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科技英语英文摘要撰写 Writing an Abstract of English for Science and Technology,典型语句是指撰写摘要时经常用的语句。归纳如下: 1)成果获取和开发的常用语句 常用词: Achieve( 达到,实现), Construct( 绘制), derive( 推导), Design( 设计), Develop( 开发), Establish( 建立), record( 记录), Give( 给出), realize( 实现), Improve( 改进), provide( 提供), Obtain( 得到), produce( 生产), reduce( 缩短), solve( 解决) Example The normal operating pressure value can also be achieved in the summer. 正常工作压力值在夏季也能达到。 A dissolution diagram was constructed which can be used in heat treatment. 绘制了用于热处理的溶解图。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,1)成果获取和开发的常用语句,Example: The special equations are derived based on the quantum theory. 基于量子理论,推导出了这些特殊的方程式。 The system is designed to be used for transferring the heat produced from the reactor core. 此系统要设计城能传输出从反应堆堆芯产生的能量。 Two methods of the boiler design are developed. 开发了锅炉设计的两种方法。 A simulation model is established on a full scope simulator. 在全范围模拟机上建立了一种仿真模型。 The steam generator design has been greatly improved. 蒸汽发生器设计已得到了很大地改进。 Good agreement with the corresponding results from the reactor dynamics is obtained. 得到了与相应反应堆动力学很一致的结果。 This paper provides an ideal source of radiation for an optical communication system. 本文为光通信系统提供了一种理想的辐射源。 Fatigue endurance enhancement is realized by using a thin layer of nitrile rubber. 记录了小管破裂对反应堆冷却剂系统的压力的影响。 Switching time of the new type transistor will be reduced three times. 这种新只管晶体管的开关时间将缩短三分之二。 The problem of steady-state rotation of a cylindrical dielectric rotor with a metal cor with a weakly conducting liquid in an electric field is solved. 装有金属芯的圆柱形不导电转子在电场的弱传导液体中的稳态旋转问题得到了解决。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,2)观察和指示常用语句: 常用词: Demonstrate 示范,证明 Exhibit 展示,展出 Find 发现 Indicate 指出 Observe 观察 Point out 指出了 show 表明 Example Effects of improper operation on machine service life were demonstrated. 例证了不适当的操作对机器寿命的影响。 All the salts studied ,except NaCl, exhibit good catalytic activity. 所研究的所有盐类,除了氯化钠外,都有很好的催化作用。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,2)观察和指示常用语句,Example: No evidence for any operation trouble is found. 没发现任何运行故障的迹象。 Application fields for these types of nuclear reactions are indicated. 指出了这几种核反应的使用领域。 A relationship between the force and speed is observed. 观察了力与速度之间的关系。 The importance of the ratio of water to uranium is pointed out in reactor physical design. 指出了水铀比在反应堆物理设计中的重要性。 A great improvement in sensitivity and reproductivity is showed in the results by using this method. 这些结果表明,使用此方法能使灵敏度和可重复性有很大的改善。 An application to the study of muscles mechanics is also indicated. 指出了在肌肉力学研究方面的一种应用,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,3)运算和计量的常用语句: 常用词: calculate, 计算 determine, 确定,测得 estimate, 估计,估算 measure 测量 Example The deviation in each method is carefully estimated. 仔细的估计了每种方法的误差。 The probability of activation per unit time is calculated. 计算了单位时间的激活概率。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,3)运算和计量的常用语句,Example: The earth-moon distance can be determined to an accuracy of 15cm by using this technique. 用这种技术测得的地球月亮距离准确度可达15cm. Neutron flux distributions in the reactor core were measured. 测量了反应堆堆芯里的中子通量分布。 The model parameters are estimated by using a recursive extended least square method. 递归扩展最小二乘法估算了模型参数。 The physical parameters in the reactor core were calculated by using the two-group theory. 应用双群理论计算了反应堆堆芯物理参数。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,4)应用与用途的常用语句 : 常用词: apply, 应用 use, 使用,用于 Example The developed technique was applied to ambient air and automobile exhaust analysis. 将研究所得的技术应用于环境空气和汽车废气的分析。 The system was applied to the analysis of a series of practical coal mine problems. 应用此系统于一系列煤矿实际问题的分析。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,4)应用与用途的常用语句 ,Example: These facilities are used to develop computer hardware for several projects. 这些设施被用来为若干项目研制计算机硬件。 This method is used to measure stress distributions in the material. 这种方法被用来测量材料中应力的分布。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,5)评估与比较的常用语句 : 常用词: agree with, 与 一致,符合 assess, 评审 compare, 比较 evaluate 估算 Example The calculated results agree with experimental results with regard to the effects of machine stiffness on stress amplitude. 就机械刚度对应力幅度的影像而言,计算结果与实验结果一致,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,5)评估与比较的常用语句 ,Example: The calculated motilities agree well with the experimental analysis. 所计算的机动性与实验分析符合得很好 The role of heterogeneous reactions and processes in the troposphere was strictly assessed. 严格地评审了对流层中的异性反应与过程的作用 These data are compared with those from the published experiments. 将这些数据与已发表的实验结果进行了比较 Various rate and energy parameters were evaluated. 估算了各种速率和能量参数 The used assumptions are evaluated by comparison with measurement results. 通过与实验结果比较,对所用的假设进行了评审。 Two portable microcomputers are compared by using six basic programs. 使用了6个基本程序对两种便携式微机进行了比较。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,6)实验与试验的常用语句: 常用词: experiment, Test Example Animals are experimented upon in the laboratory of the zoo. 在动物园实验室里做动物试验 The experiments on selective agglomeration were carried out by using kerosene at 14.8% consumption with respects to solids. 使用煤油进行了选择性的烧结实验,煤油的消耗量为固体燃料的14.8%,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,6)实验与试验的常用语句,Example: The ascend rocket in the upper half of the Lunar Module was tested hundreds of times. 登月艇上半截的上升火箭,试验过几百次了。 The accuracy of the five solutions is tested by comparing them with the exact modal solution. 通过与准确模态解的比较,对这5种解的准确性进行了试验 The tests were carried out on a unit including the investigated horizontal reactor. 试验是在一台包括这里所讨论的水平反应器的装置上进行的。 The tests were designed to determine the flow rate of the reactor coolant pump. 试验是设计用来确定反应堆冷却剂泵的流速,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,7)论证与依据的常用语句 : 常用词: base on, 基于 ,根据 be base on, 基于 ,根据 take as reference 作参考 Example Methods of analysis are based on Maxwell equations 分析的方法是依据麦克斯韦方程式。 The remedial measure can be adopted, based on the probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) 根据概率安全分析,这些补救措施能被采用。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-2 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,7)论证与依据的常用语句 ,Example: The interactions between the basic particles are studied, based on the quantum mechanics. 依据量子力学,研究了基本粒子间的相互作用。 A simplified di


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