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关 键 词:
基于 ccd 弹簧 刚度 测量 丈量 装置 设计 图纸 solidworks 三维 优秀 优良


44页 20000字数+说明书+开题报告+任务书+外文翻译+5张CAD图纸+SolidWorks三维













第1章  绪论1

1.1 弹簧管概述1

1.2 弹簧管刚度检测技术的发展及研究现状3

1.3 弹簧管刚度测量中相关理论综述4

1.4 本课题的主要研究内容4

第2章  弹簧管刚度测量系统的研制6

2.1 弹簧管的技术指标6

2.2 弹簧管刚度测量系统总体方案的确定6

2.3 测量台架及测量夹具和调整装置的结构设计7

2.4 数据测量元件的选择11

2.5 刚度测量的主要步骤12

2.6 测量系统应用概况13

第3章  弹簧管刚度测量中误差分析与建模15

3.1 单臂施力多点法弹簧管刚度测量系统中的误差源分析15

3.2 测量原理误差16

 3.3 弹簧管刚度测量系统的变形误差分析与建模18

第4章  提高弹簧管刚度测量精度的方法研究19

4.1 结构优化法提高测量精度的研究19

4.2 误差补偿法提高测量精度的研究19

 4.3 粗糙表面的数值模拟19

 4.4 表面形貌数值模拟方法的选择20


















 关键词 弹簧管;刚度;精密测量;误差补偿;接触变形

哈尔滨工业大学华德应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)任务书学生姓名艾志超系部机电工程系专业、班级机械设计制造及自动化0995122班指导教师姓名邵东向职称教授从事专业机械设计外聘是否题目名称基于CCD的弹簧管刚度测量装置一、设计(论文)目的、意义弹簧管作为电液伺服阀中的关键部位,其刚度特性直接影响控制系统的控制精度和灵敏度。通过设计,了解弹簧管在各个领域的应用,掌握测量弹簧管刚度精度的技术,并通过实验做误差分析,提高测量精度。二、设计(论文)内容、技术要求(研究方法)1,弹簧管测量原理。2,设计弹簧管的装夹部分和加载部分的机械结构。3,数据测量元件的选择。4,刚度测量的主要步骤。三、设计(论文)完成后应提交的成果1,设计出弹簧管装夹台面和调整部分工作原理。2,装配整个测量装置。3,弹簧管的刚性精度的误差分析。4,提高测量精度的有效措施。4、 设计(论文)进度安排1,查阅资料,开题(1周);2,方案设计及零件的完成(3周);3,装配零件,完成装配(4周);4,工程图出图,论文撰写(6周)。五、主要参考资料1 敖明武. 精密弹性元件新型刚度测量仪的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士论文. 2001, 142 周百令. 动力调谐陀螺仪设计与制造. 东南大学出版社. 2002:21233 田晓丽,辛长范. 扭转弹簧角矩特征的自动测量. 测试技术学 报.2008,12: 464-4664 赵辉,俞朴. 微小尺寸弹性零件刚度自动检测方法的研究. 仪器仪表学报. 2001, 22: 4950六、备注指导教师签字:年 月 日教研室主任签字: 年 月 日 哈尔滨工业大学华德应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目:基于CCD的弹簧管刚度测量装置系 (部) 机电工程系 专 业 机械设计制造及自动化 学 生 艾志超 学 号 03 班 号 0995122 指导教师 邵东向 开题报告日期 2012年10月11日 哈工大华德学院说 明一、开题报告应包括下列主要内容:1通过学生对文献论述和方案论证,判断是否已充分理解毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求。2进度计划是否切实可行。3是否具备毕业设计所要求的基础条件。4预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题,以及解决的措施。5主要参考文献。二、如学生首次开题报告未通过,需在一周内再进行一次。三、开题报告由指导教师填写意见、签字后,统一交所在系(部)保存,以备检查。指导教师评语: 1. 指导教师签字: 检查日期: 一、 课题题目和课题研究现状,选题的目的和意义 基于CCD的弹簧管刚度测量装置设计随着制造技术水平的提高以及航空航天技术的不断发展,对精密弹性元件的加工精度和加工效率提出了更高的要求,所以研究以弹簧管为代表的该类弹性元件的刚度精密测量技术对增强国防实力有着重要意义。 本文首先综述了国内外弹簧管刚度测量技术的发展概况,并对国内弹簧管刚度测量技术的研究现状和存在的问题进行了比较全面的总结。为了展开对弹簧管刚度测量技术的基础性研究,本文根据弹簧管的设计指标成功地研制了能够实现自动加载、多点测量,并可自动地输出刚度曲线的刚度测量系统。2、 国内外在该方向的研究现状及分析在航天、航海、航空领域常用的控制器件电液伺服阀和导向器件挠性陀螺中广泛地使用精密弹性元件作为力敏单元获得反馈信号。这些弹性元件的刚度参数对相对应的控制器件、导航器件的性能影响很大。因此,在加工过程中不仅对其尺寸精度和几何形状精度提出很高的要求,而且对其刚度特性也提出了一定的要求。由于这类弹性元件的几何形状较复杂,并且加工误差和材质变化均会影响到刚度值,因此生产中是通过测量的手段来保证刚度指标。三、设计(论文)的基本内容 弹簧管的受力分析,测量弹簧管钢度一起的选择,刚度测量台的设计,夹具的设计和误差分析。四、研究方案及预期达到的目标完成弹簧管刚度测量台的结构设计,并计算是否能够达到预期的设计标准,并得到该机床的合理的结构方案五、为完成课题已具备和所需的条件为了完成该课题,我现在掌握机械原理、机械设计、CAD制图等知识,还要学会查找工具书来查国家标准,上网搜索资料的能力,为绘制三维图形在今后的一段时间里,我还需要学习solidworks软件以完成最终的任务。六、预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题,以及解决的措施我认为在受力分析以及误差分析的时候会遇到困难,通过查看类似机床的结构设计及其标准件的选择作为参考,还不能解决则问询老师。七、进度安排9月20日-10月11日:调研、资料收集完成对各种用到的机械结构、整个设计流程的熟悉和初步的准备工作。10月11日:开题答辩。10月11日-11月8日:分析与计算机导辊穿轴的机床的结构画出装配图。11月8日中期答辩。11月8日-12月7日:用soidworks完成三维图并写论文。12月7日:结题验收。12月21日:上交论文。八、参考文献1 敖明武. 精密弹性元件新型刚度测量仪的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文. 2007, 142 周百令. 动力调谐陀螺仪设计与制造. 东南大学出版社. 2005:21233 田晓丽,辛长范. 扭转弹簧角矩特征的自动测量. 测试技术学报. 2008,12: 464-4664 赵辉,俞朴. 微小尺寸弹性零件刚度自动检测方法的研究. 仪器仪表学报. 2007, 22: 49505 郭志友. 智能刚度测量仪, 中国仪器仪表, 2005, 1: 25286 于振毅, 刘波, 白宇. 数字式弹性元件刚度测试仪. 2007, 12九、备注哈尔滨工业大学华德应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)摘要 在航天、航海、航空领域常用的控制器件电液伺服阀和导向器件挠性陀螺中广泛地使用精密弹性元件作为力敏单元获得反馈信号。这些弹性元件的刚度参数对相对应的控制器件、导航器件的性能影响很大。随着制造技术水平的提高以及航空航天技术的不断发展,对精密弹性元件的加工精度和加工效率提出了更高的要求,所以研究以弹簧管为代表的该弹性元件的刚度精密测量技术对增强国防实力有着重要意义。 本文首先综述了国内外弹簧管刚度测量技术的发展概况,并对国内弹簧管刚度测量技术的研究现状和存在的问题进行了比较全面的总结。为了展开对弹簧管刚度测量技术的基础性研究,本文根据弹簧管的设计指标成功地研制了能够实现自动加载、多点测量,并可自动地输出刚度曲线的刚度测量系统。为了提高测量系统测量的精度,在测量系统的实验数据处理中提出了一种基于灰色系统理论的粗大误差判别法。 其次,为了解决新型号大刚度值弹簧管刚度测量中重复测量精度差的问题,从测量系统的测量原理入手,在分析测量系统中误差源的基础上,重点研究了测量系统中各环节的弯曲变形以及环节间的接触变形对测量精度的影响,基于齐次坐标变换和矢量链法建立了弹簧管的变形与传感器实测变形之间的关系,并建立了误差补偿模型。考虑接触表面形貌建立了接触力学模型和协调接触方程,并用数值法求解接触参数。最后,本文对弹簧管刚度测量作了大量的实验研究。结果表明:接触变形对测量精度的影响最大,台板的弯曲变形的影响在其次,而其余环节的弯曲变形的影响则很小。另外,实验还表明,随着弹簧管刚度值的增大,变形对测量结果的影响程度随之增大。在对两种不同测量方法的比对实验中发现,对于大刚度值弹簧管,使用新方法会获得较高的重复测量精度,而对小刚度弹簧管的影响不大。本文通过对不同试件有针对性地选择测量方法,提高了测量效率和重复测量精度,为该类弹性元件的批量生产奠定了基础。 关键词 弹簧管;刚度;精密测量;误差补偿;接触变形AbstractPrecise elastic parts are widely used as sensitive parts to gain feedback signals in the controlling instrument such as electro-hydraulic servo valve or then avigation system such as flexibleness gyro in the field of astronavigation,navigation and aviation. Their stiffness parameters directly correlated with the performances of corresponding system. Therefore, not only have a rather high standard been set for dimensional precision and geometrical precision of them,but also certain demands are made against theirs stiffness characteristic. Due to their complicated geometry, along with machining errors and changes of materials characteristic, it is impossible to gain the accurate values of the stiffness by calculation. So, measurement is the only way to assure the stiffness requirement in production. At present, as the production level is advanced with the technology of astronavigation and continuous development of aviation,higher accuracy and efficiency in measurement are demanded to meet them.Therefore, studies on the stiffness measuring of spring tubes, typical plastic parts, is of great importance in enhancing strength of national defense.This dissertation firstly summarizes the development of stiffness-measuring instrument for spring tubes, and sums up the current research status and problems in the stiffness measurement. In order to expand the theory research on it, one stiffness-measuring system is developed successfully according to the design index of the spring tubes, which can automatically load and output stiffness curve by muti-points measurement. Then one new method for deleting gross error based on Grey System Theory is proposed in experiment data processing to improve the measuring accuracy. Technology of data accumulation in GST is used to weaken the randomness of measured data and enhance the trend item to find out the data regularity. Experiments prove that the proposed method is especially effective when the testing data are few or no statistical laws.Secondly, in order to research on the poor accuracy in stiffness measurement of the stiffer spring tubes, measuring principle is presented and error sources in the measuring system are analyzed. In the measuring device,bending deformation of all parts and contact deformation between parts joined together are key factors affected the measuring accuracy. So relation between the theoretical deformation of the tubes and the detecting deformation is set up based on homogeneous coordinate transformation and vector chain method. One model for errors compensation is obtained for improving measuring accuracy. Contact deformation between the measuring rod and tube is the most critical factor affecting the measurement accuracy. So, one contact model and corresponding conformal contact equation are set up by considering the surface roughness and the contact characteristic. Numerical method is adopted to solve the contact model.Thirdly, one new method is proposed to measure the stiffness of the stiffer spring tubes, in which special clamp are designed for the directly measuring of the angular deformation of the spring tubes. In the new measuring device, the bending deformation and contact deformation occurred before can be avoided and the repeatability accuracy can be improved evidently, which is proved by error analysis for new device and experiments.Finally,lots of experimental studies on stiffness measurement of spring tubes are carried out. The results show that contact deformation affects the measuring accuracy seriously, the bending deformation of the foundation plate is the second factor and other deformation can be ignored. On the other hand, the experimental results are also show that as the values increase errors caused by deformation will wicked. By the experiments of comparison of two measuring method, one conclusion can be drawn, which is that for stiffer spring tubes new method is a good choice to obtain high accuracy, but there are little difference for non-stiffer ones. Measuring efficiency and stability can be improved by distributing proper method for different tubes, which Lays the groundwork for mass production of this kind of elastic parts. Keywords Spring tubes; Stiffness; Precision measurement; Error compensation; Contact deformation目录摘要I第1章 绪论11.1 弹簧管概述11.2 弹簧管刚度检测技术的发展及研究现状31.3 弹簧管刚度测量中相关理论综述41.4 本课题的主要研究内容4第2章 弹簧管刚度测量系统的研制62.1 弹簧管的技术指标62.2 弹簧管刚度测量系统总体方案的确定62.3 测量台架及测量夹具和调整装置的结构设计72.4 数据测量元件的选择112.5 刚度测量的主要步骤122.6 测量系统应用概况13第3章 弹簧管刚度测量中误差分析与建模153.1 单臂施力多点法弹簧管刚度测量系统中的误差源分析153.2 测量原理误差16 3.3 弹簧管刚度测量系统的变形误差分析与建模18第4章 提高弹簧管刚度测量精度的方法研究194.1 结构优化法提高测量精度的研究194.2 误差补偿法提高测量精度的研究19 4.3 粗糙表面的数值模拟19 4.4 表面形貌数值模拟方法的选择20结论21致谢22参考文献23附录124附录233-IV-第1章 绪论1.1 弹簧管概述1.1.1 弹簧管的用途与结构 电液伺服控制系统,具有控制功率大、控制精度高、响应快速等一系列优点,被广泛的应用在航天、航空、航海、飞航导弹和运载火箭等方面的航行控制上。在电液伺服控制系统中,电液伺服阀作为系统的核心元件,起到电液转换控制的作用。 在电液控制系统中电液伺服阀的作用是将几毫安的微弱电流控制信号转换成几十马力以至更大的液压功率输出,驱动各种各样的负载,进行位置控制,速度控制或施力控制等。一般地,电液伺服阀由三级组成,即输入级、中间级和输出级。输入级的作用是完成电信号到机械位移量的转换,也称电机转换器。它由电气力或力矩转换(一般是力马达或力矩马达)和力或力矩位移转换器(通常为弹簧或扭簧、弹簧管等)共同组成。中间级又称前置级,为小功率液压放大器。输出级也叫功率级,一般为大功率四通滑阀液压放大器。上半部分是力矩马达。电液伺服阀的典型结构下半部装有四通滑阀,中间装喷嘴挡板,这三者通过反馈杆建立协调关系。力矩马达主要由控制线圈、永久磁铁、导磁体和衔铁组件组成,其作用是将电控信号转换为机械运动。其中,衔铁组件是力矩马达中的关键部件,由衔铁、弹簧管、挡板和反馈杆组成。衔铁固定在弹簧管上端,弹簧管是一个薄壁弹性零件,具有特定弹力,其下端有个法兰盘,用螺钉紧固在阀体上。它不仅作为衔铁的弹性支座,还将电液伺服阀的液压部分和电气部分隔离密封。在衔铁左右两臂上各套有控制线圈。衔铁两臂的端部与上下导磁体形成四个工作气隙。当磁通通过气隙时,在气隙处产生电磁吸力,磁通大,电磁吸力也大。 力矩马达在结构上是左右对称的,所以当有控制电流通过线圈时,即12I I时,衔铁转动,挡板向某一方向偏摆,导致通过某一喷嘴的液流阻力加大,另一个减小,使两喷嘴前腔形成压力差,从而推动了阀芯移动。阀芯中槽与反馈杆球头啮合,而反馈杆是一根具有特定弹力的金属杆,阀芯的移动使之变形。当反馈杆变形产生的力矩加上弹簧管变形产生的力矩与力矩马达在电流作用下产生的力矩达到平衡并且反馈杆球头对阀芯的反作用力及阀芯开口后的液动力平衡阀芯两端的压力差时,阀芯停止运动而保持其位移量。这就是电液伺服阀的工作原理。由伺服阀的工作原理可知,弹簧管作为力反馈元件,其刚度特性将直接影响到伺服阀的性能。 弹簧管是一种中空的薄壁型弹性零件。弹簧管的内径和头部外径分别与挡板大端外径和衔铁中孔成过盈配合,各配合部位的尺寸精度、几何精度和表面粗糙度要求都很严,内、外圆的圆度和圆柱度要求均在 0.001mm 之内。弹簧管薄壁处的厚度约为 0.06mm,要求薄壁管厚度均匀,内外表面不能有任何轻微的划伤和刀痕,弹簧管的薄壁是决定弹簧管刚度值的重要部位,是弹簧管的最关键部位。1.1.2 弹簧管的制造工艺与刚度测量的重要性在弹簧管的结构设计时,首先根据性能要求确定该型号阀中弹簧管的刚度值 K,根据 K 值的大小通过计算得到直接决定弹簧管刚度值大小的薄壁段的厚度尺寸。但由于弹簧管结构的复杂性及其材料的不一致性和不均匀性的等原因,使设计要求中提出的壁厚值仅能作为参考。因此在加工过程中,弹簧管薄壁部分的外径只控制粗加工尺寸,最终尺寸以满足设计规定的刚度值为准。一般工艺上采用少量磨去薄壁外径从高往低逐步调整逼近的办法得到设计要求的刚度值。目前国内所有伺服阀生产厂家的弹簧管的加工工艺过程如下:首先对加工弹簧管的用料进行热处理并进行晶粒度和金相组织检查;然后进行粗加工,车出弹簧管的外形并钻出中孔,留出需要继续进行半精加工和精加工部位的加工余量;在半精加工中用专用硬质合金绞刀分粗、精两次绞削内孔并留出研磨余量,精车弹簧管头部外圆达到图纸尺寸要求,精车弹簧管的薄壁段的外圆并留出磨削余量;最后进行精加工,首先采用珩磨或研磨的方法对中孔进行光整加工,之后先粗后精磨削薄壁处的外圆,经过精磨之后的薄壁外径还需要留有一定的余量,这时需要测量弹簧管的刚度是否满足设计规定的弹簧管的刚度,如果不满足(大于设计规定值)就需要对此外径进行少量磨削后再进行刚度测量,重复以上步骤直至测量的刚度值满足设计为止。从弹簧管的加工工艺过程可以看出,对弹簧管的刚度进行测量属于整个弹簧管精加工工艺的一部分,测量的目的是指导对弹簧管的薄壁进一步精加工,而不是传统意义上给出是否合格的信息。因此刚度测量就在弹簧管的加工工艺上起了重要的作用,测量的效率和测量精度成为影响弹簧管加工效率和加工质量的关键因素。在弹簧管的测量中,弹簧管的真值是无法获得的。为了保证测量对加工的正确指导,我们对刚度值的重复测量精度提出了一定的要求。以某型号弹簧管为例,若其刚度值为 K,则该弹簧管刚度值在设计上中最大偏差一般不超过3%K(即刚度测量值在 K3%K 范围内的弹簧管为合格品),在刚度测量中的不重复测量误差应该低于这个数量级,通常取该值的 1/31/10,此处我们取测量的不重复误差要小于1%。弹簧管刚度的真实值和测量值之间的差值属于系统误差,通过对伺服阀进行调试实验可以确定满足伺服阀性能参数的弹簧管刚度值的测量范围并用于指导加工。1.2 弹簧管刚度检测技术的发展及研究现状1.2.1 弹簧管刚度测量技术的历史沿革从上述分析中知道,对弹簧管的刚度测量技术进行深入的研究具有深远的意义。由于该类试件应用的特殊性,在国内对其进行研究的主要是与航天关系密切的一些单位。图1-1常见精密弹性元件1.3 弹簧管刚度测量中相关理论综述1.3.1 测量数据粗大误差判别方法粗大误差,又称为“过失误差”是指由于测量人员的主观原因或客观外界条件的原因而引起的歪曲测量结果的数据。为了通过测量数据获得被测量真值的正确估计,在对测量数据进行数据处理之前,必须剔除其中含有粗大误差的数据。目前判别粗大误差的方法有很多在1993年提出的粗大误差判别方法在性能上和估计精度上都是相当好的,但要求给定边界信息。虽然没有哪种方法能够保证在数据处理中找出所有的粗大误差,但是,顺序元素检验法要求的测量数据非常少,而且随即研究不依赖任何模型结果的信息在实际测量中,尤其是在一些破坏性的实验中,实验条件的限制使得可获得的测量数据较少,导致其概率分布密度也是未知的,此时是用现有的基于统计学的粗大误差的评价方法来解决问题是很困难的。1.4 本课题的主要研究内容弹簧管及其它精密弹性元件广泛的应用在航空、航天及国防工业的各类控制系统和导航系统中作为导航元件或是反馈元件。这些精密弹性元件的刚度特性对控制器件性能影响很大,直接关系到控制精度和灵敏度等性能指标。所以,在产品设计上对其刚度值要求极其严格。在实际加工中保证能够达到设计要求的刚度值是通过加工测量再加工再测量的反复过程来实现的,因此刚度测量技术影响到精密弹性元件的加工制造的效率和加工中的废品率。目前,我国自行研制该类精密弹性元件的刚度测量装置并不多,更是缺乏相关技术的理论研究,很多的生产单位甚至还在沿用传统的手工测量方法。上述的这些关键问题,对于提高精密弹性元件的加工效率和加工水平进而提高我国在航天、航海及航空中的整体实力是必须加以解决的。本文将对精密弹性元件中的典型件弹簧管的刚度精密测量技术进行深入的研究。本文将完成的主要工作有以下几方面: 1.在分析被测元件的结构和刚度指标的基础上,研制弹簧管刚度自动测量系统。 2.研究测量系统中的粗大误差及其在刚度测量中的表现。 3.从弹簧管刚度的测量原理入手,分析测量系统中的误差源。 4.为了解决大刚度值弹簧管在刚度测量中重复测量精度差的问题。 5.探索新的刚度测量方法。 6.对弹簧管刚度测量进行实验研究,通过对比实验验证课题中所建立的接触模型和误差补偿模型的正确性。第2章 弹簧管刚度测量系统的研制2.1 弹簧管的技术指标在弹簧管刚度测量系统方案的确定中,测量装置对测量精度的影响很大。如被测件的装夹方式、传感器选择和安装以及测量中加载方式的选择等因素对被测件的刚度测量的精度影响较大。此外,传感器与被测件位置的精调与粗调机构对测量精度也有着一定的影响。因此在研制弹簧管的刚度测量系统时,在实际加工中保证能够达到设计要求的刚度值是通过加工测量再加工再测量的反复过程来实现的我们应该根据被测量对象的尺寸、形状、工作状态以及刚度指标来确定目前,我国自行研制该类精密弹性元件的刚度测量装置并不多,更是缺乏相关技术的理论研究,很多的生产单位甚至还在沿用传统的手工测量方法。 弹簧管的技术指标 刚度值范围 K=8120(N m/rad) 薄壁厚度约为几十微米 刚度测量时位移量不能超过120微米2.2 弹簧管刚度测量系统总体方案的确定2.21 弹簧管刚度多点法测量原理弹簧管放在卡盘上,顶在叉形施力头上的圆杆上,用手拧施力螺母,使其下方的轴旋转,利用杠杆原理带动静态扭矩传感器下方的轴,轴旁固定一个光栅读数头,测量轴偏转的位移,利用公式K=N/s 弹簧管刚度测量系统主要由以下几个部分组成: 1.力测量系统。测量加载过程中每个测量点处的力,该系统主要包括力传感器。 2.微位移测量系统。测量加载过程中每个测量点处的位移,该系统主要包括位移传感器及静态扭矩传感器。 3.施力螺母4.测量台架。作为测量系统的基体除了实现弹簧管的安装之外还是以上几个系统的机械结构的载体。图2-2装备总图2.3 测量台架及测量夹具和调整装置的结构设计2.3.1 测量台架总体结构 测量台架的总体结构如图所示图2-3 测量台架的总体结构将弹簧管固定,通过横向调整机构和纵向调整机构调整测杆头部的刚球与铁芯衔持板处于准接触状态(因此铁芯衔持板又可称作施力头)。自动加载机构在加载的过程中推动叉形施力头产生微小变形,与叉形施力头相连的施力转轴旋转,通过固定在滑块上的光栅读数头检测到轴旋转的位移量,在弹簧管上的测杆施加载荷,加载过程中,力传感器和位移传感器检测每个测量点处的力和位移。其中力传感器既作为加载元件又作为力测量元件可以减少力测量系统的环节,提高测量精度。2.3.2 测量夹具设计从测量台架的总体结构图中可以看出,弹簧管测量夹具的设计应该包含两部分,一是夹具的结构设计,另一个是测杆的结构设计。其中夹具的设计比较简单,因为弹簧管的法兰盘的尺寸相对较大,采用压板原理结合凸轮机构就可以保证装夹方便可靠。可靠夹紧的基础上装夹方便并且不能损伤弹簧管头部的外表面,更不能使其头部发生塑性变形,这部分的设计主要是体现在与弹簧管头部配合的测杆上的孔的结构设计和夹紧方法设计。另一方面在测杆结构的设计中还要考虑力臂长度的选择。对于测杆空的结构考虑弹簧管的实际结构采取圆弧夹紧方式。图2-4 叉形施力头测杆的夹紧原理如下:将弹簧管轻轻装入D 孔中,先用手顺时针方向旋转顶杆的尾部,顶杆头部推动顶座将弹簧管的头部夹住,为了保证可靠夹紧,再用力矩扳手锁紧。力矩扳手的使用,不仅使夹紧更为可靠,而且还会使每次测量的夹紧力大小保持一致,从而提高了重复装夹时测量的重复性精度测杆力臂长度的确定中要要保证对于不同型号的弹簧管因力传感器和位移传感器的示值跳动引起的相对误差一致,本文中所用的力传感器的分辨率为 1mN,位移传感器的分辨率为 0.1m,测量中两个传感器的示值变动范围均为 2 个字(力传感器:不大于 2mN,位移传感器:不大于 0.2m。)因此根据弹簧管刚度表达式可以得到刚度值 K 与力臂长度 L(单位 cm)之间的关系式为:2.3.3 施力螺母的设计 螺旋运动产生位移的原理图2-5 施力螺母 随着施力螺母的旋转下方的施力螺杆的上下移动,带动连接着的杠杆,利用杠杆原理使其施力转轴转动,连接的静态扭矩传感器检测到力的大小。2.4 数据测量元件的选择2.4.1 力传感器的选择不同型号弹簧管的外形尺寸不同,需要对夹具位置进行调整来保证测杆与力传感器上的施力头在位移传感器的零点附近接触。这样就出现一个问题,当夹具重新调整后测头与施力头的接触点的位置可能已经发生改变。另外同一个试件再重复装夹中也会出现测点位置发生改变的情况,为了保证在这种情况下准确的测量到的每一点的力,就需要所选择的力传感器具有较好的抗偏载能力。本文选用静态扭矩传感器,这个静态是指传感器的测量弹性体不参与相对运动。从受力理解,这类测试是测试弹性体相对受的反作用力。常见的是一端固定,另一端受力的轴。2.4.2 微位移传感器的选择常用的线位移传感器有很多种:电阻式位移传感器、电容式位移传感器、电感式位移传感器、光电式位移传感器、光栅以及磁栅、激光位移传感器等等。这样就出现一个问题,当夹具重新调整后测头与施力头的接触点的位置可能已经发生改变。另外同一个试件再重复装夹中也会出现测点位置发生改变的情况,其中,电阻电位器式传感器适用于较大范围位移的测量,但其测量精度不高,无法满足测量要求;电容式位移传感器的测量灵敏度高、分辨力强(达0.01m),但是它输出的线性段较短,测量的量程小(200m),同时,后续电路复杂,容易受到电磁干扰而限制了应用范围。本文选用的是光栅传感器。具有测量稳定的优点。原理:指示光栅与标尺光栅叠放在一起,中间留有适当的微小间隙,并使两块光栅的刻线之间保持一很小的夹角口,两块光栅的刻线相交,当在诸多相交刻线的垂直方向有光源照射时,光线就从两块光栅刻线重和处的缝隙通过,于是就形成了明暗条纹,这些条文成为莫尔条纹。特性:1. 调整夹角即可得到很大的莫尔条纹宽度,起到了放大作用,又提高了测量精度 2.莫尔条纹有位移放大作用 3.莫尔条纹对光栅刻线的误差起到了平均作用图2-6 光栅读数头2.5 刚度测量的主要步骤 使用刚度测量系统测量弹簧管的刚度主要包括以下步骤: 1.准备工作。将被测的弹簧管装入对应该型号弹簧管的专用测杆和夹具中夹好,然后通过横向调整机构和纵向调整机构调整弹簧管的位置使测头与测头处于准接触状态时力传感器和位移传感器的示数分别处于其各自的零点附近。 2.测量信息输入。点击测量控制区内的“信息输入”按钮,在弹出的对话框中选择被测试件的类型(转换夹具,本系统还可以测量反馈杆和衔铁组件的刚度),点击信息输入按钮输入被测试件的型号、件号和测量要求等信息。在检测同批次的下一个零件时,系统会自动保留所输入的信息,不需再次填写,直接点击测量即可。 3.测量。点击点击测量控制区内的“测量”按钮,根据测量信息中设置的测量点数和每一个测量点的位置控制自动加载系统进行加载。 到第一个测量点后停止加载,待传感器传输过来的数据稳定后进行数据采集、记录并在绘图区绘制该点,然后控制自动加载系统继续加载到第二个测量点测量,依此类推直至测量完所有的测量点。 测量结束后,测量数据区显示出测量结果数据(包括每个测点的力和位移值、测量得到的刚度值),绘图区显示出用最小二乘法拟合得到的刚度曲线。测量结束后可以保存和打印输出测量结果,最后复位。换夹试件重复上述步骤进行测量。2.6 测量系统应用概况图是研制成功的弹簧管刚度测量台实物照片。所研制的刚度测量系统已经通过验收在航天某研究所使用,该测量系统在刚度值小于55Nm/rad 的弹簧管的刚度测量中,其不重复测量误差不大于0.8%。这样就出现一个问题,当夹具重新调整后测头与施力头的接触点的位置可能已经发生改变。另外同一个试件再重复装夹中也会出现测点位置发生改变的情况,其中,电阻电位器式传感器适用于较大范围位移的测量,但其测量精度不高,无法满足测量要求;电容式位移传感器的测量灵敏度高、分辨力强(达0.01m),但是它输出的线性段较短,测量的量程小(200m),同时,后续电路复杂,容易受到电磁干扰而限制了应用范围。本文选用的是光栅传感器。具有测量稳定的优点。验收时以型号为 XXX-2 型弹簧管为试件进行重复测量实验,即进行重复装夹,并记录每次装夹得到的测量值,具体实验数据如表 2-3 所示。对于所研制的测量系统,通过配备不同的夹具还可以用于测量反馈杆和衔铁组件的刚度。经过长期考察,该测量系统已经成为某些型号伺服阀的按期交付的设备保障,成为设计、研制高性能伺服阀产品的重要测试设备,得到了使用方的肯定和好评。 图2-7弹簧管刚度测量系统实物照片第3章 弹簧管刚度测量中误差分析与建模3.1 单臂施力多点法弹簧管刚度测量系统中的误差源分析单臂施力多点法刚度计算公式为 对式两边取全微分并写成相对量的形式用 K ,F,S及 L代替 dK,dF,dS及 dL ,则有从式中可以看出,宏观上,影响测量结果的因素主要有三项:测量得到的力与变形 ( F ,S),以及力臂长度 L。随着选取测量点数的不同,对于 F和 S ,每一测量点的F S都会影响到测量精度。只要能够找到影响F S和L 的所有误差源,就可以根据不同误差源所产生误差的性质,采取不同的方法进行处理来提高测量精度。误差来源是多方面的,在弹簧管刚度测量过程中,影响测量精度的具体因素有很多,按误差源特点可概括为: 1 测量方法误差(即测量理论误差); 2 组成测量台架的各环节的制造和装配误差; 3 由测量力引起的测量系统中的各环节的弹性变形和环节间的接触变形引起的误差; 4 电气部分存在的数据采集误差以及因为测量环境的干扰(如温度、湿度及振动等)引起的误差; 5 其它误差源,如舍入误差等。 在上述的误差源中,由测量方法误差、机械零件的制造和装配误差以及测量系统各环节的弹性变形引起的测量误差属于系统误差。而由环节间接触变形引起的测量误差以及电气部分存在的误差则是影响重复测量精度的主要误差源。在测量系统所有的环节间的接触变形中,大量的实验表明弹簧管和测杆之间的接触变形是影响重复测量精度的主要因素。弹簧管刚度测量系统的工作时,力传感器作为加载器直接在加载的过程中测量各点的载荷力,因此引起每点测量力的误差因素只是力传感器系统的性能。对力臂长度 L 影响较大的误差源主要是测杆的加工制造误差,用万能工具显微镜(分辨率 1m)实测力臂长度,并用实测值计算弹簧管的刚度值,这样就能够大大减小这部分误差对测量的影响。弹簧管角变形的获得比较复杂,是位移传感器是通过若干环节后测量得到的,因此引起每点变形量的误差的因素较多,除了位移传感器测量系统的误差之外还有中间各环节的变形误差。3.2 测量原理误差测量原理性误差又称测量方法误差,主要指因使用的测量方法不完善或是采用的近似的计算公式等原因引起的误差。在弹簧管的刚度测量中产生原理误差的原因主要包括以下两方面,一是由加载方式简化引起来的,即用单力臂加载代替纯弯矩加载中引起的误差;一是在刚度计算中使用弦长代替弧角而引起的误差。这两部分原理误差分别影响到测量点的位移量和力臂长度而使得测量结果出现偏差。首先分析因加载方式引起的原理性误差。采用单臂施力方法进行测量的过程中,对比纯弯矩相当于对弹簧管施加了一个轴向力。在使弹簧管薄壁产生拉长变形l,由材料力学的知识可得: l式中 A弹簧管薄壁环形面积; l 弹簧管薄壁段的长度; E弹簧管的弹性模量。 位移传感器在第 i 个测量点处所测得的变形中包含了l 使得测量结果存在原理性误差。假设测量装置中的其它环节均为刚体,弹簧管在F的作用其薄壁段的拉长变形为l,而位移传感器测量得到的变形为S弹簧管的测量值为 K.对式两边同时取倒数并整理得 其中 因 l 引起的测量相对误差, K 弹簧管薄壁段的拉伸刚度, 从式(3-6)中可以看出因 l 而引起的测量相对误差与弹簧管的拉伸刚度以及测杆力臂 L 的平方成反比,增长力臂长度会有效减小测量相对误差。经计算对刚度值为 K=9.687Nm/rad 的小刚度弹簧管(L=4.5cm)其相对误差为 0.06%。对刚度值为 K=80.125Nm/rad 的大刚度弹簧管(L=8cm)其相对误差为 0.01%。综上,对所有弹簧管,因 l 引起的相对误差不会大于 0.06%,是可以忽略的。 另一方面,在弹簧管刚度测量中,弹簧管的转角 是通过位移传感器测得的 S 经过一定的简化计算得到的,该简化对 和力臂 L 都产生影响从而引起测量误差。对于 L 的影响如图 3-3 所示,实际有效力臂长度小于刚度计算中使用的力臂长度,力臂误差可由式(3-7)求得。由式(3-7)可知由L引起的相对测量误差 为 2 L /L,即 2 (1 cos),经计算该简化误差最大不会超过 0.006%,完全可以忽略。综上,因为测量原理带来的测量相对误差不会大于 0.07%,所以单臂施力法的测量原理比较科学。3.3 弹簧管刚度测量系统的变形误差分析与建模 在测量力的作用下导轨板、活动板、弹簧管和测杆都会发生变形,它们之间也会产生接触变形,这些变形使得测量点的位置发生变化,此时测量点相对于各环节的位置是很重要的,因而需要定义坐标系来明确表达它们之间的关系。 本文将采用齐次坐标变换的方法建立测量中位移传感器测量的变形与各个环节变形之间的关系,进而建立弹簧管刚度测量系统的误差补偿模型 建立测量系统中变形误差运动的综合数学模型的主要步骤为: 1. 建立一系列坐标系及转换矩阵使用齐次坐标变换的方法推导测量系统中的变形误差的综合数学模型时,首先要建立测量链中一系列环节的坐标系及转换矩阵来描述各环节的关系及变形特性。 2. 建立测点、弹簧管及固定参考坐标系的关系把弹簧管上的变形点的坐标表达在其所在的坐标系中,然后根据齐次坐标变换矩阵转化到实际测量点所在的坐标系中,也可以转化到固定参考坐标系中。采用后一种方法时,先将测量点的坐标表达在其坐标系中,然后根据齐次坐标变换原理转化到固定参考坐标系中。 3. 建立弹簧管变形和实际测量点处的位移之间的关系在这一步中主要是根据变形测量链是封闭矢量链的特点,建立二者之间的关系,进一步求解得到测量系统变形的综合数学模型。第4章 提高弹簧管刚度测量精度的方法研究4.1 结构优化法提高测量精度的研究从第3章中的误差元分析中可以知道弹簧管刚度测量系统中测量封闭矢量链中各环节的弯曲变形以及各个环节之间的接触变形(主要影响因素是弹簧管和测杆间的接触变形)是影响测量结果准确度的关键因素。对于上述中由于机械结构部分的变形引起的测量误差,可以考虑通过结构优化的方法减小。在弹簧管刚度测量的封闭矢量链中发生弯曲变形的各环节包括台板变形、活动导轨板的变形、活动板的变形、测杆变形以及弹簧管的变形。其中弹簧管的变形是需要测量的,而其它的变形越小越好。4.2 误差补偿法提高测量精度的研究 从误差补偿的角度来提高弹簧管刚度的测量精度。测量系统的误差补偿技术已成为现代高科技领域、高精度领域的一种常用技术,对已知误差规律的测量系统尤其适用。根据第 3 章和第 4 章中的分析,测量中随着测量力的增加各环节的弯曲变形和环节间的接触变形随之以一种可循的规律增大,因此可以通过误差补偿技术对测量结果进行补偿。 由弹簧管刚度测量原理可以知道弹簧管的刚度是通过对测量过程中采集到的所有测量点的测量力和变形进行回归处理而得到的,随着测量力的增大,各环节的弯曲变形和环节间的接触变形对不同的测量点处得到的变形值有着不同的影响,因此可以通过软件对测量中每一个测量点处采集得到的变形进行补偿,补偿前需要计算出所有环节的弯曲刚度。在对测量结果的误差补偿中,各环节的弯曲变形属于线形行为,它们引起的测量误差属于系统误差,只能影响到测量的准确度,通过补偿可以完成准确度的还原。但是接触变形却因为接触表面形貌的随机性和受力作用后变形的复杂性属于非线性行为,因此由接触变形不仅影响到测量结果的准确度还影响到测量的精密度。4.3 粗糙表面的数值模拟 发生协调接触的两固体的接触表面形貌将会直接影响到接触变形的大小和接触应力的分布。因此,针对实际接触状况和建立合适的数值化表面模型是研究和求解接触问题的基础。4.4 表面形貌数值模拟方法的选择数值化表面形貌的获得有两种途径,一是使用测量仪器和相应的数值量化软件直接测得的表面形貌。另一种是利用计算机产生的仿真表面形貌。相比之下,数值仿真的表面形貌以其过程简单,实验容易而在工程应用和理论研究中被广泛应用。针对不同的研究目的和领域,各国专家学者提出了不同的表面形貌模型,或是从统计角度出发,以不同的统计参数来描述表面形貌,或者从表面形貌微凸体的形状和曲率方面来描述。 所提出来的表面形貌模型有 GW 模型、WA 模型、二维 AR 模型、Patir 模型、Nayak 模型、基于加工参数描述的表面模型以及基于分形理论的表面模型等等。其中 Patir 法原理是: 利用大多数随机表面所获得的已知自相关函数,求解自相关函数矩阵,通过求解非线性方程组的方法,从而求得线性变换矩阵系数,再利用噪声输入来生成计算产生的随机表面粗糙度数值模型。这种方法的优点是逻辑清晰,比较容易实现。结论在弹簧管刚度测量系统的研制中,如何提高各型号刚度值大小不同的弹簧管的重复测量精度是最为关键的问题。本文对弹簧管的刚度测量技术作了深入的研究,研制了一套弹簧管刚度的测量系统。为了提高该测量系统的测量精度,对测量系统的各环节进行深入分析,建立了误差补偿模型和接触分析模型,并基于此提出了变形分离测量法用于较大刚度值弹簧管的刚度测量。1. 研制了能够实现自动加载、多点测量,并可自动地输出刚度曲线的弹簧管刚度测量系统,测量系统的测量原理与实际工况符合,解决了国内弹簧管刚度测量的难题;提出了一种新的改进了的基于灰色理论的粗大误差判别方法,该方法对测量数据少或是难于寻求统计规律的测量过程尤为有效,将之用于刚度测量系统中能够有效提高测量精度;2. 研究了测量中变形对测量精度影响,根据测量链的封闭特性,应用齐次坐标变换法,建立了弹簧管刚度测量中的变形误差模型及补偿模型,并用实验验证了该模型的正确性;3. 研究了测量中接触力的分布及其接触变形对测量精度的影响,建立了弹簧管头部与测杆孔之间的接触模型,并给出数值解法。数值模拟和弹簧管刚度测量实验均验证了使用该模型求解通用协调接触问题更接近于实际接触情况;4. 提出了一种新的适用于较大刚度值弹簧管刚度测量的变形分离测量法,并研制出相应的实验装置。实验证明该方法具有较高的重复测量精度,最后通过实验分析确定出适合不同型号弹簧管的最佳测量方案。致谢 值此毕业之际,我要向导师邵东向老师致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢。春华秋实,是导师的辛勤耕耘和谆谆教导培育了我,使我圆满地完成了学业。在三年多的学习生活中,他们渊博的学识、严谨的治学作风与卓越的工作能力都给我以深深的教诲和启迪。 在他们身上,我不仅学到了科学知识、锻炼了科研能力,而且还懂得了为人的道理。在我今后的工作与生活中,导师的言传身教将永远激励着我,使我受益匪浅。 在我毕业课题的研究和论文的撰写过程中,我还得到了许多老师同学给予我的许多指导和帮助,以及一个团队的同学的大力合作,在此表示深深的谢意。是他们伴我度过了这段愉快而难忘的求学生活。感谢所有帮助过我的人,感谢他们的关心和帮助。我会永远珍惜在彼此的学习与交流中所结下的真挚友情。 最后,向所有关心和支持过我的老师、同学、朋友和亲人表示最衷心的感谢!参考文献1 敖明武. 精密弹性元件新型刚度测量仪的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学硕士 论文. 2007, 142 周百令. 动力调谐陀螺仪设计与制造. 东南大学出版社. 2005:21233 田晓丽,辛长范. 扭转弹簧角矩特征的自动测量. 测试技术学报. 2008,12: 464-4664 赵辉,俞朴. 微小尺寸弹性零件刚度自动检测方法的研究. 仪器仪表 学报. 2007, 22: 49505 郭志友. 智能刚度测量仪, 中国仪器仪表, 2005, 1: 25286 于振毅, 刘波, 白宇. 数字式弹性元件刚度测试仪. 2007, 12: 14157 万德安等. 航天微型扭杆刚度自动测量装置的研制. 宇航计测技术. 2008, 22: 26298 黄淑娟, 万德安. 高精度纯扭矩加载与测量装置的研制. 传感技术学 报. 2005, 2: 1951999 黄淑娟, 万德安. 高精度微型扭杆刚度测量仪的研制及性能验证. 机 械电子. 2008, 6: 293110 田晓丽, 辛长范. 扭转弹簧角矩特征的自动测量. 测试技术学2008, 12: 46446611 龙佑喜, 徐荣葆, 柯宏发. 挠性陀螺接头角刚度测量. 航空精密制造 技术. 2008, 34: 424412 赵维谦, 谭久彬. 挠性零件刚度系数测量方法. 航天工艺. 2007, 1: 1413 孙国光. 挠性接头新型刚度测量仪的研制. 硕士学位论文. 哈尔滨工 业大学. 2007, 81114 秦永元. 动力调谐陀螺挠性接头力学参数动态测试的频域辨识法. 中 国惯性技术学报. 2008, 6: 3942附录1The new advanced manufacturing technology development Summary This paper has presented the problems facing todays manufacturing technology, advanced manufacturing discussed in the forefront of science, and a vision for the future development of advanced manufacturing technology. Keyword Advanced manufacturing technologies; Frontier science; Applications prospectsModern manufacturing is an important pillar of the national economy and overall national strength and its GDP accounted for a general national GDP 20%55%. In the composition of a countrys business productivity, manufacturing technology around 60% of the general role. Experts believe that the various countries in the world economic competition, mainly manufacturing technology competition. Their competitiveness in the production of the final product market share. With the rapid economic and technological development and customer needs and the changing market environment, this competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and that Governments attach great importance to the advanced manufacturing technology research. 1 .Current manufacturing science to solve problemsManufacturing science to solve the current problems focused on the following aspects :(1) Manufacturing systems is a complex systems, and manufacturing systems to meet both agility, rapid response and rapid reorganization of the capacity to learn from the information science, life science and social science interdisciplinary research, and explore new manufacturing system architecture, manufacturing models and manufacturing systems effective operational mechanism. Manufacturing systems optimized organizational structure and good performance is manufacturing system modelling, simulation and optimization of the main objectives. Manufacturing system architecture not only to create new enterprises both agility and responsiveness to the needs and the ability to reorganize significance, but also for the soft production equipment manufacturing enterprises bottom reorganization and dynamic capacity to set higher demands. Biological manufacturing outlook increasingly being introduced to the system to meet new demands manufacturing systems. (2) The rapid rise in support of manufacturing, geometric knowledge sharing has become a modern manufacturing constraints, product development and manufacturing technologies of the key issues. For example, in computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) integration, coordinates measurements (CMM) and robotics fields, in 3D real space (3-Real Space), there are a lot of geometric algorithm design and analysis, especially the geometric said, geometric calculation and geometric reasoning; In measurement and robot path planning and parts search spaces (such as Localization), the existence of space C- interspace (configuration space Configuration Space) geometric calculation and geometric reasoning; Objects in operation (rescue, paying and assembly, etc.) means paying more description and robot planning, campaign planning and assembly operations planning is needed in the types of space (Screw Space) geometric reasoning. Manufacturing process of physical and geometric mechanics phenomenon of scientific research to create a geometric calculation and geometric reasoning, and other aspects of the research topic, the theory pending further breakthrough, the new one door disciplines - computer geometric are being increasingly broad and in-depth study. (3) In the modern manufacturing process, information not only manufacturing industries have become dominated the decisive factor, but also the most active ones. Manufacturing information systems to improve throughput of modern manufacturing has become a focus of scientific development. The manufacturing information system organization and structure required to create information access, integration and integration show three-dimensional in nature, measuring the multidimensional nature of the information, and information organizations nature. Information structure models in the manufacturing, manufacturing information consistency constraint, and the dissemination of data processing and the manufacture of enormous knowledge base management, and other areas, there is a need to further breakthroughs.(4) The calculation of the wisdom of artificial intelligence tools and methods in the manufacture of a wide range of applications for manufacturing smart development. Category based on the calculation of biological evolution algorithms smart tools, including activation issues optimize GPS technology portfolio by growing concern is in the manufacture of the complete portfolio optimization problems combined speed and precision of GPS issues both in size constraints. Manufacturing wisdom manifested in the following aspects : wisdom activation, wisdom design, intelligent processing, robotics, intelligent control, intelligent process planning, smart diagnostic, and other aspects. These innovative products are the key theoretical issues, but also by creating a door for a science skills in the important basic issues. The focus in these issues, we can form the basis of product innovation research system. 2. Modern mechanical engineering at the frontiers of science Cross-integration between the different science will produce new scientific gathering, economic development and social progress of science and technology created new demands and expectations, thus creating a frontier science. Frontier science is settled and unsettled issues between the scientific community. Frontier science, with a clear domain, and dynamic character of the area. Works frontier science from the general basic science is an important characteristic of the actual works, it covers the key emerging science and technology issues. Ultrasonic electrical, ultra-high-speed machines, green design and manufacturing, and other fields, and has done a lot of research work, but innovation is the key question is not clear mechanical science. Large complex mechanical system design and performance optimization of product innovation design, smart structures and systems, intelligent robots and their dynamics, nano Mocaxue, manufacturing process 3D numerical simulations and physical simulation, precision and ultra-fine processing technology key basis, about 10 mega large and sophisticated equipment design and manufacturing base, virtual manufacturing and virtual instruments, nanometer measurement and instrumentation, parallel connection axis machine tools, and although the field of micro-electromechanical systems have done a lot of research, but there are still many key science and technology issues to be resolved. Information science, nano science, materials science, life science, management science and manufacturing science of the 21st century will be to change the mainstream science, and the resulting high-tech industry will change the face of the world. Therefore, the above areas of cross-development manufacturing systems and manufacturing informatics, nano manufacturing machinery and nano science, better machinery and better manufacturing science, management science and manufacturing systems will be critical to the 21st century mechanical engineering science is important frontier science. 2.1 Manufacturing science and information science cross - manufacturing informatics Mechanical and electrical products, chemical raw materials in the information. Many modern value added products primarily reflected in the information. Thus the manufacturing process for the acquisition and application of information is very important. Information science and technology is to create an important symbol of globalization and modernization. While the manufacturing technology began to explore product design and manufacturing processes, the nature of the information, on the other hand, to create technology to transform itself to adapt to the new information makes its manufacturing environment. Along with the manufacturing process and manufacturing systems to deepen understanding, researchers are trying to new concepts and approaches to their description and expression to achieve further control and optimization purposes.And manufacturing-related information mainly product information, technical information and information management in this area following major research direction and content : (1) manufacturing information acquisition, processing, storage, transmission and application of knowledge to create information and decision-making transformation. (2) Non-symbols expressing information, manufacturing information enables transmission, manufacturing information management, manufacturing information integrity in a state of non-production decision-making, management of virtual manufacturing, based on the network environment of the design and manufacturing, manufacturing process control and manufacturing systems science. These elements are manufactured in science and the scientific basis for the integration of product information, constitute the manufacture of the new branch of science - to create informatics. 2.2 Micro mechanical and manufacturing technology research Micro-electronic mechanical systems (MEMS) refers to the collection of micro-sensors, micro-devices and the implementation of signal processing and control circuits, interface circuits, communications and power with the integration of micro-electromechanical system integrity. MEMS technology objectives through system miniaturization, to explore a new theory of integration, new functional components and systems. MEMS development will greatly facilitate the pocket of various products, miniaturization, a number of devices and systems to enhance the level of functional density, information density and Internet density, significantly saving, thin section. Not only can it reduce the cost of mechanical and electrical systems, but also to be completed and the size of many large systems impossible task. For example, using sophisticated 5m diameter micro tweezers walls are made of a red blood cell can; Created to keep the cars 3mm size; In the magnetic field, like butterflies flying size aircraft. MEMS technology has opened up a completely new technology areas and industries, with many traditional sensors incomparable advantages in manufacturing, aerospace, transportation, telecommunications, agriculture, biomedical, environmental monitoring, military, families, and access to almost all areas have very broad application prospects. Micro machinery is machinery and electronic technology in nano-scale technology integration photogenic product. Back in 1959 scientists have raised the idea of micro-mechanical and micro-1962, the first silicon pressure sensors. 1987 California University of California Berkeley developed rotor diameter of the silicon micro-60120 16ug m electrostatic electric motors, show produced using silicon micro-machining small movable structures and compatible with IC manufacturing micro system potential. Micro-mechanical technology might like 20th century microelectronics technology, the technology of the world in the 21st century, economic development and national defense building a tremendous impact. Over the past 10 years, the development of micro-mechanical spectacular. Its characteristics are as follows : a considerable number of micro-components (micro structure, the implementation of micro-sensors and micro-machines, etc.) and micro-systems research success reflects the current and potential applications of value; The development of micro-manufacturing technology, particularly semiconductor processing technology have become small micro systems support technology; micro-electromechanical systems research needs of the interdisciplinary research team, micro-electromechanical systems technology in the development of microelectronics technology on the basis of multidisciplinary cross-frontier area of research, involving electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, physics, chemistry and biomedical engineering and other technical and scientific. The current micro-mechanical systems under the conditions of the campaign laws, the physical characteristics and micro components of the role of the mechanics payload acts lack adequate understanding is not yet in a theoretical basis for a micro-system design theory and methodology, and therefore can By experience and test methods research. Micro-mechanical systems, the existence of key scientific research issues of micro-scale system effects, physical properties and biochemical characteristics. Micro-system research are in the eve of a breakthrough, which is the in-depth study of the area. 2.3 Material produced / manufactured parts integration of new technologies for processing. Material is a milestone in the progress of mankind, is the manufacturing and high-tech development. Every important to the success of the production and application of new materials, will promote the material and the promotion of national economic strength and military strength. 21, the world will be resource consumption-based economy to a knowledge-based industrial transformation for materials and parts and functions of a high performance, intelligent features; Request materials and components designed to achieve quantitative-based and digitized; Prepare materials and components for the rapid, efficient and achieve both integration and integrated. Digital materials and components designed to be a simulation and optimization of materials and components to achieve high quality production / manufacturing and other integration, integrated manufacturing key. On the one hand, to be completed through computer simulation optimization can reduce the material is produced in the course of manufacture of spare parts and experimental links to the best craft programmes, materials and components to achieve high quality production / manufacturing; On the other hand, according to the requirements of different material properties, such as flexible modules volume, thermal expansion coefficient, magnetic performance, Research materials and components designed form. And the removal of traditional materials-manufacturing technology, and increase the level of information technology, the research group of synthetic materials is a process technology. Forming materials and components manufacture digital theory, technology and methods, such as rapid adoption of emerging technologies material growing principles, a breakthrough in the traditional law and to build law mechanical deformation processing many restrictions, no processing tools or dies, can rapidly create arbitrary complex shape and has a certain function 3D models or entity parts. 2.4 machinery manufacturing breakthrough The 21st century will be the century of life science, mechanical and life sciences depth integration will generate new concept products (such as better intelligence structure), to develop a new process (such as the growth processes shape) and the opening of new industries and to resolve product design, manufacturing processes and systems provide a series of problems new solutions. This is a highly innovative and leading edge area in the challenge. Earths biological evolution in the long accumulated fine qualities of human manufacturing activities to address the various problems with examples and guidelines. Learning from life phenomena organizations operating complex systems and methods and techniques, manufacturing is the future solution to the current problems facing many an efficient way. Better manufacturing refers to the replication of biological organs from organizations, since healing, self growth and evolution since the function of the model structure and operation of a manufacturing system and manufacturing process. If the manufacturing process mechanization, automation extends human physical and intelligent extension of the human intellectual, then create better may be said to extend its own organizational structure and human evolution process. Gene involved in the manufacture of biological science is the self-organization mechanism and its application in manufacturing systems. The so-called self-organization refers to a system in its internal mechanism driven by the organizational structure and operation mode learning, thereby enhancing the capacity for environmental adaptation process. Create better since the organization bottom-up mechanism for parallel product design and manufacturing processes of automatic generation, the dynamics of production systems and manufacturing systems and products more automatic a theoretical foundation and achieve superior conditions. Create a better manufacturing and life sciences far edge hybrid of the 21st century manufacturing will have an enormous impact. Create better research content is twofold : 2.4.1 To create better lives Research lives of the general phenomenon of the law and models, such as artificial life, cellular automatic machines, biological information processing skills, biological wisdom, biological-based organizational structure and mode of operation and the evolution of biological mechanisms and getting better; 2.4.2 Oriented manufacturing breakthrough manufacturing Research organizations better manufacturing systems since the mechanisms and methods, for example : based on full information-sharing breakthrough design principles, multi-discipline modules based on the distributed control and coordination mechanism based on the evolution of an excellent strategy; Study the concept of creating better system and its basis, such as : the formalization described space and better information shine upon relations better system and its evolution of complexity measurement methods. Machinery manufacturing is better and better mechanical science and life science, information science, materials science disciplines such as high integration, the study includes growth formative processes, better design and manufacturing systems, mechanical and biological wisdom better shape manufacturing. Currently doing research mostly forward exploratory work, with distinct characteristics of the basic research, if the research continues to seize opportunities that might arise revolutionary breakthroughs. Future research should concern areas of biological processing technology, better manufacturing system, based on rapid prototype manufacturing engineering technology organizations, as well as biological engineering related key technical basis. 3. Modern manufacturing technology trends Since the beginning of the 1990s, the nations of the world have manufacturing technology research and development as a national priority for the development of key technologies, such as the United States advanced manufacturing technology plan AMTP, Japan wisdom manufacturing technology (IMS) international cooperation schemes, Korea senior national plan of modern technology (G-7), Germany plans to manufacture 2000 and the EC Esprit and BRITE-EURAM plan. With the electronics, information, the constant development of new and high technologies, market demand individuality and diversity, the future of modern manufacturing technology to the overall development trends of the sophisticated, flexible, and networked, virtual and intelligent, green integrated, globalization direction. Current trends in modern manufacturing technology has the following nine areas : (1) Information technology, management techniques and technology closely integrated technology, modern production model will be continuous development. (2) Design techniques and more modern means. (3) Shaped and manufacture of sophisticated technology and manufacturing processes to achieve longer. (4) The formation of new special processing methods. (5) Development of a new generation of ultra-sophisticated, ultra-high-speed manufacturing equipment. (6) Machining skills development for the engineering sciences. (7) Implementation of clean green manufacturing. (8)The widespread application of virtual reality technology to the manufacturing sector. 附录2先进制造技术的新发展摘要 本文介绍了当今制造技术面临的问题,论述了先进制造的前沿科学,并展望了先进制造技术的发展前景。关键词 问题;先进制造技术;前沿科学;应用前景。 制造业是现代国民经济和综合国力的重要支柱,其生产总值一般占一个国家国内生产总值的20%55%。在一个国家的企业生产力构成中,制造技术的作用一般占60%左右。专家认为,世界上各个国家经济的竞争,主要是制造技术的竞争。其竞争能力最终体现在所生产的产品的市场占有率上。随着经济技术的高速发展以及顾客需求和市场环境的不断变化,这种竞争日趋激烈,因而各国政府都非常重视对先进制造技术的研究。1.当前制造科学要解决的问题当前制造科学要解决的问题主要集中在以下几方面:(1)制造系统是一个复杂的大系统,为满足制造系统敏捷性、快速响应和快速重组的能力,必须借鉴信息科学、生命科学和社会科学等多学科的研究成果,探索制造系统新的体系结构、制造模式和制造系统有效的运行机制。制造系统优化的组织结构和良好的运行状况是制造系统建模、仿真和优化的主要目标。制造系统新的体系结构不仅对制造企业的敏捷性和对需求的响应能力及可重组能力有重要意义,而且对制造企业底层生产设备的柔性和可动态重组能力提出了更高的要求。生物制造观越来越多地被引入制造系统,以满足制造系统新的要求。(2)为支持快速敏捷制造,几何知识的共享已成为制约现代制造技术中产品开发和制造的关键问题。例如在计算机辅助设计与制造(CADCAM)集成、坐标测量(CMM)和机器人学等方面,在三维现实空间(3-RealSpace)中,都存在大量的几何算法设计和分析等问题,特别是其中的几何表示、几何计算和几何推理问题;在测量和机器人路径规划及
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