



Lesson9一、教学内容与分析1. Just talk本部分通过外校老师Miss White到Li Yan学校来交流的真实情景,引导学生学会用英语询问学校老师的人数。询问学校老师人数用How many teachers are there in your school? 回答为There are . teachers in our school. 教师可以运用听录音、图片展示、情景模仿以及角色表演等方法激励学生感知、模仿、学习和体验,最终引导学生能够在生活情景中初步运用这些功能语句进行交际。主要目标语言:How many teachers are there in your school?There are . teachers in our school.2. Just read and write词汇部分要求学生能够听、说、认读fifty和sixty,能够听、说、读、写teacher和school,并能在四线格中规范书写;句型部分学习How many teachers are there in your school? There are . teachers in our school. 注意把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练。3. Lets do a survey通过调查的形式达到巩固本课学习内容的目的。学生四个人一个小组,一人提问:How many teachers are there in No. 25 School? 知道答案的同学回答: There are 60 teachers in No. 25 School.二、课前准备1. 准备一些评价物品,奖励课堂上表现出色的学生。2. 准备词语卡片和教学图片,创设情景,引导学习。3. 准备调查表,作为操练语言的道具。4. 在黑板上准备好四线格,方便板书四会单词。5. 准备教学课件。三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1) 师生问好。T: Good morning/ afternoon, children.Class: Good morning/ afternoon.T: Glad to see you again!Class: Glad to see you, too!2) 说唱韵文。教师带领学生一起说唱上节课学过的韵文,复习旧知,活跃课堂气氛。2. 新课呈现(Presentation)1) 教师引导学生看主题图,启发学生思考:Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about? 在学生观察主题图中,会遇到新的人物Miss White。此时老师可以介绍:Miss White来自别的学校,想和我们进行交流。帮助学生进入课文情景。2) 播放录音或视频,要求学生带着问题What does Miss White want to know?听,学习对话,同时学习句型How many teachers are there in your school? There are fifty.贴单词卡片学习单词fifty,学习单词teacher和school,并及时在四线格中板书。3) 再次播放录音或视频,要求学生带着问题How many teachers are there in Miss White school?听,继续学习对话,学习句型There are sixty teachers in our school. 贴单词卡片学习单词sixty。3. 趣味操练(Practice)1) 用多种方式操练对话。2) 分角色体验并表演对话。3) 自编韵文。教师自编韵文,带领学生演唱,例如:How many teachers are there in your school?There are fifty teachers in our school.How many teachers are there in your school?There are forty students in our class.4) 做调查活动。(参见Lets do a survey部分)学生四个人一组,每人拿到不同的表格(见下图),互相之间不看别人的表格中的内容,以保证有信息差。一人提问:How many teachers are there in No.25 School? 知道答案的同学回答: There are 60 teachers in No.25 School. 其他同学在表格上做记录,组内同学依次提问,操练主要目标语言。SchoolsHow many teachers? No.25 School 60 No.31 School No.50 School No.12 School SchoolsHow many teachers? No.25 School No.31 School 46 No.50 School No.12 SchoolSchoolsHow many teachers? No.25 School No.31 School No.50 School No.12 School 34SchoolsHow many teachers? No.25 School No.31 School No.50 School 58 No.12 School4. 语言运用(Language use)场景设置:同学A来到同学B的学校进行交流,向B同学了解他们学校的教师人数和B同学所在班级的人数。布置任务,要求两人创编一个新的对话。语言支持:S1: Hello, XXX! Welcome to my school.S2: Thank you. How many teachers are there in your school?S1: There are 60 teachers in my school. How about yours?S2: There are 55 teachers in my school. How many students are there in your class?S1: There are forty students in my class.S2: How many boys?S1: There are seventeen boys.S2: How many girls?S1: There are twenty-three girls.5. 课堂评价(Assessment)1) 课堂教学过程中的评价。(1) 对学生掌握本课语言知识、语言技能等方面进行评价。(2)结合本课教学过程中实际,注意对学生学习中表现出的表演能力、合作精神、动机与兴趣等情感态度发展方面进行评价。参考表格: 评价目标 1 2 3 4 5主动回答教师提出的问题。在小组或结对活动中积极与他人交流合作。全神贯注地参与整个教学实践过程。遇到学习困难能主动向教师或同学请教。积极思考,主动表达自己的不同观点,富有创造力朗读、表演时声音咱亮,表情自然。总体表现分数:2) 完成活动手册的内容,然后给小


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