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关 键 词:
m3400 调温器 工艺规程 系列夹具 车上端面 图纸


42页 21000字数+说明书+任务书+开题报告+5张CAD图纸【详情如下】












目  录

摘  要III


目  录V

1 绪论1

  1.1 本课题研究的内容及意义1

  1.2 国内外发展情况1

  1.3 本课题应达到的要求2

2 零件的分析3

  2.1 零件的作用3

  2.2 零件的工艺分析3

3 工艺规程设计4

  3.1 确定毛坯的制造形式4

  3.2 定位基准的选择4

  3.3 拟定工艺路线5

  3.4 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定7

  3.5 确定切削用量及基本工时7

   3.5.1 车上端面工艺计算7

   3.5.2 车左端面工艺计算9

   3.5.3 车Φ38端面、外圆及倒角11

   3.5.4 铣Φ22端面工艺计算12

   3.5.5 钻上端面Φ8的孔14

   3.5.6 钻左端面Φ8的孔16

   3.5.7 钻Φ12的孔17

4 专用夹具设计18

  4.1 机床夹具设计概述18

   4.1.1 机床夹具概述18

   4.1.2 机床夹具的分类18

   4.1.3 机床夹具的组成和功用18

   4.1.4 夹具总体方案设计19

  4.2 夹具设计20

   4.2.1 问题的提出20

   4.2.2 定位方式与定位基准的选择20

   4.2.3 夹具机构设计20

   4.2.4 定位销长度的分析21

   4.2.5 定位误差的分析与计算22

   4.2.6 夹紧装置的确定26

   4.2.7 夹紧力的确定26

5 结论与展望28

  5.1 结论28

  5.2 不足之处与未来展望28

致  谢29


附  录31

1 绪论

1.1 本课题研究的内容及意义










1.2 国内外发展情况


无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 1 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号10车端面及内圆YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数数控车床CJK6136D1夹具号夹具名称冷却液TWQ01-01专用夹具TWQ01-02专用夹具工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(米/分) 走刀量 (毫米/转)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10粗车上端面粗车上端面210118.70.7310.360.0620半精车上端面半精车上端面210118.70.70.510.360.0630粗车右侧孔粗车右侧孔4001530.7310.20.03640粗车右侧孔粗车右侧孔 内圆4001460.7310.20.03650粗车右侧孔粗车右侧孔 上端面4001480.7310.30.05460半精车右侧孔端面半精车右侧孔 上端面4501720.70.510.40.07270粗车孔粗车孔220.5内圆及倒角4001540.7310.20.036编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期0.080180+0.50180+0 . 50 6 5+0.5055+0.5030+0.1030+无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 2 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号20车内圆YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数数控车床CJK6136D1夹具号夹具名称冷却液TWQ01-01专用夹具TWQ01-02专用夹具工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10粗车左侧孔粗车左侧孔4001710.7310.20.03620粗车左侧孔粗车左侧孔 内圆4001650.7310.20.03630粗车左侧孔粗车左侧孔 上端面4001680.7310.30.05440半精车左侧孔半精车左侧孔 上端面4501970.70.510.40.07250粗车左侧孔粗车左侧孔220.5内圆及倒角4001740.7310.20.036编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期0.5065+0.5055+0.5030+0.1030+无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 3 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号30车端面及外圆YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数数控车床CJK6136D1夹具号夹具名称冷却液TWQ03-01专用夹具工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10粗车孔粗车孔380.5端面230114.50.7310.330.0620粗车外圆粗车380.1外圆及倒角230114.50.7310.330.06编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 4 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号40车端面及内圆YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数数控车床1夹具号夹具名称冷却液TWQ02-01专用夹具工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10粗车左端面粗车左端面1040.5230114.30.7310.330.0620半精车左端面半精车左端面1040.08230114.30.70.510.330.0630粗车孔内圆粗车孔55内圆0.54001740.7310.40.072编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 5 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号50铣端面YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数铣床铣床XA61321夹具号夹具名称冷却液工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10粗铣端面粗铣220.5端面23523.610.2310.180.0320半精铣端面半精铣220.1端面60060.290.21.510.060.01编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期无锡太湖学院机械加工工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 6 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号60钻孔并攻螺纹YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数立式加工中心ZH76401夹具号夹具名称冷却液工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/转)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10 钻孔并攻丝 钻上端面孔6M80.1并攻丝35013.120.421110.160.03编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期无锡太湖学院调温器座工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 7 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号70钻孔并攻螺纹YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数立式加工中心ZH76411夹具号夹具名称冷却液工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10 钻孔并攻丝 钻左端面3M80.1并攻丝63015.830.421810.08 0.014编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号签字日期标记 处数 更改文件号 签字日期无锡太湖学院调温器座工序卡片产品型号零(部)件图号共 8 页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第 8 页车间工序号工序名称材料牌号80钻孔YC6M360-20毛坯种类毛坯外形尺寸每坯件数每台件数铸件93.5123156.511设备名称设备型号设备编号同时加工件数立式加工中心ZH76421夹具号夹具名称冷却液工序工时准终单件工步号工步内容工艺内容主轴转速(转/分)切削速度(转/分) 走刀量 (毫米/分)吃刀深度(毫米)走刀次数工时定额机动 辅助10钻孔钻M121.50.163023.440.421810.08 0.014编制(日期)审核(日期)会签(日期)标记处数更改文件号 签字日期标记 处数更改文件号 签字 日期机械加工工艺过程卡片产品型号YC6M360-20零(部)件图号共1页产品名称调温器座零(部)件名称第1页材料牌号ZL106毛坯种类铸件毛坯外形尺寸93.5123156.5每毛坯件数1每台件数1备注工序号工序名称工序内容车间工段设备工艺装备工时准终 单件铸造毛坯 人工时效处理和变质处理10车粗车上端面、半精车上端面、粗车右侧孔65、粗车右侧孔55内圆、粗车右侧孔30上端面、半精车右侧孔30上端面、粗车孔22内圆及倒角数控车床数控车床CJK6136D20车 粗车左侧孔65、粗车左侧孔55内圆、粗车左侧孔30上端面、半精车左侧孔30上端面、粗车左侧孔22内圆及倒角数控车床数控车床CJK6136D30车粗车孔38端面、粗车38外圆及倒角数控车床数控车床CJK6136D40车 粗车左端面、半精车左端面、粗车孔55内圆数控车床数控车床CJK6136D50铣粗铣22端面、半精铣22端面铣床铣床XA613260钻 钻上端面孔6M8并攻丝钻床立式加工中心ZH764070钻 钻左端面3M8并攻丝钻床立式加工中心ZH764180钻手工钻M121.5钻床立式加工中心ZH764290 水压试漏检验去锐边、毛刺包装、入箱编制(日期)会签(日期)审核(日期)签字标记 处数 更改文件号日期英文原文Internal-Combustion EngineWith fuel combustion in cylinder, the fuel chemical energy into mechanical energy, to gain power engine is referred to as the internal combustion engine. Four principal types of internal-combustion engines are in general use: the Otto-cycle engine, the diesel engine, the rotary engine, and the gas turbine. For the various types of engines employing the principle of jet propulsion, see Jet Propulsion; Rocket. The Otto-cycle engine, named after its inventor, the German technician Nikolas August Otto, is the familiar gasoline engine used in automobiles and airplanes; the diesel engine, named after the French-born German engineer Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel, operates on a different principle and usually uses oil as a fuel. It is employed in electric-generating and marine-power plants, in trucks and buses, and in some automobiles. Both Otto-cycle and diesel engines are manufactured in two-stroke and four-stroke cycle models.The essential parts of Otto-cycle and diesel engines are the same. The combustion chamber consists of a cylinder, usually fixed, that is closed at one end and in which a close-fitting piston slides. The in-and-out motion of the piston varies the volume of the chamber between the inner face of the piston and the closed end of the cylinder. The outer face of the piston is attached to a crankshaft by a connecting rod. The crankshaft transforms the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion. In multicylindered engines the crankshaft has one offset portion, called a crankpin, for each connecting rod, so that the power from each cylinder is applied to the crankshaft at the appropriate point in its rotation. Crankshafts have heavy flywheels and counterweights, which by their inertia minimize irregularity in the motion of the shaft. An engine may have from 1 to as many as 24 cylinders.The fuel supply system of an internal-combustion engine consists of a tank, a fuel pump, and a device for vaporizing or atomizing the liquid fuel. In Otto-cycle engines this device is either a carburetor or, more recently, a fuel-injection system. In most engines with a carburetor, vaporized fuel is conveyed to the cylinders through a branched pipe called the intake manifold and, in many engines, a similar exhaust manifold is provided to carry off the gases produced by combustion. The fuel is admitted to each cylinder and the waste gases exhausted through mechanically operated poppet valves or sleeve valves. The valves are normally held closed by the pressure of springs and are opened at the proper time during the operating cycle by cams on a rotating camshaft that is geared to the crankshaft. By the 1980s more sophisticated fuel-injection systems, also used in diesel engines, had largely replaced this traditional method of supplying the proper mix of air and fuel. In engines with fuel injection, a mechanically or electronically controlled monitoring system injects the appropriate amount of gas directly into the cylinder or inlet valve at the appropriate time. The gas vaporizes as it enters the cylinder. This system is more fuel efficient than the carburetor and produces less pollution.In all engines some means of igniting the fuel in the cylinder must be provided. For example, the ignition system of Otto-cycle engines described below consists of a source of low-voltage, direct-current electricity that is connected to the primary of a transformer called an ignition coil. The current is interrupted many times a second by an automatic switch called the timer. The pulsations of the current in the primary induce a pulsating, high-voltage current in the secondary. The high-voltage current is led to each cylinder in turn by a rotary switch called the distributor. The actual ignition device is the spark plug, an insulated conductor set in the wall or top of each cylinder. At the inner end of the spark plug is a small gap between two wires. The high-voltage current arcs across this gap, yielding the spark that ignites the fuel mixture in the cylinder. Because of the heat of combustion, all engines must be equipped with some type of cooling system. Some aircraft and automobile engines, small stationary engines, and outboard motors for boats are cooled by air. In this system the outside surfaces of the cylinder are shaped in a series of radiating fins with a large area of metal to radiate heat from the cylinder. Other engines are water-cooled and have their cylinders enclosed in an external water jacket. In automobiles, water is circulated through the jacket by means of a water pump and cooled by passing through the finned coils of a radiator. Some automobile engines are also air-cooled, and in marine engines sea water is used for cooling.Unlike steam engines and turbines, internal-combustion engines develop no torque when starting, and therefore provision must be made for turning the crankshaft so that the cycle of operation can begin. Automobile engines are normally started by means of an electric motor or starter that is geared to the crankshaft with a clutch that automatically disengages the motor after the engine has started. Small engines are sometimes started manually by turning the crankshaft with a crank or by pulling a rope wound several times around the flywheel. Methods of starting large engines include the inertia starter, which consists of a flywheel that is rotated by hand or by means of an electric motor until its kinetic energy is sufficient to turn the crankshaft, and the explosive starter, which employs the explosion of a blank cartridge to drive a turbine wheel that is coupled to the engine. The inertia and explosive starters are chiefly used to start airplane engines. The ordinary Otto-cycle engine is a four-stroke engine; that is, in a complete power cycle, its pistons make four strokes, two toward the head (closed head) of the cylinder and two away from the head. During the first stroke of the cycle, the piston moves away from the cylinder head while simultaneously the intake valve is opened. The motion of the piston during this stroke sucks a quantity of a fuel and air mixture into the combustion chamber. During the next stroke, the piston moves toward the cylinder head and compresses the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. At the moment when the piston reaches the end of this stroke and the volume of the combustion chamber is at a minimum, the fuel mixture is ignited by the spark plug and burns, expanding and exerting a pressure on the piston, which is then driven away from the cylinder head in the third stroke. During the final stroke, the exhaust valve is opened and the piston moves toward the cylinder head, driving the exhaust gases out of the combustion chamber and leaving the cylinder ready to repeat the cycle.The efficiency of a modern Otto-cycle engine is limited by a number of factors, including losses by cooling and by friction. In general, the efficiency of such engines is determined by the compression ratio of the engine. The compression ratio (the ratio between the maximum and minimum volumes of the combustion chamber) is usually about 8 to 1 or 10 to 1 in most modern Otto-cycle engines. Higher compression ratios, up to about 15 to 1, with a resulting increase of efficiency, are possible with the use of high-octane antiknock fuels. The efficiencies of good modern Otto-cycle engines range between 20 and 25 percentin other words, only this percentage of the heat energy of the fuel is transformed into mechanical energy. Theoretically, the diesel cycle differs from the Otto cycle in that combustion takes place at constant volume rather than at constant pressure. Most diesels are also four-stroke engines but they operate differently than the four-stroke Otto-cycle engines. The first, or suction, stroke draws air, but no fuel, into the combustion chamber through an intake valve. On the second, or compression, stroke the air is compressed to a small fraction of its former volume and is heated to approximately 440C (approximately 820F) by this compression. At the end of the compression stroke, vaporized fuel is injected into the combustion chamber and burns instantly because of the high temperature of the air in the chamber. Some diesels have auxiliary electrical ignition systems to ignite the fuel when the engine starts and until it warms up. This combustion drives the piston back on the third, or power, stroke of the cycle. The fourth stroke, as in the Otto-cycle engine, is an exhaust stroke. The efficiency of the diesel engine, which is in general governed by the same factors that control the efficiency of Otto-cycle engines, is inherently greater than that of any Otto-cycle engine and in actual engines today is slightly more than 40 percent. Diesels are, in general, slow-speed engines with crankshaft speeds of 100 to 750 revolutions per minute (rpm) as compared to 2500 to 5000 rpm for typical Otto-cycle engines. Some types of diesel, however, have speeds up to 2000 rpm. Because diesels use compression ratios of 14 or more to 1, they are generally more heavily built than Otto-cycle engines, but this disadvantage is counterbalanced by their greater efficiency and the fact that they can be operated on less expensive fuel oils. By suitable design it is possible to operate an Otto-cycle or diesel as a two-stroke or two-cycle engine with a power stroke every other stroke of the piston instead of once every four strokes. The power of a two-stroke engine is usually double that of a four-stroke engine of comparable size.The general principle of the two-stroke engine is to shorten the periods in which fuel is introduced to the combustion chamber and in which the spent gases are exhausted to a small fraction of the duration of a stroke instead of allowing each of these operations to occupy a full stroke. In the simplest type of two-stroke engine, the poppet valves are replaced by sleeve valves or ports (openings in the cylinder wall that are uncovered by the piston at the end of its outward travel). In the two-stroke cycle, the fuel mixture or air is introduced through the intake port when the piston is fully withdrawn from the cylinder. The compression stroke follows, and the charge is ignited when the piston reaches the end of this stroke. The piston then moves outward on the power stroke, uncovering the exhaust port and permitting the gases to escape from the combustion chamber. In the 1950s the German engineer Felix Winkle developed an internal-combustion engine of a radically new design, in which the piston and cylinder were replaced by a three-cornered rotor turning in a roughly oval chamber. The fuel-air mixture is drawn in through an intake port and trapped between one face of the turning rotor and the wall of the oval chamber. The turning of the rotor compresses the mixture, which is ignited by a spark plug. The exhaust gases are then expelled through an exhaust port through the action of the turning rotor. The cycle takes place alternately at each face of the rotor, giving three power strokes for each turn of the rotor. Because of the Winkle engines compact size and consequent lesser weight as compared with the piston engine, it appeared to be an important option for automobiles. In addition, its mechanical simplicity provided low manufacturing costs, its cooling requirements were low and its low center of gravity made it safer to drive. A line of Winkle-engine cars was produced in Japan in the early 1970s, and several United States automobile manufacturers researched the idea as well. However, production of the Winkle engine was discontinued as a result of its poor fuel economy and its high pollutant emissions. Mazda, a Japanese car manufacturer, has continued to design and innovate the rotary engine, improving performance and fuel efficiency.A modification of the conventional spark-ignition piston engine, the stratified charge engine is designed to reduce emissions without the need for an exhaust-gas recirculation system or catalytic converter. Its key feature is a dual combustion chamber for each cylinder, with a prechamber that receives a rich fuel-air mixture while the main chamber is charged with a very lean mixture. The spark ignites the rich mixture that in turn ignites the lean main mixture. The resulting peak temperature is low enough to inhibit the formation of nitrogen oxides, and the mean temperature is sufficiently high to limit emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon.内 燃 机通过燃料在气缸中燃烧,使燃油的化学能转化为机械能,从而获得动力的发动机都称为内燃机。最常见的内燃机有四种:奥托循环式发动机、柴油机、转子发动机和燃气机。根据这四种发动机的优点,把它们应用于不同的工况。奥托循环式发动机,是根据其发明者,德国机械师尼古拉斯.奥古斯特.奥托的名字来命名的。是飞机上很常见的一种发动机;而柴油机是由法籍德国工程师Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel命名的。它是一种以柴油作为燃料的先进的发动机。普遍用于电子控机械、战斗机、公共汽车、货车以及一些小车上。奥托式发动机和柴油机的工作方式都是二冲程或者四冲程。奥托式发动机和柴油机的基本构造都是一样的。压缩燃烧室是由一个一端是缸盖另一端是活塞两者之间的空间所形成。活塞的上下运动使得气缸与活塞间的空间发生大小变化,从而改变压缩空间的大小。活塞与曲轴之间通过连杆相互连接。曲轴将活塞的运动转化成旋转式运动。多气缸式发动机的曲轴,在每一个气缸处都会多一个称为曲拐的结构部分。这样每个气缸的动力才能很好的传递给曲轴,使曲轴的转动平稳。曲轴上接有飞轮并有平衡块。这样能够使曲轴运动的惯性最小化,达到平衡的目的。不同的发动机会有一个到二十四个不等的气缸。 内燃机的燃料供给系统由油箱、油泵、和分油管以及使液体燃料雾化的机构组成。在奥托式发动机中,并不是靠化油器来进行燃油雾化的,而是利用燃油的直接喷入,一直到现在都是如此。在大多数发动机上,燃料都是通过化油器雾化后通过压气机进入进气管道。在部分发动机的排气系统中,也会用到类似的装置来通过利用废气的能量对进气充量进行压缩。燃料平均分配给各个汽缸,而废气则通过排气门排出。进排气门的开闭都是通过凸轮轴的转动从而牵动气门弹簧作用到挺杆,在正确的时间是气门开闭。在上世纪80年代,缸内直喷技术开始用于内燃机领域,从很大程度上代替了传统的燃油与空气相混合的技术。在有直喷装置的发动机上,燃料会通过喷射系统在正确的时刻喷入汽缸或者进气管。这样燃料就会在汽缸里混合,这比化油器混合更充分,污染更小。所有的发动机上,火花塞的位置都必须适宜。比如奥托式发动机的点火系统包括低压电源,即具有变压性质的初级线圈,从而导出直流电。电流会被一个机械式的定时调节器在一秒钟内方向发生多次变化。初级线圈中电流的扰动会产生脉冲,从而会在次级线圈中产生高压电流。这个高压电流会被分电器分配到各个汽缸间,一个安装在汽缸顶部被叫做火花塞的零件。在火花塞末端的两极间有一个间隙,高压电流会击穿这个点火间隙,从而点燃汽缸中的混合气体。由于燃烧室的温度太高,所有的发动机都必须有相应的冷却系统。一些飞机、汽车、和船只上的舷外发动机采用风冷。这些采用风冷的发动机都必须有很多散热片,有较大的散热面积,从而可以很好的带走汽缸的热量。除此之外的还有水冷系统,它是在发动机的
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