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关 键 词:
高层建筑 生活 糊口 给水 系统 方式 选择 中文
【中文 2900 字 】高层建筑生活给水系统给水方式的选择摘要: 通过高层建筑生活给水系统各种给水方式的分析比较,认为根据具体情况采用高位水箱减压给水方式或几种给水方式的结合在目前是比较经济合理的给水方式。关键词: 高层建筑 给水方式 减压给水 选择给水方式是高层建筑生活给水系统设计的关键,它直接关系到生活给水系统的使用和工程造价。对于高层建筑,城市给水管网的水压一般不能满足高区部分生活用水的要求,绝大多数采用分区给水方式,即低区部分直按由城市给水管网供水,高区部分由水泵加压供水。就目前我国城市给水状况而言,水压一般可满足建筑五六层的生活用水要求,高区部分的供水应根据具体情况确定。 建筑给水排水设计规范 (GBJ1588) (以下简称规范 )第 2.3.4条规定:“高层建筑生活给水系统的竖向分区,应根据使用要求、材料设备性能、维修管理、建筑物层数等条件,结合利用室外给水管网的水压合理确定。分区最低卫生器具配水点处的静水压,住宅、旅馆、医院宜为 300350KPa;办公楼宜为 350450KPa 。 ”因此,根据规范规定的分区给水静水压,兼顾消防给水系统的给水方式,高层建筑生活给水系统高区部分应进行合理的竖向分区。城市用地日趋紧张,促使中高层建筑物向高空发展,现代科学技术和现代工业的发展,也为高层建筑提供了条件,20 世纪 50 年代以来,我国大城市里陆续兴建了一批高层建筑。特别是 80 年代以后我国实行改革开放以来,经济建设日新月异,高层建筑在大中城市乃至小城市里如雨后春笋的拔地而起,发展很快。据上海市 2002 年统计数表明高层建筑已达 5000 余栋。高层建筑在节约用地、壮观城市和提高人们生活质量等方面的优越性已为每人所公认。高层建筑灭火抢险不易已成为当今火灾扑救中的“三难”之一(“三难”是指高层建筑、地下工程、石油化工三种火灾) ,而高层建筑火灾的消防给水是灭火的基础,又是难中之难。高层建筑尽管立足自救,但是落后自救系统一旦失灵,或自救系统虽可工作但不能满足使用效能,灭火还必须依靠消防队的移动设施和装备去扑救。 住宅作为供家庭居住使用的建筑,是人类自下而上必不可缺的重要场所。正确处理住宅设计中遇到的消防问题,直接关系到人民的生命财产安全。同时,一项合理的工程设计还要考虑建设项目的投资造价,做到既安全适用,又经济合理。高区部分可以采用的分区给水方式有:高位水箱给水方式;变频调速水泵给水方式或气压罐给水方式。 高层民用建筑设计防火规范 (GB5004595)第 7.4.7 条规定:“采用高压给水系统时,可不设高位消防水箱。当采用临时高压给水系统时,应设高位消防水箱。 ”我国目前消防给水系统中临时高压制居多,一般高层建筑都设有高位消防水箱。在高位水箱有效容积增加不多的情况下,生活贮水与消防贮水同时贮存于一个水箱中,这既经济又便于管理。高位水箱具有稳压作用,使冷热水系统水压保持平衡,方便洗浴。变频调速水泵不能满足消防贮水量,存在小流量和零流量供水问题,同时变频控制股价格较高,在高层建筑中采用较少。气压罐给水方式的主要缺点是气压罐调节容积小,同样存在不能满足消防贮水的问题,一般作为消防给水系统中的经常性增压设备,对于高层建筑生活给水一般用于少数楼层水压不足时的增压。由于以上诸多原因,目前绝大多数高层建筑采用高位水箱给水方式,尽管高位水箱存在增加建筑荷载和防止生活用水受到二次污染的问题。高位水箱给水方式可根据规范要求采用高位水箱减压给水方式、高位水箱并联给水方式或高位水箱串联给水方式,或者根据具体情况采用几种给水方式的结合。其中高位水箱减压给水方式利用减压水箱和减压阀减压。减压水箱占用一定的建筑面积,并且增加了防止生活用水二次污染的困难,有噪音影响。减压阀造价虽然较高,但占地面积大大减小,不影响水质而且无噪声,国内减压阀产品质量提高,性能可靠,故采用减压阀减压方式的日渐增多。高位水箱给水方式在实际应用中可以按以下情况考虑。1、建筑高度 50m 左右的高层建筑,高区部分可采用贮水池水泵屋顶水箱减压阀给水方式。如果低区部分对供水安全要求较高,可以直接从屋顶水箱引下一根立管至低区管网,该立管上设电动阀门和减压阀,平时电动阀门关闭,在城市给水管网停止供水时打开电动阀门向低区供水。如图 1 所示。此方式供水安全可靠,充分利用了城市管网的水压,节省能源。这种方式普遍采用。2、建筑高度 5080m 左右的高层建筑,高区部分可采用贮水池水 屋顶水箱减压阀给水方式(见图 2)或高位水箱并联给水方式(见图 3) 。并联给水方式各分区为独立的给水系统,供水安全可靠,水泵集中布置,便了管理维护,运行动力费川省。但走必须设水泵水箱两套设备,增加了水泵和水箱占用的建筑面积,造价增大,这在大城市尤为显著。减压阀给水方式系统简单,设备费用少,占地面积小,管理维护方便。但是其供水安全性比并联给水较差,运行动力费用较高。目前我国各地供电情况逐步改善,电费比较适中,采用高位水箱分区减压给水方式具有较大优越性。这种情况病区部分有两个分区。此种方式应用较多。如由重庆建筑大学设计的重庆医科大学附属第一医院外科大楼,总建筑面积 37756m2,地下有两层,地上有二十三层,建筑高度89.1m。生活给水系统采用分区给水方式,四层及四层以下由城市管网直接供水,五层及五层以上由贮水池水泵屋顶水箱减压阀减压给水,高区部分有两个分区。3、建筑高度批 80110m 左右的高层建筑,高区部分推荐采用高位水箱分区减压给水方式,即贮水池水泵屋顶水箱减压阀给水方式,如图4 所示。也可以采用高位水箱并联给水方式。这种情况高区部分有三个分区。4、建筑高度超过 110m 的高层建筑,最高分区水泵扬程将会很大,压水管线很长,为避免这种情况应采用高位水箱串联给水方式(不设中间水箱时采用中间接力水泵方式) 。推荐采用高位水箱串联给水与减压给水相结合的方式。高位水箱串联给水方式的特点是各分区的水泵分散设置,各从下一分区的水箱抽水,下一分区的水箱除供本分区外同时是上一分区的水源,适用于超高层建筑。其优点是避免了设扬程高的水泵和水压高的压水管,压水管也不会很长。其缺点是由于设备分散,管理维护不便;水泵设于楼层对防震、隔音要求高;上区供水受下区影响,安全性较差。串联给水与减压给水结合,由于设备(水泵、水箱)减少,节省造价,并有利于管理维护,也减小了震动和噪声的影响,因而在超高层建筑中采用较多。以上四种情况也有例外。如重庆扬子江假日饭店,建筑高度 79.65m,地下一层,地上二十三层,地下一层至二层由水泵屋顶水箱联合供水,二十一至二十三层由气压给水设备增压供水。其低区最低配水点所受静水压达 0.8MPa 左右,这是由于该分区给水系统材料和设备承压能力好并采取了相应防振隔音措施。综上所述,高层建筑生活给水系统给水方式的选择应考虑多种因素。当建筑高度 50m 左右时,低区利用城市给水管网水压直接供水,高区采用水泵屋顶水箱联合供水;当建筑高度 50-80m 时,高区采用高位水箱减压阀给水方式;当建筑高度 80-110m 时,高区采用高位水箱分区减压给水方式:当建筑高度超过 110m 时,高区采用高位水箱串联给水与减压给水相结合的方式。总之,应根据规范规定并结合当地的实际情况及工程的实际情况,确定经济合理的给水方式。附录 2:外文翻译1 翻译材料 The high-rise construction life gives the water way to the aqueous system the choiceAbstract: Through the high-rise construction life for aqueous system each kind for the water way analysis comparison, thought the basis special details use the top digit water tank reduced pressure are quite economical reasonable give the water way for the water way or several kinds for the water way union in at present. Key word: The high-rise construction gives the water for the water way reduced pressure The choice for the water way is the high-rise construction life to the aqueous system design key, it relates directly to the life gives the aqueous system the use and the project construction cost. Regarding the high-rise construction, the city cannot satisfy the high area partial domestic water generally for the water pipe network hydraulic pressure the request, the overwhelming majority uses the district for the water way, namely the low area are partial straight according to by the city for the water pipe network water supply, the high area partially pressurizes by the water pump the water supply. Speaking of the present our country city for the water condition, the hydraulic pressure may satisfiedly construct five six domestic water requests generally, the high area partial water supplies should act according to the special details determination. Construction Gives Water Draining water Design Standard (GBJ15 88) (Hereafter refers to as Standard)2.3.4Strip stipulation that,“The high-rise construction life for the aqueous system vertical district, should act according to the operation requirements, material condition and so on equipment performance, service management, building layer, the union uses outdoor gives the water pipe network the hydraulic pressure reasonable determination. The district lowest health appliance matches the water drop place static hydraulic pressure, the housing, the hotel, the hospital is suitable is 300350KPa; The office building is suitable is 350450KPa。 ”Therefore, stipulated according to Standard the district for the water static hydraulic pressure, the proper attention to both fire prevention for the aqueous system for the water way, the high-rise construction life are partial for the aqueous system high area should carry on the reasonable vertical district. The city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the high-rise building to the upper air development, the modern science and technology and the modern industry development, also has provided the condition for the high-rise construction, 20 Century 50 Since the age, in the our country big city has constructed one batch of high-rise constructions one after another. Specially 80Since the age later our country will have implemented the reform and open policy, the economic development will change with each new day, the high-rise construction in the big or media-sized cities and even small town city like mushroom growth rising straight from the ground, the development will be very quick. According to Shanghai2,002The year statistical count indicated the high-rise construction has reached5,000Yu Dong. The high-rise construction is saving with, the magnificent city and improves aspect the and so on people quality of life superiority has recognized as each person. The high-rise construction fire fighting emergency is not easy to become now the fire to save goal“Three is difficult”One (“Three is difficult”Is refers to the high-rise construction, the underground project, the petroleum chemical industry three kind of fires), but the high-rise construction fire fire prevention gives the water is the fire fighting foundation, also is difficult to be difficult. The high-rise construction although bases helps oneself, but falls behind helps oneself the system once to malfunction, or helps oneself the system although to be possible to work but cannot satisfy the use potency, the fire fighting also must depend upon the fire brigade the motion facility and equips saves goal. The housing achievement supplies the family housing use the construction, is important place which the humanity must not be possible from bottow to top to lack. In the correct processing housing design meets the fire question, relates directly to peoples life and property safety. At the same time, a reasonable engineering design also needs to consider the items of basic construction the investment construction cost, achieves both safely is suitable, and the economy is reasonable. The high area are partial the district which may use for the water way to include: The top digit water tank gives the water way; The frequency conversion velocity modulation water pump gives the water way for the water way or the barometric pressure pot. High level Civil construction Design Fire protection Standard (GB50045-95)7.4.7Strip stipulation that,“When uses the high pressure for the aqueous system, but does not suppose the top digit fire prevention water tank. When uses the temporary high pressure for the aqueous system, should suppose the top digit fire prevention water tank.。 ”Our country the fire prevention the temporary high tension system is in the majority at present for the aqueous system in, the general high-rise construction all is equipped with the top digit fire prevention water tank. Increases in not many situations in the top digit water tank dischargeable capacity, the life water storage and the fire prevention store water at the same time stores in a water tank, this both the economy and is advantageous for the management. The top digit water tank has the constant voltage function, causes the cold hot water system hydraulic pressure maintenance balance, facilitates takes a bath. The frequency conversion velocity modulation water pump cannot satisfy the fire prevention to store the water volume, has the small current capacity and the zero current capacity water supply question, at the same time the frequency conversion control stock price is high, uses few in the high-rise construction. The barometric pressure pot is the barometric pressure pot adjustment volume is small for the water way main shortcoming, the similar existence cannot satisfy the question which the fire prevention stores water, the general achievement fire prevention for the aqueous system in regular pressure unit, uses in generally regarding the high-rise construction life for the water time the minority floor hydraulic pressure insufficiency turbo-charged. Because above many reasons, the overwhelming majority high-rise construction uses the top digit water tank at present for the water way, although the top digit water tank existence increase construction load and prevented the domestic water receives the question which two time pollutes. The top digit water tank may according to Standard for the water way to request to use the top digit water tank reduced pressure for the water way, the top digit water tank parallel for the water way or the top digit water tank series for the water way, or uses several kinds according to the special details to give the water way the union. Top digit water tank reduced pressure gives the water way use reduced pressure water tank and the pressure relief valve reduced pressure. The reduced pressure water tank takes the certain floor space, and increased had prevented the domestic water two time polluted the difficulty, had the noise influence. Pressure relief valve construction cost although high, but the area reduces greatly, does not affect the water quality moreover not to have the noise, the domestic pressure relief valve product quality enhances, the performance is reliable, therefore selects the pressure relief valve reduced pressure method to increase day after day. The top digit water tank gives the water way in the practical application to be possible according to the below situation consideration. 1.Construction altitude50mThe about high-rise construction, the high area are partial may use the tankWater pumpRoof water tankThe pressure relief valve gives the water way. If the low area is partially high to the water supply safe request, may direct the next pipe riser directly from the roof water tank to the low area pipe network, on this pipe riser supposes the electrically operated valve and the pressure relief valve, usually the electrically operated valve closure, stops the water supply for the water pipe network turns on the electrically operated valve when the city to the low area water supply. Like chart1Shows. This way water supply safe is reliable, fully has used the city pipe network hydraulic pressure, saves the energy. This way universal use. 2.Construction altitude 5080mThe about high-rise construction, the high area are partial may use the tankWater roof water tankThe pressure relief valve (sees the chart for the water way2) Or the top digit water tank parallel (sees the chart for the water way3) . Parallel for independent gives the aqueous system for the water way various districts, the water supply safely is reliable, water pump centralism arrangement, then management maintenance, movement power Fei Chuansheng. But walks must suppose the water pumpThe water tank two sets of equipment, increased the floor space which the water pump and the water tank took, the construction cost have increased, this especially was remarkable in the big city. Pressure relief valve for water way system simple, equipment expense few, area small, manages the maintenance to be convenient. But its water supply security compared to parallel misses for the water, the movement power cost is high. At present our country each place supplies power the situation to improve gradually, the electrical bill quite is moderate, uses the top digit water tank district reduced pressure to have the big superiority for the water way. This kind of situation ward partially has two districts. This way application are many. Like Chongqing medical college attached first hospital surgical department building which designs by the Chongqing construction university, total floor space 37756m2Underground has two, on has 23, the construction altitude 89.1m. The life uses the district for the aqueous system for the water way, four and below four supplies water directly by the city pipe network, five and above five by tankWater pumpRoof water tankThe pressure relief valve reduced pressure gives the water, the high area partially has two districts. 3.The construction approves highly 80110mThe about high-rise construction, the high area partial recommendations uses the top digit water tank district reduced pressure to give the water way, namely tankWater pumpRoof water tankThe pressure relief valve gives the water way, like chart4Shows. Also may use the top digit water tank parallel to give the water way. This kind of situation high area partially has three districts. 4.The construction surpasses highly 110mThe high-rise construction, highest district lift of pump will be able very big, will press the water pipeline to be very long among, for will avoid this kind of situation being supposed to use the top digit water tank series (will not suppose when water tank for the water way to select relay water pump method). The recommendation uses the top digit water tank series to give the water and the reduced pressure to the aqueous phase union way.The top digit water tank series is various districts water pump disperses the establishment for the water way characteristic, pumps water respectively from the next district water tank, the next district water tank besides supplies this district at the same time is on a district water source, is suitable for the extra-high building. Its merit was avoids supposing lifts the high water pump and the height of water pressure water pipe, pressed the water pipe not to be able to be very long. Its shortcoming is because equipment dispersible, manages the maintenance to be inconvenient; The water pump supposes quakeproof, sound-insulated in the floor torequests high; On the area water supply the under area influence, the security misses. Series for water and reduced pressure to water union, because the equipment (water pump, water tank) reduce, saves the construction cost, and is advantageous to the management maintenance, also reduced the vibration and the noise influence, thus uses many in the extra-high building. Above four kind of situations also have the exception. Like Chongqing Yangtze river holiday hotel, construction altitude79.65mUnderground, on 23, underground to two by water pumpThe roof water tank union water supply, gives the water equipment turbo-charged water supply 21 to 23 by the barometric pressure. Its low area lowly matches the water drop to receive the static hydraulic pressure to reach 0.8MPa About, this is because this district was good for the aqueous system material and the equipment bearing pressure ability and has taken the corresponding antivibration sound-insulated measure. In summary, the high-rise construction life should consider the many kinds of factors to the aqueous system for the water way choice. When construction altitude 50m When about, the low area uses the city for the water pipe network hydraulic pressure direct water supply, the high area uses the water pumpRoof water tank union water supply; When construction altitude50-80mWhen, the high area uses the top digit water tank pressure relief valve to give the water way; When construction altitude80-110mWhen, the high area uses the top digit water tank district reduced pressure to give the water way: When constructs surpasses highly 110m When, the high area uses the top digit water tank series to give the water and the reduced pressure to the aqueous phase union way. In brief, should according to Standard to stipulate and to unify local the actual situation and the project actual situation, the definite economy reasonable gives the water way. 2 中文翻译高层建筑生活给水系统给水方式的选择摘要: 通过高层建筑生活给水系统各种给水方式的分析比较,认为根据具体情况采用高位水箱减压给水方式或几种给水方式的结合在目前是比较经济合理的给水方式。关键词: 高层建筑 给水方式 减压给水 选择给水方式是高层建筑生活给水系统设计的关键,它直接关系到生活给水系统的使用和工程造价。对于高层建筑,城市给水管网的水压一般不能满足高区部分生活用水的要求,绝大多数采用分区给水方式,即低区部分直按由城市给水管网供水,高区部分由水泵加压供水。就目前我国城市给水状况而言,水压一般可满足建筑五六层的生活用水要求,高区部分的供水应根据具体情况确定。 建筑给水排水设计规范 (GBJ1588) (以下简称规范 )第 2.3.4条规定:“高层建筑生活给水系统的竖向分区,应根据使用要求、材料设备性能、维修管理、建筑物层数等条件,结合利用室外给水管网的水压合理确定。分区最低卫生器具配水点处的静水压,住宅、旅馆、医院宜为 300350KPa;办公楼宜为 350450KPa 。 ”因此,根据规范规定的分区给水静水压,兼顾消防给水系统的给水方式,高层建筑生活给水系统高区部分应进行合理的竖向分区。城市用地日趋紧张,促使中高层建筑物向高空发展,现代科学技术和现代工业的发展,也为高层建筑提供了条件,20 世纪 50 年代以来,我国大城市里陆续兴建了一批高层建筑。特别是 80 年代以后我国实行改革开放以来,经济建设日新月异,高层建筑在大中城市乃至小城市里如雨后春笋的拔地而起,发展很快。据上海市 2002 年统计数表明高层建筑已达 5000 余栋。高层建筑在节约用地、壮观城市和提高人们生活质量等方面的优越性已为每人所公认。高层建筑灭火抢险不易已成为当今火灾扑救中的“三难”之一(“三难”是指高层建筑、地下工程、石油化工三种火灾) ,而高层建筑火灾的消防给水是灭火的基础,又是难中之难。高层建筑尽管立足自救,但是落后自救系统一旦失灵,或自救系统虽可工作但不能满足使用效能,灭火还必须依靠消防队的移动设施和装备去扑救。 住宅作为供家庭居住使用的建筑,是人类自下而上必不可缺的重要场所。正确处理住宅设计中遇到的消防问题,直接关系到人民的生命财产安全。同时,一项合理的工程设计还要考虑建设项目的投资造价,做到既安全适用,又经济合理。 高区部分可以采用的分区给水方式有:高位水箱给水方式;变频调速水泵给水方式或气压罐给
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