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中考资源网武隆县2009年秋期九年级英语目标教学检测题(十二)Topic 3, Unit 4(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1.Can spaceships reach the stars _ the solar system?No. So far, no spaceship has managed it.A. outB. awayC. upD. beyond( ) 2. Sometimes your choice _ by the amount of money you have to spend.A. is limitedB. to limitC. limitingD. limited( ) 3. The earth moves around the sun _ about 150 million kilometers.A. at a distanceB. for a distance ofC. at a distance ofD. in a distance( ) 4.How long have you been here?It _ two years since we came here.A. wasB. wereC. have beenD. has been( ) 5.Could you tell me the population of our city?More than three million, about _ as _ as that of Beijing.A. a quarter; manyB. a quarter; largeC. quarter; muchD. quarter; larger( ) 6.What _ the TV play Home With Kids _?Sorry, I dont know. You can search the Internet for help.A. are; based onB. is; base onC. are; base onD. is; based on( ) 7. This kind of food _ in a cool, clean and dry place according to the instruction.A. should carryB. should be keptC. must be putD. must put( ) 8.The man lost his job two days ago._, he lost his house and fell ill this morning.A. Whats worse B. Whats mostC. Whats moreD. Whats worst( ) 9.To explore the universe will take lots of time and cost lots of money.But I think it _.A. worth doingB. worth itC. is worthD. is worth it( ) 10. We put a strong stick near a young tree _ make it straight.A. so thatB. in order thatC. in order toD. so that( ) 11.“Please write down your opinions about whether there are aliens, and then _ it _,”the teacher says.A. hand; outB. hand; inC. hand; onD. hand; over( ) 12.Do you believe his story?_ He always tells lies.A. Im afraid of it.B. Im afraid so.C. Im afraid not.D. Im not afraid.( ) 13.I think there are aliens in space. _A. What great!B. What fun!C. How a fun!D. How happy!( ) 14.Did you know the terrible accident?Yeah, I saw it _.A. with my own eyesB. my eyesC. with eyesD. in my eyes( ) 15.Lets go and see the movie Fearless._A. Congratulations!B. Bad luck.C. Thank you.D. Sounds great!II.完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)Scientists have always wanted to know more about the universe. Theyve sent many spaceships to explore 1 planets in the solar system.Years ago they knew 2 things about the moon. They knew how big it was and 3 it was away from the earth. But they wanted to know more about it. They thought the best way was 4 something to the moon.The moon is about 384 000 kilometers away from the 5 . A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometers away from the earth. But something can fly even 6 there is no air. Thats a rocket.How does a rocket fly? There is gas in the rocket. When the gas 7 very hot inside the rocket, itll rush out of the end of the rocket, 8 it can make the rocket fly up into the sky.Rockets can fly far out into 9 . Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets 10 men in them have flown to another planet much farther away than the moon. One day rockets may be able to go to any place in space. ( ) 1. A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the other( ) 2. A. muchB. littleC. manyD. a lot( ) 3. A. how longB. what farC. how much farD. how far( ) 4. A. sentB. to sendC. sendingD. send( ) 5. A. earthB. sunC. MarsD. planet( ) 6. A. whenB. ifC. whileD. as( ) 7. A. makesB. madeC. was madeD. is made( ) 8. A. soB. orC. butD. because( ) 9. A. skyB. universeC. spaceD. place( ) 10. A. withB. withoutC. forD. fromIII. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(每小题2分,共20分)AThe planets arent the only wanderers (漫游者) of the sky. Theyre some things that wander even farther and longer. Long after people were no longer frightened of planets, they still thought the comets (彗星) were bad beasts (野兽) that wandered in the sky. They were afraid that the comets would suddenly land on the earth and hurt them.But, in fact, even if a comet did hit the earth, nothing much happened. A comet is really a harmless thing.Comets have round heads and long tails, and they are very bright. Sometimes they look like heads with long hair flying with them. Thats why theyre called comets. Comet means long-haired.Like the stars and planets, comets are far away. But we can know its size. The head of a small comet is as wide as the Pacific Ocean. And a big comets head is ten times as big as the earth. Its tail is millions of kilometers long. Then why wouldnt the great big thing hurt us if it hit the earth? Because it isnt solid. Its thin like cloud. Its tail is nothing but bright gas. And its head is made of small pieces that could not hurt the earth.Some comets can be seen for a few months. Then they go away. Some of them come back in a certain number of years. Some are never seen again.Perhaps these comets that never return have broken into pieces. For some astronomers (天文学家) think that shooting stars (流星) are pieces of broken comets.( ) 1. People were afraid _.A. comets are different from planetsB. comets wander in the skyC. comets are much bigger than the earthD. comets could hit the earth( ) 2. Comets are harmless because _.A. theyre far from the earthB. they look large but thinC. they always disappear quicklyD. theyre made of clouds( ) 3. Comets have long tail like _, so we call them comets.A. long hairB. round headsC. round disksD. wide wings( ) 4. From the passage we know the tails of comets are made of _.A. waterB. solidC. gasD. small stones( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. A comet is a kind of planets.B. Comets are about ten times as big as the earth.C. People can hardly see comets.D. Shooting stars may be pieces of broken comets. BThe search for life outside the earth may have moved to a new and exciting level. A team of astronomer said they have found a new planet that has many important parts similar to those of the earth.The planet, which travels around a red dwarf star(红矮星)called Gliese 581C, has the right size and temperature. Most importantly, the planet lies in the suitable living area of the star, which makes the planet not too hot or too cold.Scientists say the new world, Gliese 581C is five times larger than the earth. It may have water since it is in the right place for the red dwarf star to survive in space.Swiss scientist Michael Mayor said it is an important step on the way to find possible life in the space and there are still lots of questions.For more than ten years, astronomers and scientists have been keeping their eyes on the space in search for another earth, another world that can support life or already has it.According to records, the first discovery of extra solar planet going around a normal star was made in 1995. Since then, the number of newly discovered worlds has increased to about 200. But they are just lifeless bodies.Gliese 581C came into our eyes and mankind has reasons to celebrate. After all, we may have living neighbors. The discovery doesnt promise much, but it offers hope that there could be other people or living things out the earth.( ) 6. The new planet has made _. A. the search for life outside the earth new and excitingB. many important parts of the earth new and similarC. a red dwarf star not too hot or not too cold D. the astronomers believe everything( ) 7. The new planet goes around _.A. the sun B. the earth C. the red dwarf star D. the moon( ) 8. Which of the following is TRUE? A. A new planet for people to live in has been found.B. The red dwarf star is five times larger than the earth.C. Scientists have a lot of questions about the new planet.D. Scientists have proved there is some water in the new planet.( ) 9. Why do astronomers and scientists keep their eyes on the space? A. They hate the life on the earth.B. They want to support more life.C. They want to search for another world.D. There are some people and living things there.( ) 10. What would the scientists most like to tell us in the passage? A. Astronomers first discovered the extra solar planet in 1995.B. Mankind wants to celebrate the discovery of the new planet.C. The number of newly discovered worlds is about 200.D. Mankind may have living neighbors in space.IV.根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(每小题2分,共10分)1. You ought to send these things to the owner on time.(改为被动语态)These things ought to _ _ to the owner on time.2. This playground is four times as long as that one.(改为同义句)This playground is three times _ _ that one.3. They were given a lot of apples by the farmer.(改为主动语态)The farmer _ a lot of apples _ them.4. I believe that more and more things will be discovered in the future.(改为否定句)I _ believe that more and more things _ be discovered in the future.5. 这婴儿在医院能受到很好的照顾。(完成译句)The baby can be well _ _ in the hospital.V.情景地对话,从方框中选择正确的应答语填空。(每小题1分,共5分)A. What are you going to be, by the way? B. We both need to work hard.C. Whats it about? D. Its hard to say. E. It sounds wonderful.F. To be an astronaut isnt easy. G. I think your dream will come true.A: Have you ever watched the CCTV 10 program at 22:00?( ) B: No, I havent. 1 A: Its about science. Its reported that China may send up Shenzhou manned spaceship into space in 2010.( ) B: Really? 2 Who will finish the task then?( ) A: 3 The astronaut is being selected. Id also like to be an astronaut when I grow up.B: Great! But its not easy.( ) A: Thats right. Ill do my best to make me strong and master some skills. 4 B: I want to be a teacher.( ) A: Its really cool. 5 VI.短文填空。(每小题2分,共20分)One day, when we were having an English class, Mr. Green saw a boy 1 a picture-book and said, “ Tom, what do you usually do 2 lunch?”Tom nervously got up from his 3 , but he did not know 4 to answer. He thought for some time and then said. “ 5 for supper.”Mr. Green was 6 and just at that moment, he saw another boy 7 . The teacher was getting a little angry now, but he was trying not to 8 him. Then he asked, “ And you, Jack?” As Jack was asleep, of course, he couldnt hear what Mr. Green had said . His desk-mate woke him, Jack stood up 9 and answered in a loud 10 , “so do I!”. 1. _ 2. _ 3. 4. 5. 6. _ 7. _ 8. 9. 10. VII. 书面表达。(15分)。随着时代的发展,我们的生活将会发生许多变化。下面三幅图片所描绘的情景有可能在未来的生活中成为现实。同学们可结合图片,发挥想象,展望未来


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