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关 键 词:
棒棒糖 自动 包装 机理 机构 传动 装置 设计 图纸 优秀 优良


30页 7100字数+说明书+开题报告+任务书+文献综述+外文翻译+8张CAD图纸


















目  录

前  言1












































9.1.1 输入轴15

9.1.2 中间轴15
















9.4.1 轴承润滑方式选择25

9.4.2 齿轮润滑方式选择25


结  论26


致  谢28






中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计任务书学生姓名李 巍学号05208316班 级机制3班指导教师牛博英职称助教单 位中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计题目棒棒糖自动包装机理糖机构传动装置设计毕业设计主要内容和要求:棒棒糖作为一种畅销的糖果已经进入了人们的日常生活。这也给棒棒糖包装提出了挑战。为了减轻操作工人的劳动强度,自动棒棒糖包装机应运而生,该包装机的理糖机构非常重要,为保证包装机的正常工作,本设计提出了要设计一棒棒糖自动包装机理糖机构传动装置的设计。理糖机构传动装置功能:为能将棒棒糖整理成统一姿态的理糖盘选装提供动力。要求:理糖盘转速4.3r/min,理糖盘转速允许误差5%,工作所需功率0.3kw;工作条件是室内,无尘,三班工作制,要求使用寿命12000h;动力来源为电力,三相交流,电压380v;一般机械厂制造,小批量生产。传动要求为实现水平放置的电动机的垂直转矩通过该设计转换成水平转矩。毕业设计主要参考资料:1 尚久浩主编.自动机械设计.北京:中国轻工业出版社,19872 濮良贵 纪明刚主编 机械设计 北京:高等教育出版社,20063 王伯平主编 互换性与测量技术基础(第三版) 北京:机械工业出版社,20084 郭克希 王建国主编 机械制图 北京:机械工业出版社,20085 邓星钟主编 机电传动控制(第四版) 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,20116 刘鸿文主编 材料力学(第四版) 北京:高等教育出版社,20037 高愿军 熊卫东主编 食品包装 北京:化学工业出版社,20058 肖旭霖主编 食品加工机械与设备 北京:中国轻工业出版社,20009 黄颖为主编 包装机械结构与设计 北京:化学工业出版社,200710 成大先主编 机械设计手册(单行本)北京:化学工业出版社,200411 小栗富士雄(日) 小栗达男(日)主编 陈祝同 刘惠臣译 机械设计禁忌手册 北京:机械工业出版社,199912 银金光 王洪主编 机械设计课程设计 北京:中国林业出版社,2006 13 成铁明主编 机械设计课程设计图册(第三版)北京:高等教育出版社,198914 欠宗泽 罗圣国主编 机械设计课程设计手册 北京:高等教育出版社,200615 孔凌嘉 毛谦德主编 简明机械设计手册 北京:北京理工大学出版社,2008毕业设计应完成的主要工作:本毕业设计的主要工作是完成棒棒糖自动包装机的理糖机构传动装置设计,为后续包装工作做好准备。图纸和说明书要求:绘制棒棒糖自动包装机送糖机构的总体结构图及各机构的零件图等,合计3张零号图纸;并编写设计说明书,字数不得少于6000字。毕业设计进度安排:序号毕业设计各阶段内容时间安排备注1查阅参考文献,确定研究方案12月2 日12月20日2整理开题报告,准备开题12月23 日12月31日3文献综述的撰写和外文翻译定稿1月1日1月20日4去顶传动装置传动方案1月21日1月27日5选择电动机1月28日2月3日6齿轮设计2月4日2月10日7蜗轮蜗杆设计2月11日2月17日8轴的设计2月18日2月27日8主要零部件强度校核2月28日4月5日9箱体尺寸设计4月6 日4月15日10编写设计说明书,准备毕业答辩4月16日4月30日课题信息:课题性质: 设计 论文 课题来源: 教学 科研 生产 其它发出任务书日期: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 学生签名:中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系 别: 工程技术系 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 2012 年 1 月 18 日包装机的研究现状及发展趋势简单来说,包装机就是把产品包装起来机器,起着保护,美观的作用。 包装机主要分两个方面,一是流水线式整体生产包装,二是产品外围包装设备。包装机简介1.流水线式整体生产包装,应用于食品,医药,化工等行业的(袋装,瓶装)产品的灌装主要包括:液体(膏体)灌装机,枕式包装机,粉剂颗粒包装机,给袋式自动包装机等。2.产品外围包装设备, 用于产品生产出来后的,喷(打)生产日期,封口,缩膜等。主要包括:灌装机, 封口机,喷码机,打包机,真空机,收缩机,真空包装机等。自动包装机的优势要想在规定的时间内,为自己创造出最大的利益,就要确保自己的食品包装生产线运行良好,在生产过程中不会出现错误,这样在尽量避免错误出现和故障的影响,才会为企业获得最大的利益。自动化水平在制造工业中不断提高,应用范围正在拓展。包装机械行业中自动化操作正在改变着包装过程的动作方式和包装容器及材料的加工方法。实现自动控制的包装系统能够极大地提高生产效率和产品质量,显著消除包装工序及印刷贴标等造成的误差,有效减轻职工的劳动强度并降低能源和资源的消耗。具有革命意义的自动化改变着包装机械行业的制造方法及其产品的传输方式。设计、安装的自动控制包装系统,无论从提高包装机械行业的产品质量和生产效率方面,还是从消除加工误差和减轻劳动强度方面,都表现出十分明显的作用。尤其是对食品、饮料、药品、电子等行业而言,都是至关重要的。自动装置和系统工程方面的技术正在进一步深化,并得到更广泛的应用。发展现状仍就食品的销售包装而言,现今最常用、最基本的包装工艺方法有两大类,即充填与裹包。充填方法几乎适用于一切物料和各类包装容器。具体讲,对流动性较好的液体、粉体、散粒体,主要依靠自身重力,必要是辅以一定的机械作用便可完成包装过程。而对黏性较强的半流体或体形较大的单件、组合件,则要求采用相应的挤压、推入、拾放等强制性措施。至于裹包方法却与此有所差异,它主要适用于外形规整、有足够硬性挺性、且要求包装得较紧实的单件或组合件,多用柔性的塑料及其复合材料(有的附加轻质托盘、衬板),借助机械作用进行裹包。 近十余年来,国际包装界十分重视提高包装机械及整个包装系统的通用能力和多功能集成能力,为市场开拓日新月异的多样化商品提供及时灵活应变的生产手段。同时基于合理简化包装和优势包装工艺方法的实际需要,不断探索,明显地加快了自身技术革新的步伐。尤其是与现代自动机床同步发展相呼应,逐步明确。要想建立多样化、通用化、多功能集成化的包装机械新体系,首先必须着重解决组合化和机电一体化的大问题,无疑这是今后的重要发展方向。 机械包装代替手工包装,大大提高了包装的效率,但是包装泛滥也已经成为一种恶习。未来不仅仅包装,包装机械也将朝向环保发展。绿色环保就是未来的主旋律。发展前景预测目前,食品包装企业大部分规模偏小,“小而全”是其主要特征之一,同时存在着不顾行业发展要求,重复生产那些成本低、工艺水平比较落后、易于制造的机械产品,行业内目前大约有1/4的企业存在低水平重复生产现象。这是对资源的极大浪费,造成包装机械市场的混乱,阻碍行业的发展。 多数企业年产值在几百万元到1000万元之间,低于100万元的企业为数还不少。每年有近15%的企业转产或倒闭,但又有15%的企业加入这个行业,极其不稳定,现象阻碍了行业发展的稳定性。 随着科学技术的不断发展,各种食品、水产加工品的出现,对食品包装技术和设备都提出了新的要求。目前,食品包装机械竞争日趋激烈,未来的食品包装机械将配合产业自动化,促进包装设备总体水平提高,发展多功能、高效率、低消耗的食品包装设备。 实现食品包装机械机电一体化 传统的包装机械多采用机械式控制,如凸轮分配轴式,后来又出现了光电控制、气动控制等控制形式。但是,随着食品加工工艺的日益提高,对包装参数的要求不断增多,原有的控制系统已难以满足发展的需要,应采用新的技术改变食品包装机械的面貌。当今的食品包装机械是集机、电、气、光、磁于一体的机械电子设备,在设计时,应着力于提高包装机械的自动化程度,将包装机械的研发与计算机结合,实现机电一体化控制。 机电一体化的实质就是从系统观点出发,运用过程控制原理,将机械、电子与信息、检测等有关技术进行有机组合,实现整体最佳化。 总体讲,它是将微机技术引入到包装机械,应用机电一体化技术,开发智能化包装技术,按产品自动包装工艺要求组合成全自动包装系统进行生产,生产过程的检测与控制、故障的诊断与排除将实现全面自动化,实现高速、优质、低耗和安全生产。可用于水产加工食品的精确计量、高速充填和包装过程自动控制等,将使包装机械结构大为简化,提高包装产品质量。如最常见的塑料袋封口机,其封口质量与包装材料、热封温度和运行速度等有关。如材料(材质、厚度)发生变化,那温度和速度也要随之改变,但变化多少却难把握。如采用微机控制,将各种包装材料的封口温度和速度的最佳参数匹配输入微机存储器,再配上必要的传感器,组成自动跟踪系统,这样,不管哪个工艺参数改变,都能保证最佳的封口质量。采用新技术,建立自动化、多样化、多功能集成化的包装机械新体系食品包装机械其技术发展趋势主要体现在高生产率、自动化、单机多功能、多功能组成生产线、采用新技术上。如:多工位制袋真空包装机,其制袋、称重、充填、抽真空、封口等多种功能可在一台单机上完成;功能不同、效率相匹配的几种机器可组合成为功能较齐全的生产线,如法国CRACECRYOYA和ISTM公司研制的鲜鱼真空包装生产线。采用相关新技术,在包装方法上大量采用充气包装取代真空包装,将充气成分、包装材料与充气包装机三方面的研究紧密结合起来;在控制技术上,更多地应用计算机技术和微电子技术; 在封口方面应用热管和冷封口技术。另外,随着包装从单一技术转向与加工相结合研究取得进展,应将包装技术领域延伸到加工领域,开发包装、加工一体化的食品加工包装设备。 适应国际市场要求,开发设计绿色包装机械,国际包装机械行业竞争日益激烈,绿色贸易壁垒对食品包装机械行业提出更高的要求,所以,必须改变传统的包装机械设计及开发模式,在设计阶段考虑到使包装机械在其全生命周期中(设计、加工制造、装配、使用、维修直至废弃后处理处置过程)对环境无影响或影响最小化、资源低耗、易于回收等“绿色特征”,以提升包装机械的核心竞争力。印刷用油墨在内的关键原材料及其供应方目录应进行备案,以便对批量生产的食品包装/容器类产品进行监督控制,使消费者能够买到保证安全、放心的产品。因为千千万万消费者每天要食用的食品、药品,必须使用不仅能保护内容物不受病毒、病菌污染的软塑包装材料,还要求软塑包装材料本身符合安全卫生的规定,避免包装材料污染所包装的食品、药品,故保证食品包装的卫生安全性乃是当务之急。自动套袋包装机介绍 全自动套袋包装机是热收缩包装机设备中最先进、自动化程度最高的一款产品。该产品适用于薄膜封切及热收缩包装。全自动热收缩包装机可以自动送膜、然后自动制袋、表面抚平,封口切膜打包、热收缩包装一次完成。同时对废料可以进行回收。全自动热收缩机的切刀为恒温式特级铝合金材料,为POF膜片封切特制。该切刀的特点是封口线比较细,抗粘。另外,针对包装大小不一的情况,全自动热收缩包装机可以在一定范围内调整,不用更换磨具。同时可以手动调整的部位还有热收缩炉温度和热收缩包装的速度。该产品广泛用在制药、食品、文具、化妆品、电子产品、玩具等领域。 首先对套袋包装机设定好加热时间 按下手动或则自动按钮后,齿条汽缸电磁阀得电输出推动齿轮,齿轮带动链条,此时齿条汽缸后位接近开关断开。当齿条汽缸运行到上止点时,齿条汽缸的前位接近开关导通,烘箱汽缸电磁阀得电输出。烘箱汽缸运行到上止点时,定时器启动开始延时,齿条汽缸电磁阀断电。定时结束,烘箱汽缸电磁阀断电。依据工作方式标志位,决定是否继续下一个 工作流程。21世纪包装机发展趋势真空包装技术起源于20世纪40年代。自1950年聚酯、聚乙烯塑料薄膜成功地应用于商品包装以来,真空包装机便得到迅速的发展,其技术发展趋势主要体现在高生产率、自动化、单机多功能、组成生产线、采用相关新技术这5个方面。 1、高生产率。真空包装机的生产率已从每分钟数件发展到数10件,热成型充填封口机的生产率可达500件/分以上。 2、自动化。如星火500双室真空包装机具有抽真空、封口、印字、冷却一次性完成之功能,主要用于茶叶、花生、虾仁、玉米等食品的包装。 3、单机多功能。在单机上实现多功能,可方便地扩大使用范围。实现单机多功能必须采用模块化设计,通过功能模块的变换和组合,成为适用于不同包装材料、包装物品、包装要求的不同类型的真空包装机。代表性的产品有德国BOSCH公司所属的HESSER厂生产的心轴轮多工位制袋真空包装机,其制袋、称重、充填、抽真空、封口等多种功能可在一台单机上完成。 4、组成生产线。当需要的功能越来越多时,将所有的功能集中在一个单机上会使结构非常复杂,操作维修也不方便,这时可把功能不同、效率相匹配的几种机器组合成功能较齐全的生产线。 5、采用相关新技术。在包装方法上大量采用充气包装取代真空包装,将充气成分、包装材料与充气包装机三方面的研究紧密结合起来;在控制技术上,更多地应用计算机技术和微电子技术;在封口方面应用热管和冷封口技术,也可以将先进的装置直接安装在真空包装机上,如装上计算机控制的粗粒物料高精度组合秤;在旋转或真空包装机上,应用先进高速的圆弧面凸轮分度机械等。Research and development trend of the packaging machineSimply put, the packaging machine is the product packaging up the machine, plays a protection role of the beautiful. The packaging machine in two main areas, the overall production pipeline packaging products periphery packaging equipment.Packing Machine Profile1.the pipelined overall production of packaging, used in food, medicine, chemical industry (bags, bottled) filling include: liquid (paste) filling machine, pillow packing machine, powder, granule packing machine, to bag automatic packaging machine.2. Peripheral packaging equipment for the product produced, the spray date of manufacture, sealing, shrink film. Include: filling machine, sealing machine, inkjet printer, packing machine, vacuum machine, shrink machine, vacuum packing machines and other.The advantages of automatic packaging machineTo within the stipulated time for themselves to create the maximum benefit, it is necessary to ensure their own food packaging production line is running well, without error in the production process, so in order to avoid errors and failure of will enterprises to obtain the maximum benefit. Level of automation in the manufacturing industry, continuous improvement, is expanding its range of applications. Automation in the packaging machinery industry is changing the action mode of the packaging process and packaging containers and materials processing methods. Packaging systems for automatic control can greatly improve production efficiency and product quality, significantly eliminate the packaging process and printed labeling error, effectively reducing the labor intensity of workers and reduce energy and resource consumption. The automation of revolutionary change the transmission of the manufacturing method of the packaging machinery industry and its products. Design, install the automatic control of packaging systems, in terms of improving product quality and production efficiency of the packaging machinery industry, or from the elimination of processing errors and reduce labor intensity, have demonstrated a very significant role. Especially for food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, electronics and other industries, are essential. Automatic devices and systems engineering aspects of the technology is further deepened, and a wider range of applications.Development StatusStill on the sale of food packaging, the most common and basic packaging technology there are two categories, namely, filling and wrapping. The filling method is suitable for almost all materials and all kinds of containers. Specifically, good fluidity liquid, powder, granular, mainly depends on its gravity, if necessary, supplemented by some mechanical action can be completed in the packaging process. Semi liquid or body of viscous strong large one-piece assembly, the corresponding squeeze, push, pick and place and other coercive measures. The wrapping method shows just the difference, it mainly applies to the regular shape, there is enough hard very nature, and requires tight packing single or combination, the use of flexible plastics and composite materials (and some additional lightweight tray liners), wrapping the aid of mechanical action. The past decade, the international packaging industry attaches great importance to improve the general ability of packaging machinery and packaging systems and multi-function integration capabilities to provide timely and flexible response of the means of production for the market to develop the rapid diversification of commodities. Based on reasonable actual need to simplify the method of packaging and advantages of the packaging process, continuing to explore, significantly accelerated the pace of technological innovation. In particular, the simultaneous development of modern automatic machine echoes gradually clear. To build a diverse, universal, multi-function integrated packaging machinery system, we must first focus on solving the big problem of the combination and the mechanical and electrical integration, no doubt, this is an important development in the future direction. Mechanical packaging instead of manual packaging, greatly improving the efficiency of the packaging, packaging flooding has become a habit. Not only the future of packaging, but it is also packaging machinery will also be toward the development of the environmental protection. Green is the main theme of the future.Future prospects ofAt present, most of the food packaging business scale is small, small is one of its main characteristics, exist regardless of the industry development requirements, repeat the production of those low cost, and level of technology is relatively backward, easy to manufacture mechanical products industry At present there are about 1/4 of the corporate existence of low-level repetitive phenomenon. This is a tremendous waste of resources, resulting in the packaging machinery market confusions; hinder the development of the industry. The annual output value of the majority of enterprises in a few million dollars to 10 million dollars, the number of less than 100 million businesses there are still many. Annual conversion or closure of nearly 15% of the enterprises, but another 15% of companies have joined this industry, is extremely unstable, the phenomenon has hindered the development of the industrys stability. With the continuous development of science and technology, a variety of food, aquatic products, the emergence of new demands on food packaging technology and equipment. Currently, the increasingly fierce competition in the food packaging machinery, food packaging machinery in the future will be coordinated with the industrial automation, to promote the overall level of packaging equipment, and the development of versatile, high efficiency, low consumption of food packaging equipment. Packaging machinery food packaging machinery, mechanical and electrical integration of traditional use of mechanical control, such as the distribution cam shaft, and later a photoelectric control, pneumatic control and other forms of control. However, with increasing food processing, packaging parameters continue to increase, the original control system has been difficult to meet the needs of the development should adopt a new technology has changed the face of food packaging machinery. Todays food packaging machinery, machine, electricity, gas, light, magnetic, mechanical and electrical equipment, design, should focus on improving the degree of automation of packaging machinery, packaging machinery research and development combined with the computer, mechanical and electrical integration. Controlled. Mechanical and electrical integration, in essence, be starting from the system point of view, the use of process control theory, the technology of the machinery, electronics and information, testing organic combination, to achieve the overall best. Overall speaking, it is to bring computer technology to the packaging machinery, application of macaronis technology to develop intelligent packaging technology, packaging technology requirements by product into automatic packaging system for production, detection and control of the production process, fault diagnosis and preclude the realization of fully automated, high-speed, high-quality, low consumption and production safety. Can be used for accurate measurement of aquatic processed foods, high-speed filling and packaging process automatic control, will enable the packaging machinery structure greatly simplified, and improve the quality of packaging products. Such as the most common plastic bag sealing machine, sealing quality and packaging materials, sealing temperature and running speed, etc. Change such as material (material, thickness), temperature and speed should change, but change the number of difficult to grasp. Such as the use of computer control, the best parameter matching a variety of packaging materials, sealing temperature and speed to enter the computer memory, adding the necessary sensors, to form an automatic tracking system, so, no matter what changes in process parameters, can guarantee the best sealing quality. Adopt new technologies, build automation, diversification, multi-function integrated a new system of food packaging machinery, packaging machinery, technology trends reflected in the production line of high productivity, automation, stand-alone multi-function, multi-functional composition, the use of new technologies. Such as: multi bag vacuum packaging machine, its bag making, weighing, filling, vacuum sealed, and a variety of functions in a single; different functions, to match the efficiency of several machines can be combined as a functional complete production lines, such as fresh fish developed by French CRACECRYOYA and ISTM vacuum packaging production line. Using new technology, packaging methods, extensive use of inflatable packaging to replace the vacuum packaging, the three aspects of the inflation component, packaging material and inflatable packaging machine to closely combine; in control technology, and application of computer technology and microelectronic technology; seal heat pipes and cold sealing technology. In addition, with the packaging from a single technology to the combination of research progress and processing, the field of packaging technology should be extended to the processing area, the development of packaging, processing integrated food processing and packaging equipment. Adapt to international market requirements, development and design of green packaging machinery, international packaging machinery industry is increasingly competitive, demanding higher green trade barriers for food packaging machinery industry, therefore, must change the traditional packaging machinery design and development model in the design phase to packaging machinery in its full life cycle (design, manufacturing, assembly, use, maintenance until after the waste treatment and disposal process) the environmental impact or minimize the impact of resources and low consumption, easy recovery green features to enhance the core competitiveness of the packaging machinery. Printing ink included is the key raw materials and supply-side directory should be carried out for the record, supervision and control to the mass production of food packaging / container products so that consumers can buy to ensure a safe and secure products. Because millions of consumers every day consumption of food, medicine, must be used not only to protect the contents from viruses, bacteria contamination of soft plastic packaging materials, also called soft plastic packaging material is in compliance with the provisions of the Safety and Health, to avoid packing material contamination of the packaged food, medicines, and therefore to ensure the health safety of food packaging is a priority.Automatic bagging packaging machineThe automatic bagging packaging machine shrinks packaging machine equipment, the most advanced and highest degree of automation of a product. The products are suitable for the film of the sealing and shrink packaging. Automatic shrink packaging machine can be automatically sent to the membrane, and then the automatic bag, smooth surface, sealing cut membrane packing, shrink packing at once. Waste can be recycled. Automatic Shrink Machine cutter for the thermostatic premium aluminum alloy, the Chet system for POF diaphragm seal. The cutter is characterized by the sealing line is quite thin, anti-stick. In addition, for the packaging of different sizes, automatic shrink packaging machine can be adjusted within a certain range, do not replace the abrasive. At the same time the site can manually adjust the Shrink temperature and speed shrink packaging. The product is widely used in pharmaceutical, food, stationery, cosmetics, electronic products, toys and other fields. First bagged packaging machine set heating time manually or is automatically button is pressed, the output of the rack cylinder electric solenoid valve to promote gear, gear driven chain, the rack cylinder proximity switch disconnected. When the rack cylinder run to the only point, the first proximity switch turns on, the oven of the rack cylinder solenoid valve is energized output. Oven cylinder run to the point, the timer start delay, the rack cylinder solenoid valve power. Timing the end of the oven cylinder solenoid valve power. Flag, according to the work to decide whether to continue under a workflow.Packaging machine development trend of the 21st centuryVacuum packaging technology originated in the 1940s. Since 1950 polyester, polyethylene plastic film used in the packaging of goods, vacuum packaging machine will be the rapid development of technology trends reflected in the high productivity, automation, and stand-alone multi-function, composition of the production line, the use of new technology These five aspects.1. Highly
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