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关 键 词:
离心 以及 往复 压缩机 工作效率 特性 中文
【中文 4160 字】离心式和往复式压缩机的工作效率特性Rainer Kurz , Bernhard Winkelmann , and Saeid Mokhatab往复式压缩机和离心式压缩机具有不同的工作特性,而且关于效率的定义也不同。本文提供了一个公平的比较准则,得到了对于两种类型机器普遍适用的效率定义。这个比较基于用户最感兴趣的要求提出的。此外,对于管道的工作环境影响和在不同负载水平的影响给出了评估。乍一看,计算任何类型的压缩效率看似是很简单的:比较理想压缩过程和实际压缩过程的工作效率。难点在于正确定义适当的系统边界,包括与之相关的压缩过程的损失。除非这些边界是恰好定义的,否则离心式和往复式压缩机的比较就变得有缺陷了。我们也需要承认,效率的定义,甚至是在评估公平的情况下,仍不能完全回应操作员的主要关心问题:压缩过程所需的驱动力量是什么?要做到这一点,就需要讨论在压缩过程中的机械损失。随着时间的推移效率趋势也应被考虑,如非设计条件,它们是由专业的流水线规定,或者是受压缩机的工作时间和自身退化的影响。管道使用的压缩设备涉及到往复式和离心式压缩机。离心式压缩机用燃气轮机或者是电动马达来驱动。所用的燃气轮机,总的来说,是两轴发动机,电动马达使用的是变速马达或者变速齿轮箱。往复压缩机是低速整体单位或者是可分的“高速”单位,其中低速整体单位是燃气发动机和压缩机在一个曲柄套管内。后者单位的运行在 750-1,200rpm 范围内(1,800rpm 是更小的单位)并且通常都是由电动马达或者四冲程燃气发动机来驱动。效率要确定任何压缩过程的等熵效率,就要基于测量的压缩机吸入和排出的总焓(h) ,总压力(p),温度(T)和熵(s) ,于是等熵效率 变为: s(Eq.1),(),(sucttdischiuts TpTp并且加上测量的稳态质量流 m,吸收轴功率为:(Eq.2),(),(. sucttdischim考虑机械效率 。理论(熵)功耗(这是绝热系统可能出现的最低功耗)如下:(Eq.3),(),(. sucttsuctdihtheor TppP流入和流出离心式压缩机的流量可以视为“稳态” 。环境的热交换通常可以忽略。系统边界的效率计算通常是用吸入和排出的喷嘴。需要确定的是,系统边界要包含所有内部泄露途径,尤其是从平衡活塞式或分裂墙渗漏的循环路径。机械效率 ,在描述轴承和密封件的摩擦损失以及风阻损失时可以达到 98%和m99%。对于往复式压缩机,理论的气体马力也是由 Eq.3 给出的,鉴于吸力缓冲器上游和排力缓冲器下游的吸气和排气压力脉动。往复压缩机就其性质而言,从临近单位需要多方面的系统来控制脉动和提供隔离(包括往复式和离心式) ,以及可以自然存在的来自管线的管流量和面积管道。对于任何一个低速或高速单位的歧管系统设计,使用了卷相结合,管道长度和压力降元素来创造脉动(声波)滤波器。这些歧管系统(过滤器)引起压力下降,因此必须在效率计算时考虑到。潜在的,从吸气压力扣除的额外压力不得不包含进残余脉动的影响。就像离心压缩机一样,传热就经常被忽视。对于积分的机器,机械效率一般取为 95%。对于可分机机械效率一般使用97%。这些数字似乎有些乐观,一系列数字显示,往复式发动机机械损失在 8-15%之间,往复压缩机的在 6-12%(参考 1 往复压缩机招致号码:库尔兹,R.,K. ,光布伦,2007) 。工作环境在这样的情况下,当压缩机在一个系统中运行时,管道长度 Lu 上游和 Ld下游,以及管道 pu 上游的初始压力和管道 pe 下游的终止压力均被视为常量,在管道系统中我们有一个压缩机运行的简单模型(图 1) 。图 1:管道段的概念模型(文献 2:库尔兹.R,M.由罗穆斯基,2006 年) 。对于给定的,标准管线定量流动能力将在吸入阶段强加压力 ,在压缩机sp放电区强加压力 。对于给定的管线,压缩机站头部( )流(Q)关系可以dp sH近似表述为 111243s kdsppCT(Eq.4 )其中 和 是常数(对于一个给定的管道几何)分别描述了管道两边的压力和3C4摩擦损失(文献 2:库尔兹.R,M.由罗穆斯基,2006 年) 。除去其他问题,这意味着对于带管道系统的压缩机站,头部所需流量扬程是由管道系统规定的(图 2) 。特别地,这一特点对于压缩机需要的能力允许头部减量,按照规定的方式反之亦然。管道因此将不需要改变头部的流量恒定(或压力比) 。图 2:建立在 4 式上的机头流量关系。在短暂的情况下(如包装其间) ,最初的操作条件遵循恒功率分布,如头部流量关系如下: constHPsm(Eq.5) Qts1并将渐进地达到稳定的关系(文献 3:奥海宁 S.,R.库尔兹,2002 年)在上述要求的基础上,必须控制压缩机输出与系统要求匹配。该系统需求的特点是系统流程和系统头部或压力比的强烈关系。管线压缩机提供了在操作条件经验下的大量变化,一个重要问题就是如何使压缩机适应这样变化的条件,具体的说就是如何影响效率。离心压缩机具有相当大的平头部和流程特点。这意味着压力比的改变对机器的实际流程有重大的影响(文献 4:库尔兹 R.,20004 年) 。对于一个恒速运行的压缩机,头部或压力比随着流量的增加而减少。控制压缩机内的流程可以实现压缩机不同的运行速度。这是控制离心压缩机最便捷的方法。两轴燃气轮机和变速电机允许大范围的速度变化(通常是最大速度或更多的 40%或 50%到100%) 。应当指出,被控制的值通常不是速度,但速度是间接平衡由涡轮产生的动力(受进入燃气轮机燃油流量控制)和压缩机的吸收功率。事实上,在过去 15 年安装的任何离心压缩机在管线服务方面是由调速器来驱使的,通常是两轴燃气轮机。年长的设施和服务设施在其他管线服务有时使用单轴燃气轮机(允许速度 90%到 100%的变化)和恒速电动机。在这些装置中,吸节流或可变进气导叶用来提供控制方法。图 3:典型的管线运行点绘制成的典型离心压缩机性能图。离心压缩机的运行封套受最大允许速度限制,最小流量(涌)和最大流量(窒息或石墙) (图 3) 。另一个限制因素可能是可用的驱动电源。只有最小流量需要特别注意,因为它被定义为压缩机的一种气动稳定性的极限。跨越这个限制以降低流动将导致压缩机流动逆转,这可能会损坏压缩机。调制解调器控制系统通过打开一个循环阀来控制这种情况。出于这个原因,几乎所有的现代压缩机装置都使用带有控制阀的循环线,当压缩机内的流量趋于稳定极限时这种控制阀允许流量的增加。控制系统不断地监测压缩机关系喘振线的运行点,并且有必要的话自动地开关循环阀。对于大多数应用来说,带有开放或部分开放循环阀的运行模式只被用于开启和关闭阶段,或者是在混乱运行条件时的短暂时期。假设由公式 4 得到管线特点,压缩机的叶轮将在达到或接近其最大效率时被选出来运行,这个最大效率是由管线强加在整个系列的头部和流量条件下的。这可能是有一个速度(N)控制的压缩机,因为一个压缩机的最有效点是由一种关系而连接的,这种关系需要大约(风扇法方程):(Eq.6)525CH6NQ2655CQH为满足上述关系的操作点,吸入气压 是(基于效率几乎保持不变这个的gP事实): (Eq.7)37653726557g NCQCHCP正因为如此,这种力-速度关系允许动力涡轮运行达到或非常接近其整个范围的理想速度。管线中典型的运行方案允许压缩机和动力涡轮在大多数时间里在最有效点运行。然而,燃气轮机的燃气生产商将在部分负荷运行时丢失一些热效率。图 3 显示了一个典型的实际例子:不同流动要求的管线运行点绘制成用于压缩机站中的速度控制离心压缩机性能图。往复压缩机将自动服从系统压力比的需求,只要没有超出机械的限制条件(杆负载功率) 。系统吸排气压力的改变将仅能引起阀门或早或晚的开启。头部可以自动下降因为阀门可以降低排气端的管线压力和/ 或吸入端更高的管线压力。因此,如果没有额外的措施,流量将大致恒定除了容积效率将增加的变化,所以降低压力比而增加流量。控制的挑战存在于系统要求的流量调整。如果没有额外的调整,随着压力比的变化,压缩机流量的改变微乎其微。从历史上看,通过改变激活机器的数量使管线安装许多小的压缩机和调整流量。这个容量和负荷可通过速度调谐,或者通过一个单一单元的缸间隙中的许多小调整(加载步骤)来调谐。随着压缩机的发展,控制容量的负担转移到独立压缩机上。负荷控制是压缩机运行的一个关键组成部分。从管线操作角度来看,在机组中流量变化要符合管线投出承诺,以及实施公司最佳操作(例如,线包装,负载预期) 。从一个单元的角度来看,负荷控制包含降低单元流量(通过卸载或速度)使操作尽可能的贴近设计扭矩限制,并在压缩机或驱动程序没有超载的情况下进行。对于任何给定的机组入口和出口压力,在任何负荷图曲线上的关键限制都是杆负荷限制和马力/扭矩限制。瓦斯控制通常会建立在一个机组的单元上,而这个机组运行必须达到管线流量目标。地方单元控制将建立负载步骤或速度要求来限制杆负荷或达到扭矩控制。改变流量的常用方法是改变速度,改变间隙,或取消激活缸头(保持进口阀开启) 。另一种方法是卸载无限步骤,从而延缓吸气阀封闭以减少容积效率。此外,流程的一部分可以回收或吸气压力可以节流从而降低质量流量,同时保持进入压缩机的容积流量基本不间断。压缩机控制策略应该能够实现自动化,并在压缩机运行期间能够简便地调整。特别地,压缩机设计修改的战略需求(如:离心压缩机重新旋转,改变缸径,或给往复压缩机添加固定间隙)在这里不被考虑。需要指出的是,对于往复式压缩机一个关键的控制要求是不超载驱动或超过机械限制。运行典型的稳态管道运行将产生图 4 所示的一个有效行为。该图是评估沿管道稳定运行特征状态压缩机效率的结果。大中型压缩机都将达到 100%流量的最佳效率,并允许超出设计流量的 10%。不同的机械效率并没有考虑这种对比。往复压缩机效率在文献 5 中被推导出,从增加的阀门效率测量与压缩效率和造成的损失脉动衰减器。低速压缩机的效率是可以实现的。高速往复压缩机在效率上可能比较低。图 4:以稳态管线特性运行为基础的在不同流量率的压缩机效率。图 4 显示在较低压力比下增加的阀门损失的影响和往复机器的较低流量,而离心压缩机的效率几乎保持常量。结论不同型号压缩机间的效率定义和对比需要密切关注边界条件的定义,对于这样的边界条件,效率和受用的运行发展趋势同时被定义。当效率值用来计算功耗时机械效率具有重要作用。如果不考虑这些定义,不同系统的优缺点讨论将变得不准确和有误导性。参考文献:1.库尔兹.R.K.光布伦,2007。 “往复和离心压缩机的效率定义和负荷管理 ”美国机械工程师协会 文章 GT2007-27082.库尔兹.R ,M. 由罗穆斯基, 2006。 “不对称接压缩机站闲置产能” 。美国机械工程师协会 文章 2006-900693.奥海宁.S.R.库尔兹,2002 。 “两机压缩机站的系列或平行排列 ”。反式。美国机械工程师协会,第 124 栏4.库尔兹.R ,2004。 “离心压缩机性能的物理” 。管道仿真利益集团。棕榈泉,加利福尼亚5.米.瓦特沙发,2003。 “天然气压缩服务六主线压缩机阀门的性能和耐用性试验” 。天然气机械会议。盐湖城,UT在海上生产平台上使用滚动压缩技术回收储存罐内闪发气体G.B.(比尔)施耐德,SPE, 布莱恩 E. 博耶, SPE,马克 A.古德伊尔,商科工程摘要位于墨西哥湾外大陆架的一个独立的石油天然气生产操作遭到飓风艾克的袭击并损坏了一些设施。作为重建的一部分,其中一个海上平台被翻新了。翻新包括浓缩产品系列控制来自附近生产平台的额外油气产品。平台的额外产品需要一个蒸发回收系统来回收设备的闪蒸汽。项目小组选择涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置(VRU)来回收和重新压缩闪蒸汽。该项目是在近海环境涡旋压缩蒸汽回收技术的首次应用。生产者为了使设施能够回收石油储存罐中的闪发蒸汽和装置中的过剩的未使用的闪发蒸汽而安装了蒸汽回收装置。在项目的初始阶段回收的平均量是大约每天 58,000 标准立方英尺天然气。回收的天然气中甲烷含量占总额的 69%。每天甲烷的回收量估计为 0.84 吨,温室气体回收量估计为 17.6 吨二氧化碳。挥发性有机化合物(VOC)每天回收量为 1.0 吨。涡旋压缩机蒸汽回收装置满足了美国矿产管理局的放空燃烧和法规的监督要求。该项目预计时间为 15 个月(基本支出) 。该项目的重要意义有:1、首次在离岸申请中使用涡旋压缩技术。2、装置占地面积小对于近海有限操作空间的重要性。3、涡旋技术比典型的机械压缩机所需的维修少。4、低成本和低消耗加快经济恢复。5、回收的闪发蒸汽含有挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)和甲烷以及温室气体。引言在墨西哥湾外大陆架上的许多石油天然气生产平台和管道遭到 2008 年 11月飓风艾克的破坏。在墨西哥湾当地的一个主要的独立石油天然气生产商有一些设施被暴风雨毁坏。作为重建的一部分,其中一个近海平台被翻新。平台的翻新包括浓缩和改进产品系列控制来自附近生产平台的额外油气产品,由于飓风艾克的影响附近的生产平台不能输送其产品到集合管道中。平台的额外产品需要一个蒸发回收系统来回收储存罐中的闪蒸汽。生产商的工程小组决定利用涡旋压缩机来回收和重新压缩来自储存罐和石油设备中的闪发蒸汽。石油储存罐中的天然气蒸汽资源包含闪发损失、工作损失和呼吸损失。对于压力容器(如分离器、加热器)或油罐当原油或凝析油中溶解气从高压向低压移动时发生闪发。随着油压的下降油中未溶解的轻组分被释放或“一闪而过” 。工作损失归因于储存罐压缩空间内的天然气压缩量作为一个罐已经满了。呼吸损失归因于每天储存罐压缩空间内的天然气压缩量随着罐内温度和压力变化而改变。对于本文,我们将油罐的排出气体统称为闪蒸汽。通常情况下,来自近海生产平台的闪发蒸汽要么直接排放到大气中要么烧毁。历史上蒸发回收装置被用于当投资量大并且要满足排放标准的情况下回收闪发蒸汽。用于排出闪发蒸汽的典型蒸发回收压缩机是天然气驱动的螺杆压缩机和旋转叶压气机。美国矿产管理局(MMS)是拥有在墨西哥湾中部和西部地区天然气放空管辖权的管理机构。美国矿产管理局规定需要一个设施每天回收天然气量大于50,000 标准立方英尺,而不是直接排放到大气中或者焚烧。对于近海生产平台,甲板空间需求是蒸发回收装置的重要考虑因素。为了适应这一限制条件,涡动压缩机机组的占地面积是传统蒸发回收装置的三分之一。另外,降低总体维修成本是决定使用涡旋压缩机技术的一个重要因素。相对于典型机械压缩机每季度换油,涡旋压缩机只需要每年更换一次。在近海环境使用的机器要求资金提高到典型的陆上压缩机组程度,原因是海水腐蚀环境和近海操作的额外安全控制的要求。对于这个项目陆上蒸发回收装置的标准已经达到近海条件和管理的规格。设备和流程的描述和应用涡旋压缩技术涡旋压缩机是一种容积式机器,使用两个交错的螺旋形涡旋盘来压缩天然气。涡旋压缩技术中,一个涡旋盘是固定的,另一个做离心运动,从而在连续的小滚动空间“泡”间抽动压缩气体,直到在中心处达到最大压力值。在中心处,气体被释放到固定涡旋盘上的一个排放点。压缩在滚动轨道上是连续的,大量气泡被同时压缩。压缩机的驱动装置是电动马达。涡旋压缩机是一种设计使用高压制冷剂的密闭压缩机。它有一个宽松的运行范围并且本质上是无泄漏的。涡旋压缩机技术已被广泛用于制冷系统。涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置采用了卧式设计,并且滴糙度、低噪音、低振动,使用变速控制电机。根据不同情况蒸发回收装置的进气压力范围为-10.4-101.3磅每平方英寸,排气压力范围为 43.5-363 磅每平方英寸。压缩比为 3-15。自 2004 年涡旋压缩技术就被用于石油天然气蒸发回收应用中。涡旋技术的应用在 2009 年 5 月,联邦和生产商开始联合共同修改一个典型陆上涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置,这个装置用于被毁坏翻新的生产平台上。这个涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置包含两个堆叠的模块,每个模块是 8 英尺长4 英尺宽 4 英尺高的刚撬,每个刚撬含有一个进气洗涤器。每个模块包含两个15 马力的涡旋压缩机和冷却器。每个模块还包含一个可编程逻辑控制(PLC)和变频驱动器(VFD)的控制面板。这个双模块机组的设计回收能力是每天200,000 标准立方英尺。一条连接油罐通用出口和石油处理机(例如加热处理器)出口的进气管线被安装在涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置的进气洗涤器上。连接石油处理机的进气管线用来收集处理机内的额外天然气,这些天然气是在平台上未使用的燃料天然气。在涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置前端的进气管线上安装了一个流量计,用来计量被回收的天然气量。涡旋压缩机组的排放被输送到现场主压缩机的进气分离器/洗涤器中。这个主压缩机压缩的天然气最终输送到销售管线中。当储存罐内闪发蒸汽压力较低时,在涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置安装一个洗气系统用来回收气体。该洗气系统的作用是保持蒸发回收装置的运行能够维持涡旋压缩机的油温在最低值华氏 235 度。当保持油温等于或高于华氏 235 度时,闪发蒸汽能够维持气相状态。为安全起见,在油罐上安装填充气系统来维持罐上每平方英寸约有 0.5 盎司压力,从而阻止氧气进入罐内。 、图 1 是一个包含蒸发回收装置的简化流程。变频驱动器的控制面板安装在马达控制中心(MCC)里,其线路系统也接到位于生产平台下层的涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置中。在功能上,涡旋压缩机在回收模式正常运行时能达到每分钟 2400 转(rpm) 。当罐内产生压力时,压力变送器会发出信号使压缩机的转速提高到4800rpms,同时闪发蒸汽也被回收并压缩。一旦罐内的闪发蒸汽被回收并且罐内压力下降,那么变频驱动器使压缩机转速降到 2400rpms。然后蒸发回收装置重新回到回收模式。气体洗涤器回收的任何气体都被用泵输送回储油罐。蒸发回收装置机组的改进为了满足近海要求,涡旋压缩机组的结构部分已经经过热镀锌处理并适合近海安装,但是其他组件需要修补以抵抗海水的腐蚀环境。压缩机和一些其他组件已从模块中移除,特别添加了一个三层环氧树脂涂料的图层来抵抗腐蚀环境。除了近海环境所需的特种涂料外,还有大量的安全系统需要修改以使涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置遵从美国矿产管理局(MMS)的规定。近海经营商需要遵守美国石油学会(API)建议措施 14C(RP14C) 。美国石油学会建议措施 14C包括近海平台安全系统的设计,安装和测试标准。它确定了每个不良事件可能影响一个流程的要素,并讨论了每种要素类型的安全装置选择标准。如果不能符合建议措施 14C 的要求会导致对生产商罚款,在其他情况下,需要中断生产直到遵守规定,这可能导致生产商的收入损失。具体来说,应对建议措施 14C 的修改有:1、为气体洗涤器的高液位报警/关机月检安装测试线路。2、为压缩机排气线的高排气压力报警/关机月检安装测试线路。3、为储油罐的低压报警/关机月检安装测试线路。4、添加冗余的油罐压力变送器。为油罐的高压报警/关机月检安装测试线路。此外,生产商的近海规格要求一些阀门更换到钢结构,而不是黄铜。2009 年 7 月涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置被运到操作平台上。2009 年 8 月涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置的互联管道已经完工。一旦安装完成并且平台投入运行,涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置也就投入运行了。数据和结果的介绍投入的美元值:标准双蒸发回收装置机组费 135,000海水环境修改费 15,000美国矿产管理局的相应修改费 5,000安装费 40,000启动/调试费 6,000总投入 201,000这样安装之后,涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置平均回收的罐内闪发蒸汽量高于初试运营期的每天 58,000 标准立方英尺。回收的峰值流量记录为每天 215,000标准立方英尺。用于化学分析的回收气体样本的分子量是 26.6,其中甲烷体积大约占69%。挥发性有机化合物(非甲烷烃,非烷烃碳氢化合物)体积大约占 29%。较高的加热数值大约是每标准立方英尺 1540 英热单位(BTU) 。闪发蒸汽中的硫化氢气体量被认为是基于设备加工新天然气的最小含量。以平均回收量和天然气价格每英热单位 5 美元为标准计算的涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置基本支出为 15 个月。甲烷排放量估计回收值为每天 0.84 美吨,温室气体二氧化碳的估计回收值为每天 17.6 美吨。挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的排放量回收值为每天 1.0 美吨。生产商目前正在修改涡旋压缩机蒸发回收装置的控制系统。这些修改包括安装一个单一的可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)来控制两个模块,更换变送器的压力开关,以及在蒸发回收装置旁边安装一个触屏的控制面板。这些修改需要符合生产商运营标准。这些修改的费用将导致额外增加 8000 美元的初始成本。结论涡旋压缩技术应用于恶劣的海上环境是一种具有成本效益、最有效的油气回收解决方案。通过应用涡旋压缩技术回收蒸汽,近海生产商能够满足监管要求,以减少废气排放,提高他们的碳足迹,并能经济地回收闪发蒸汽。致谢我们衷心感谢威尔士詹姆斯先生和达姆伦罗恩先生,因为有他们的专业知识和辛勤的工作才能取得这个项目的成功。参考文献1、艾默生环境优化技术。2008 年 4 月。全封闭涡旋压缩机在高温压缩气体中的应用/oil_gas/PDF/HermeticScrollCompressorWhitePaper.pdf.2、建议措施 14C 关于海上生产平台基础表面安全系统的分析、设计、安装和测试,第六版。1998 年 3 月,华盛顿:美国石油学会。原文AbstractA major independent oil and gas producer (Producer) with operations located on the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico had several facilities damaged by Hurricane Ike. As a part of restoring operations, one of the offshore platforms was refurbished.The refurbishment included upgrading the production train to handle additional oil and gas production from other nearby production platforms. The additional production to the platform required a vapor recovery system to recover facility flash gas.The project team chose the scroll compressor vapor recovery unit (VRU) to recover and recompress the flash gas. The project was the first application of scroll compression technology for vapor recovery in an offshore environment.The Producer installed the VRU allowing the facility to recover flash gas from the oil storage tanks and excess unused flash gas from the oil treater. The average volume recovered was approximately 58,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas per day during the initial phase of the project. The methane content of the recovered natural gas was approximately 69 percent by volume. The estimated methane recovered was 0.84 US tons per day and the estimated recovery of greenhouse gases were 17.6 US tons per day CO2e. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) recovered were 1.0 US tons per day. The scroll compressor VRU met the regulatory requirements of the U.S. Minerals Management Services flaring and venting regulations. The projected payout was 15 months(simple payout).The significance of this project includes:1. First use of scroll compression technology in an offshore application2. Small physical footprint of unit important to offshore operations with limited space3. Scroll technology requires less maintenance than typical mechanical compressors4. Lower initial costs and lower operating costs enhance economics of recovery5. Recovered flash gas that contained volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and methane, a greenhouse gasIntroductionMany oil and gas production platforms and pipelines operating in the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by Hurricane Ike in November of 2008. A major independent oil and gas producer (Producer) with operations located on the Gulf of Mexico had several facilities damaged by the storm. As a part of restoring operations, one the offshore platforms was refurbished. The refurbishment of the platform included upgrading and improving the production train to handle additional production from other nearby production platforms that could not send their production to the gathering pipelines due to the effects of Hurricane Ike. The additional production to the platform required the installation of a VRU to recover flash gas from the oil storage tanks. The Producers project team decided to utilize scroll compressors to recover and recompress the flash gas from the storage tanks and oil treater.The source of natural gas vapors from oil storage tanks include flashing losses, working losses and breathing losses. Flashing for a pressure vessel (e.g., separator, heater treater) or oil storage tank occurs when the crude oil or condensate with dissolved gases moves from a higher pressure to a lower pressure. As the pressure of the oil drops some of the lighter components dissolved in the oil are released or “flashed.” Working losses are due to displacement of the natural gas vapors within the storage tank vapor space as a tank is filled. Breathing losses are due to displacement of natural gas vapor within the storage tank vapor space due to changes in the tank temperature and pressure throughout the day. For this paper we refer to the vent gas from the oil storage tanks collectively as flash gas.Often flash gases from offshore production platforms are either vented directly to the atmosphere or burned by a flare. Historically VRUs have been used to recover flash gas when there is sufficient quantity to justify the investment and to meet air emission standards. The typical type of vapor recovery compressors used for vent flash gas has been natural gas driven rotary screw compressors and rotary vane compressors.The United States Minerals Management Service (MMS) is the regulatory agency with jurisdiction over venting of natural gas in the central and western areas of the Gulf of Mexico. MMS regulations require a facility to recover natural gas volumes over 50,000 standard cubic feet per day rather than venting directly to the atmosphere or burning in a flare. For offshore production platforms, deck space requirements are a significant consideration for vapor recovery units. To accommodate this limitation, the scroll compressor package has a footprint one-third the size of a traditional VRUs used. In addition, lower overall maintenance costs were a significant factor in the decision to utilize scroll compressor technology. The scroll compressor requires oil changes once per year compared to quarterly for the typical mechanical compressor. Equipment used in the offshore environment required capital upgrades to the typical onshore compression package due to the saltwater corrosive environment and additional safety controls required for operating offshore. For this project the standard onshore VRU was upgraded to meet specifications for the offshore conditions and regulations.Description and Application of Equipment and ProcessesScroll Compression Technology.Scroll compression technology is a positive displacement machine that uses two interleaved spiral-shaped scrolls to compress natural gas. With scroll compression technology, one of the scrolls is fixed, while the other orbits eccentrically, thereby trapping and pumping or compressing gas between through successively smaller scroll volume “pockets” until the gas reaches maximum pressure at the center. At the center, the gas is released through a discharge point in the fixed scroll. Compression is continuous since during orbit of the orbiting scroll, multiple gas pockets are compressed simultaneously.The driver for the compressor is an electric motor. The scroll compressor is a hermetic compressor designed for use with high-pressure refrigerants. It has a broad range of operation and is intrinsically leak free. Scroll compressor technology has been widely used in cooling system applications.The scroll compressor VRU installed had a horizontal design that has a low profile, low noise, low vibration, and uses variable speed control motors. Depending on the application, the range of inlet pressures of gas to the scroll compressor VRUs may vary from -10.4 to 101.3 pounds per square inch gage and the discharge pressures can range from 43.5 to 363 pounds per square inch gage. The compression ratio ranges from 3 to 15.Scroll compression technology has been used in oil and gas vapor recovery applications since 2004.Application of Scroll Technology.In May of 2009, COMM and the Producer began working together to modify a typical onshore scroll compressor VRU for the platform that was damaged and being refurbished.The scroll compressor VRU consisted of two stacked modules each 8-foot long by 4-foot wide by 4-foot high steel skids each with an inlet gas scrubber. Each module contained two 15-horsepower scroll compressors and an aftercooler. Each module also included a control panel with Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and variable frequency drive (VFD). The design recovery capacity of this twin module package used was 200,000 standard cubic feet per day.A suction line connected to the oil storage tanks common vent and to the oil treater (i.e., heater treater) vent was installed to the inlet scrubber of the scroll compressor VRU. The suction line to the oil treater was used to collect excess gas from the oil treater that was not used as platform fuel gas. A flow meter was placed on the suction line prior to the inlet of the scroll compressor VRU to measure the amount of natural gas recovered. The discharge of the scroll compressor package was piped to the suction separator/scrubber of the onsite main compressor. This main compressor compresses natural gas for ultimate injection into the sales pipeline.A purge gas system was installed and used to recycle gas through the scroll compressor VRU when there is insufficient pressure from flash gas in the storage tanks. The purpose of the purge gas system is to keep VRU operating to maintain the scroll compressors oil temperature at a minimum of 235 degrees Fahrenheit. By maintaining the oil temperature at or above 235 degrees F, the flash gas will remain in a gas phase.As a safety measure, a blanket gas system was installed on the storage tanks to maintain approximately 0.5 ounce per square inch of pressure on the tanks to keep oxygen from entering the tanks.Figure 1 contains a simplified process flow for the VRU.The control panels with VFDs were located in the motor control center (MCC) and wiring was run to the scroll compressor VRU which was located on a lower deck of the platform.Functionally, the scroll compressor operates normally in the recycle mode at 2400 revolutions per minute (rpm). When the pressure builds in the oil storage tanks, a pressure transmitter sends a signal enabling the speed of the compressor to increase to 4800 rpms and the flash gas is recovered and compressed. Once the flash gas from the storage tanks is recovered and the pressure drops in the storage tanks, the VFD ramps the compressor speed down to 2400 rpms. Then the VRU is in recycle mode again.Any liquids recovered by the gas scrubber are pumped back to the oil storage tanks.Modifications to VRU Package.To meet offshore specification, the structural components of the scroll compressor package were already hot dipped galvanized and suitable for offshore installation but other components required refinishing to withstand the corrosive saltwater environment. The compressors and several other components were removed from the modules and specially coated with a three part epoxy coating to withstand the corrosive environment.In addition to the special coatings needed for offshore, there was a number of safety system modifications needed to make the scroll compressor VRU compliant with the United States Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulations. Offshore operators are required to abide by the American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practices 14C (RP 14C). API RP 14C contains the criteria for designing, installing and testing a safety system on an offshore platform. It identifies each undesirable event that could affect a process component and discusses safety device selection criteria for each component type.Failure to meet RP 14C requirements can result in fines to the operators and in some cases, require an interruption of production which could result in losses of income to the operator until compliance is restored.Specifically, the modifications in response to RP-14C were:1. Installation of test circuit for monthly testing of high level alarm/shutdown on the gas scrubber2. Installation of test circuit for monthly testing of high discharge pressure alarm/shutdown on compressor discharge line3. Installation of test circuit for monthly testing of low pressure alarm/shutdown on oil storage tanks4. Addition on redundant oil storage tank pressure transmitter. Installation of test circuit for monthly testing of high pressure alarm/shutdown on oil storage tanks.Additionally, the Producers offshore specifications required the replacement ofseveral valves to steel construction rather than brass.The scroll compressor VRU was shipped to the platform in July 2009. The interconnecting piping to and from the scroll compressor VRU was completed in August 2009. Once the installation was completed and the platform was placed into operation, the scroll compressor VRU was brought into operation.Presentation of Data and ResultsFor this installation, the scroll compressor VRU had an average recovery of tank flash gas over the initial operating period of 58,000 standard cubic feet per day. The peak flowrate documented was 215,000 standard cubic feet of flash gas per day. A sample of the recovered flash gas that was chemically analyzed had a molecular weight of 26.6 and contained approximately 69 percent by volume of methane. Volatile organic compounds (nonmethane, nonethane hydrocarbons) amounted to approximately 29 percent by volume. The higher heating value was approximately 1540 British Thermal Units (BTU) per standard cubic feet.The hydrogen sulfide content of the flash gas was considered de minimus based on the facility processing sweet natural gas.The calculated simple payout of this scroll compressor VRU based on the average recovery and gas price of USD 5/MMBTU is 15 months.The estimated methane emissions recovered were 0.84 US tons per day and the estimated recovery of greenhouse gases were 17.6 US tons per day CO2e. Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions recovered were 1.0 US tons per day.The Producer is in the process of modifying the scroll compressor VRU control system. These modifications include the installation of a single programmable logic controller
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