversity full circumstantiality deprived polarity devoid neutrality,melodrama 的特点是presented stark oppositions ,后面读否? A,失去戏剧性 B,由灾难组成 C,充满细节 D,失去对立=不对立 E,避免中立=展示对立,Ex17t1,It was a war the queen and her more prudent counselors wished to - if they could and were determined in any event to - as long as possible. provoke delay denounce deny instigate conceal curtail promote avoid postpone,1,MORE说明QUEEN的特征是什么? 2, prudent 的人对战争的态度?褒义OR贬义 3,在B,D中选择, 举例:中国外交,EX23T2,Although skeptics say financial problems will probably - our establishing a base on the Moon. Supporters of the project remain -, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints. beset disillusioned hasten hopeful postpone pessimistic prevent enthusiastic allow unconvinced,1,skeptics 对事情的态度 Supporters 对事情的态度 判断感情 2, Although 提示转折,且有语法修饰,EX23T4,Cynics believe that people who-compliments do so in order to be praised twice. bask in give out despair of gloat over shrug off,1,cynic ? One attributes all action to selfish motives 2,用句意判断,科学家的破事,公正客观 有想法要先证实 弄出个理论要公布所有的实验过程,以期别人检验(举例),EX26T3,In scientific inquiry ,it becomes a matter of duty to expose a -hypothesis to every possible kind of-. tentative examination debatable approximation well-established rationalization logical elaboration suspect correlation,1,duty 说明必须做 2,用句意判断 A,让暂时的假设受到检验 B, approximation C, well-established 被合理化? D,是否必须这样 E,让可疑的理论受到联系的作用=不沾边,EX28T3,The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly studied as Vermeer are not, on the surface_ unpromising daunting encouraging superficial challenging,第一种做法,1,句子结构分析,AS.AS 2, a painter 的特点是thoroughly studied 3,那么挖掘这么一个painter生活的新内容,感情色彩为? 4,注意,空格前的NOT,如果读不懂句子怎么办?,主语是The prospects 谓语是are not 主干是 前景不_,空格只能选什么? A,B,E 的感情色彩? C的感情色彩? 排除,EX24T7,Famous among job seekers for its-, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such-as low-interest home mortgages and company cars. magnanimity reparations inventiveness benefits largesse perquisites discernment prerogatives altruism credits,空格1的前边的its 提示空格填? 公司的特点是bestowed on its executives annual bonuses =爱给钱 magnanimity 慷慨大度 largesse 慷慨大度 怎么办?,两个词的英语释义,Magnanimity: showing a lofty spirit,noble Largesse: 1,liberal giving 2,a generous gift,EX31T3,Many industries are so - by the impact of government sanctions, equipment failure, and foreign competition that they are beginning to rely on industrial psychologists to- what remains of employee morale. estranged guard beleaguered salvage overruled undermine encouraged determine restrained confirm,这是难题,主干是什么? SO.THAT BY 1空格选项的感情色彩,排除? 2空格感情排除 psychologists 干吗的? confirm?,EX32T2,Candidates who oppose the present state income tax must be able to propose - ways to - the financing of state operations. intelligent initiate individual diversify innovative alleviate arbitrary maintain alternate continue,Financing:筹钱OR花钱? 排除 句子意思排除 剩余选项比较: financing和income tax 的范围,举例,EX42T7,The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchells own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870s - any assertion that feminism was - in that period. exclude thriving contradict prospering pervade remote buttress dormant belie quiescent,Astronomer宇航员? that period. 的特点是? 女性猛于虎也 选项特征:两个一起读 A, exclude (猛女) B, contradict (猛女) D, buttress (女不猛) E, belie (女不猛),EX50T3,A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more - the ideas. complicated inconsequential elementary fanciful blatant,mirror 的特点,EX5T2,Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,“ but is -construction. a complicated a convoluted a distorted an amorphous an illusory,关系词,Just as. , so NOTBUT. Complicated:1,consisting of parts intricately combinded 2,不易分析,理解,解决 Convoluted:1,乱糟糟,2,intricate,involved Involved:intricate a involved plot Intricate:1,having many complexly interrelated parts:complicated 2,不易分析,理解,解决,EX55T4,Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as - fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers. a controversial a statistical an analytical an explicit an unimpeachable,用搭配直接排除? 两种解法 1, bibliographers.是干什么的? A list of writings(as on a subject or of an author) 2,语感问题,举例: 王静省比许建军帅是-方面的事实. A比B傻是_方面的事实,EX58T5,Those who fear the influence of television deliberately - its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated. promote underplay excuse laud suspect,两种解法,1,特征,感情 2,语法修饰,EX59T7,The diplomat, selected for her demonstrated patience and skill in conducting such delicate negotiations, - to make a decision during the talks because any sudden commitment at that time would have been -. (A) resolved detrimental (B) refused apropos (C) declined inopportune (D) struggled unconscionable (E) hesitated warranted,两种解法,1,因果解法,一起读 2,特征,Ex60t1,It is assumed that scientists will avoid making - claims about the results of their experiments because of the likelihood that they will be exposed when other researchers cannot - their findings. (A) hypothetical evaluate (B) fraudulent duplicate (C) verifiable contradict (D) radical contest (E) extravagant dispute,because 主干 be exposed好事坏事? 害怕坏事 所以避免making - claims 空格的感情色彩? 科学家的破事,EX60T7,As early as the seventeenth century, philosophers called attention to the - character of the issue, and their twentieth-century counterparts still approach it with -. (A) absorbing indifference (B) unusual composure (C) complex antipathy (D) auspicious caution (E) problematic uneasiness,counterparts 的特点? still的含义 感情色彩一致 problematic uneasiness : not easy : DIFFICULT Problematic: posing a problem , difficult to solve or decide,EX22T3,It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of-. maturity fiction inventiveness art brilliance,1,读不懂怎么办 2,句子结构 3,句子意思,举例,EX36T7,The fortresslike facade of the Museum of Cartoon Art seems calculated to remind visitors that the comic strip is an art form that has often been by critics. charmed assailed unnoticed exhilarated overwhelmed,critics. 的动作 fortresslike ,举例,EX33T6,Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overriding influence that scientists - have on their interpretation of data and theconsequent -of their intellectual objectivity. prejudices impairment instruments abandonment theories independence conclusions coloration suppositions reinforcement,主干, both and consequent 结果中出现objectivity. 说明原因必然和客观性有关(注意:可能客观也可能不客观),则空格1填什么?,EX33T5难题,Despite an agreement between labor and management to keep the print and electronic media _ developments,the details of the negotiations were _ all but a few journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers. abreast of disclosed to involved in leaded to apprised of withheld from speculating about denied to ignorant of suppressed by,1, all but 2, _all but a few媒体=_大部分媒体 3,用媒体的特征进行排除 4,剩下两个选项,怎么办? 用常识,用常识,A,大报纸大媒体不知道,别的小报知道 C,小报不知道,只有大报纸大媒体知道,EX63T4,难题,The author argues for serious treatment of such arts as crochet and needlework, finding in too many art historians a cultural blindness - to their - textiles as a medium in which women artists predominate. traceable prejudice against opposed distrust of referring need for reduced respect for corresponding expertise in,their = many art historians The author 对纺织的态度,正OR反? too many art historians态度,正OR反? 感情色彩排除 词义,Ex42T5,Even though the generals carefully qualified public statement could hardly be -, some people took- it. respected liberties with inoffensive umbrage at faulted exception to credited potshots at dismissed interest in,statement 特点carefully qualified, 精心修改是防止_,逻辑上最直接 开始代入,注意hardly,EX14T7,Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to-blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that-the relationship. sharpen conflate increase diminish aggravate buttress disrupt neutralize impair obscure,常犯错误,and, 表前后一致,后increase hypertension 是倒霉事,故感情色彩? -blood pressure 是坏事,所以选?,正确思路,1号坎-blood pressure regulation 注意宾语 排除 2号坎, neutralize 的意思 3号坎,为什么选E?,EX47T6熟词僻意,Word order in a sentence was much freer in Old French than it is in French today, this _disappeared as theFrench language gradually lost its case distinctions. restriction license similarity rigidity imperative,THIS 意思:,EX57T4,Although Simpson was ingenious at - to appear innovative and spontaneous, beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem-sol


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