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chapter 10,Rural and urban life,了解常用写作手法,了解作者是用什么写作手法组织材料的,有助于我们抓住作者的写作目的,辨别文章的体裁,分清主次信息,找出主题,中心思想和辅助材料,从而提高阅读速度。简单常见的写作手法包括: 例举事例,事件; 以事件发生的先后顺序展开文章;比较与对比以及混合手法等。其它常见手法还有分类法,例证法,因果法等。例举事例,事件的写作手法常用来发展辅助性细节。在这类写作模式中,中心思想常位于首段落尾部,而后作者通过例举的方法展开。识别这类写作方法最好是掌握一些例举常用的信号词。以事件发生的先后顺序展开文章的方法可简单分为正叙和倒叙两种,也通过信息词识别。掌握这种方法能帮助我们迅速理清文章思路。比较与对比也是常见写作模式,前者强调所比较两事物的相似之处,后者强调的是不同之处。这类写作中的信号词很多,我们平时要注意积累。最后要说的是混合手法,是我们在阅读时常见的手法。混合法是将上述写作手法中的两种或两种以上在一篇文章中混合使用。为了成功地阐述观点,发展主题,作者常将几种写作手法混合使用。,Theme Introduction:,Population growth, combined with the fast pace of modern development, has changed both the rural and urban landscape in most parts of the world today. The rural areas have experienced pollution, wildlife has become endangered, and traditional towns and villages have lost their original charm. The growth in urban areas has put a strain on natural resources, and has made it difficult for people to live a good and healthy life. What can be done to improve this situation? This chapter will give you alternatives for the future, and tell you how life is improving in some parts of the world.,本章描述了哥伦比亚Gaviotas 地区建设可持续生存环境的案例、在人与自然共存方面则以云南DAYAN古城的保护为例进行了阐述、介绍了建造海上大船和巴西东南部城市Curitiba, 成功地解决诸多城市问题的做法。,key words and sentences,global trend:全球趋势 urban:城市的 strain:紧张 rural:乡村的 glowing:光辉的 rutted:有车辙的,崎岖的 choked:窒息的 navigate:驾驶,航海 guerrilla:游击队,paramilitary:准军事部队 roadblock:路障 loom:隐隐呈现 horizon:地平线 aluminuim:铝 windmill:风车 infertile:不肥沃的 cluster:丛,束 swooping:陡斜的 solar collector:太阳能集热器,visionary:理想主义者 inhabit:居住 inhospitable:不适于居住的 savanna:(热带或亚热带)无树的大草原 impact:影响 malarial:疟疾 solar “kettle“:太阳能热水器 convert:转变 solar water heater:太阳能热水器 restore:恢复 flourish:繁茂生长,resin:树脂 bark:树皮 tap:流出 maple syrup:枫树浆汁 perfume:香水 distill:蒸馏 pollution-free:无污染的 byproduct:副产品 turpentine:松节油,松脂 canopy:树冠,华盖 hawk:鹰,institutional:公共机构的 effectively:高效地 professional:职业培训 Homemaker:家庭主妇 contractor:承包商,operators license:驾照 daycare:日托 extinction:灭绝 souvenir:纪念 profit:利润 snack:小吃,快餐 involvement:参与,turn out 原来是,证明 She turned out to be the daughter of an old friend. 她原来是一位老朋友的女儿。 at hand 在手边,供使用 When she writes, she always keeps a dictionary at hand. 她写作时总放本字典在手边。,emerge from:出现 The sun emerged from behind the cloud. 太阳从云背后出现了。 be looked upon as: 被看作(带有仰慕之情) He is looked upon as a famous musician. 他被看作是一位著名的音乐家。,Legend has it that: 据传说 Legend has it that the mountain was transformed by a lady who always expected her husband to come back. 据传说这座山是由一位盼夫归的女子变的。,shield from:遮蔽 This cottage shielded him from being caught in the heavy rain. 这间农舍为他遮蔽了这场大雨。,used to:过去常常 I used to swim in winter. 我过去常在冬天游泳。 similar to:与相似 Gold is similar in color to brass. 金和黄铜颜色相近。,take in: 接纳,吸收 Tankers were taking in cargoes of finished oil products. 油船正在装石油成品。 range from to 从到 The price of this product in market is ranging from $5 to $15. 此产品的市价从5美元到15美元不等。,fork out:(口语)不情愿地付出 He has to fork out $50 to have the car repaired. 他得付50美元修理汽车。 in common with 与一样: In common with most Englishmen, he likes football. 他和多数英国人一样喜欢足球。,Sacrifice for:为 牺牲 We have to sacrifice quantities for qualities. 我们不得不牺牲数量保质量。 stuff with: 用填塞 Please stuff the bag with feathers. 请将这只袋子装满羽毛。 注意:stuff用作动词时有“填塞”之意,用作名词时,意为“材料”。,figure out: 想出,理解 I cant figure that man out, he puzzles me. 我不了解那个人,他使我迷惑不解。 have/has an effect on: 对有结果/效果 This medicine has a great effect on the disease. 此药对这种疾病有很好疗效,Specialists in a variety of fields from engineering to agriculture, have come together to create sustainable living environments in some of the less accessible parts of the world where the population is overflowing. 从工程到农业的各行各业的专家们走到了一起,在人口过多而交通不便的地区创造出可持续性的生活环境。 该句为复合句,主句主语是Specialists;介词短语in a variety of fields from engineering to agriculture作定语,句谓语动词是have come;动词不定式短语to create sustainable living environments in some of the less accessible parts of the world作目的状语; where引导定语从句修饰the world.,To get to Gaviotas from Bogata, the capital of Colombia, it takes 16 hours driving over rutted, dangerous, dust-choked roads of no mans land. 要想从哥伦比亚首都Bogata去Gaviotas,得驱车16小时,驶过崎岖不平,没有人迹的路段,这些路尘土飞扬又危险。 该句为简单句,句首是动词不定式短语作全句状语,其中the capital of Colombia作Bogata的同位语;主句为:it是形式主语,takes是句谓语,16 hours是宾语,driving动名词短语至句尾是真实主语。,s it turns out, the sunflowers are windmills, and the green mass a 25,000-acre forest, rising from an infertile tropical plain. 原来,出现在这片贫瘠的热带平原上的太阳花是风车,绿地是25,000英亩的森林。 该句为复合句,As引导状语从句,主句为黑体字,rising现在分词短语作状语,修饰全句。,The hand pumps the Gaviotans invented to reach deep water reservoirs was the perfect solution, and proved so easy to use they hooked them to childrens seesaws. Gaviotas人发明了可从深深的蓄水池中汲水的手泵,使问题得到完美解决,手泵证明简单易用,人们干脆把它们挂到孩子们玩的跷跷板上。 该句主语为The hand pumps,两个并列谓语was and proved; the Gaviotans invented to reach deep water reservoirs定语从句修饰The hand pumps;so that结构引导状语从句,that应位于they hooked them之前,这里省略。,Houses with white walls, black tile roofs and flying eaves line the pebbled streets, which are less than 5 meters wide. 白墙,黑瓦屋顶,带飞檐的房屋排列在不足5米宽的卵石街两侧. 该句为复合句,Houses为主句主语,其后with结构作定语,line为主句谓语,the pebbled streets是宾语,which引导非限定性定语从句修饰宾语。,Located near the towns center, the old palace used to have a grandeur similar to that of the Forbidden City in Beijing. 古老的穆家殿位于该城中心地带,从前,其辉煌似北京的紫禁城。 该句为简单句,句首Located过去分词短语作状语,the old palace为句主语,used to have是谓语部分,grandeur是宾语,similar to形容词短语直到句尾作定语修饰宾语,其中that指代grandeur.,Well, this is how life in the future could be aboard Freedom, a sea-surfing city already under construction. 可这也许就是自由号上的未来生活,自由号是座在海上遨游的城市, 现在已在建设中。 该句中有how引导的表语从句,从句中a sea-surfing city already under construction是Freedom的同位语。,The boat will feature international banking where you can exchange currencies from at least four countries in a matter of minutes, rather than having to wait hours or days to get your money exchanged at banks on shore. 船上实行的是国际银行营业制,你只需几分钟就可兑换至少四国货币,而不必像在岸上银行一样,得等几小时或几天的时间兑换货币。 该句为复合句,主句是The boat will feature international banking,而where引导的定语从句修饰international banking,逗号后面是比较状语rather than短语结构,表示否定。,The first lighthouse was built as an experiment in 1995 to determine exactly who would use it, and the effect


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