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铜梁巴川初级中学九年级素质测评(一)(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)I. 听力测试。(共30分)第一节,情景反应(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, never. C. No, I wont.( )2. A. Well done. B. Never mind. C. Of course.( )3. A. Yes, I could. B. OK, Ill do it right away. C. Sorry, I wont do it again.( )4. A. Thats terrible. B. Really? C. Sorry to hear that.( )5. A. Hello, Jerry speaking. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I am not.( )6. A. Have a nice trip. B. Youre so kind. C. Thats all right. 第二节,对话理解(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )7. A. For 4 hours. B. For 5 hours. C. For 6 hours. ( )8. A. In a village school. B. In an old peoples home. C. At a food bank.( )9. A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday. ( )10. A. Amys. B. Toms. C. Lilys.( )11. A. Yes, she has. B. No, she hasnt. C. No, she didnt.( )12. A. He was cooking dinner. B. He was calling. C. He was reading a newspaper.第三节,长对话理解(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听下面一段材料,回答13和14小题。( )13. Where is Danny watching the news? A. In the sitting room.B. In the kitchen. C. Outside the room.( )14.When does the TV play begin? A. At 7:20. B. At 7: 40. C. At 8:20 听下面一段材料,回答15和16小题。( )15. Browns son had a _. A. toothacheB. fever C. cold( )16. Mrs. Browns son should _ today. A. go to school B. drink more water C. eat nothing第四节,短文理解(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )17. English story time is about _ minutes at noon. A. ten B. fifteen C. twenty( )18. Born in China is a film made in _.A. China B. the USA C. the UK( )19. People can see the happy moments among these _through the film. A. mothers B. kids C. animals( )20. According to the film,who might you think of?.A. teacher B. uncle C. mother.单项选择。 (每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 ( )21. What _ honest boy! And he is _ best student of all. A. a; aB. an; /C. a; the D. an; the( )22. One Belt, One Road will offer a good _for more nations to communicate. A .chance B. habit C. question D. price( )23. Mom, could you please teach _ French?Certainly! But its more important to learn it by _. A. my; yourself B. my; you C. me; you D. me; yourself( )24. How hard you are working, Kelly!We must! President Xi said that _we are,_ we will be. A. the more hard-working; the luckier B. the hard-working; the luckyC. more hard-working; luckier D. the most hard-working; the luckiest( )25. Nowadays lots of wild animals are endangered _ human activities and illnesses. A. as for B. close to C. because D. because of ( )26. What kind of movies do you prefer?I prefer the movies _me something to think about. A. which give B. that givesC. which gives D. who gives( )27. _ nice weather it is today!. Yes. Its warm and sunny! Lets go boating!A. How an B. How C. What an D. What ( )28. I miss my daughter very much because she _ from Chongqing for about a year.A. left B. was away C. has left D. has been away ( )29. Have you watched the TV program “The Reader”? Certainly. About _ students in our school watched it . A. thousand of B. two thousand C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )30. Judy, could you tell me _the schoolbag?Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on Taobao.A. where did you buy B. where will you buyC. where you bought D. where you will buy III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案One day, I picked up my daughter Eloise from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out 31 .I found a short line with just one person in front of me. It was a/an 32 woman and she was paying for her things with only change. After a long day at work, I was 33 with this woman.But then I watched the young clerk(售货员). He helped her 34 her change, so carefully taking it from her shaking hands. I listened to him repeatedly say to her: “ Yes, madam.” When she asked 35 she had enough to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he went two lines over to get 36 for her. Never once did this clerk get angry or roll his eyes. He was patient and kind.As I was watching him, I saw Eloise was too. I realized that my daughter was learning a very important 37 from a complete stranger. 38 the woman was finished, the clerk began ringing up(结账) my things and thanked me with a big smile 39 my patience. I thanked him too.Then we left the supermarket with a full bag, but also with a 40 full of thankfulness.( )31. A. quicklyB. slowlyC. quietlyD. freely( )32. A. richB. oldC. beautifulD. healthy( )33. A. touchedB. patientC. unhappyD. friendly( )34. A. copyB. compare C. borrowD. count( )35. A. howB. ifC. thatD. why( )36. A. itB. that C. themD. one( )37. A. classB. ruleC. lessonD. habit( )38. A. After B. ThoughC. BeforeD. Until( )39. A. becauseB. for C. ofD. to( )40. A. sightB. brainC. body D. heart IV.阅读理解。(A篇每小题1分,B-E篇每小题2分,共35分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案 AHong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to form three-hour travel circle. The 55-kilometer bridge in the Lingdingyang waters of the Pearl River Estuary, which was opened in late October 2018, is the worlds longest sea bridge. The project follows the logic that China has been using for years to guide economic development - if you want to get rich, first build a road.At 20 times the length of Californias Golden Gate Bridge, the six-lane crossing will link a regional economic zone of 70 million people, with a combined annual GDP of $1.51 trillion-almost twice that of the San Francisco Bay Area, and larger than the national economies of Australia, Spain or Mexico.The links are part of a plan to create an integrated(综合的) region that officials have dubbed(被称为) the “Greater Bay Area”. The bridge will put Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai within an hour of each other. The main bridge, together with crossing facilities and link roads, is designed to meet growing demands for passenger and freight transport between the three cities. A “three-hour tour and golden circle” will be formed thanks to the massive(巨大的) bridge, road networks and rail links to other cities, making more travel itineraries(旅游活动日程) available. ( )41. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was opened _.A. In early October 2018. B. In late October 2018. C. In early November 2018. D. In late November 2018.( )42. It is designed to meet growing demands for_.A. passenger transport. B. freight transport.C. passenger and freight transport. D. goods transport.( )43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The seven-lane crossing will link a reginal economic zone of 70 million people.B. The annual GDP of the economies of Australia, Spain or Mexico are larger than that of the regional economic zone in China.C. The bridge will put Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai within an hour of each other.D. A “three-hour tour and golden circle” will be formed just thanks to the massive bridge, road networks .B Question A:My friend will go to a concert by my favorite singer. But she does not even like that singer! It is not fair.Answer 1:When your friend comes over, spend time with her alone instead of including your sister. No fight, no problem. But if your friend and your sister get into a fight, you will need to stand out, “I know you dont love my sister, but I do. Please dont say anythingbad like that, OK?” A true friend wouldnt make you choose between friendship and family.Question B:I love doing sports, but my dad says I will never be the best of the team. What should I do?Answer 2:Its easy to see why you are upset, and you are right- so not fair at all. But thats life, you know? Things dont always work out the way we want or even the way they should. That will always be true. Envy(嫉妒) makes you feel uncomfortable, and there is no need to feel sorry for yourself or jealous(嫉妒的) of someone else. So try to let this go. Think about what you have and be thankful for them.Question C:My best friend doesnt like my sister. I love my sister! But I dont want to lose my friend.Answer 3:Sports can be about competition. They can also be about exercise and friends and fun. In any sport or activity, you can always enjoy yourself without being No. 1. Dont be against your father. Ask him what he really cares about. If he worries about your study, you have to make a promise then.( )44. Which is the correct match (匹配)between questions and answers?A. A-3; B-1; C-2 B. A-2; B-3; C-1 C. A-1; B-3; C-2 D. A-3; B-2; C-1( )45. According the passage, what should a true friend be like? A. He/she should invite you to the concert. B. He/she should make friends with your sister. C. He/she should support you to fight against your father. D. He/she shouldnt make you choose between friendship and family.( ) 46. If your father refused you to do what you like, the writer advised you _. A. to keep on what you like without caring about him B. to keep on what you like and understand your father at the same time C. to follow your father advice D. to have a fight against your father and do what you like.( )47. You can read the passage in _. A. Teenagers Worries B. Daily NewsC. Animals and Humans D. Health CareCBeing a youth is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities: First of all, health. A healthy body is the best riches. Without it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, you will have to take medicine day after day. You can even work, do sports and so on. Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something good for others. Help those in trouble and care about the people around you. If everyone did the same, what a wonderful world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication are two important keys to better human relations. Everyone needs friends because no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we should never forget. Patriotism(爱国主义) means a love for ones country. It is one of the highest qualities of humans. Everyone should love his own country. But people sometimes think that patriots (爱国者) must be fighters or that they live in a time of fighting for their country. That is wrong. A good youths work is not only fighting. A good youth will do the things his country asks him to do. I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.( )48. Whats the first thing a good youth should have?A healthy body. B. The best riches.C. The good ability. D. The patriotism.( ) 49. A person who has good qualities should _.A. think of himself B. help others that need helpC. help the people they know D. always do as others do( )50. The writer tells us that working with others is _.A. good for some people B. important for everyoneC. not necessary to good friends D interesting( )51. If you want to be a good youth of today, _.A. you should live alone B. you should also know artC. you can keep your own ideasD. you should fight for your countryDSeveral recent studies have suggested that women experience laughter more than men. According to medical studies ,laughter isnt just about having fun-it actually has many health benefits(好处). Studies have shown that the act of laughing can make blood pressure fall, reduce stress(压力)and improve immune function(免疫功能).Not only that, but laughter can also provide benefits similar to that of an antidepressant(抗抑郁). When you laugh your body lets out something that lead to a general feeling of health and happiness. Regular laughter can play a role in helping you to avoid many health problems. So not only do women tend to(趋向) laugh more than men,they are also more likely to have the last laugh”.Women are more likely to respond to men whom they find humorous and men seem to recognize(识别,认出) this and their best to make women laugh. It has been shown that women are more likely to laugh in the presence (仪表)of men whom they like and men are more likely to be attracted to women who laugh in their presence because it makes them feel better. Clearly, it is important to men that a woman appreciates (欣赏)their humor.来源:学科( )52. The studies show that regular laughter can_.A. raise blood pressure B. keep us nervousC. make immune function worse D. keep us healthy and happy( )53. If you feel sad, you should not take some medicine but_.A. do more exercise B. do what you likeC. laugh more D. improve your immune function( )54. From the last paragraph we can learn_.A. women dislike humorous men B. men dislike humorous womenC. laughter makes women humorous D. humorous men make women happy( )55. The main idea of the passage is_.A. women laugh more than men B. laughter has many health benefitsC. women enjoy humor more than men D. humorous men are popular with womenEIn todays world of modern science and medicine, a more traditional treatment is once again becoming popular-animal friendship. It is now well-known that people with problems such as heart disease or cancer live longer and get better more quickly if they have pets. Keeping pets reduces blood pressure and makes people less worried. Animals are increasingly important in treating older people who have memory loss and other brain problems. These people often feel nervous and upset. Activities with animals help them improve their physical condition and also give them joy, amusement and caring friendship. Here is a case that shows the benefits of animals. John was a six-year-old mute. He had no physical problems. He just refused to talk. His older cousin, Ned, had a parrot(鹦鹉)called Sally, and John used to visit it. When he arrived, Ned used to say, ”Hi, John!”We all know parrots copy what they heat. After a few visits, Sally began saying “Hi, John!” when John came into the room. Then, one day, John turned to the parrot and replied “Hi, Sally!”Staying with the parrot encouraged John to begin talking. Another use of animal helpers is in schools. In some cases, animals are use to help children with physical or personal problems. In other cases, they are used to teach children to get on well and share with others, and even to teach them about animals. If you want to know more about animal helper programs ,you can get in touch with organizations like Riding for the Disabled or do a search under “animal therapy” on the Internet. You dont have to be an animal trainer or a doctor to join in.( )56.Which is NOT mentioned as an illness that animals can help with?A. Fever B. Cancer C. Heart disease D. Blood pressure( )57.The underlined word “mute” in Paragraph3 is closest in meaning to “_”.A. a person who speaks slowly B.a person who does not speak C a person who cannot hear D.a person who enjoys talking( )58.How can animals help school children according to the passage?A. They can make children more popular.B. They can improve childrens memory.C. They can increase childrens blood pressure.D. They can teach children the value of sharing.( )59.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage? (=Para.(自然段)1 =para.2 =para.3 =para.4 =para.5 ) A.; B.; C.; D.;V. 口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. Have you got any video tapes?B. Wait a minute, please.C. Whats wrong with you?D. How long may I keep it?E. Id like to return this book.F. Its very kind of you. G. When do you need it?A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. 60 .A: OK. What do you think of it?B: Its interesting and helpful. 61 . A: Yes, but whats the name of the tape you want?B: In the Heart of the Sun.A: 62 . Let me check the computer for you.B: 63 .A: Ah, you are lucky. Nobody has taken it. Here you are.B: Thank you. 64 . A: Three days. But you should take care


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