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Unit 12一、阅读连线1.go shopping 去滚轴溜冰2.play in the school band 不利健康的食品3.make a model plane 肚子疼4.have a stomachache 买东西5.junk food 制作航模6.go roller-skating 参加校乐队二、选择填空1.I like weekends. _too.A. IB. myC. meD. mine2.Angel often does the_after dinner.A. dishB. dishesC. the dishD. the dishes3.Sometimes I go for a picnic with my_.A. homeB. familyC. homesD. families4.We enjoy_when we learn to act.A. myselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. ourselves5.Lucky is sick today. He feels_.A. wellB. badC. hungryD. happy6.My cat eats_. It is fat.A. a lot ofB. plenty ofC. manyD. a lot7.I have a_. I have to see the dentist.A. headacheB. coldC. toothacheD. stomachache8.I am going to visit my grandparents_.A. the day before tomorrowB. day after tomorrowC. the day after tomorrowD. day before tomorrow9.Her advice is good for my health. I_with her.A. likeB. agreeC. keepD. make10.There are_you should do to be healthy。A. some thingsB. some thingC. somethingD. somethings三、根据首字母填入所缺单词1.What d_you do after school? I often play sports.2.What chores do you have t_do on Sundays?3.What t_ does your sister practice the piano? At 4:30 in the afternoon.4.We s_eat too much junk food.5.C_you swim with me this afternoon? Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.四、阅读判断, 写T或FA dentist is going to begin his work. A man comes in. His face is red and he can only say “Quick! Quick!”。 The dentist thinks he must be very ill. He helps the man sit on the chair . The dentist gives the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then he looks into the mans mouth and pulls out all the bad teeth. When the man wakes up, he says in a low voice “Quick! Quick!”。“Its all right now.” The dentist says to the man. “Its over.”“You dont understand,” says the man. “I come to tell you your house is on fire.”( ) 1. A dentist is a doctor. He can make peoples toothache well.( ) 2. The dentist thinks the man must have a toothache.( ) 3. The man drinks so


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