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关 键 词:
基于 asp net 技术 高校 多媒体 教学 资源管理 系统 程序


49页 17000字数+说明书+任务书+开题报告+媒体教学资源管理系统程序







目  录

摘  要III


目  录V

1 绪论1

1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义1

1.2 国内外的发展概况1

1.3 本课题应达到的要求1

1.4 课题研究的目的和意义2

2 关键性技术3

2.1 ASP.NET技术3


3 需求分析5

3.1 系统实现的目标5

3.2 系统业务流程分析5

3.3 系统可行性分析7

3.3.1 技术可行性7

3.3.2 经济可行性7

3.3.3 操作可行性7

3.4 系统开发环境8

3.5 数据流分析8

3.6 数据字典10

3.6.1 数据存储分析10

3.6.2 数据流分析11

4 总体设计15

4.1 系统总体设计和功能设计15

4.2 数据库设计16

4.2.1 系统E-R图16

4.2.2 系统表设计19

5 系统实现21

5.1 详细设计和系统实现步骤21

5.2 程序流程图设计21

5.3 数据库连接设计21

5.4 管理员子系统的实施22

5.4.1 登录模块设计22

5.4.2 系统主页面设计23

5.4.3 信息管理模块23

5.4.4 学生管理模块25

5.4.5 答疑管理模块26

5.4.6 教师管理模块26

5.5 教师子系统的实施28


5.5.2 视频管理模块29

5.5.3 答疑回复模块31

5.6 功能模块的设计和实现31

5.6.1 系统注册模块31

5.6.2 学生登录模块32

5.6.3 学生信息修改模块33

5.6.4 可见信息浏览及下载模块34

5.6.5 学习自测模块34

5.6.6 教程信息模块36

5.6.7 答疑室模块36

6 系统测试38

7 结论与展望39



致  谢40


摘  要


   本系统采用了B/S体系结构,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为前台开发工具,以Microsoft SQL Server作为后台数据库管理系统进行开发。根据实际需求,教学网站采用模块化的设计思想,在Windows XP操作系统环境下,搭建ASP.NET运行环境IIS5.1,通过使用C#语法的脚本语言完成动态的、交互的web服务器应用程序,实现网络教学网站的主要功能,包括学生在前台的浏览、课件下载、教程查看、在线测试、网上提问、视频教学等功能;教师登录实现教师资料管理,教案发布,网上答疑,考试题库维护;管理员在后台进行的教师管理、学生管理等功能。


   关键词:网络教学;多媒体;SQL Server;ASP.NET

1 绪论

1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义


1.2 国内外的发展概况




1.3 本课题应达到的要求

   随着网络教学的开展,教学和学习的环境都有了比较大的变化。如何更好的利用教学设计的思想,高效的开发网络课程成为摆在教学设计人员面前的首要任务。网络教学将网络技术作为新型学习环境的有机因素以探索学习为主要的活动。基于网络教学相对于传统教学有两个明显的特征。 它是一种双向交流模式,首先,师生可以突破空间和时间的界限,大大的节省了教育资源,而且师生间可以互动,反馈和交流。这些比传统的教学更加方便,有效。 其次,可共享的学习资源丰富,给师生提供了有利的学习保证。 通过以上特征可以显示,网络教学打破了传统学校教学的课堂授课模式,它建立了一种全新的教学与学习模式。对于教师来说,他负责网络课件的设计、开发以及维护。对于学生来说由以前单一的、被动的接受学习变成自我探索、发现、合作学习,学生不但可以像从前一样接受教师给予的知识,而且可以发挥自己的主观能动性去寻找和探索相关的知识,学生的学习范围和交流对象也随着网络变得延伸,这些变化都要求在进行网络课件的设计开发和教学时不能在因循从前的一套模式,而应该根据新的学习、教学环境进行教学设计 ,网络教学系统的设计应该符合学生的学习心理,认知心理;知识的编排应遵循课程的逻辑结构,和学生学习的接受的水平相一致,而且能够科学的呈现出来,发挥它的作用。

1.4 课题研究的目的和意义



无锡太湖学院信 机系 计算机科学与技术 专业毕 业 设 计论 文 任 务 书一、题目及专题:1、题目 基于ASP.NET技术高校多媒体教学资源管理系统的设计和实现 2、专题 二、课题来源及选题依据 多媒体教学是各种教育资源之一,它是根据教学目标设计,从而表现特定的教学内容,有效的将文字,图形,图形,图画,动画,声音结合起来,它具有直观,生动,形象和感染力强的特点,可以激发和培养我们的学习兴趣。在这样一种学习环境中,可以充分创造出一个图文并茂,有声有色,生动逼真的教学环境,为教师教学的顺利实施提供表达工具,使教学变得精彩,让我们获得真切的感知,主动观察,最终自行找到答案。因此,学校需要研究一套多媒体教学系统来提高教学质量,实现教育系统化。 三、本设计(论文或其他)应达到的要求:采用ASP.NET技术设计一个动态网站; 主题明确,教材管理系统开发界面美观大方,要有创新性,体现 出多媒体教学的特点; 系统运行稳定,安全可靠; 具有实时性,学生,教师和管理员可以方便登陆查询信息,确保信息的准确性; 管理员负责管理整个网站,可以管理学生和老师; 完成英文资料的翻译,完成毕业论文。 四、接受任务学生: 计科95 班 姓名 许 愉 五、开始及完成日期:自2012年11月12日 至2013年5月25日六、设计(论文)指导(或顾问):指导教师签名 签名 签名教研室主任学科组组长研究所所长签名 系主任 签名2012年11月12日无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 基于ASP.NET技术高校多媒体 教学资源管理系统的设计和实现 信机 系 计算机科学与技术 专业学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: (职称:讲师 ) (职称: )2012年11月25日课题来源随着网络教学的开展,教学和学习的环境都有了比较大的变化。如何更好的利用设教学计的思想,高效的开发网络课程成为摆在教学设计人员面前的首要任务。科学依据随着技术的发展,利用网络进行网上教学成为教育发展的一个方向。基于网络的教学相对于传统的教学有两个明显的特征。 首先,师生可以突破时空的界限,大大的节省了教育资源,而且师生间可以实现互动,反馈和交流都比传统的广播电视教学方便,有效率。 其次,可共享的丰富的网络教学、学习资源给师生提供了有利的学习支持。 基于以上特征,网络教学打破了传统学校教育的课堂授课模式,同时也突破了传统远程教育所无法实施的有效的沟通和交流的局限。它要求建立一种全新的教学与学习模式。对教师和学生也提出了不同的要求。 对于教师来说由原来对教学的完全支配者变成了学习的支持者,他负责网络课件的设计、开发以及维护。对于学生来说由以前单一的、被动的接受学习变成自我探索、发现、协作学习等多种形式的组合学习,学生不仅仅要像从前一样接受教师给予的知识,更应该发挥自己的主观能动性去寻找和探索相关的知识和资源,学生的学习范围和交流对象也随着网络延伸,并且可以进行协作化的学习。这些变化都要求我们在进行网络课件的设计开发和教学时不能在因循从前的一套模式,而应该根据新的学习、教学环境进行教学设计 ,网络教学系统的设计应该符合学生的学习心理,认知心理;知识的编排既遵循本门课程的逻辑结构,和学生学习的接受水平相一致,而且还能够科学的呈现出来。根据网络教学网站的要求,本系统最终实现的目标是实现学生网上教程学习、网上课件下载、学生自测管理、学生网上提问的功能;教师能够对网上各种资源进行管理和维护;管理员在后台完成对学生信息,教师信息,教学资源等信息进行更改与维护。教师也可借助此平台,发布公告信息、发布课件信息、实现课件上传下载、组织讨论答疑等功能。可以为用户提供在线教案学习、在线测试、在线提问等服务。网络学习网站,可以实现用户管理、在线资料管理、网上答疑等主要功能。这些信息均与后台数据库直接连接,可以从后台管理子系统进行动态添加与更新操作。使教师对网络的维护更加直观高效。教学中提出的问题是需要学生通过思考去分析去解决,而不是传统教学那样,一切由老师安排,由老师扶着走,从而培养学生的独立精神。这种精神正是现代社会人应必备的素质,只有具体这种精神,在复杂的环境中才能立于不败之地,开创一片新天地。因为知识和技能的获得,有多种途径,现在提倡要从问题的探索中获得知识和技能,这是科学的发现过程在教学过程中的运用。在科学探究活动中,要运用许多科学的方法,这样可以达到促进知识学习,培养能力和提高科学素质的目的。研究内容B/S模式结构的设计原理及过程ASP.NET 程序设计方法SQL Server数据库的建立及连接方式ASP.NET网站的生成和运行过程B/S结构的客户端和结构的设计:(1)视图层:简单明了的显示页面。(2)控制层:快速简便的控制系统,管理员负责系统的全面管理及控制。(3)模型层:一个结构合理的数据模型(4)数据库层:SQL Server数据库的建立和连接拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析本系统按照软件工程的思想,在设计时经过了需求分析,总体设计,详细设计,测试和维护等阶段。在需求分析阶段分析具体的业务流程并得出相应的数据字典,在总体设计阶段包括了系统的功能设计和数据库设计,在详细设计阶段,根据前面得出的成果采用ASP.NET+SQL对系统进行编写。在测试阶段主要采用模块测试,集成测试,验收测试等。本系统需要一台服务器,配置要求与员工的访问量成正比。当前的主流服务器完全可以满足要求。对于客户端,只需要客户端装有浏览器即可,对机器本身没有太高的要求,一般当前企业办公所用的计算机完全可满足要求。对于软件技术要求,现在基于B/S架构的程序设计语言已非常成熟,从刚开始的CGI,到现在的ASP,JSP,PHP,.NET的百花齐放。使用其中任何一门语言开发都可以满足要求。服务器软件也很多,其中任意一个都可以胜任,数据库可以使用ACCESS和SQL Server,由于SQL Server具有更强大的功能,所以我们选用SQL Server。本系统前台的设计使用。研究计划及预期成果研究计划:2012年11月12日-2012年12月25日:填写毕业设计开题报告书。2012年12月25日-2013年3月5日:调试分析。2013年3月8日-2013年3月14日:设计功能框架。2013年3月15日-2013年3月21日:程序开发。2013年3月22日-2013年4月11日:系统调试。2013年4月12日-2013年4月25日:程序修改。2013年4月26日-2013年5月21日:毕业论文撰写和修改。预期成果:设计出教学网络页面,有学生,教师和管理员登陆,管理员可以管理学生和教师,有查询功能。特色或创新之处 使用C#编程,程序设计界面简单,学生,教师和管理员可以直接登录。 管理员可以管理教师,支持后台。已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题操作系统:Windows XP数据库管理系统:Microsoft SQL Server 2005服务器软件:IIS 服务器尚需解决的问题:在登录过程中比较繁琐,教师登录后需要退出,管理员才可以登录,有些麻烦,系统还不够完善,日后会多加学习,完善多媒体教学管理系统。指导教师意见 指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室(学科组、研究所)意见 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日系意见 主管领导签名: 年 月 日About ASP.NETThe ASP.NET is the new generation network plait distance that the Microsoft company lately releases according to the .NET frame language, is also one of the latest Web techniques currently.ASP.NET is establishment at the public language circulate the plait distance on the database a frame, can used for a server up born function strong Web procedure, in the ASP.NET the procedure code and the page can completely remove, use Web Control, no longer classify customer to carry or the server carry procedure, can directly carry on data commutation, use the Visual Studio can conveniently adjust to try with follow, support C# and VB language, support faces to an object plait distance, can make use of in early days bind settle, solid hour edit and translate, this machine excellent turned to alleviate to save a service, this equal to before write code then showed Zhao to raise function.The ASP.NET development web page has a lot of advantages.Because the ASP.NET circulates a database according to the public language, so applied procedure development the personnel can make use of the Web procedure that the whole power of terrace and vivid develop efficiently and.NET frame database, news processing and data visit solutions all and can dont sew an interview from the Web.The ASP.NET also has nothing to do with the language, so can choose the most suitable match language of apply the procedure, or across various languages to partition application procedure.Moreover, the public language circulates a hand over of database with each other sex to promise to reserve according to the COM the existing investment in the development while moving to move to ASP.NET.Simple, the ASP.NET makes to carry out familiar mission to become easy and hand over to carry an identity to verify the deployment and the station to order an allocation with customer from the simple window body.For example, the ASP.NET page frame makes you born will application procedure logic with mean that the code knows discrete customers interface, with handle affairs in similarly the Visual Basic of the simple window body the processing the model.Moreover, the public language circulated a database to make use of trusteeship code service(if the automatic adduction count with the garbage recover) to simplify a development.ASP.NET adoption according to text originally of layering allocation system, simplified to apply a constitution application under the circumstance that the server environment and the Web applied procedure, because of allocation information with pure text originally form save of, so can at have no native management tool help lately establish.Thiszero native managementss philosophy also expanded to an ASP.NET frame an application procedure of deployment.Need necessity of the document make duplicate a server, then the ASP.NET frame apply the procedure deploy a server.Dont need to re- start a server, even is at the deployment or the replacement circulate of edit and translate a code.ASP.NET considered can zoom sex while design and increased to exclusively used for in the gathering environment with manily the processor environment to lift the function of high performance.Moreover, the progress is circulate by ASP.NET database of close surveillance and management, in order to when progress behavior iniquity often(leak, dead lock), can right on the spot establish a new distance, in aid of keep applied the procedure always can used for a processing claim.From definition with expand sex, ASP.NET with attached 1 to design thoughtful structure, it make development personnel can at appropriate of the Class insert a code.Actually can use oneself to write of expand or substitute ASP.NET movement any sub- module of the database from the definition module.Realization from definition the identity verify or appearances serve hasnt been become more easy.Safety.Ask for help of a verification inside the Windows identity for place and apply the allocation of procedure according to each one, can promise that the applied procedure is safe.While establish the page of ASP.NET Web, the script language had to use .NET and permit to write a server to carry a code, like VB.NET, C#and Jscript.NET etc.Because of the universality of the VB language and VBScript, so the VB.NET becomes the development language of most people choice.The VB.NET is the latest edition of Visual Basic and is design use to set up the .NET applied procedure of the most simple and the most rich efficiently develop tool.VB.NET is a kind of real face to object of language, it adds and strengthens many characteristics which lately face to object on the VB foundation, if inherit with heavy carry etc., still include to operate the control and first floor of progress etc. in the meantime.The Visual Basic.NET provides to in great quantities face to object function, include application procedure to inherit and it allows you the type which lead you to want to establish from the other type.Be like similar in the other face to the object language, you can overlay Ji method and attribute, and can carry out many Tais to establish strong of, expand sex good module.VB.NET of heavy carry is definition together, but use a different data type of the ability of method or attribute.The VB.NET faced to object ability to expand the thoroughfare of language:All of everythings are objects.This mean ratio in the past of VB edition in, acquired more inside functions, you will few compelled use Windows API.These new characteristics make the VB.NET opposite VB language but speech, more well-trained, the function is stronger. When coding ASP.NET applications you have access to classes in the .NET Framework. You can code your applications in any language compatible with the common language runtime (CLR), including Microsoft Visual Basic, C#, JScript.NET, and J#. These languages enable you to develop ASP.NET applications that benefit from the common language runtime, type safety, inheritance, and so on.ASP.NET includes:A page and controls framework、The ASP.NET compiler、Security infrastructure、State-management facilities、Application configuration、Health monitoring and performance features、An XML Web services framework and Extensible hosting environment and application life cycle management。The ASP.NET page and controls framework is a programming framework that runs on a Web server to dynamically produce and render ASP.NET Web pages. ASP.NET Web pages can be requested from any browser or client device, and ASP.NET renders markup (such as HTML) to the requesting browser. As a rule, you can use the same page for multiple browsers, because ASP.NET renders the appropriate markup for the browser making the request. However, you can design your ASP.NET Web page to target a specific browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, and take advantage of the features of that browser. ASP.NET supports mobile controls for Web-enabled devices such as cellular phones, handheld computers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs). ASP.NET Web pages are completely object-oriented. Within ASP.NET Web pages you can work with HTML elements using properties, methods, and events. The ASP.NET page framework removes the implementation details of the separation of client and server inherent in Web-based applications by presenting a unified model for responding to client events in code that runs at the server. The framework also automatically maintains the state of a page and the controls on that page during the page processing life cycle. The ASP.NET page and controls framework also enables you to encapsulate common UI functionality in easy-to-use, reusable controls. Controls are written once, can be used in many pages, and are integrated into the ASP.NET Web page that they are placed in during rendering.The ASP.NET page and controls framework also provides features to control the overall look and feel of your Web site via themes and skins. You can define themes and skins and then apply them at a page level or at a control level.In addition to themes, you can define master pages that you use to create a consistent layout for the pages in your application. A single master page defines the layout and standard behavior that you want for all the pages (or a group of pages) in your application. You can then create individual content pages that contain the specific content you want to display. When users request the content pages, they merge with the master page to produce output that combines the layout of the master page with the content from the content page.All ASP.NET code is compiled, which enables strong typing, performance optimizations, and early binding, among other benefits. Once the code has been compiled, the common language runtime further compiles ASP.NET code to native code, providing improved performance.ASP.NET includes a compiler that will compile all your application components including pages and controls into an assembly that the ASP.NET hosting environment can then use to service user requests.In addition to the security features of .NET, ASP.NET provides an advanced security infrastructure for authenticating and authorizing user access as well as performing other security-related tasks. You can authenticate users using Windows authentication supplied by IIS, or you can manage authentication using your own user database using ASP.NET forms authentication and ASP.NET membership. Additionally, you can manage the authorization to the capabilities and information of your Web application using Windows groups or your own custom role database using ASP.NET roles. You can easily remove, add to, or replace these schemes depending upon the needs of your application. ASP.NET provides intrinsic state management functionality that enables you to store information between page requests, such as customer information or the contents of a shopping cart. You can save and manage application-specific, session-specific, specific, user-specific, and developer-defined information. This information can be independent of any controls on the page.ASP.NET offers distributed state facilities, which enable you to manage state information across multiple instances of the same application on one computer or on several computers. .ASP.NET applications use a configuration system that enables you to define configuration settings for your Web server, for a Web site, or for individual applications. You can make configuration settings at the time your ASP.NET applications are deployed and can add or revise configuration settings at any time with minimal impact on operational Web applications and servers. ASP.NET configuration settings are stored in XML-based files. Because these XML files are ASCII text files, it is simple to make configuration changes to your Web applications. You can extend the configuration scheme to suit your requirements. ASP.NET includes features that enable you to monitor health and performance of your ASP.NET application. ASP.NET health monitoring enables reporting of key events that provide information about the health of an application and about error conditions. These events show a combination of diagnostics and monitoring characteristics and offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of what is logged and how it is logged.ASP.NET supports two groups of performance counters accessible to your applications:The ASP.NET system performance counter group and The ASP.NET application performance counter group.ASP.NET supports XML Web services. An XML Web service is a component containing business functionality that enables applications to exchange information across firewalls using standards like HTTP and XML messaging. XML Web services are not tied to a particular component technology or object-calling convention. As a result, programs written in any language, using any component model, and running on any operating system can access XML Web services.Extensible Hosting Environment and Application Life-Cycle Management ASP.NET includes an extensible hosting environment that controls the life cycle of an application from when a user first accesses a resource (such as a page) in the application to the point at which the application is shut down. While ASP.NET relies on a Web server (IIS) as an application host, ASP.NET provides much of the hosting functionality itself. The architecture of ASP.NET enables you to respond to application events and create custom HTTP handlers and HTTP modules. ASP.NET is a resoundingly successful platform. Thousands of websites used it while it was still in early beta, and today more than 50,000 public web servers rely on it every day. As s dramatic rise, ASP.NET websites overtook JSP (Java Server Pages) websites in a single year. ASP.NET is the engine that hosts web applications and web services, with almost any feature from the .NET class library. ASP.NET also includes a set of web-specific services. A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and pages as they go between the Web server and browser. The cookie contains information the Web application can read whenever the user visits the site. For example, if a user requests a page from your site and your application sends not just a page, but also a cookie containing the date and time, when the users browser gets the page, the browser also gets the cookie, which it stores in a folder on the users hard disk.Later, if user requests a page from your site again, when the user enters the URL the browser looks on the local hard disk for a cookie associated with the URL. If the cookie exists, the browser sends the cookie to your site along with the page request. Your application can then determine the date and time that the user last visited the site. You might use the information to display a message to the user or check an expiration date.Cookies are associated with a Web site, not with a specific page, so the browser and server will exchange cookie information no matter what page the user requests from your site. As the user visits different sites, each site might send a cookie to the users browser as well; the browser stores all the cookies separately.Cookies help Web sites store information about visitors. More generally, cookies are one way of maintaining continuity in a Web applicationthat is, of performing state management. Except for the brief time when they are actually exchanging information, the browser and Web server are disconnected. Each request a user makes to a Web server is treated independently of any other request. Many times, however, its useful for the Web server to recognize users when they request a page. For example, the Web server on a shopping site keeps track of individual shoppers so the site can manage shopping carts and other user-specific information. A cookie therefore acts as a kind of calling card, presenting pertinent identification that helps an application know how to proceed.Cookies are used for many purposes, all relating to helping the Web site remember users. ASP.NET 2.0 is the latest version of ASP, and it represents the most dramatic change yet. With ASP.NET, developers no longer need to paste together a jumble of HTML and scriptcode in order to program the Web. Instead, you can create full-scale web applicationsusing nothing but code and a design tool such as Visual Studio 2005. The cost of all thisinnovation is the learning curve. Not only do you need to learn how to use an advanceddesign tool (Visual Studio) and a toolkit of objects (the .NET Framework), you also need tomaster a programming language such as C#.ASP.NET 1.x and ASP.NET 2.0 share the same underlying plumbing and use essentially the same technology. Although they run on different versions of the .NET Frame-work, the changes are evolutionary, not revolutionary. This similarity doesnt hold for classic ASP, which is based on older Microsoft technologies such as COM.At the same time that server-side web development was moving through an alphabet soup of technologies, a new type of programming was gaining popularity. Developers began to experiment with the different ways they could enhance web pages by embed-ding multimedia and miniature applets built with JavaScript, DHTML (Dynamic HTML), and Java code. These client-side technologies dont involve any server processing. Instead, the complete application is downloaded to the client browser, which executes it locally.The greatest problem with client-side technologies is that they arent supported equally by all browsers and operating systems. One of the reasons that web development is so popular in the first place is because web applications dont require setup CDs, down-loads, and other tedious (and error-prone) deployment steps. Instead, a web application can be used on any computer that has Internet access. But when developers use client-side technologies, they encounter a few familiar headaches. Suddenly, cross-browsercompatibility becomes a problem. Developers are forced to test their websites with differ-ent operating systems and browsers, and they might even need to distribute browserupdates to their clients. In other words, the client-side model sacrifices some of the mostimportant benefits of web developmentFor that reason, ASP.NET is designed as a server-side technology. All ASP.NET code executes on the server. When the code is finished executing, the user receives an ordinary HTML page, which can be viewed in any browser.In some cases, ASP.NET allows you to combine the best of client-side programming with ser
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