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关 键 词:
减轻 高压 压缩机 爆炸 风险 中文
【中文 10400 字】减轻高压注气压缩机爆炸风险摘要这篇文章阐述了由安可收购公司和卡尔加里大学共同进行的一项研究,这是关于安可公司在蒙大拿州东南部压缩机高压注气(HPAI)工程的合成润滑油燃烧安全性的研究。拥有超过每天 2,270 标准立方米的空气压缩能力,而且排气压力可达 31.0 到 34.5 兆帕(4500 到 5000 磅/平方英寸) ,该项目的一个重要方面就是压缩机的安全和不间断运行。安可公司和其他高压注气运营商的经验显示,在高温级间结构和排气区域即使使用合成酯基润滑油,高压空气压缩机润滑油也可能是一种麻烦(破坏性超压)的来源。利用加速量热仪(ARC ) ,使用了合成润滑油的新样本在空气中的初始气压可以被加热到 34.5 兆帕(5000 磅/平方英寸) ,自升温速率和压力反映也能被测量出来。研究结果高度强调了压力对自燃温度的重要影响。更重要的是,酯基润滑油的自燃温度从制造商所报告的在标准气压测量的摄氏 410 度(华氏 770 度)下降到在气压为 17.2 到 34.5 兆帕(2500 到 5000 磅/ 平方英寸)测量的摄氏 180度(华氏 365 度) 。另外,氧化合成润滑油的自燃温度将进一步导致压缩机运行温度值的降低。最后,有人指出,不同品牌酯基润滑油的自燃温度都非常相似。这项研究的意义不仅仅在于温度数据,更在于其研究结果即安可公司对旗下高压空气压缩机的设计和运行的一些重要修改的讨论。这些信息将有助于未来设计安全和可靠的空气压缩系统的高压注气运营商。引言通过高压注气(HPAI)改进传统的轻质油回收已经成为一个众所周知的过程。随着石油需求的增加以及减少初级和次级生产为基础的储备更多的生产商对高压注气产生浓厚的兴趣。典型例子有 2002 年安可公司佩内尔机组的八注射器的每标准立方米 17e3 高压注气工程,已经扩展到每标准立方米 1700e3。在洪区原始部分里连续四年注入 34.5 兆帕的空气。此外,一个新的每标准立方米566e3 的高压注气工程在 2004 年在锡达河处展开,东靠小比弗蒙大拿/北达科他州的交界处。该项目有 18 个注入井,操作压力为 31 兆帕。图 1 表示的是位于锡达河背斜超过 160 公里(100 英里)长的安可公司展示的高压注气工程和注水项目用地。压缩机运行的安全和畅通是每个高压注气工程成功实施的最重要因素。为了提高操作安全性和可靠性,酯基合成润滑油被广泛用于高压注气压缩机中。以石油为基础的合成润滑油的优点包括高闪点、高自燃温度(AIT)和较高去垢性(低残留) 。这些特性大大减少压缩机在运行过程中发生爆炸的风险。标准测试制造商在标准大气压下衡量美国 ASTME-659(3)和 ASTMD-2155(4)这些润滑油的自燃温度。碳氢燃料的燃烧范围随着压力的增加而扩大。因此,在制造商的规定自燃温度下运行不能排除空气和压缩机润滑油之间爆炸反应的潜在风险。这被认为是发生在蒙大拿东南部安可公司并购的高压注气设施中。这项工作的目的是调查新的和使用过的(部分氧化)合成酯基润滑油,安润龙 750 和安润龙 555 在不同反应压力的氧化性能。结果与其他酯基合成润滑油进行了比较;即壳牌确能立德 150 和首脑会议制定的定制酯合成润滑油。安可公司基于这些调查结果实行的安全性改善也进行了讨论。润滑油的加速量热仪测试适用性加速量热仪最初是为了物质热危险性评价而开发的。关于加速量热仪,它的理论,实验方法和数据分析的详细说明可以再文献 6-8 中获得。加速量热仪测试数据的经典分析是基于一个简单的组成 A 产品的奇异分解反应,用反应完成的基本假设,而且产品不干预反应机制。如果上面的绝热发生放热反应,反应热将全部用于提高产品的温度。由此产生的自热率影响可近似参考文献 6:100dnFnFCTTkt(1) 上述公式可按以下表格更改(用伪率量 ) 。10nkdtTknF10(2)在正确的反应级数下,当 与 的温度相同时, 具有同样的功能。因此,kk用于获得 的实验数据和用于下面阿列纽斯模型的图形迭代而获得的最适合的k反应级数和动力学参数(文献 6) 。TREACkn1lln10(3)不像基于加速量热仪理论的奇异分解反应,合成酯基润滑油通常含有多种添加剂,来改善它们的氧化稳定性(文献 9、10) 。这些润滑油和其他复杂混合物如原油的氧化反应,在加速量热仪测试过程中或是氧化有效性或在形成耐火材料的残留物中,甚至是在过量空气中都很少发生。此外,实测的实验数据如和 需要根据热惯量的反应进行更改。虽然高达每分 1000 摄氏度的自热率dtTF已被记录,但是实验证实,加速量热仪不能密切跟踪超过标准的额外的每分 15到 18 摄氏度自热率。因此,测量的高于每分 15 到 18 摄氏度的最大自热率变化应该被看作是定性的迹象氧化率升高而不是显热比的绝对值。尽管有这些限制因素,加速量热仪为动力学参数和复杂混合物如原油提供了有用的数值(文献11) 。实验步骤材料该工作中使用的酯基合成润滑油安润龙 750 和安润龙 550 是 ISO 粘度等级的 150 和 100(文献 12) ,分别由安可公司提供。为了调查使用在职油对于自燃潜在风险的影响,新油和使用过(部分氧化)的油都进行了测试。所用的油取自压缩机链的不同点。表 1 总结了所使用油的类型,位置的说明和加速量热仪的测试号。用于测试 3 和 4 的安润龙 750 样本取自于最后阶段洗涤后的脉动瓶和冷却器,而在测试 5 和 6 中的样本直接取自于最后压缩阶段的脉动瓶。因此,前一个安润龙 750 样本所受的高温和压力持续时间长。用于测试 9 和 10 的安润龙 555 取自于最后的压缩阶段,该阶段温度和压力大约是 149 摄氏度(华氏300 度)和 31 兆帕(4500 磅/平方英寸) 。壳牌确能立德 150 是一种含有大概 90%-99%的合成酯和 1%-10%的聚合物添加剂的 150-ISO 粘度等级油(文献 13) 。首脑会议制定的石油是一种为高压空气压缩机定制的酯基合成润滑油。加速量热仪测试程序加速量热仪是在改进的 CSI-ARC 装置上进行的。简而言之,加速量热仪由带样品架的量热计单位(见图 2) ,电源,温度控制和主处理器组成。主处理器用来设定运行条件和控制实验。还能处理结果从实验数据中获得动力学和热力学参数。在卡尔加里大学的两个加速量热仪被广泛地特殊地进行了改装,能在41.4 兆帕(6000 磅/平方英寸)下可靠运行,同时能跟踪高度燃烧的放热反应。用特制的 9 立方厘米的反应单元而组成哈氏 C 约重 24.3 克。在每次运行前对该仪器进行校准和偏差校验。在每个测试中,约有 0.2 克的合成润滑油样本(见表 1)装在反应单元中,并且最终在加速量热仪中加热,如图 2 所示。加速量热仪测试在一个密闭的模型中进行,其中石油装载反应单元由气体填充达到所需的压力并且密封。在测试过程中单元周围没有质量交换发生;单元边界含有油管连接压力表。加速量热仪系统被加热到起始温度 50 摄氏度,并在热等待搜索(HWS )模式下运行。在热等待搜索模式中,样品反复受到加热升高每 5 摄氏度等候 20 分钟(润滑油油样和反应单元之间的热平衡)的循环步骤作用,然后是自加热搜索。在后者的过程中,微处理器搜索的自热率高于预设值每分 0.025 摄氏度。一旦检测到放热,放热(油氧化)反应是可以继续进行绝热的。选用四个测试压力来调查在实际运行中压力的影响和反应级间压力。结果和讨论温度和压力描述表 1 总结了安润龙 750 和安润龙 555 这两种合成润滑油的加速量热仪使用条件。新安润龙 750 润滑油测试压力分别为 17.2 兆帕(2500 磅/立方英寸)和34.5 兆帕(5000 磅/立方英寸) ,图 3 和 4 显示的是典型加速量热仪反应的热等待搜索测试方法。温度描述反应了温度的逐渐升高,原因是在温度保持 180 摄氏度的 95 分钟后热等待搜索体系发生放热反应(自热) (图 3) 。直到达到系统的最大工作温度 500 摄氏度才能在随后的热等待搜索步骤中检测出额外的放热曲线,而且系统会自动关闭来观察快速冷却。温度分布紧随其后的是压力分布。放热反应中的温度和压力变化率在上述插图中显示出来。当测试压力为 34.5 兆帕(5000 磅/立方英寸)时(图 4) ,主要的放热反应比同初始温度 17.2 兆帕(2500 磅/立方英寸)发生的要早。基于温度和时间反应如图 3 和 4 所示,新的和使用过的安润龙 750 润滑油在不同初始温度下的放热反应自热率分别在图 5 和 6 中给出。新的和使用过的安润龙 555 的类似显热比曲线在图 7 中给出,图 8 给出的是壳牌确能立 150 润滑油和首脑会议制定的定制润滑油的放热的自热。上述图中没有数据点的部分显示在这些温度范围内无任何可测的放热活动。自热率和自燃温度图 5 和 6 中的显热比曲线表示了在数据尾段(新的和使用过的安润龙 750温度分别为 180-195 摄氏度和 155-165 摄氏度)放热活动中一种典型的等待时间,数据后是两种明显的压力相关行为。当压力为 17.2 兆帕(2500 磅/立方英寸)和 34.5 兆帕(5000 磅/立方英寸)运行时,在自热区的初始部分后是在显热比本质上瞬间 20-330 的成倍增加,而后者最终在下降。在初始阶段,运行压力为 500 磅/立方英寸和 1000 磅/立方英寸表示显热比增加阶段,随后是显热比的最终下降。自热率小于每分 0.3 摄氏度时自热率对测试压力相对不敏感。初始能量的产生被认为是与液相相关联的氧气和碳氢化合物反应在液相中的过剩。一旦自热率达到一定的水平,液相反应将由氧传输速率(例如,气相中氧分压和传质阻力)和液相中烃反应浓度控制。在初始反应区域中不存在气相,氧化反应产生的能量将负责与液相反应,终止反应时液相烃馏分都消耗掉。这出现在压力为 3.4 兆帕和 6.9 兆帕的测试中。图 5 和 6 的比较告诉我们,在相同的测试条件下,氧化石油反应最先发生,和新油相比温度较低。这被认为是根据商业压缩机服务条件下液相氧化物的形成所致。氧化类型参与到大量液相自由游离基反应中(文献 9) 。上述评论同样适用于安润龙 555(表 7) 。自热率曲线的形状显示了在给定温度下控制总热量产生率的不同机制。在低温区,显热比轨迹表明一种近似用阿列纽斯型表达的行为,阿列纽斯表达揭示了自热率和绝对温度倒数间半对数关系。这将在图 5 到 8 中在自热率曲线上以直线表示出来。在其他的温度范围内,对于温度来说自热率相对不敏感,这表明对传输介质,包括液/固相在内是主导的自热率。图 8 说明壳牌确能立润滑油放热自热的初始温度本质上与安润龙润滑油相同,但是主放热反应的最大显热比和最终温度显著偏低。壳牌确能立 150 的报告自燃温度为 443 摄氏度(文献 13) 。首脑会议制定的润滑油的主放热最高起始温度为 195 摄氏度,其最终温度与安润龙润滑油相似。在 17.2 兆帕和 34.5 兆帕观察到的显热比迅速增大可被认为是剧烈的气相反应,例如,油气混合润滑油在气相的点燃。为了启动和维持气相燃烧,气相烃浓度必须在易燃范围内并且温度必须高于自燃值。在液相成分数据和相行为关系缺失的情况下修改组分,在燃烧形成蒸汽时不能准确预测气相组分。基于这样的假设,增加测试压力意味着在给定的温度降低油气蒸发率,气相中烃摩尔数将减少,液相中的剩余烃量将随着总压力的升高而增加。对于在空气中注入给定初始浓度氧气的情况,气相中氧气含量将随着总压力的增大而增大。由于合压力作用的结果,推测当反应单元内的温度高于燃烧温度时,两个低压测试气相中的碳氢化合物浓度在燃料富足区域下降,而两个高压测试在易燃区下降。一旦气相开始燃烧,在 34.5 兆帕的较大量热排放测试指出增加氧气量来维持燃烧反应。在剧烈的气相反应和相关压力增加的过程中所产生的热量可能导致野外作业的危险情况。值得注意的是,对于新的和氧化的安润龙和壳牌确能立 150 润滑油来说,这些反应在温度低于 190 摄氏度开始发生。安润龙制造商报告说,这个温度要比 410 摄氏度的自燃温度低得多(在 1 标准大气压下美国材料试验协会测得) ,并且在额定工作范围(零下 15 摄氏度到零上 230 摄氏度) (文献12)内可行。这明显要低于报告的壳牌确能立 150 润滑油 443 摄氏度的自燃温度(文献 13) 。因此,对于高压注气空气压缩机运营商来说有必要确定在实际生产条件下润滑油的自燃温度。在 17.2 兆帕(2500 磅/立方英寸)和 34.5 兆帕(5000 磅/立方英寸) (图 7)下,新旧安润龙 555 润滑油的显热比压力影响与安润龙 750 相似。安润龙 555 和安润龙 750 具有相似的自燃温度和闪点;前者在同一温度时具有低粘性(文献 12) 。除了压力外,自燃温度也受升温速率影响。图 9 表示了使用过的安润龙750 润滑油在 1000 帕时测试的加压差示扫描量热(PDSC 软体) 。在低升温速率(每分 0.15 摄氏度)情况下,放热反应发生在低温处并且与在较高升温速率(每分 5 摄氏度)的反应相比要低得多。在加速量热仪测试的热等待搜索循环中的平均样品升温速率大约是每分 0.16 摄氏度。热力学和动力学参数显热比实验数据被用于方程(1)到(3)中来获得油气润滑油反应的动力学参数。由于前述加速量热仪对润滑油的测试程序适用性的局限性,只有最初的放热曲线符合上述方程。最初的放热曲线被认为在为今后的剧烈气相反应发生而生成所需热量中扮演重要角色。在放热曲线前段,氧气或油浓度不发生重大变化;因此,零级动力学被认为是恰当的。阿列纽斯活化能的计算, 和测aE试系统的其他热力学参数见表 2。油田高压注气压缩机的相关性酯分子的极性导致酯基润滑油强烈的分子间引力和低挥发性。由于酯基合成润滑油的低挥发性,高压注气压缩系统包含的压缩机运行时的高压和大吞度量,在过程链中足够的润滑油会蒸发和压缩空气一起形成可燃蒸汽,这是不太可能的。然而,由于初始放热的热量在内流过程中可燃混合物仍能在压缩汽油接口或死角处形成。因此,润滑油脂的沉积物,特别是在压缩系统的停滞区,是必须要避免的。安可压缩机站的安全性改进安全性是安可的高压注气压缩机站的一个主要关心问题,并且修改现有装置,经常检查新设施。安可高压注气压缩机的早先经验,重点在于基于异地运行经验的油含率。这意味着压缩机气缸都被旋转 90 度,如果这创造了更好的油的排水系统。空气压缩设施中的爆炸被归因于现场压缩空气系统的过量酯基润滑油(文献 2) 。脉动平挡板在板块底部有排水孔。所有的管道可以集中压缩机油被消除的位置。这是一个好的开端,然而,当压缩机组上缴率下降时问题就会出现。人们发现风速在移动使用压缩机油远离热源和在消散热气油氧化放热反应上起到关键作用。此外,气相的可燃性是非常依赖风速的。气相被认为是在正常放电率时缺油,但它可以进入石油接触死空气的易燃地区。快速增压油都可以被困的地方应该被避免。对于一个理想气体绝热条件下,温度证明增压等于进口绝对温度比热比次。假设自燃温度为 180 度的一个温度比热比次是1.4,进风温度为 50 度具有快速复合可能导致温度高于自燃温度。基于以上原因,安可判处其压缩机床限制空气流速的考虑。理论上,润滑油池上面空间的减压也可能导致可燃性混合物的形成。在给定温度下,润滑油的挥发性会随着氧分压的下降而升高,因此气相能够从倾斜面进入易燃区。因此,有必要确保在高温下油池不被困在部分管道中。在设计一个高压空气压缩设备时,每个压缩阶段的操作温度应该受到限制。这个限制将基于在操作压力下压缩机润滑油的自燃温度,并且为进一步降解石油而交代一个安全系数。润滑不应该是压缩设计后来加上去的部分,但是不可或缺的。从安可公司的现场经验中学到的最后一课是工厂的维护对于压缩机油的扩充是重要的。设施的设计应该用干净的输出接入端口瓶、冷却器和净化器,以至于他们可以定期被方便清洗。含碳沉积物和压缩机油的积累能导致在管道内具有潜在危险后果的引燃。结论在 3.4 兆帕到 34.5 兆帕(500 到 5000 磅/立方英寸)的新旧润滑油安润龙750 和安润龙 555 的加速量热仪测试显示:1.在压力为 17.2 到 34.5 兆帕(2500 到 5000 磅/立方英寸)时,自燃温度低于 190 摄氏度远远低于石油标称工作范围。因此,在预先规定的操作压力下有必要对高压注气空气压缩机的润滑油测试自燃温度。2.使用过的(部分氧化)的油与相同的新油相比自燃温度较低。3.增加氧化的安润龙 750 样品的加热速率延缓了在较高温度自燃的发生,并导致了更大的放热。4.不同的新合成油的测试给出了加速量热仪热等待搜索方案的类似反应。测试压力和润滑油的状态(新鲜或氧化)对石油类型具有较大的影响。5.高压注气压缩机的最大操作压力应基于操作温度下的压缩机油的自燃温度。压缩机设备设计应该用干净的输出接入端口瓶、冷却器和净化器,以至于他们可以定期被方便清洗。致谢作者感谢安可收购公司和大陆资源对于出版这项著作的许可。我们也感谢K.范弗拉森光、D.马伦特、M.汉考克和 J.李对于加速量热仪和加压差示扫描量热的实验工作。专有名称前指数因子A反应物浓度C活化能aE反应速率常量k伪反应速率常量*k)( 10nkC温度T时间t下标初始条件0终止条件F缩略语自燃温度AIT加速量热仪RC哥伦比亚大学科学产业SI高压注气HPA热等待搜索W未测NM加压差示扫描量热PDSC自热率HR原文Mitigating Explosion Risks in High Pressure Air Injection CompressorsAbstractThis paper describes research undertaken by Encore Acquisition Company and the University of Calgary regarding the flammability safety of synthetic lubricants used in Encores compressors in their high pressure air injection (HPAI) projects in Southeastern Montana. With over 2,270 e3m (ST)/d (80MMscfd) of installed air compression capacity discharging at pressures of 31.0 to 34.5 MPa (4,500 to 5,000 psi), a critical aspect of this project is the safe and uninterrupted operation of the compressors. Experience gained by Encore and other HPAI operators shows that the reaction of high pressure air with compressor lubricants in high temperature interstage and discharge regions of the compressors can be a source of trouble (destructive overpressures), even when synthetic diester-based lubricants are employed.Using an Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC), samples of fresh and used synthetic lubricants were heated in the presence of air at initial pressures up to 34.5 MPa (5,000 psi). Self-heating rates and pressure responses were measured.The results highlighted the significant effect of pressure on auto-ignition temperature. Most significantly, the auto-ignition temperature of the diester-based lubricant dropped from the manufacturers reported level of 410?C (770?F) at atmospheric pressure to 180?C (365?F) at pressures in the range of 17.2 to 34.5 MPa (2,500 to 5,000 psi). Also, the auto-ignition temperature of used (oxidized) synthetic lubricant was further reduced to values close to the operating temperature levels of the compressors. Finally, it was noted that the auto-ignition temperatures for different brands of diester-based lubricants were all very similar.The significance of this study is not only in the temperature data, but also in the discussion of several significant changes that Encore made to the design and operation of their high pressure air compressors as a result of this study. This information will assist future HPAI operators in designing safe and reliable air compression systems.IntroductionImproved oil recovery of conventional light oils by high pressure air injection (HPAI) is becoming a well known process. With increasing oil demand and dwindling primary and secondary production-based reserves, more producers are showing increasing interest in HPAI. Typical examples of such increasing interest include Encores eight injector 17 e3m (ST)/d (6 MMscfd) HPAI project initiated in 2002 in their Pennel Unit that has since expanded to 850 e3m (ST)/d (30 MMscfd) with an ultimate design of 1,700 e3m (ST)/d (60 MMscfd). Air has been continually injected at 34.5 MPa (5,000 psi) for four years in the original portion of the flood. In addition, a new 566 e3m3(ST)/d (20 MMscfd)HPAI project was initiated in the Cedar Creek-Little Beaver East Field located on the Montana/North Dakota border in 2004. This project has 28 injection wells and is operated at 31.0 MPa (4,500psi). Figure 1 is a map indicating Encores presence in the Cedar Creek Anticline over 160 km (100 miles) long showing the HPAI and waterflood projects sites. Safe and uninterrupted compressor operation is the most important factor in the successful implementation of every HPAI project. To improve operational safety and reliability, ester-based synthetic lubricating oils are widely used in HPAI compressors. The advantages of these synthetic lubricants over petroleum-based lube oils include higher flash point, higher auto-ignition temperature(1, 2)(AIT) and higher detergency (low residue) . These properties significantly minimize explosion risks during compressor operation. The standard test manufacturers use to measure the auto-ig(3)nition temperatures of these lube oils, ASTM E-659 and ASTM (4)D-2155 , are performed at atmospheric pressure. The flammability ranges of hydrocarbon fuels are known to widen with an (5)increase in pressure . Thus, operating below the manufacturers recommended AIT would not eliminate the potential risk for an explosive reaction between the air and the compressor lube oil. This was thought to occur in an Encore Acquisitions HPAI facility in Southeastern Montana.The objective of this work was to investigate the oxidation behaviour of fresh and used (partially oxidized) synthetic ester-based lube oils, Anderol 750 and Anderol 555, at different reaction pressures. The results were compared to those of other ester-based synthetic lube oils; namely, Shell Corena DE 150 and a custom formulated ester-based synthetic oil from Summit Lubricants. The safety improvements Encore implemented based on the results of this investigation are also discussed.Applicability of ARC tests to lube oilThe accelerating rate calorimeter was originally developed for the evaluation of thermal hazard of substances. Detailed description of the ARC apparatus, its theory, experimental procedure and (6-8)data analysis are available in the literature .The classical analysis of ARC test data is based on a simple singular decomposition reaction of the form A Products, with the basic assumption that the reaction goes to completion, and the products do not interfere with the reaction mechanism. If the above exothermic reaction occurs adiabatically, all the reaction heat will be used in raising the products temperature. The resulting selfheat rate can be approximated by the following(6) :100dnFnFCTTkt(1) The above equation can be rearranged to the form below (with the pseudo-rate constant ).10nkCdtTnF10(2)At the correct reaction order, k * has the same functional dependence on temperature as k*. Hence, experimental thermal decomposition data is used to obtain k* and a graphical iteration is used on the Arrhenius model below to obtain the best fit for the reaction order and the kinetic parameters(6) .TREACkn1lln10(3)Unlike the singular decomposition reaction on which ARC theory is based, formulated synthetic ester-based lube oils often contain various additives to improve their oxidative stability(9.10). The oxidation reactions of these lube oils and other complex mixtures, such as crude oils, seldom go to completion during an ARC test either due to oxygen availability or formation of refractory residual material, even in the presence of excess air. In addition, the observed experimental data such as dT/dt and T need F to be corrected for the thermal inertia of the reaction cell. While self-heating rates upwards of 1,000?C/min are recorded, experimental heater power supply data verified that the ARC is not able to closely track actual self-heating rates in excess of 15 to 18?C/minute. Therefore, measured maximum heating rates of greater than the 15 to 18?C/minute range should be viewed as qualitative indications of elevated oxidation rates rather than as the absolute SHR values. In spite of these limitations, ARC tests have provided useful values for the kinetics parameters for even complex mixtures such as crude oil(11) .Experimental ProcedureMaterialsThe synthetic ester-based lube oils Anderol 750 and Anderol 555 used in this work are of ISO viscosity grade of 150 and 100 , respectively, supplied by Encore. To investigate the effect of inservice oil use on the potential risk of auto-ignition, both fresh and used (partially oxidized) oils were tested. The used oils were sampled from different points along the compressor train. Table 1 summarizes the oil type, location description and the ARC test number in which the oils were used. The Anderol 750 sample used in Test 3 and Test 4 was taken from the final stage scrubber which is after the pulsation bottle and the cooler, while the one used in Test 5 and Test 6 was from the pulsation bottle directly after the final compression stage. Thus, the former Anderol 750 sample had been subjected to a high temperature and pressure for a longer duration. The Anderol 555 used in Tests 9 and 10 was obtained from the last compression stage with a normal operating temperature and pressure of about 149?C (300?F) and 31.0 MPag (4,500 psig). The Shell Corena DE 150 is a 150-ISO viscosity grade oil consisting of about 90 99 mass% synthetic esters, and 1 10 mass% proprietary polymer additives . The Summit oil is a custom formulated ester-based synthetic lube oil for high pressure air compressors.ARC test ProcedureThe ARC tests were performed in a modified CSI-ARC apparatus. Briefly, the ARC consists of the calorimeter unit with the sample-holder (see Figure 2), power supply, temperature control and main processor units. The main processor is used for setting the run conditions and controlling the experiment. It also processes the results to obtain kinetic and thermal parameters from the experimental data. The two ARCs at the University of Calgary have been extensively and specially modified for reliable operation up to 41.4MPa (6,000 psi), while tracking highly exothermic combustion reactions. They use specially developed 9 cm reaction cells made of Hastelloy-C weighing approximately 24.3 gm. The instrument is calibrated and drift-checked before each run.In each test, about 0.2 g (Table 1) of the synthetic lube oil sample was loaded in the reaction cell and mounted in the ARC heating assembly, as shown in Figure 2. The ARC tests were performed in a closed mode in which the oil-loaded reaction cell was filled with air to the desired pressure and sealed. No mass exchange occurs across the cell boundary during the test; the cell boundary includes the volume of tubing connection to the pressure gauge. The ARC system was heated to the starting temperature of 50?C and operated in a heat-wait-search (HWS) mode. In the HWS operating mode, the sample was subjected to repeated cycles consisting of heating in steps of 5?C, followed by a 20 minute wait period (for thermal equilibration between the lube oil sample and the reaction cell) and then a search for self-heating. During the latter, the microprocessor searches for a self-heat rate (SHR) greater than a preset value of 0.025?C/min. Once an exotherm is detected, the exothermic (oil oxidation) reaction is allowed to proceed adiabatically. Four test pressures were selected in order to investigate the effect of pressure and to reflect the interstage pressures in the real operation.Results and Discussion temperature and Pressure Profiles The ARC test conditions used for the two synthetic lube oils, Anderol 750 and Anderol 555, are summarized in Table 1. Typical accelerating rate calorimeter responses for the HWS test method are shown in Figures 3 and 4 for fresh Anderol 750 tested at 17.2 MPag (2,500 psig) and at 34.5
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