



Weloveanimals教学设计 知识目标 1.Practice the drills of this lesson: Look at the It is / Look , I have a May I have a look? Sure, here you are. Thank you./ 2.Learn to find the pronunciation of the words. 3.Have the Ss use the sentences freely. 情感态度 使学生有兴趣说英语,唱歌谣,编对话,敢于开口,乐于合作参与。 学习策略 把本单元的知识点通过合理整合,巩固旧知学习新知,尽量让学生学会用英语进行交流,并培养其语言综合运用能力。 教学重难点 1.Find the pronunciation of the words.(发现单词的发音规律) 2.Make a chant. (编一首歌谣) 3.Make a dialogue. (编一段对话) 学情 分析 学生为小学三年级的学生,接触英语时间不长,但对英语有浓厚兴趣,喜欢说说唱唱和表演。 课前准备 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,图片,头饰等。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) We love animals 设计意图及效果 Step I. Warm-up 1、Greeting: Hello, children! How are you? Do you like singing? 2、Sing a song. Step II. Presentation T: Old Macdonald has a farm, and I have a farm, too. Do you want to visit it? (Yes.) Ok, lets go. Look , this is my farm. Its very big and beautiful. Now, listen! (sound) 1、T: What do you hear? S1: I hear a/an Listen again. Check their answers. 2、Review the animal words and find the pronunciation of these words: duck cow pig rabbit hen dog cat mouse bird. 3、Point to the picture of the cat. -Look at the cat. It is fat. Say and do the actions. (Show the sentences cards:Look at the It is) 1) Lets chant. a. Read and do the actions. b. Take out a picture of a duck and say “Look at the” , encourage Ss to say the different answers: “It is” 2) Make a chant. Each group choose 3 or 4 animals and make a chant with the sentences: Look at the It is Look at the It is Look at the In my Ahhh! Each group act their new chant. 4、T: They are farm animals. Do you know what animals are in the forest? Now ,Lets go to the forest. Look, This is a big house. 1) Guess: Whats in the house? -The is in the house. 2)Its an elephant. I can see an elephant. What can you see in the forest? -I can see ( bear, elephant, monkey, squirrel, panda ) Listen and repeat these word. Step III. Practice. 1、Draw an animal. T: What animals do you like? Draw it please. 2、Tell the Ss to introduce their favourite animal to their friends with the sentences: I have a / an It is I like it. (Work in groups.) 3、T: Look, there is a squirrel. It has nothing. It wants to get this present. Can you help it? a. Read the words. b. Lets do. c. Guess: What is it? d. Guess: What is it? e. Read and match. f. Read and match. 4、Read and match. Step IV. Consolidation. 1、Make a dialogue: Hello, Im Hi, Im I have a May I have a look? Sure, here you are. Thank you. Oh, its (Work in pairs) 2、T: Some animals are on the farm, some animals are in the forest, and others are in the zoo. Look , what animals are there in the zoo? 3、T: They are all our friends. We love animals. Step V. Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and repeat: Unit 4 2.Act out your dialogue in your class meeting. 歌曲轻松明快,节奏感强,可以使学生快乐地进入到学习之中。 由歌曲中的Macdonalds farm进入到 my farm.,学生充满好奇。而且由动物的叫声来引出要复习的动物单词,既可以集中注意力,也可以保持学生的好奇心。 用红黑两种颜色来区别元音发音和辅音发音的字母,可以帮助学生更好地掌握字母的发音规律。 这首chant节奏欢快,语音抑扬顿挫,学生爱读乐读,很好地巩固了句型:Look at the It is 由师生互动编chant进展为小组合作编chant, 循序渐进地练习, 符合学生的认知特点。 通过自编的歌谣,既可以活跃了课堂气氛,又可以有效地复习了前面所学的单词和句型。 “The is in the house.”是一个全新的句型,在潜移默化中让学生接触一些新句型,并尝试着说出来,才能真正地“习得”语言。另外,把新旧知识有机结合,在练习新句型的同时,把过去的知识加以更新和巩固。 通过帮助小松鼠的活动方式展开复习,把已学的知识有机地串在一起,而且能够帮助小松鼠可以让孩子们感到非常开心和自豪,复习就可以既完整又有趣。


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