



Unit 2 Cloning 阅读理解ASeven years ago,back in 2010,some reports covered a story that the worlds longest railway tunnel was under construction in Switzerland.At that point it had already been under construction for over a decade.It had been voted to be built nearly a quarter of a century ago!The idea to build it could date back to nearly 70 years agoabout as old as some of your grandparents!Yesterday,it was finally ready!Its about 35 miles long and runs 7,500 feet beneath the Swiss Alps,a famous mountain range in Switzerland.It even runs under an old tunnel that was there before.It took a total of 17 years to build at a cost of$12 billion!28 million tons of rock were dug.Two million truckloads of earth were removed!The tunnel connects northern and southern Europe.The opening of this tunnel was such a big deal that the Germanys leader,Chancellor Angela Merkel,Frances president,Francois Hollande,and Italys prime minister,Matteo Renzi,were all there to celebrate,as was Austrias chancellor Christian Kern.Its called the Gotthard Base Tunnel.Eventually,325 freight and passenger trains will go through the tunnel,relieving a lot of traffic on the roadways there and making it a more environmentally friendly option.The Gotthard Base Tunnel is a wonder of engineering and makes us want to visit it!【解题导语】本文介绍了戈特哈德隧道的建成及其相关情况和由此带来的意义。1When did people first have the idea of building the tunnel?AAbout 70 years ago.BHalf a century ago.CTwentyfive years ago.DSeven years ago.A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的最后一句可知,大约70年前人们第一次有建造该隧道的想法。故选A项。2What can we learn about the tunnel?AIt used to be an old tunnel.BIt has just been completed.CIt connects all European countries.DIt runs over a range of mountains.B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Yesterday,it was finally ready!”可知,该隧道刚刚竣工。故选B项。3What may be the purpose of building the tunnel?ATo improve traffic.BTo increase employment.CTo attract donation.DTo stop pollution.A解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“relieving a lot of traffic on the roadways there and making it a more environmentally friendly option”可知,该铁路隧道修建的目的是缓解交通压力。故选A项。4What can be inferred about the tunnel?AIt will cause conflicts among countries.BIt will be of little benefit to the locals.CIt may do damage to the environment.DIt may become a tourist attraction.D解析:推理判断题。根据最后一句中的“makes us want to visit it”可推知,该铁路隧道可能会成为一个旅游胜地。故选D项。B(2019福建泉州检测)We know a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of reading a hardcopy book vs. reading electronically. The problem is, many of us refuse to listen.Dont get me wrong: Digital reading has some real advantages. Ask people what they like most about reading on digital screens, and you hear over and over again about convenience. More points for digital reading:ebooks tend to be cheaper. Theres also the environmental argument. Think of the trees!Yet the soundness of this case is arguable. The earth metals to build ereaders are not just rare but highly poisonous. And think about all that energy needed to run servers and cooling fans. And remember, trees are a renewable resource.Then, theres the appeal of a hard copy. Many people prefer print when reading both for pleasure and for school or work. Drawing examples from my own research, some of the reasons are aesthetic(美学的). Others involve a sense of accomplishment, ease of annotation(“I can write on the pages”), and navigation(“easy to locate where I was”). Meanwhile, I hear abundant complaints about eye strain(眼疲劳) and headaches when using screens.Much of what students liked about reading print involved their minds. They say “its easier to focus”. Some also acknowledged they took more time with printed text and read more carefully.But what makes the failure of electronic reading is concentration. More than 92% of those I surveyed said they concentrated best when reading a hard copy. When a digital device has an Internet connection, its hard to resist the temptation(诱惑)So if digital interruptions dont threaten your enjoyment or understanding of a text, then medium may not matter. Casual reading like David Baldacci? If you break to check sports scores, there will be little harm done. But just dont expect to understand Joyces novels this way.【解题导语】文章主要介绍了在网络高度发达的社会中,电子书愈来愈有替代纸质书的趋势,然而作者通过对比两者的优缺点表达了对纸质书的青睐。5What is an advantage of reading a hardcopy book?AIt is cheaper.BIt is easier to carry around.CIt helps people think deeper.DIt provides instant information.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知,读纸质书能让人更专注、更认真,因此思考更深入。故选C项。6Whats the biggest problem of reading digitally?AEnvironmental concern.BPhysical discomfort.CLack of concentration.DInternet connection.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的第一句“But what makes the failure of electronic reading is concentration.”可知,电子书阅读的最大问题是缺乏专注。故选C项。7Whats the authors attitude toward ereading?ASupportive.BDisapproving.COptimistic. DUnconcerned.B解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三至六段尤其是最后一段可知,作者认为,如果电子阅读不会影响你阅读的愉悦感和对文本的理解,那么无可厚非。但是读类似乔伊斯的作品时就不是合适的选择了。由此可推测,作者对电子阅读持不赞成的态度。故选B项。8How is the passage mainly developed?ABy analyzing possible reasons.BBy providing typical examples.CBy listing practical suggestions.DBy presenting direct comparisons.D解析:推理判断题。文章的第二段主要讲了电子书的好处,第三段讲了电子书的缺点,第四、五段主要讲了纸质书的益处,第六段讲了电子书的缺点。因此整个文章是通过比较来写作的。故选D项。 七选五(2019深圳一模)Choosing the Right Path to Be a “Better” PersonLife is a constant exercise in selfimprovement.In the rush to achieve, the idea of being “better” can become lost sometimes.You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. 1._Explore your talents.Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests.So its often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.2_For example, people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club, but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be.Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what youll enjoy.3_No matter how much money you make, you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate.Its important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.If youre particularly unhappy at your job, consider why. 4._If you feel your job isnt meaningful, or isnt in line with your values, consider finding another job.Experience something new.Research has shown that when were in our comfort zone, we arent as productive as we are when we step just beyond it. 5._Because of that, we may react slowly to our own positive experiences.Its important to have new experiences and interactions with others, even when those are a little scary.Doing so can help you achieve more.ADo what you love.BHere are some tips for you.CRegister in a class youre interested in.DHuman adapt very quickly to positive events.EIts possible that some changes may change your feeling.FSimilar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.GTry not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.【解题导语】人生就是不断自我提升的过程,有时我们急于取得成功,却迷失了自我。本文就如何提升自己给出了一些建议。1B解析:上文提到你可能想知道如何用更简单的方式提升自己,下文则给出了一些建议。由此可知,设空处承上启下。B项符合语境。2F解析:本段最后一句提到,判断你喜欢跟谁在一起有助于你了解自己喜欢什么。由此可知,F项符合语境。故选F项。3A解析:本题考查标题句。根据该标题下的“Its important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.”可知,花时间做自己喜欢的事很重要。由此可知,A项(做你喜欢的事)符合语境。4E解析:上文提出如果特别不喜欢现在的工作,考虑一下原因,下文则提出考虑换一份工作。由此可知,E项(有时候做出一些改变也可以改变你的心情)符合语境。5D解析:本段的主题是体验新事物。空格后说,正因为如此,我们可能对自己的积极的经历反应迟钝。D项(人类对积极的事件适应很快)正好解释了下文的现象。故选D项。 语法填空(2019福建泉州检测)Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint 1._(they) faces in patterns and colors to represent different character types and 2._(quality)In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite complex. However, in the 3._(begin),only three colors were usedred, white, and black. Now, many other colors, such 4._ yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.Red is a color for brave and loyal characters. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms Period (A.D.220280), is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous 5._ being very loyal to his emperor, Liu Bei.White highlights all 6._ is bad in human nature. It 7._(suggest) dishonesty and betrayal(背叛). One of the typical whitefaced characters is Cao Cao, a 8._(power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.Black face paint is 9._(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent. One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.All these different colors are used in Beijing Opera facial painting 10._(provide


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