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,look: v. (建筑物)朝向;面向; our house looks out on a river. the offices look onto a park.,drive: v. 促使;驱使 the shortage of bread will probably drive prices up. the farmer was driving its cattle along the road.,get away with: 做坏事未被发觉、未受惩罚,turn out: 生产制造; turn sth out; sth be turned out,leave aside: (把某事)搁置一边 Well leave aside the problem of agency until next week.,resort to sth: 采取;诉诸 (通常接不好的事情) resort to doing sth: when polite requests failed he resorted to threat. she resorted to stealing when she had no more money.,look on: 看待;看作;视为; look on A as B; look at A as B,stand up to sb: 拒绝接受某人所给予的不公正待遇;和某人针锋相对; stand for sth: 容忍接受某事,take to sb: (尤指立刻)对某人产生好感;喜欢 take to doing sth: 染上某种嗜好喜欢做某事 i took to Paul as soon as we met. just lately hes taken to hiding his socks under the carpet.,derive: v. 从中得到 derive sth from sth he derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.,come up with: 想出(办法);得出(结论),talk sb into doing sth: 劝说某人做某事;,go in for: 参加;从事; go along with: 赞成;支持; go back on: 违背;背弃 go through with: (艰难地)完成,attribute A to B: 把A归因于B;认为A是B的结果 注意:to是介词 he attributes his success to hard work. he attributes his success to working hard.,owe sb sth: 欠某人某物; owe sth to sb owe: 感激; owe a lot to sb: 感激某人,do away with sth: 废除,去掉 They all want to do away with racial discrimination.,overwhelm: (在情感上)使(某人)突然感到不能自持;使不知所措 t


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