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关 键 词:
建筑工程 造价 系统 开发 中文
【中文 3300 字】XXV 波兰语 - 俄罗斯 - 斯洛伐克研讨会“土木工程的理论基础”建筑工程造价系统的开发OlgaV. Didkovskayaa,Olga A. Mamayevaa ,Marina V. Ilyinaa萨马拉州立建筑与土木工程大学,Molodogvardeyskaya194 号街道,萨马拉,443001,俄罗斯摘要形成专业施工管理的方法论基础,有可能对建筑施工定价的发展提出一个新的方向 - 建设成本管理体系(建设成本工程)的发展,将投资成本评估,估算定价,合同定价评估实际的施工成本,以及连接和管理上述过程。同时,建筑工程造价工程的概念,将所有与工程造价定义直接或间接相关的工艺技术和工艺基础固定下来。文章介绍了作者在国家,地区和企业层面建设和实施建筑业成本工程系统的意见。关键词:系统;成本工程;建设成本;成本管理;价钱;1.介绍现代建筑定价体系不仅包括设计阶段的预算开发,还包括投资建设过程中其他阶段建筑产品成本的确定。目前的建设定价制度已经不能满足投资建设参与者的需求(主要是国家作为高效预算投资主体的需求)。对整个建筑成本管理系统的方法进行根本性的改变是必要的1-5。在这方面,应通过向建设成本管理(建设中的成本工程)的新系统过渡来实施建筑定价的改进,这将结合投资成本的初步评估,估计定价,合同定价,系统的实际成本确定,并允许连接和管理上述过程。建设成本管理为投资和建设过程阶段之间的连接提供了连接,从一种成本向另一种成本转化 - 从投资到估算,从估算到合同,从合同到实际,从实际到运行成本(在重建,资本和当前维修)以及计划在未来实施的这些设施的投资成本6,7 。成本工程涉及工程建设定价的方法,因此监管框架包括城市规划规则,民事与投资立法,技术法规的规定等。同时,上市法律法规只规定了一些成本问题工程师。这个领域没有系统的专门规定。作者认为,这个系统的概念模型应该包括以下内容: 国家规定(法律,法规,国家监督); 自我规范 - 标准化,专业认证(标准,规则,程序,招生,责任,控制); 考虑到区域特点(规则,命令,控制,监督),俄罗斯地区建筑系统开发和管理中的成本工程的成本工程管理; 公司法规 - 在政府和其他公司建立成本管理体系(企业标准,地方法规,有关部门,内部控制)的开发和实施。投资和建设业务的许多主要参与者 - 俄罗斯联邦州,国家公司和其他公司都认识到开发高效和可管理的成本工程系统的必要性11。2.建设企业成本工程系统国际成本工程一直以来都是一种独立的专业活动。工程投资和生产成本管理的方法被广泛应用于工业和基建10,12。在俄罗斯,成本工程的概念及其对俄罗斯建筑领域的适应性主要由大型公共公司大量建造。几家大公司表示,需要开发和实施全职成本管理系统的建设。在成本工程领域,自我调节的专业社区正在建立,目的是通过在投资和建设过程的不同阶段建立和管理建设成本的单一监管和方法学方法来规范其成员的活动通过制定成本工程标准体系。建设投资是大公司投资政策的组成部分,不管其主要活动在哪里。因此,建立一个可靠和透明的建筑成本定义体系,对于公司而言不亚于州和市级客户。近年来,越来越多的企业为了在建设的各个阶段优化资本投资,一直在开发和实施成本较低的工程系统。根据工艺规划的路线图原则13,15设计并包括一套本地监管公司文件(标准,程序,法规)的该系统的拟议项目如图 1 所示。所提议的系统的使用允许公司在投资和建设项目生命周期的任何阶段控制定价过程18。3.国家和地区级建设成本工程体系的实施和发展成本工程系统的有效应用领域不限于自律专业组织和企业16。国家和市政对价格的监管最终追求与公司一样的目标 - 建立单一的建筑成本,管理和控制系统。因此,成本工程的概念是可取的,是在国家,地区和市级建设定价控制系统发展的基础上形成的。图 1.建筑工程中的成本工程制度。行业定价目前正在积极开发14。例如,俄罗斯建设部准备并发表了以下内容:“俄罗斯联邦城市规划法修正案”和俄罗斯联邦在城市规划定价和预算编制领域的某些立法行为的联邦法项目(所谓的建筑定价法)8,建筑改革中的定价和预算概念9。这不仅意味着俄罗斯联邦城市规划法典在建筑设计阶段对价格和预算的监管方面发生了变化,而且也涉及到在资本投资规划阶段和采购阶段对规范建设成本程序的法律行为程序。因此,计划中的立法变化全面涵盖了投资和建设过程各个阶段的施工定价。由于建筑定价属于连续的立法规定,为了发展建筑成本制度,有必要建立和批准在系统中占据核心地位的文件 - 建筑成本工程的联邦标准(建筑成本标准定义)在投资和建设过程的各个阶段规定统一的程序,目的和成本形成和控制的一般原则。本文件将提供程序的法律和条例的要求与从一种成本到另一种成本的过渡程序,专业知识和成本控制的过程之间的明确的合法联系。整个投资和建设过程的覆盖面以及建筑成本形成的统一监管方法将为确定各种成本设定明确的规则:边际成本 - 在为基本建设项目分配资本投资的计划阶段;预算成本 - 编制项目文件及其基本建设项目的专业知识;初始(最高)合同价格 - 在基建工程和某些类型的工程建设工程的公共采购中;实际成本 - 在基建项目的建设和投产阶段;维修成本 - 在基本建设项目的运作期间。联邦标准必须提供和支持建筑定价体系改革的实质和原则,成为建筑定价体系高效改造的第一个工具,可以确定和管理成本。通过这样的文件将允许过渡到建筑成本工程系统。本文件的制定必须规定确定从任何来源资助的所有投资和建设项目的建设成本的方法的一致性。制定联邦标准作为成本管理体系的主要工具的原则由以下规定决定:“通过”在投资和建设过程的所有阶段的定价规定;在投资和建设过程的每个阶段以及从一个阶段向另一个阶段过渡的成本的透明度和问责性;遵守城市规划立法和俄罗斯联邦的其他联邦法律和监管法律法规,其中包含定价问题的规则以及遵守俄罗斯建设部实施的城市发展领域的国家定价政策。联邦标准为投资和建设过程的每个阶段设置了以下内容:费用的种类;适用法规的体系;参照相应的规范和方法规定确定成本的一般程序;法规,成本控制的主题和领域。作者开发的建筑工程造价工程国家规范方法论体系如图 2 所示图 2.国家成本工程系统在建设中的监管和方法基础。俄罗斯建设部对整个投资和建设过程的建设成本确定和控制系统的开发和批准将确保法律之间的明确要求和规范性规定,巩固建筑业成本工程体系的基础和结构。4.结论因此,确定和审查建设成本的过程不仅要经济规律。他们当然有一个重要的工程和技术基础,并需要在建筑定价专家的适当的知识和技能。专业造价工程在建设中的名称和功能内容反映了其经济和工程部分的协同作用。结合施工成本管理的方法和手段的成本工程是建筑定价的热门体系,而成本工程师成为现代建筑定价专家。参考1 O.V.Didkovskaya,从估计定价到成本工程,建筑配给和薪水,莫斯科。 1(2014)56-64。2 O.V. Didkovskaya,I.R. Akhmetzyanov 建筑成本管理的系统方法,现代建筑复杂管理的经济方面,SSUACE ,萨马拉,2014 年, 118-121 页。3 O.V. Didkovskaya,M.V。伊琳娜,O.A。 Mamayeva,在萨马拉地区推出一个区域性成本工程系统,内容包括:估算和施工合同工作。 9(2012)48-58 。4 O.V.Didkovskaya 等人。发展建筑成本工程系统的有步骤的方法,萨马拉,2013。5 O.V. Didkovskaya,O.A. Mamayeva,研究投资和建设中的成本工程系统开发问题,国家采购 Pricinginpublicconstructionordersystem,Samara,2011,pp.64-84。6 O.V. Didkovskaya.O.A. Mamayeva 成本工程作为投资和建设中的成本管理工具,在:建筑和建筑的传统和创新,1.SSUACE,萨马拉,2013 年,第 283-284 页。7 O.V. Didkovskaya,施工成本工程方法在物质资源成本管理中的实施:现代建筑复杂管理的经济方面,SSUACE ,萨马拉.2015 年.201-208 页。8俄罗斯政府会议通过的关于修建定价制度的法案。URL:http:/faufccs.ru/press-tsentr/novosti/stranitsa-novosti/index.php?ID=217 。9建筑业价格改革与预算正常化的“400 天”观念。网址:http: /www.9214123.ru/gosstroy/prikaz/2015/171115.pdf。10 O.A。 Mamayeva,关于建筑成本工程的专业活动:现代建筑综合管理的经济方面,SSUACE,萨马拉, 2014 年,第 125-128 页。11 O.A。 Mamayeva,M.V. Ilyina,俄罗斯建筑业成本工程概念的发展,Nauchnoye obozreniye。 9(2015 ),第 170-174 页。12 O.A。 Mamayeva,关于建筑成本工程的专业活动:现代建筑综合管理的经济方面,SSUACE,萨马拉, 2014 年,第 125-128 页。13在“ 路线图 ”基础上构建发展进程的方法。网址:http: /tvv48.narod.ru/books/2012/inn/2.2.pdf(访问日期: 10.05.2015)。14俄罗斯建设部计划开发新的建筑定价方法。网址:http:/minstroyrf.ru/press/minstroy-rossii-planiruet-razrabotat-novye-metody-tsenoobrazovaniya-v-stroitelstve/(访问日期:10.05.2015)。15行动计划(“路线图” )“改善城市发展法律法规和建设中的商业氛围”(俄罗斯联邦政府法令 2013 年 7 月 29 日第 1336-p 号批准)。16全国成本工程专业协会 SRO.URL:http:/www.nossi.ru/17 DN。 Silka,“自给自足的方式”:区域经济:理论与实践。 37(2010)。Available online at ScienceDirectProcedia Engineering 153 (2016) 131 135XXV Polish Russian Slovak Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering”Development of cost engineering system in constructionOlgaV. Didkovskayaa, Olga A. Mamayevaa* , Marina V. Ilyinaa Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Molodogvardeyskaya St, 194, Samara, 443001, RussiaAbstractShaping the methodological basis of professional construction management it is possible tospeak about a new direction in the development of the construction pricing the development of cost management system in construction (cost engineering in construction) integrating the assessment of investment costs, estimated pricing, contract pricing, evaluation of the actual construction costs, and enabling toconnect and manage the aforementioned processes. At the same time the concept of cost engineering in construction fixes the engineering, technical and technological basis of all processes directly or indirectly related to the definition of construction costs. The article presents the authorsconsiderations on the creation and implementation of cost engineering systems in construction at thenational, territorial and corporate levels. 2016TheAuthors.Published.by byElsevievierLtd.LtdThis. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (Peer/licenses/bynsibilityofthe-ncorganizing-nd/4.0/). committee of the XXV Polish Russian Slovak Seminar “TheoreticalPeerFoundation-review underofCivilresponsibilityEngineeringof. the organizing committee of the XXV Polish Russian Slovak Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering”.Keywords:system; cost engineering; construction cost; cost management; pricing;1. IntroductionThe modern system of construction pricing includes not only the budget development at the design stage but also determination of the construction products cost at other stages of the investment and construction process. The current pricing system in construction no longer meets the needs of the participants of investment and construction (primarily the needs of the state as the main participant in the efficient budget investment). Fundamental changes in approaches to the whole system of formation and management of construction costs are necessary 1-5.* * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-902-321-52-79E-mail address: kafedra_cenmail.ru1877-7058 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the XXV Polish Russian Slovak Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering”.doi:10.1016/eng.2016.08.092132 Olga V. Didkovskaya et al. / Procedia Engineering 153 (2016) 131 135In this regard, the improvement of the construction pricing should be implemented through the transition to a new system of construction cost management (cost engineering in construction) that would combine the preliminary assessment of the investment costs, the estimated pricing, contract pricing, the system of the actual costs determination, and allow to connect and manage the aforementioned processes.Construction cost management provides for interconnection of the investment and construction process stages, and transitions from one kind of cost to the other from investment to estimated, from estimated to contract, from contract to actual, from actual to operation cost (with regard to reconstruction, capital and current repairs) and the investment cost of such facilities planned for implementation in the future 6,7.Cost engineering involves the engineering approach to pricing in construction, therefore the regulatory framework consists ofthe rules of town planning, civil and investment legislation, provisions of the technical regulations, etc. At the same time the listed legal acts regulate only some issues addressed by cost engineers. There is no systematic specialized regulation in this sphere. The authors believe that the conceptual model of such system should include the following: national regulation (laws, regulations, national supervision); self-regulation standardization, professional certification (standards, rules, procedures, admissions, responsibility, control); territorial regulation of cost engineering in construction system development and management in Russian regions taking into account regional peculiarities (sets of rules, orders, control, supervision); corporate regulation development and implementation of cost management systems in construction in government and other corporations (corporate standards, local regulations, relevant departments, internal control).The need to develop efficient and manageable cost engineering systems is now recognized by many major players in investment and construction business state, regions of the Russian Federation, state corporations and other companies 11.2. Development of corporate cost engineering systems in constructionInternationally cost engineering has long been an independent kind of professional activity. Engineering approach to the management of investment and production costs is widely used in industry and capital construction 10,12. In Russia the idea of cost engineering and its adaptation to the Russian construction sphere are being primarily developed by large public corporations with large amounts of construction.Several large corporations have voiced the need for the development and implementation of full time cost management systems in construction. In the field of cost engineering self-regulating professional communities are being created, designed to regulate the activities of their members through the development of a single regulatory and methodological approach to the formation and management of construction cost at various stages of the investment and construction process through the development of cost engineering standards system.Capital investments in construction are an integral part of the investment policy of a large company regardless of its main activities. Therefore, development of a system of reliable and transparent definition of construction cost is no less urgent for corporations than for state and municipal customers.In recent years more and more companies aiming at optimizing their capital investments at each stage of construction have been developing and implementingcost engineering systems. The proposed project of such system designed according to the road map principle of process planning 13,15 and including a set of local regulatory company documents (standards, procedures, regulations) is shown in Fig. 1.The use of the proposed system allows companies to control the pricing process at any stage of investment and construction projects life cycles 18.3. Implementation and development of the cost engineering system in construction at national and regional levelsThe area of effective application of cost engineering systems is not limited to self-regulated professional organizations and corporations 16.Olga V. Didkovskaya et al. / Procedia Engineering 153 (2016) 131 135 133National and municipal regulation of pricing ultimately pursues the same goals as corporations the creation of a single system of formation, management and control of construction costs. Consequently, the concept of cost engineering is desirable to be adapted and form the basis in the development of the construction pricing control systems at national, regional and municipal levels.Fig. 1.Corporate system of cost engineering in construction.Industry pricing is now being actively developed 14. For example, the Russian Ministry of Construction has prepared and published the following: project of the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Russian Federation Town Planning Code and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding regulation in the field of town-planning pricing and budgeting” (so-called law on pricing in construction) 8, the Concept of pricing and budgeting in construction reform 9.This implies changes not only to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation regarding the regulation of pricing and budgeting at the architectural design stage, but also to the legal acts regulating the procedure of construction cost formation at the stages of capital investment planning and of procurement procedures. Thus, the planned legislative changes comprehensively cover construction pricing at various stages of the investment and construction process.Since construction pricing falls within contiguous legislative regulation in order to develop the system ofcost engineering in construction it is necessary to create and approve the document that will occupy a central place in the system the federal standard of cost engineering in construction (standard of construction cost definition) regulating a uniform procedure, purpose and general principles of cost formation and control at various stages of the investment and construction process. This document will provide an unambiguous legitimate connection between the requirements of laws and regulations of procedures, and procedures of transition from one kind of cost to another, the process of expertise and cost control.Coverage of the whole investment and construction process and a unified regulatory methodological approach to the formation of the construction cost will set unambiguous rules for determining all kinds of costs: marginal cost at the stage of planning capital investments allocated for the capital construction projects; budget cost in the preparation of project documentation and its expertise of the capital construction projects;134 Olga V. Didkovskaya et al. / Procedia Engineering 153 (2016) 131 135 initial (maximum) contract price in public procurement of works on construction of capital construction projects and certain types of work; factual cost at the construction and commissioning stages of capital construction projects; cost of repairs during the operation of capital construction projects.The federal standard must provide for and support the essence and principles of construction pricing system reform and become the first tool for efficient renovation of construction pricing system that allows to determine and manage the cost. The adoption of such a document will allow the transition to a system of cost engineering in construction. Development of this document must provide for the uniformity in approaches to determining the cost of construction for all investment and construction projects funded from any source.The principles of creating the federal standard as the main instrument of cost management system are determined by the following provisions: “through” pricing regulation at all the stages of the investment and construction process; continuity, transparency and accountability of the cost at every stage of the investment and construction process and in transition from one stage to another; compliance with town planning legislation and other federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing the rules governing the pricing issues, and compliance with the state pricing policy in the sphere of urban development implemented by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.The federal standard sets the following for each stage of the investment and construction process: kind of cost; system of applicable regulations; general procedure for determining the cost with reference to the corresponding normative and methodological regulations; regulations, subject-matter and area of cost control.The system of state normative methodological regulation of cost engineering in construction developed by the authors is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2. Regulatory and methodological basis of the state cost engineering system in construction.Development and approval by the Russian Ministry of Construction of construction cost determination and control system for the whole investment and construction process will ensure an unambiguous link between the legalOlga V. Didkovskaya et al. / Procedia Engineering 153 (2016) 131 135 135requirements and normative regulations, as well as consolidation of the foundation and structure of the cost engineering system in construction.4. ConclusionThus, the processes of determination and examination of the construction cost are not only subject to economic laws. They certainly have a major engineering and technical basis and require the appropriate knowledge and skills in construction pricing specialists. Name and functional content of professional cost engineering in construction reflects the synergy of its economic and engineering components. Cost engineering integrating the methods and means of construction cost management is the topical system of construction pricing, while acost engineer becomes a modern expert on pricing in construction.References1 O.V. Didkovskaya ,From estimated pricing towards cost engineering, in: Rationing and salaries in construction, Moscow. 1 (2014) 56-64.2 O.V. Didkovskaya, I.R. Akhmetzyanov A systematic approach to cost management of construction, in: Economic aspects of modern construction complex management, SSUACE, Samara, 2014, pp. 118-121.3 O.V. Didkovskaya,M.V. Ilyina,O.A. Mamayeva, Introduction of a regional system of cost engineering in the Samara Region, in: Estimate and contract work in construction. 9 (2012) 48-58.4 O.V. Didkovskaya,et. al. Methodical approaches to development of cost engineering system in construction, Samara, 2013.5 O.V. Didkovskaya,O.A. Mamayeva, Studying issues of cost engineering system development in investment and construction, in: State procurements. Pricinginpublicconstructionordersystem, Samara, 2011, pp. 64-84.6 O.V. Didkovskaya,O.A. Mamayeva, Cost engineering as a co
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