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关 键 词:
汽车轴盖 冲压模 设计 cad图纸


48页 13000字数+说明书+外文翻译+开题报告+11张CAD图纸【详情如下】
















摘  要  




    With China's industries continue to develop and die industry is also becoming increasingly important. Based on the Cover of the stamping process and the deep drawing process, Comparative analysis of the process of forming three different stamping process (single processes, complex processes and continuous processes) confirm completion of a composite model blanking, drawing processes and punching process. On the cover of the cold stamping process, right after the Cover of the mass production, quality components, and the use of structural components of the analysis, research, in line with lower performance prerequisite to the identification of stampings, Stamping method used to complete the processing components, and a brief analysis of the blank shape, size, layout, the Conference Board, the number of Drawing, stamping processes in nature, number and sequence determination. For the process, the center of pressure, the die size and the tolerance of the calculation, design mold. Also analyzes the mold of the main components (such as punch and die and dump devices, drawing punch, slates, Punch plate, etc.) design and manufacturing, stamping equipment selection, punch-gap adjustment and establishment of a vital parts machining process. Die requirements set out a detailed list of parts, and gives a reasonable assembly. By fully utilizing modern manufacturing technology to mold traditional mechanical parts for structural improvements, design optimization, Process optimization methods can greatly enhance production efficiency, the method of similar products have some reference.

Keywords: Cover; Mold design; Composite molding; Drawing Punc

目  录

1  分析零件的工艺性 …………………………………………………1

2  工艺方案的拟定 ……………………………………………………3

  2.1  计算毛坯尺寸…………………………………………………3

  2.2  确定是否要压边圈……………………………………………4

  2.3  计算拉深次数…………………………………………………5

  2.4  确定工艺方案…………………………………………………6

3  主要工艺参数的计算 ………………………………………………8

  3.1  确定排样、裁板方案…………………………………………8

  3.2  计算工艺力、初选设备………………………………………10

   3.2.1  计算工艺力………………………………………………10

   3.2.2  拉深功的计算……………………………………………14

   3.2.3  初选压力机………………………………………………15

   3.2.4  计算压力中心……………………………………………16

   3.2.5 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 …………………………16

4  模具的结构设计 ……………………………………………………20

  4.1  模具结构形式的选择…………………………………………20

   4.1.1  模架的选用………………………………………………20

   4.1.2  模具的闭合高度…………………………………………20

  4.2  模具工作部分尺寸计算………………………………………21

   4.2.1  落料凹模…………………………………………………21

   4.2.2  拉深凸模…………………………………………………23

   4.2.3  凸凹模……………………………………………………24

   4.2.4  弹压御料板………………………………………………26

   4.2.5  上垫板……………………………………………………28

   4.2.6  压边圈……………………………………………………29

5  模具的整体安装 ……………………………………………………31

  5.1  模具的总装配…………………………………………………31

  5.2  模具零件………………………………………………………32

6  选定冲压设备 ………………………………………………………34

7  模具的装配 …………………………………………………………35

  7.1  复合模的装配…………………………………………………35

  7.2  凸、凹模间隙的调整…………………………………………35

8  重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 ……………………………………37






   该零件是端盖,如图1.1,该零件可看成带凸缘的筒形件,料厚t=2mm,拉深后厚度不变;零件底部圆角半径r=1.5mm凸缘处的圆角半径也为R=1.5mm;尺寸公差都为自由公差,满足拉深工艺对精度等级的要求。   工艺性对精度的要求是一般情况下,拉深件的尺寸精度应在IT13级以下,不宜高于IT11级;对于精度要求高的拉深件,应在拉深后增加整形工序,以提高其精度,由于材料各向异性的影响,拉深件的口部或凸缘外缘一般是不整齐的,出现“突耳”现象,需要增加切边工序。



该零件结构较简单、形状对称,完全由圆弧和直线组成,没有长的悬臂和狭槽。零件尺寸除中心孔和两中心孔的距离尺寸接近IT11级外,其余尺寸均为自由尺寸且无其他特殊要求,利用普通冲裁方法可以达到零件图样要求。零件材料为20号钢,退火抗拉强度为400Mpa,屈服强度为206Mpa.此材料具有良好的结构强度和塑性,其冲裁加工性较好。该零件的冲裁性较好,可以冲裁加工,适于大批大量。2.1  计算毛坯尺寸



   在拉深时,虽然拉深件的各部分厚度要求发生一些变化,但如果采用适当的工艺措施,则其厚度的变化量还是并不太大。在设计工艺过程时,可以不考虑毛坯厚度的变化。同时由于金属在塑性变形过程中保持体积不变,因而,在计算拉深件的的毛坯展开尺寸时,可以认为在变形前后的毛坯和拉深间的表面积相等。2.4  确定工艺方案











根据设计需要和生产批量,综合考虑以上方案,方案三最适合。即落料、拉深、冲孔和修边在同一复合模中完成,这样既能保证大批量生产的高效率又能保证加工精度,而且成本不高,经济合理。 3.1  确定排样、裁板方案





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河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)中期检查表指导教师: 刘传绍 职称: 教授 所在院(系): 机械与动力工程系 教研室(研究室): 机械教研室 题 目汽车轴盖冲压模设计学生姓名曹国靖专业班级07机制2班 学号0720210013一、选题质量:1、本题目符合机械设计及制造专业培养目标,能充分锻炼和培养生产实际中分析问题的能力与动手操作能力,能充分培养学生的能力和各方面专业素质的提高。2、本题目难易适中,适合学生独立完成题目,符合本科毕业设计要求。3、本题目工作量适中,能在规定时间内完成。4、本题目与生产、经济等方面联系比较紧密,冲压模广泛应用于生产各种零件方面,尤其是汽车轴盖等这种构造简单需要批量上产的零件,汽车轴盖冲压模即节省时间又保证了精度,操作也比较简单。二、开题报告完成情况:通过查阅有关冲压模具的相关资料与文献,基本了解冲压模具的设计要求,经过整理提出了该毕业设计的题目,经过指导老师的耐心指导,做出了完整的开题报告,并且通过了指导老师的审批。三、阶段性成果: 1、收集了大量关于冲压模具的有关资料,完成了外文资料翻译,撰写了开题报告。2、收集了汽车轴盖的模型,确定了要做的汽车轴盖,并完成了系统方案的设计及方案论证。3、确定了工艺方案,及主要工艺参数的计算。 4、根据主要参数绘制出主要零件的图纸,并一步一步趋于完善。四、存在主要问题:个人对模具设计的了解深度有限,存在的主要问题是整个结构设计过程中,经常遇到一些不起眼的问题,需同学和老师的指导,在整个结构设计中还不完善,需进一步的修改和完善。五、指导教师对学生在毕业实习中,劳动、学习纪律及毕业设计(论文)进展等方面的评语指导教师: (签名) 年 月 日2附录:外文资料与中文文翻译外文资料:The Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing and its application in molding manufacturingAbstract: By discussing the rapid prototyping technology the craft principle, characteristic of the processes, formation and the general situation of the develop of fast prototype and its application in molding, point out the technique can form a kind of a process system of extensive application and novel, and its foreground is vast.Key Words: rapid prototyping technology; molding manufacturing; development of product Rapid prototyping technology is a new type of multidisciplinary integrated manufacturing technology. After the 1980s, following the application of computer-aided design, product shape and design capabilities have greatly improved, however, product design has completed, production, a system must be designed to convey the concept of samples, rapid feedback to product design, product design and assess the feasibility, and feasibility studies. The increasingly fierce competition in the market today, the time is effective. To enhance the competitiveness of products, from product development to volume production of the whole process are urgently required to reduce costs and increase speed. Rapid prototype technology appearance provides an effective solution to this problem which much attention at home and abroad.1. The basic principle of Rapid Prototyping Technology The RP is the generic name of the principle creation product prototype that uses the long-lost layering, its principle is: Produce CAD model Stratified separated according to the plan geometry information which is dispersed to pile up the original material generating entity models. This technology integrates of computer technology, laser processing technology, new material technology, relying on CAD software in the creation of 3D computer models entities, and is divided into a series of plane geometry information to control the scanning laser beam direction and speed, using sinter, pooling or chemical reaction means exhaustive selective processing of raw materials, thus rapid accumulation manufacture products entities models.2. The characteristics of Rapid Prototyping Technology Rapid Prototyping Technology breaks the traditional way to produce spare parts of “roughcast slice to pare to processfinished”, Needless cutlery created the first production of spare parts, is an unprecedented lamina reducing processing methods. Comparing to tradition, the fast prototype processes the following advantage:(1) Produce the spare parts of the curved face and more complicated appearance quickly, such as shoulder within spare parts and hollow and parts of etc.s, consumedly lowered the development cost of the new product and development period.(2) Is a non-contact processing, machine tool cutting processing is necessary cutlery and jig without cutlery wear and cutting force.(3) Without vibration, noise and slice to pare the waste.(4) Can carry out the nighttime over full-automatic production.(5) Process with high efficiency, produces the article entity model and molding tools quickly.The form follows the comparison of the method for the Rapid Prototyping Technology and tradition.Comparison the itemProcessing technologyThe tool machine slices to pare to processRP(Light shape method)processThe method of processDo away with the surplus material processFold the layer processThe object of processSolidLiquid, portrait, powderToolThe tool of slice to pareLight beamMinimum processing unitsDots diameter is about 1msTriangles of 200ms longProduction of spare partsThe least processes come together the body of the unitThe least processes come together the body of the unitThe RP and traditions slice to pare the method comparison sheet3. The develop of RPRapid prototyping technology concept that the concept RP (Rapid Prototyping Technology) could be back to 1979. the profess of Zhong Chuan Weixiong in produce and technique institute of Japanese University of Tokyo invent the method of fold the layer model, the Xiao Yu Xiunan put forward the light shape method again in 1980, after the conceive put forward, it was continued to study in 1984 by Wan Gu Yanger, and carried on to produce manufacture on a trial basis in 1987. 1988, the United States rapidly prototype 3D Systems Corporation was the first to introduce practical devices-laser three-dimensional shapes that SLA (Stereo Lightgraphy Apparatus), and annual sales growth rate 30%40% increase in the world market. In recent years, with increasing performance scanning-a mirror, and the development of materials science and computer technology, rapid prototyping technology matures, and in 1994 to promote universal access to the formal stage. In accordance with the patterns and materials used in the different types of rapid prototyping technology currently has the following four types.3.1 Solidification resin materials using laser light shapes law The light shape equipment is excellent with a product of the 3D Systems company of the United States, and the formation of a monopoly. Figure 1 shows the operating principles. Issued by the laser light, the optical system to compile into a small beam, the beam in the computer controlled, selective scanning resin surface, using an ultraviolet resin Frozen mechanisms, a layer of solidification resin, each layer of solidification, precision workstations in a distance with the new layer of surface geometric information to the laser scanner for scanning reading, solidification of the new layer of resin and firmly stick to the previous layer has solidification resin, so repeatedly until the production of spare parts entities generated a model. The laser stereoscopic shape manufacturing accuracy can reach the 0.1 mms, mainly used to provide the sample and the experiment models for the product. In addition, the SOLIFORM of the Japanese system machine developed can manufacture to inject to model the molding tool and vacuum molding tools directly.Figure 1 Stereoscopic light shape technique principle diagram3.2The paper folds the layer shape method The paper folds the LOM that the layer shape method develops with the Helisys company currently applicant most widely. The devices used for roller paper from the paper heating roller cylinders connectivity, and then using the laser to cut paper, the question heating roller cylinders automatically leave, the paper will be ready by laser level requirements into shape, as shown in figure 2. Figure 2 Principle diagram of the paper folds the layer shape The LOM can manufacture some large spare parts and the thick wall kind pieces of the hard creation with lights shape method and create cost is cheap (about for the light shape method of 1/2), the speed is high (about manufacture time for the wood mold of below 1/5), and can simply analytic the design conceive outline and function.3.3 meltdown shape methods The meltdown shape method is most extensive used with the product FDM which is developed in American Stratasys,(the Fused Deposition Modeling), when it is working, the plastics material with hot extrusion sprayed directly by sprinkler head controlled by computer combine to layer to create an entity model from bottom to top according to several information of level. The biggest characteristics in FDM technical is a quick(general the model need several hours and can immediately model) and free from pollution, to get the extensive application in prototype, develop and cast wax mole and so on.3.4 hot and fictile shape methodsThe hot and fictile shape method burns the knot with the selectivity laser of the DTM company development namely the SLS (the Selective Laser Sintering) application is the most. That method is a way manufacture kind piece that burns with the CO2 laser machine controls by the calculator, carry on scanning on the material powder according to several information for faces of several pieces with horizontal each layer of the body, the powder is scanning by laser and solidify together. Then, spread up a new powder of layer, then scan to burn the knot with the laser, thus again and again, keep to go to make the kind piece which needed. As figure 3 shows.Figure 3 The principle chart of selectivity laser sinteringThe SLS technique shape speed is fast(general ware, need one or two days to complete), the shape accuracy is high(the minimum thickness of each layer powder is about 0.07 mms, the laser dynamic state accuracy can reach the 0.09 mms, and have the automatic laser repair function), the prototype strength is high(gather its bent strength of the carbonic acid fat and can amount to the 34.5MPa,the nylon can reach 55MPa), therefore, can carry on functions experiment and assemble the emulation with the prototype, to obtain the best curved face to match with the observation the condition. Develop and applied aspect technically in RP, the United States and Japans are the best. In Huazhong University develops two kinds of model system machine HRP and RPSs which is research to manufacture in 1994 successful quickly, have already entered the commodity market currently, be applied in the professions extensively, such as automobile, toy, aviation aerospace, shipbuilding and the soldier work etc.4. The application of the RP in molding manufacture4.1 Making the mold foundry fastPut the spare part CAD model converse to fast method, produce metal spare parts quickly according to each layer shape of face to for ceramic mold and then accord to fast method. In addition, can carry out the original mold that the fast prototype technique manufactures a conduct and actions founder molding tool, spare parts of fast cast, its process is: Design the spare parts CAD 3D the calculation hydrodynamics analysis(CFD)the LOM model manufacturingcast the metals spare parts.4.2 fast molding tool manufacturing The traditional molding tool manufacturing method period is long, the cost is high, a set of simple plastics molding tool is worth above 100,000 dollars. Any error of design reflects the molding tool make the loss that cant be retrieved. Fast prototype technique can a heart and bodies of the accurate manufacture molding tool, also can used for injecting process to produce manufacture plastics piece directly, for the purpose of detection and the mistake that rectify to appear. The center of national engineering in American Idaho and environments experiment adopt the fast concretion craft namely the technique of RSP carried out the fast and economy of the plastics molding manufacture. That method adopt fast prototype technique produce sample to be sample product sink to accumulate to make the mold. The craft process is steel or tool used for other alloys of the meltdown were pressed to go in to the mouth of spray meet high speed Sui air to form fog of liquid which diameter about 0.05mms, spay to maternal sample and sink to accumulate on it, make duplicate the surface structure shape of maternal sample, with the help of chemical to separate the steel mold which was sink to accumulated and maternal sample, then produce the mold needed.The material of maternal sample decided by the alloy material which was spray on it. For the spray stool steel, can chose ceramic materials, still have similar material as Aluminum Oxygen powder and provided as choice. That method manufacture accuracy is high (when spray to draw the tool steel, the minimum layer and can amount to the 0.038mms, manufacture accuracy can reach the 0.025mms0.05mms),time is short (common molding tool can be modeled in a week ) the price is low.(General is 1/21/10 of the traditional molding tool manufacture). 4.3 Fast cast moldingThe carbonic as the material, use the SLS to make a female type quickly, and in the maternal surface produce the shape of ceramics hull, use the aluminum or the tool steels to carry on the foundry in the hull after baking to burn, then get the inner part and the shape of the molding tool. That method manufacture period not over 4 weeks, the molding tool of the manufacturing can produce 250000 plastics wares. 5 ConclusionBased on the above, the RP is a further development and refinement technology which has been extensive and high-tech applications. It can be predicted that along with the wider using of CAD, the increasingly fierce market competition, rapid shaped mould manufacturing technology itself and the rapid improvement of technology packages, will be developed rapidly emerging technology enterprises to be a common technical means, and bring huge economic benefits to the enterprise, which should have aroused great attention.中文翻译:快速原型技术及在模具制造中的应用摘要:论述了快速原型技术的工艺原理、加工特点、形成与发展概况以及在模具制造中的应用,指出该项技术可构成一种应用范围十分广泛、新颖的加工体系,市场前景广阔。关键词:快速原型技术模具制造产品开发快速原型技术是一种涉及多学科的新型综合制造技术。80年代后,随着计算机辅助设计的应用,产品造型和设计能力得到极大提高,然而在产品设计完成后,批量生产前,必须制出样品以表达设计构想,快速获取产品设计的反馈信息,并对产品设计的可行性作出评估、论证。在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,时间就是效益。为了提高产品市场竞争力,从产品开发到批量投产的整个过程都迫切要求降低成本和提高速度。快速原型技术的出现,为这一问题的解决提供了有效途径,倍受国内外重视。 1快速原型技术的基本原理 快速原型技术是用离散分层的原理制作产品原型的总称,其原理为:产品三维CAD模型分层离散按离散后的平面几何信息逐层加工堆积原材料生成实体模型。该技术集计算机技术、激光加工技术、新型材料技术于一体,依靠CAD软件,在计算机中建立三维实体模型,并将其切分成一系列平面几何信息,以此控制激光束的扫描方向和速度,采用粘结、熔结、聚合或化学反应等手段逐层有选择地加工原材料,从而快速堆积制作出产品实体模型。 2快速原型技术的加工特点 快速原型技术突破了“毛坯切削加工成品”的传统的零件加工模式,开创了不用刀具制作零件的先河,是一种前所未有的薄层迭加的加工方法。与传统的切削加工方法相比,快速原型加工具有以下优点: (1)可迅速制造出自由曲面和更为复杂形态的零件,如零件中的凹槽、凸肩和空心部分等,大大降低了新产品的开发成本和开发周期。 (2)属非接触加工,不需要机床切削加工所必需的刀具和夹具,无刀具磨损和切削力影响。 (3)无振动、噪声和切削废料。 (4)可实现夜间完全自动化生产。 (5)加工效率高,能快速制作出产品实体模型及模具。下表为快速原型技术与传统切削方法的比较。快速原型技术与传统切削方法比较表3快速原型技术的发展 快速原型技术概念即RP(Rapid Prototyping Technology)概念的提出可追朔到1979年,日本东京大学生产技术研究所的中川威雄教授发明了叠层模型造型法,1980年小玉秀男又提出了光造型法,该设想提出后,由丸谷洋二于1984年继续研究,并于1987年进行产品试制。1988年,美国3D Systems公司率先推出快速原型实用装置激光立体造型即SLA(Stereo Lightgraphy Apparatus),并以年销售增长率为30%40%的增幅在世界市场出售。近年来,随着扫描振镜性能的提高,以及材料科学和计算机技术的发展,快速原型技术已日趋成熟,并于1994年正式进入推广普及阶段。 按照所用材料的形态与种类不同,快速原型技术目前有以下四种类型。 3.1利用激光固化树脂材料的光造型法 光造型装置一直以美国3D Systems公司的SLA型产品独占鳌头,并形成垄断市场。其工作原理如图1所示。由激光器发出的紫外光,经光学系统汇集成一支细光束,该光束在计算机控制下,有选择的扫描液激光器扫描镜升降装置容器光敏树脂体光敏树脂表面,利用光敏树脂遇紫外光凝固的机理,一层一层固化光敏树脂,每固化一层后,工作台下降一精确距离,并按新一层表面几何信息使激光扫描器对液面进行扫描,使新一层树脂固化并紧紧粘在前一层已固化的树脂上,如此反复,直至制作生成一零件实体模型。激光立体造型制造精度目前可达0.1mm,主要用作为产品提供样品和实验模型。此外,日本帝人制机开发的SOLIFORM可直接制作注射成型模具和真空注塑模具 图1立体光造型技术原理图3.2纸张叠层造型法 纸张叠层造型法目前以Helisys公司开发的LOM装置应用最广。该装置采用专用滚筒纸,由加热辊筒使纸张加热联接,然后用激光将纸切断,待加热辊筒自动离开后,再由激光将纸张
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