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关 键 词:
水果 分选机 设计 图纸


34页 17000字数+说明书+开题报告+任务书+文献综述+外文翻译+6张CAD图纸












目    录



1  前言………………………………………………………………………………………2

2  总体方案的拟定…………………………………………………………………………3

   2.1  原理分析…………………………………………………………………………3

   2.2  总体结构设计……………………………………………………………………5

   2.3  各执行机构主要参数的计算…………………………………………………6

   2.4  传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算…………………………………………13

3  主要零件的选择和设计………………………………………………………………15

   3.1  皮带传动的设计计算…………………………………………………………15

   3.2  直齿圆柱齿轮的设计计算……………………………………………………17

   3.3  滚子链传动的设计计算………………………………………………………20

   3.4  轴的设计计算…………………………………………………………………21

     3.4.1  高速轴的设计计算……………………………………………………21

     3.4.2  低速轴的设计计算……………………………………………………24

   3.5  轴承的校核……………………………………………………………………27

   3.6  键的设计计算与校核…………………………………………………………27

   3.7  润滑与密封……………………………………………………………………28

   3.8  主要缺点和有待进一步改进的地方…………………………………………29

4  结束语…………………………………………………………………………………29



   摘  要:本文分析了中国国内外水果分级分选机的研究和发展现状,对未来进行了展望,设计出了一种新型水果分级分选机构。该水果分级分选机是由分级滚筒、传动机构和电动机组成。采用电动机提供动力,通过带轮传动机构,将运动和动力传送到直齿圆柱齿轮减速器,然后再通过链轮传动机构,将所需的运动和动力传送至分级滚筒上,从而实现水果的分选。整个机构简单且易于操作,便于维护,提高了生产效率,降低了劳动强度,为实现水果加工机械化与规模化提供了前提。



1.3  国内水果机械化未来发展方向



1.4  目前国内常见的水果分选机主要有以下几种类型


2  总体方案的拟定

2.1  原理分析


2.1.1  方案选择


   方案一  采用摆动筛式进行水果的分选

重 庆 理 工 大 学毕业设计(论文)任务书题目 水果分选机设计 (任务起止日期 2013 年 3 月 3 日 2013年 6 月 29 日) 机械工程学院 学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 专业 09421 班学生姓名 王铁柱 学 号 10804020127 指导教师 王黎明 系 主 任 二级学院院长 课题内容本课题的内容是关于水果分选机的设计,主要包括水果分选机的结构设计以及对现有产品的结构优化和创新。能够实现较高水果分选效率和提高水果的加工质量度,例如,1)实现水果按大小分级分选,并对大多数圆形水果通用;2)优化结构减少分选水果所用的时间,提高工作效率;3)设计简易的上下料装置和水果传送装置以保护水果,防止因水果受伤而降低水果品质。主要研究对象是水果分选机的结构设计,通过Solidworks等三维建模软件对设计的分选机进行三维造型并仿真,利用有限元分析等计算合理的传动速度等。分析水果分选机的工作特性等,设计合理的分选机构。然后再将三维造型图转化为工程图,并且计算确定具体结构的参数,同时完成零件图的绘制和相关标注等。最后完成对本课题的论文撰写。课题任务要求1.查阅水果分选机相关文献并进行收集和整理,完成毕业设计前期工作:任务书、文献综述、开题报告、外文翻译;2.查阅大量关于分选机结构设计的资料、传动机构相关资料。整理后确定水果分选机的具体设计方案;3.进行必要的设计计算和结构设计,如传动比、进出料口传送带尺寸设计,凸形圆盘的结构和尺寸的设计。保证具备良好的机械性能;4.运用CAD等软件,对所设计的水果分选机进行三维建模,绘制装配图,零件图以及重要机构的运动仿真,并进行有限元分析;5利用三维建模完成工程图的转换,工程图需要体现出具体结构的尺寸参数等;6.最终设计出的水果分选机要具备比现有同类产品更方便高效的性能,同时保证分选水果品质完整。主要参考文献(由指导教师选定)1张龙. 机械设计课程设计手册. 国防工业出版社 2006.2陈海魁. 机械基础. 中国劳动社会保障出版社 2001.3邱宣怀. 机械设计. 高等教育出版社 1997.4张春林 .机械创新设计. 机械工业出版社 2007.5孙桓 陈作模 葛文杰. 机械原理. 高等教育出版社 2006.6 詹启贤.自动机械设计M.北京:轻工业出版社,1987:30-200.7 单明彻,徐朗.苹果机械特性和机械损伤.农业机械学报J,1988.8 曹其新蔬菜和水果分选机器人的发展状况机械设计与研究,2002,9 唐伟强. 食品通用机械与设备. 广州:华南理工大学出版社,201010 肖旭霖. 食品通用机械与设备. 北京:科学出版社,2006.11 殷涌光食品机械与设备北京:化学工业出版社,2006. 同组设计者注:1、任务书由指导教师填写;2、任务书在第七学期第15周前下达给学生。学生完成毕业设计(论文)工作进度计划表序号毕业设计(论文)工作任务工 作 进 度 日 程 安 排周次1234567891011121314151617181查找整理课题相关资料文献等2撰写开题报告、文献综述、任务书3阅读英文文献并翻译一篇英文文献4前期工作的汇总整理5确定具体方案以及整理思路6设计计算、结构设计、三维建模、完成造型设计7完成装配图、零件图8完成课题论文的撰写注:1、此表由指导教师填写;2、此表每个学生一份,作为毕业设计(论文)检查工作进度之依据;3、进度安排用“”在相应位置画出。毕业设计(论文)阶段工作情况检查表时间第 一 阶 段(撰写开题报告、外文翻译、文献综述)第 二 阶 段(论文初稿撰写或方案设计)第 三 阶 段(论文终稿或图纸绘制)内容组织纪律完 成 任 务 情 况组织纪律完 成 任 务 情 况组织纪律完 成 任 务 情 况检查情况教师签字签字 日期 签字 日期签字 日期注:1、此表由指导教师认真填写;2、“组织纪律”一栏根据学生具体执行情况如实填写;3、“完成任务情况”一栏按学生是否按进度保质保量完成任务的情况填写;4、对违纪和不能按时完成任务者,指导教师可根据情节轻重对该生提出警告或不能参加答辩的建议。重 庆 理 工 大 学文 献 翻 译二级学院 机械工程学院 水果大小分选机这项发明是关于水果大小通用分选机的,采用振动工作台对圆形水果如桔子,杏按大小分选,他同样可用于非圆形水果或其他类型果实进行分选,如黄瓜,梨,辣椒这一类。按照本发明这样一个排序表有一个一般平固体无孔的表面,在其一端加载水果按大小分选,联通加载面积和斜下面的是一个排序区由一个光滑无孔的波纹表面组成一个多元紧密排列的凹槽,扩展一般的方向振荡和沟通他们的下端与集合区。依照本发明,这些锥形槽或空缺的上游在水果装卸结束后,通过筛下水果可以排出一个收集区,分开收集大尺寸的水果放置区域。这个发明采用相应的沟槽通道结构化设计收集装货区域的水果,使主要尺寸水果在装货区振动结束后,使水果通过相应尺寸的开孔槽后进入收集区。在它的沟槽通道设计中,采用相应的缓冲结构,是水果流在到达筛选口处时速度减缓便于分类排放筛选水果。该发明的另一个特点是,分选机的水平加载面和和它的斜向下排序区之间有一个光滑的塑料浮凸,促使水果进入分选通道,同时尽量减少对水果的伤害并便于清洗的消毒。在考虑到目前分选机的设计,我们现在将描述本发明的其他优势各功能。按图纸其部分设计参数如下:图1,是水果分选机的整体视图,和刷选排序图。图2,是与顶部水平台相连的分选槽的局部视图和说明。图3,是沿图2中3-3线看去的的剖视图。图4,是一排筛选槽的纵面截断图。现在我们进行详细的说明。图1展示了工作台边框10这个振动排序面,它的四个角由12,14,16,184个杆来连接支撑,相应的这4个连杆的另一端与机架20相连,并在机架20下面接两水平平行杆22,用以约束机架的位置,24是一个电机与杆26相链接,26另一端一水平台链接,用以驱动水平台振动。按照本发明,排序边框10和一般卧式平加载面积30,所有水果如杏、柳橙、柠檬和其他一般球形状的水果就会装载进行大小分级。装载区30与向下倾斜的波形分类面积32相连,波纹排序区32由一系列紧密并排的凹槽34组成,从装载区域扩展30一般的方向振动的桌面,向下一个带38收集水果到卸槽下端36。考虑图2可以看出,这些槽狭窄的凸脊32和凸棱40和向下倾斜的反对侧墙42,合并成一个狭窄的圆形窄基44。槽面34应明显小于框宽10、深度至少大于水果的直径。同样像图1,基极和斜边的墙壁34,分离槽脊40在上端逐渐融入到平面的水果加载区域的表。所以,在振荡的响应操作框10的马达24、水果加载在其上慢慢朝向上的两端槽32对齐,并沿着山脊之间的沟槽34 40对他们分类进入36。在目前优选的发明,框10虽然以前描述为一般水平最好是处理一些小倾角。同时,排序区32水平偏转角大约15。现在指出图2,中间下出料端和接收端上34有开口槽通过提供50小个水果前的排放出料端36。按照本发明开口50沿设计方案向下振动,当有一个长度远大于直径的水果出现时,由于虑了最小直径大小的主要水果。侧边缘的反对称开口锥度50一个宽度在上游端不到预期的直径的大小的水果要加载在负载区30,随着水果进入沟槽34从装货区域30他们被引导向出料端向下的波谷36在重力和主要尺寸的果实沿斜边的墙进入口50到达传送带38。尺寸小一点的水果,由于震动进入上一个筛选口,落入传送带60上面。手机水果的传送带按水果分类的大小进行排列。如图2,同时考虑图3和4,本发明还包括对沟槽内的水果减速,而不是继续向下冲而没有进入筛选孔50。图2、3和4是由一对水平设置的嘴唇或鳍片形小板70,长度与孔50相等。通过图4与图3表示,小板70存在一些轻微的跟踪偏差约2相对水平面,沿著水果移动到开口50。是通过的水果或进入孔50的石锅速度慢下来,以便有更多的时间为小尺寸的水果进行筛选。沟槽34上的筛选孔可进行对任意数量水果的分选。因此在图1第二卸料口150也对下一个卸料口进入水果的速度有一定阻碍作用。卸料口150的最大宽度大打低于卸料口50的宽度,后者则由重力下槽进入到下一个筛选槽。依照本发明,排序边框10包括其平面水平设置加载面30和其向下倾斜的排序区32包括34和水果沟槽运动制动的嘴唇70塑造成一个合适的塑料材料结构如纤维增强聚酯树脂,具有光滑无孔的表面和边缘坚实的开口50和150以及鳍边缘70。见图1,排序边框10三面都被封闭在一个框架80和这机架由不可或缺的部分框10。因此装载面容易清洗和消毒。水果装载在桌上,收到边框80约束振动会传到装载水果台面的各区域 ,以便引导水果进入或通过开口150及其相关水果运动制动的鳍边缘70到各自的收集区,并减小对水果的摩擦和损伤。本分选机结构简单但有效的操作和经济生产。在此陈述本发明:1。在整个水果大小分级机,通常横向摇摆整理表有一般水平平装载区,水果应该大小分级加载和向下倾斜的排序区有一个上层波纹表面在其宽度定义一系列并排密切相关的波谷扩展的方向,每个说波谷有振荡的倾斜间隔侧墙,引导向低排放水果的沟槽,小卸料口位于上面同时减小去下游的水果的速度。2。排序整个水果大小分级机卸料口包含一对鳍边缘70上方水平设置,减小进料速度。3。如2所述鳍边缘70宽度和长度应与卸料口尺寸相对应。4。每个分选口形状相似按大小从上至下排列,上边通过小水果,下边通过较大水果,依次通过个料口筛选分级。5。排序桌面是一个整块的成型结构,便于消毒清洗。6。加载和分拣区域有一个光滑的固体闭锁的表面。WHOLE FRUIT SIZE GRADER This invention relates to a whole fruit, size-grading apparatus and particularly to a novel and improved oscillating table for sorting fruit such as oranges, apricots and the like for collection according; to size. It could also be used to size grade or sort other produce such as cucumbers, pears, peppers and the like. In accordance with this invention such a sorting table has a generally flat solid imperforate surface at one end onto which is loaded fruit to be sorted as to size. Communicating with said loading area and sloping downwardly therefrom is a sorting area embodying a smooth imperforate corrugated surface constituting a plurality of closely spaced side-by-side grooves, channels or troughs which extend generally in the direction of table oscillation and communicate at their lower end with a collection area. In accordance with the invention, these troughs are provided with tapered slots or openings upstream of the discharge ends thereof through which undersize fruit can discharge to a collecting area separate from the collecting area into which the larger size fruit discharge. A feature of the invention is that the troughs are so structured as to receive the fruit from the loading area, guide the prime size fruit to the discharge end of the table while directing undersize fruit through the corresponding discharge openings in the troughs ahead of the trough discharge ends. In its preferred form said troughs have means associated therewith to retard the gravital flow of the fruit in said troughs across said undersize fruit discharge openings to facilitate the sorting of the fruit. Another feature of the invention is that the sorter table including both its horizontal flat loading area and its downward sloped sorting area comprise a one piece smooth surfaced solid imperforate plastic member which facilitates its function of sorting the fruit according to size while minimizing possible injury or brusing of the fruit and at the same time being readily cleaned and sanitized. Other features and/or advantages of the invention will be at once apparent, or will become so, upon consideration of the presently preferred embodiment of the invention which now will be described. Referring therefor to the accompanying drawings wherein like parts are identified by like reference numerals: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a whole fruit size-grading apparatus including a sorting table according to the invention; FIG. 2 is an enlarged fragmented top plan view of the troughs comprising the sorting area of said table in accordance with the invention; FIG. 3 is a sectional view taken lengthwise of one of the troughs comprising the sorting area of said table the view being taken along line 3-3 of FIG.2 looking in the direction indicated by the arrows; FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view taken along lines 4-4 of FIG. 2 also looking in the direction indicated by the arrows. Now referring more specifically to FIG. 1, said view illustrates at 10 a one piece generally rectamgularly-shaped sorting table or platform constructed in accordance with the invention. Table 10 is shown pivotally connected adjacent its four comers to links 12-18 which in turn are pivotally suspended from a pair of parallel spaced tubular standards 20 0f a supporting frame 22 so that table 10 is free to be oscillated horizontally with a small vertical displacement in a fore and aft direction between and parallel to said standards 22. At 24 is a motor drivingly connected by link 26 to sorting table 20 to effect oscillation of the table through a generally horizontal plane and in the direction confined by said links 12-18. In accordance with this invention, sorting table 10 comprises a generally horizontal flat loading area 30 on which whole fruit such as apricots, oranges, lemons and other generally ball shaped fruit is loaded for size grading or sorting. Communicating with said loading area 30 is a downwardly sloped corrugated sorting area 32. Said corrugated sorting area 32 thus comprises a series of closely shaped side-by-side troughs, channels or grooves 34 which extend from the loading area 30 generally in the direction of oscillation of the table, downwardly to a belt 38 which collects fruit discharging from the lower end 36 of said troughs. Considering also FIG. 2 with FIG. 1 it will be seen that these troughs 32 are separated by narrow ridges 40 and have inwardly and downwardly sloping opposed side walls 42 which merge into a narrow rounded narrow base 44. Said troughs 34 have a width which is substantially less than the sizes of fruit to be sorted by oscillation of the table 10, a depth at least that of the prime size fruit and a width in the plane of the separating ridges which is greater than the diameter of said prime size fruit. Also, as seen best in FIG. 1, the base and sloping side walls of these troughs 34 and the separating ridges 40 at their upper end gradually merge into the flat surface of the fruit loading area of the table. So that with oscillation of the table 10 in response to operation of motor 24, fruit loaded thereon is slowly directed toward the upper ends of the trough 32 into which they align themselves, one behind the other, and descend down the troughs 34 between the ridges 40 toward their discharge end 36. In the presently preferred embodiment of the invention, table 10 although previously described as generally horizontal preferably is disposed at some small angle of declination from true horizontal, for example one degree. Also, said sorting area 32 is disposed at a declination angle of approximately 15from horizontal. Referring now particularly to FIG. 2, intermediate the lower discharge end and upper receiving end of each said troughs 34 there are provided openings 50 through which undersized fruit discharges ahead of the discharge end 36 of the troughs. In accordance with this invention said discharge openings 50 are both tapered and elongated in the direction of table oscillation, thus having an axial length several times that of the diameter of the prime size fruit and a width at their downstream end which approaches that of, but is less than, the diameter of what is considered the minimum diameter of prime size fruit. The opposed side edges of said discharge openings 50 taper rearwardly to a width at their upstream end which is less than the expected diametric size of fruit to be loaded on the loading area 30. It will be appreciated therefore that as the fruit enter the troughs 34 from the loading area 30 they are guided downwardly toward the discharge end of the troughs 36 under the pull of gravity and the prime size fruit is guided by the sloping side walls of said troughs over said discharge openings 50 to belts 38. Smaller size fruit, however, will be engaged and therefore guided by the opposed side edges of the discharge openings 50 which extend into the side walls of the trough (FIGS. 3 and 4) toward the larger end of the openings 50 dropping therethrough as they reach that portion of the discharge opening having a width as great as or greater than the fruit diameter. The undersized fruit dropping through discharge openings 50 is caught and collected by belt 60 which is appropriately located for this purpose. It will be understood that the collecting belts 38 and 60 are so located and have a width related to the horizontal stroke of the oscillation of the table 10 such that belt 38 remains in continuous communication with the discharge end of the troughs and belt 60 remains continuously in communication with discharge aperture 50. Referring still to FIG. 2, and also considering FIGS. 3 and 4 therewith, the invention also includes retarding means to slow down the fruit as it is directed by the sloping sidewalls of the trough across the discharge openings 50, thereby to provide greater opportunity for undersize fruit to drop through the discharge opening 50 rather than continue to the discharge end of the trough. Such means is illustrated in said FIGS. 2, 3 and 4 as comprising a pair of generally horizontally disposed lips or fins 70 which are spaced over said discharge aperture 50 and arranged along the full length thereof. These inner edges are illustrated spaced apart a distance corresponding to the progressively tapering width of the discharge apertures 50 themselves. As illustrated by FIG. 4 with FIG. 3, said lips 70 present a generally horizontal track or one at some slight declination, for example 2 from true horizontal, along which the fruit moves over the discharge openings 50. Being disposed generally horizontal they slow down or retard the gravital pull of the fruit across the openings 50 so that there is more time for the smaller size fruit to be caught and discharge through said openings 50 to belt 60.It will be understood of course that the troughs 34 may be provided each with more than one discharge opening 50 so that the table may be utilized to sort the fruit into any required number of sizes. Thus in FIG. 1 a second discharge opening is illustrated at 150 which is generally arranged and shaped as is aperture 50 and is also provided with overlying lips 70 which retard movement of fruit thereacross. As illustrated the widest lateral dimension of opening 150 is substantially less than the widest dimension of the downstream discharge opening 50 wherefore it is adapted to receive one size of fruit while rejecting larger sizes, the latter then proceeding by gravitation down the troughs to the next discharge end of the trough.In accordance with the invention, sorting table 10 including its flat horizontally disposed loading area 30 and its downwardly sloped sorting area 32 including troughs 34 and the fruit movement retarding lips 70 are moulded into a one piece unit of suitable plastic material such as fiber reinforced polyester resin sometimes referred to as fiberglass and characterized by smooth solid imperforate surfaces and rounded edges about the discharge openings 50 and 150 as well as along the edges of the fins 70. Preferably also, as illustrated in FIG. 1, the sorting table 10 is enclosed by a three-sided frame or ledge 80 (only the discharge end thereof being left open) and this ledge comprises an integral part of the moulded table 10. The sorting table is therefore readily cleaned and sanitized. Fruit is confined on the table by said ledge 80 and is also capable of flowing from the loading area onto the troughs of the sorting area in reponse to oscillation of the table and so as to be guided by the sloping side walls and/or edges of the discharge openings 150 and their associated fruit-movement-retarding lips or fins 70 to the respective discharge areas without bruising or being injured.The structure is simple but effective in its operation and economical to manufacture.Thus having described the invention I claim:1. In a whole fruit size grader, a generally horizontally oscillated sorting table having a generally horizontal flat loading area on which fruit to be size-graded is loaded and a downwardly sloped sorting area having an upper corrugated surface across its width defining a series of side-by-side close related troughs extending in the direction of said oscillation, each said troughs having inwardly-sloped spaced side walls which guide the fruit downwardly toward the lower discharge end of the troughs, the side walls and base of said troughs at their upper end merging into the generally horizont
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