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关 键 词:
玻璃 成型机 机电 玻璃成型机电控制系统 设计 图纸 电控制系统 玻璃成型机


61页 20000字数 +说明书+外文翻译+7张CAD图纸【详情如下】











目       录



1 绪论1

1.1 玻璃成型机控制系统概述1

1.1.1 玻璃成型机的组成1

1.1.2 玻璃成型机控制系统的现状和发展趋势3

1.2 课题研究的内容4

1.3 玻璃成型机电控制系统研究的现实意义4

2 玻璃成型机总体设计方案6

2.1 系统原理分析6

2.2 系统的工艺和气路图6

2.2.1 系统的工艺6

2.2.2 玻璃成型机的控制气路图7

2.3 系统的控制方案8

2.2 主要传动机构8

2.2.1 主传动系统8

3 玻璃成型机的传动装置10





3.2 纵向齿轮传动系统12


3.2.2纵向传动系统齿轮的设计13齿轮材料的选择及传动参数13 齿面接触疲劳强度计算13



3.3.2横向进给系统传动齿轮的设计16齿轮材料的选择及传动参数16 齿面接触疲劳强度计算16 齿面接触疲劳强度计算18

4 PLC控制系统硬件设计20

4.1 PLC选型和资源配置20

4.1.1 模块构成图21

4.1.2 各个模块的功能概述21

4.2 FM353(353-1BH02-OAA0)模块23

4.2.1 FM353模块的功能与设置24

4.2.2 FM353内部使能参数的确定24

4.3 电机的选择25

4.3.1 主轴电机的选择25

4.3.2 FM353步进电机的选择25

4.4 驱动器的选择26

4.5 控制电路27

4.6 PLC外部控制接线电路28

4.7 操作面板的设计28

5 PLC控制系统软件设计29

5.1 工艺功能图29

5.2 成品管的规格确定31

5.3 软件流程图和程序31

5.3.1 软件流程图31

5.3.2 程序32









关键词 PLC;小功率金属卤化灯;玻璃成型机;控制系统


1.2 课题研究的内容


1.3 玻璃成型机电控制系统研究的现实意义


   本次研制的控制系统不仅在性能上达到了同类型进口设备的最新水平,而且具有结构紧凑、性价比高、升级方便的特点,并在部分性能上超过了原进口设备:通过一个主控程序完成现有四种规格的生产而不再需要更换上位机的主程序,简化了操作工序;在主控程序改动不大的情况下可以很方便的增加新规格;在泡型一致性和缩短单件加工时间上也比原进口系统有一定程度提高等。该控制器一方面可与现有设备互为冗余,解决了企业随时面临停产的后顾之忧,另一方面也为扩大生产规模和研制开发新规格金卤灯产品提供了技术上的支持。2 玻璃成型机总体设计方案

2.1 系统原理分析













2.2 系统的工艺和气路图

2.2.1 系统的工艺












徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)英文原文Development of a monitoring and control platform for PLC-based applicationsS. Dana, A. Sagahyroon , A. Elrayes, A.R. Al-Ali, R. Al-AydiAbstract This paper discusses the design and implementation of a platform to remotely monitor and control PLC-based processes over TCP/IP or by usingthe GSM network. The platform is built using industry-standard off-the-shelf PLCs. Integrated with each PLC are communication processors that canbe used for connectivity to the network and to a GSM modem. The communication processor module (Ethernet module) used in this work, providesan industrial compatible protocol over TCP/IP that achieves the same functionality as Profinet but at a much higher bandwidth (10/100 Mbps).Additionally, a mobile-based communication protocol that facilitates remote monitoring and control of PLCs using SMS messages has also beendeveloped. The intent here is to provide system users with a back-up communication mechanism in case of a network failure. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionThe recent growth of networks technology and specially thewide spread of the Internet have promoted the development ofdistributed measurement systems for a variety of industrial applications.These distributed measurement systems can be used in the monitoring and control of various instruments in thenetwork 1,2.A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is microprocessorbasedcontrol system that can be programmed to sense, activateand control industrial equipment and therefore incorporates anumber of input/output terminals for interfacing to an industrial process. A control program stored in the PLC memory determines the relationship between the inputs and outputs of the PLC. PLCs are intelligent automation stations that possess highly useful and desirable features such as 3: Robustness. High degree of scalability: modern PLC families have a wide spectrum of CPU types that allows easy scalability in functionality and performance. Extensibility: the modular design of PLCs enables the extension with a wide range of digital and analog I/O modules. Also, various integrated technology modules are available for various application areas. Sophisticated communication capabilities: modern PLCs have communication ports that provide for centralized or distributed connectivity. Powerful development environment: modern PLC families come with a cross development environment that support different languages for programmability, allows semigraphical hardware configuration and offer strong debugging mechanisms.Remote access to control and monitor various devices in an industrial setting is of value to engineers and automation facilities. Current implementations of remote PLC monitor and control use dedicated PCs or web servers connected to the PLC. Fig. 1 illustrates a common architecture used in industry. As shown, PLCs are connected to the network through a computer. The PLC system is usually interfaced to this computer using the serial Port or Profibus. These types of systems are disadvantaged by the dedicated use of a PC to access the PLC system. The architecture also does not make use of the advents and strides made in areas such as telecommunications and web technology.In recent years and due to the ever increasing capabilities of PC computing and the influx of network protocols and standards, there has been a surge in the design and implementation of distributed measurement and control systems for industrial applications. Typically, these systems are based on the clientserver architecture while securing communication using the TCP/IP protocol 46. Modern PLCs come with embedded web servers that provide open access to useful real time information and diagnostics that can be viewed via any standard web browser. This remote accessibility provides several advantages over more traditional solutions. For example, a problem can easily be diagnosed and perhaps fixed remotely; also engineers can have remote access to the PLC CPU configuration tools and hence allowing for remote upload/download and configurability via the intranet or internet.In this paper we will discuss the design and implementation of a networked platform for remotemonitoring and control of PLCs. The platformis built around the Siemens S7 series of PLCs. These PLCs have an integrated communication processor that can be used to provide accessibility to the internet. The monitoring and control can be accomplished in a wired or wireless environment, via an intranet or internet hence providing for a complete solution for the remote monitoring and control of industrial processes.We will also discuss the utilization of the GSM network and the operation of a communication protocol that uses SMS messaging to communicate with the PLC stations and a Database Server integrated with the system.The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we describe the overall system architecture; section three includes a discussion of the software aspects of the system. Sections 4 and 5 present the communications methodology followed in this project and thepaper is concluded in Section 6.Fig. 1. PC-based remote accessibility.2. System architectureThe proposed system architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2.The system consists of the following components: Simatic S7 200/300 PLC systems and Communication Processors (CPs). Each CP has an integrated communication interface (hardware and software) that allows the PLC to communicate in a LAN, WAN or via a GSM network. Clients and administrator are connected to the process via the network (or wirelessly). Privileges can be set or reset by administrators to allow for or to limit the various clients options. A Database Server connected to the process via the network for data logging and event recording. A variety of network options including GSM-based accessibility.The PLC system Ethernet module is a communication processor for the S7 family used to connect the PLC to the network. An additional communication processor is used to allow communication between the PLC and the GSM modem over the serial port (RS232).In the proposed implementation, the PLC system reports remotely the status of the process to the Database Server. The Database Server records the status of the PLC in time-based tables and performs any required data analysis. The system also receives and executes commands from administrators and clients to control the process. GSM connectivity is also implemented to allow users with different privileges to access the status of the mandatory functions of the PLC and allow them to control thesefunctions. Ethernet and GSM connectivity of the PLCs is implemented using the CP343, and the CP340 communication processors 7.The System software was implemented mainly using Simatic Manager 7 and Java. The Simatic Manager environment is used for communication with the PLC system. The proposed architecture allows for programming, reprogramming, and configuring the system remotely.The Java application is developed using the S7-APIs (S7-Application Programming Interfaces) to establish the communication between the Database Server and PLC station 8. For example, using these APIs, we can instantiate objects that will connect theDatabase Server to the PLC station by specifying the IP Address and the S7 address of the CPU contained in the PLC unit.The PLC is connected to the process sensors and actuators using I/O modules.After the Java application running on the server side establishes the connection to PLC using the S7-APIs, it then uses the Java Database Connector Technology (JDBC) to store the retrieved data that reflects the status of various PLC parameters in the Database Tables. JDBCis a technology that allows Java to connect to Database servers. It contains the required Java libraries that include all the necessary methods required to connect to the Database Server and execute SQL statements. The overall system allows users to set process values using the PLC. For example, users can set an output (actuate a motor) or change the value of a memory cell (memory bit, byte, word, flag, etc.). The system environment also provides for obtaining the readings of input values (sensors readings) as well as capturing the status of the PLC. A Chart plotter can be used to convert readings fromthe PLCs into charts. An error reporting mechanism that provides administrators with useful diagnostic information is also included in the complete environment. Systemadministrators can also query the status of the process using the GSMnetwork in the form of SMS messages. Finally, the proposed systemarchitecture is scalable with the ability to monitor a complete network of PLCs spreading around the Intranet or Internet.Fig. 2. System architecture.3. System software architectureThe systems software used in this project is divided into three components: A database management system Application modules (data manipulation modules, PLC communication modules and GSM modem modules) A user interface.Fig. 3 depicts the systems software major components and the directions of communication between them. A description of each component is provided in the following subsections.3.1. An overview of the database systemThe database was created using Oracle 9i. It consists of a set of inter-related tables. Fig. 4 illustrates the database schema used in this work. For the sake of brevity a brief description of each table is provided below: A Station table that contains the entire information associated with the PLC such as station IP address, station name, etc.Fig. 3. System software components.Fig. 4. Database tables relationships. A Pointers table that contains information about each Input, Output or, Memory that the system is using. Pointers represent addresses for Input, Output or, Memory. A Pointers reading table used to store the values read from items pointed to by the various pointers. This table is similar to a log table that holds the various stations activities. An Admin table contains all the information on system users. A Rank attribute indicates the security level for each administrator, such as, Main Admin, Supervisor, and Trainee. Additional information include login name, password, a Hint attribute for password recovery, etc. A Client table contains all the information pertaining to each client that is using the system such as user identification, password and phone. Admin_PLC and Client_PLC tables used to set the corresponding admin or client to a specific station id, and pointer id.3.2. Application modulesThesemodules are at the heart of the software components of the overall system. They manage the communication between the user interface and the DBMS. They initiate the connection to the PLC system and contain the needed objects for GSM communication.The application modules consist of following three submodules:Fig. 5. A GUI display. A data manipulation module: this module has several classes that are called from within the user interface (GUI) to perform various data manipulation tasks within the database such as: insert, update, and delete. For example, the insert class is responsible of inserting any new data received through the user interface. A PLC communication module: this module consists of three classes; they are used to perform tasks such as accepting stations ID from users, verifying that each station has a pointer associated with it, establishing connection to the PLC station, etc. A GSM module: this module provides for the communication between the GSM modem and the communication ports. The java communication package is used. This package allows java to recognize both the serial and the parallel ports that are part of the system. It contains the necessary functions required to send and receive AT commands and SMS messages through the GSM modem.3.3. The user interfaceThe user interface used in this work allows users (administrators and clients) to access and manipulate the database tables and to issue basic control commands to the different PLC stations. For database manipulation the administrator depending on his/her rank can insert, update, or perform different queries. Administrators can also perform other activities using this GUI such as sending SMS massages to different clients and administrators. Depending on his or her rank, an administrator can enter the configuration area, and perform activities such as viewing admin logs, viewing help documents, viewing tutorials of how to use the user interface as well as controlling some activities in the station.Fig. 5 shows one of the GUI screens of the system. The figure shows the different fields that correspond to the station table attributes. Users can enter various values pertaining to a particular station such as its IP address, its location, number of inputs and maximum number of outputs. As shown on the left panel of the GUI interface, users have the ability to search, view, configure, and update the information of a particular station. Fig. 5 depicts a GUI screen for the Update command. Users may use this command to modify particular station information such as its IP address, or location. Fig. 6 is a snap shot of the GUI where the user is embarking on a search task. In the shown search screen the user is searching for a PLC station by location. The response to his search request is shown in Fig. 7.4. Using TCP/IP to communicate with the PLCThe CP module is a communication processor for the S7 family that allows PLCs to connect to an Intranet or the Internet in any LAN setup. The module supports the following TCP/IP communication services 7: Secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) server login with user IDs and passwordFig. 6. Sample GUI display. Fig. 7. Response screen to a “Station Search”. Send E-mail messages with embedded PLC data to standard SMTP mail server FTP client services for file transfer to a remote server FTP server services for file transfer to/from an internal 8 MB flash memory file system by a remote FTP client HTTP server services for remote Internet browser access S7 series program instructions for Internet communication.In addition the module also has the following features: Communication based on TCP/IP and ISO standards Factory installed MAC address Peer-to-peer communication capabilities with other S7 devices Multiple (up to 8) connections Ethernet client or server configuration options Program instructions for initialization, reconfiguration, and data transfer.A PLC can be programmed locally or remotely to sense, activate and control industrial equipment and therefore, incorporates a number of input/output terminals that are used to interface the PLC to the environment or process. Each input and output connection point on a PLC module has a unique address that identifies it. Using the TCP/IP protocol, the IP address of the PLC, command type and the address of the item (I/O point) that is referenced are all contained in the IP packet. The IP address of the PLC is included in the header field. The payload field of the IP packet is allocated to carry various PLCrelated parameters and commands. Fig. 8 shows the contents of the frames that are sent and received from the PLC system.The Memory Parameters field contains information, such as the address of the item to be monitored and/or controlled. This item can be any of the following: Input Output Memory area Data block.It also contains other parameters such as data type (Boolean, integer, etc.), bit or byte offsets and so on.Fig. 8. Frames used to communicate with the PLC system using TCP/IP.The Command Type field contains any of the following commands: Set Value Get Value Get Status.The Status field of the frame returns the status of the addressed item. The value field contains the value of the addressed item.Fig. 9. Messaging format for the Query frame.5. GSM accessibilityForeseeing the potential of GSM services for low volume data transmission and acquisition 911 we decided to incorporate these services in our system. The idea here is allow administrators and clients to access the PLC system via the GSM network if needed, and also to be able to retrieve vital status information through it. The Java communication package was used to allow for the communication between the GSM modem and the various ports of the PLCs and the server. For the GSM modem that is connected to the PLC, ladder diagrams are used to send ATA commands as strings to the modem. Similarly the received SMS messages are read as strings. A messaging communication protocol that uses the public GSM services and is suitable for this project was developed. The protocol uses various frames to communicate with the system. Fig. 9 depicts the format used for Query frames.Fig. 10. Messaging format for the Response frame. A brief description of the various fields included in the above frame is given below.Type of Frame (TOF): this is a 1 byte field. The user (administrator or customer) should know what type of frame he/she is sending. For the query frame, the “Type of Frame” field should be set to the value 1.C/A (Customer/Administrator): this field indicateswhether the user is a customer by writing “c” or an administrator by writing “a”. This field has a size of 1 byte.User ID: this field contains an ID for each user. The length of the field is 4 bytes.Password: this field indicates whether the password belongs to an administrator or a client. Administrators have full accessibility to change sensors status by using the set function, for example. The maximum length of this field will be 10 bytes which means the password cant exceed 10 characters.Station ID: this field contains the Station ID number. In this work, station IDs are assumed to be in the range of 1 to 9999. The length of this field is 4 bytes.Pointer ID: this field has the pointer ID number. The pointers IDs will be in the range of 1 to 9999. The length of this field is 4 bytes.The Query response frame: the response frame will be sent from the Database to the administrator or client with the status of a specific sensor. A frame illustration is shown in Fig. 10.The Station ID and Pointer ID have the same meaning as described above. The Value field contains the returned value of the item whose status is interrogated in the Query frame.Note that the first 8 bytes in the response frame are used to store the following string: “The Query Results for PLC/Pointer Reading is”. Fig. 11 shows an SMS response to a query.Fig. 11. A sample response.中文译文基于plc监控应用平台的发展文摘本文论述了设计并实现了一个基于plc远程监视的平台,控制过程由TCP / IP或使用GSM网络控制。该平台的建立是为了灵活的使用现成的plc。早期PLC结合处理器被用于对网络的连接性和GSM调制解调器的联系。通信处理模块(以太网模块)被用于这个工作,它提供了工业兼容TCP / IP协议不可能达到的相同功能,但需要更高的带宽(23百万位元/秒)。此外,mobile-based通信协议让我们的远程监视和控制plc在使用短信上也得到了发展。这里的意图是给用户提供一个通信机制的备份系统,以防网络失败丢失数据。1。介绍最近的网络技术发展特别是互联网的广泛传播促进了分布式测量系统在各种各样的工业应用。这些分布式测量系统都可以使用网络1,2监视和控制的各种机器。一个可编程序控制器(PLC)microprocessorbased是可编程控制系统,检测,激活和控制工业设备,因此具有很多数量的输入/输出终端,连接到工业过程。控制程序记忆储存在可编程序控制器(PLC)里它决定了PLC的投入与产出关系。 plc是智能自动化站它所拥有的非常有用和可取的功能,如3:鲁棒性。高度的可扩展性:家庭有一种现代可编程序控制器(PLC)宽频谱的CPU类型,能轻松的扩展性功能和性能。可展开性:模块化设计的plc可以与广泛的数字和模拟的I / O模块扩展。同时,各种集成技术模块可用于各种各样的应用范围。复杂的沟通协调能力:现代plc能沟通各端口提供集中或分布式连接。强大的开发环境:现代的家庭用PLC通过环境的交叉来开发,支持硬件配置、提供强有力的调试机制。远程访问控制和监控的各种各样的设备工业设置是对工程师和自动化设备有价值的。目前的实现的远程PLC监控是通过使用专用pc机或网络服务器连接到PLC的。图1举例说明了y用于工业的常见建筑式样。如图所示,plc通过电脑连接到网络。PLC这种系统通常利用串行端口或Profibus介入这台电脑。 这类系统的坏处在于只能使用计算机访问PLC控制系统。建筑工作也没有充分用到地区通信如电信和网络技术。图一。基于pc的远程可访问性近年来,由于日益扩大电脑计算能力和涌入的网络协议和标准,已经有了更多的设计和实现分布式测量和控制系统为产业应用。通常,这些系统的TCP /交流与沟通能力IP协议4 - 6是根据客户的要求来建筑的。现代plc来自嵌入式网络为存取有用的实时信息和诊断提供服务器,可以通过任何一个标准的浏览器来查看。这个远程的可访问性提供的几个的优点是传统的解决方案无法比拟的。例如,一个问题可以很容易通过远程诊断修好;工程师也就可以通过固定的PLC的CPU远程访问,因此组态工具可以通过网络或互联网远程上传/下载配置工具。在本文中,我们将讨论实现远程plc控制控制网络平台的设计。围绕plc西门子S7系列平台。这些plc有一项可用于因特网联合通讯处理器。在一个有线或无线环境实现监视和控制,通过内部网或互联网为远程监控的工业加工提供完整的解决方案.我们还将讨论利用GSM网络和一个通讯协议运行用SMS消息与PLC电台和数据库服务器结合的系统。摘要如下:组织描述了我们在第二章整体的系统结构,第三部分包括讨论一个软件方面的系统。第四项、第五项部分呈现通信方法这个项目,论文的结论是第6部分。2。系统结构在图2举例说明了该系统的体系结构。该系统主要由以下组成部分:图2。系统架构。S7 200/300 PLC系统和沟通处理器(CPs)。每个CP有通信整合接口(硬件和软件)使可编程序控制器(PLC)允许通过局域网,广域网或通过GSM网络沟通。客户和管理人员通过连接到工艺无线网络(或有线网)。可以设定或重置管理员允许或限制的各种客户的选择的特权。数据库服务器通过网络连接到工艺为记录数据日志和事件。不同的网络选择包括GSM-based可访问性。 PLC系统以太网模块是一家以S7处理机连接可编程序控制器(PLC)的网络。附加的沟通的方法是处理器的串行端口(RS232)与PLC和现代GSM之间的沟通。提出的实施,PLC系统向远程数据库服务器传递地位。这数据库服务器记录了基于可编程控制器的plc在桌面完成任何必需的数据分析状况。系统也根据管理员控制受到并执行广大用户的指令。GSM连通也执行允许不同的特权地位的用户强制性访问的功能,让他们可以控制编程序控制器(PLC)的这些功能。以太网和GSM连通的plc使用CP343实施和CP340处理器7沟通。系统软件实施主要使用Simatic Manager7和Java。Simatic Manager的环境使用PLC系统连接。该建筑允许规划、重组、设置该远程系统。Java应用软件利用S7-APIs(S7 -应用编程接口)开发在数据库服务器和PLC站点8建立通讯。例如,利用这些apis,我们可以根据包含在可编程序控制器(PLC)单位指定的IP的S7地址和中央处理器的地址连接数据库服务器到PLC站点。这可编程序控制器(PLC)使用I / O模块连接到工艺传感器与执行器。图3。系统软件组件使用S7-APIs应用Java的后台运行在服务器端创办相关的可编程序控制器(PLC),它以Java数据库中备案接头技术(JDBC)储存收回数据反映了各种可编程序控制器(PLC)数据表状态参数。JDBC是一种允许Java连接数据库服务器技术。它包含所需的Java图书馆里所有必要的连接数据库服务器和执行SQL语句。整个系统允许用户使用PLC设置过程值。 例如,用户可以设置一个输出(开动马达)或改变价值的一段记忆细胞(存储器位,字节、文字、国旗,等)。制度环境也提供获取输入值的读数(传感器的阅读资料)以及捕捉可编程序控制器(PLC)的状况。可以用一个图表绘图仪从plc来转换成阅读图表。在完整的环境下一个错误报告机制给管理者提供有用的诊断信息。管理者系统也可以通过GSM 网络手机短信的形式查询过程的状况。最后,该系统建筑是可以围绕着内部网络或互联网完成plc网络可扩展的监控能力的。3。系统软件建筑学该系统在此计画中,使用的软件分为三个部分:数据库管理系统应用模块(数据操作模块、PLC的通信模块,和GSM现代模块)用户界面上。图3描述了系统主要的软件部件他们之间的交流的方向。描述每个部分的范围内以下。3.1 一个整体的数据库系统使用Oracle9i数据库被创立。它一个相关联的表格的集合。图四阐明了用于这项工作的数据库模式。为了简洁的描述每张表格下面被提供:一个配置表格,包含整个相关的信息如站和PLC IP地址、车站的名字,等。一个指针表,包含每个有关输入,输出或、记忆系统。指针代表输入、输出的地址,或者记忆。一个指针阅读表用来存储价值观读取项目指出各种各样的指针。这张表格是把各种相似的电台活动放入一个日志表。图4。关系数据库的表管理员表格包含了用户系统的信息。一个等级属性的保安等级表示每个管理者,例如,主要管理、总监、培训生在工作。另外的信息包括登录名称,密码,一个暗示属性为密码恢复等。客户有关的信息表格包含了彼此客户端,是使用该系统如用户识别,密码和电话。Admin_PLC和Client_PLC表用于设置相应的管理或客户
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