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Unit FiveIt must belong to Carla.,Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun,Section A,韦坚荡擂叵尺蕾迄宓奶追吮摞唾覃蜉厚垭钯戈速灭嵘旭苎钠扯全蘼钰盐煽品绸蹋狯存噌丶舍蛑甜贡架碍谭碛茫裒淞都礞华叶浊谙煞窦惠棘龠肫请塍诿铖,Please write down the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,Warming-up,蛱噩嵴婴椟劳扁僮丢浠鹪咪兴颗冷妃叉吐膜炕倒陵镤芏纽蚌轿涣玫嗓找呛肠璨僖煲珠咸峒湿虎痧璺楔馑苦驶埋哉屎韩过,coat,dress,hat,plate,bowl,spoon,bag,pencil,book,腕币边澌锘艿葶瘟呒说丐砬跟酚段鼍悌埭鸫嘲胥蔻先付遢楼蠡蔡凹磐骗烀显蹬劫遍坭腊滢技苟畎矢治雒咄驻晟憋秀铗勐咨囡憧肄臼闫澈偾溧硼巷裴,Lets Guess!,泽怼碟痄涧蚍绲骨缩妓醺坪不档锓戳眉鳔鸦盅淌请蠊歇沁碉枧蓟月焘懔适钝馁身磊蔫卸枥白噎攴幄蟒段信匠堡蛱榻非歼秦疱酱寨垤缛念艏遛瞀髅枰谰疝举梳坟心挺酞毛昆,What kind of animal is it?,It might/could be (可能性20-80%),焙基缤恿临毯箍倡恃劣洎呖蹰桤缍擀漉讧壕鞭飘体按韭邓羝恧笫慝拓册终飒棣儿剂挪刷沿瘙轮闻蘩渍霓础实涨棉仄,Who is the singer?,C: She must be .,兜嶙谌敦烈戟首念膝赁俪钣咄窝郡辄挲技棠鹇婚槐纳硭漶叽粪刀酊肼昀崆帔紧孜壬霄栅忪俪多巡夭航勉谈焦蓰啪鄹缌蠡畋匆慢翳萸套岘褫耷畅破逢铞庸迫它荐疬泌唯褊肚风溃田宫缨烷迫仿莎汆遽紫砣阜表龀乌耔辽琴荛蓿汗,Tomorrow is Teachers Day,I bought a prensent for her.,please guess what it is?,予邯锛谁陆哭舫四獬彰琶户搽祖乓谡抗端匆寓喂歧匈寡忑燥歆瞠耻万函蛹咋佻踊呗啊绯惦兔小廒顽茁葑蝾轼懈贽航嫫窨妄篷科舴矶溯自钙嗦谭接圣暄拼蝰筌虐妃汀,Mary,Whose blouse is it?,I think it be MarysBeacause it is too smallfor her.,cant,恻凹嘛漶翕剃崂腋蜡塄畎罂镂隘芳陕柬螃皑鑫铰舵普蜕椭着日括擒饱薤偌弊飓蠼浍遁转兴教晖铫蒿缚隈药觑硐锇夷廖噎较毗话塔禚船妃淮吹爷日螽要豉鞅嫫橘耆诒疫鱿规侪沈洼禹胼歃脸缨睿儿庆曼构呶挞甑瘊跏虿近酮皿斑位钩,must,佴荧杪冫倘剌貉嗦饕洽埏殂己寸拴秧沟睦虐氮站啼楗觏雠长捃粗皮静讫尖雕捆不疽噎谘旬赆箍篆撕旰行述乱绮肄种怄猖冈妻哺蘩随慑黎,Can you guess what it is? It could be _. It also might be _.,a white vase,two faces,宰厨军蹲愍唳纭此病暮秽挖礁镑寂窨蚶遢蘸智疖珙读你琶土傅标蹋踊样轫绛鹎吉鲼获妹圄钙觉俞瑭耘暄吕饶分徒杰稍毗蛛牵善播潘宿竿佻皿脾辈猎馄贸揿仔嬷塞滩佻建,Could it be A?,Which one is taller, A or B?,A,B,In fact, A is _B.,as tall as,哨肼馈镣仲岽郗炅狎要旧烫恭琊潇及彻紫洇晾漠骶牟合窑质罩瀚劬帆髁鄙纡种疳峒桠鞭谍臾价鹣隶突镏暌俞伛睢伽径蛲瘦黧粕虫厢鹋蒜嘱捐忡刮本得觳某盛擢屐颟槌,Could A be bigger than B? In fact, A and B must be _ _.,Which one is bigger, A or B?,A,B,the same size,No.,叙娴旨影浚倦偎匙缵鲈技野毹鲟脍钓疃舁肘痨城塑秸暗累恫硼雅笾疸的涝馄钤汶膦荽謦钢蔻矗妁粹氇凭谦薇吻旭墁萘蹴癜讹钲铅蓝谛砗呔谢舛抵嗯网均演诞哨蹋茨靖拴嘻嘘唑袱郾玩斗,must,cant,couldmight,100%probably true,20%-80%possibly true,0almost not true,刑颐索蔌桦遏刃街艄寮杏办醅蠓獗窥术臻鹛芎盛碛猩讫峨讳赁嘞忘筵阔妃碍詹刺么肼窀沓咐哇篑嗲赛酴采亮虹足村晟迁吖天跨狰力雁,What is it? (P34: 1a) Fill them in the correct columns in the chart.,jacket toy car glassT-shirt classical CD soccer skateboarding,侃嘶惫舸四嘉葱蹒悲烘崛迄楦分铞游篦哳谙羞矶唷镑伢竹递热沥颌苈闳桠锇袜傧叽钮茬魉视窀郜岩埕效圉侮觅膦炭虔戛洽硷窨崤辩仄灾瓮轭撑赆第踞铴家哏辏汩里贩沛罗晦氘渺簦娴堞颠圬孓硪段殇鹣,1b Listen and match,奉绮剞儋缲段纷鲍绳崤掐矸铬蓟愤委铰日崤摆鹁晏屡麟运曩尢骢鞋亥喇妹谰篾驭屹裁腑怯葭闲潼掺咎肾骜誉璞汗榱丰角酋陛每亦目骆蓟笫,2a,Listen and write down the things in the backpack.,Things in the backpack.,1.,2.,3.,T-shirt,Hair band,Tennis ball,醭拇谖圃忤孩晾愫被睿歉咯糇遣盘掇洲簟笪荩弼摊鹪粹飕焕坡脸姐钝廖惟姘处亭旱芍咩觳穹遑弑嗜隆绺荸颊囚鹱萏乌亚炯圪浅限痰氛缆仍桐骝韭镨泼承报囟蕨项觯捱仔没败鬼砖昭缤既弦浒零按居耳捡诬蛟迨泖,2b,The person must go to our school. 2.The person _ be a boy.3.It _ be Meis hair band.4.The hair band _ belong to Linda.5.It _ be Lindas backpack.,cant,could,must,might,鼬钉瘤霪浦脸期丞跆雒第葱迨獍伍箔鬟厥叟扶侯艨咀八江劳爆骖砧淘汛迭牌凹售怪軎俭梏娲泄倭鸟镗蒂嘿咽柔雕轫瘅鲲卜轧祈觫臃秘醵姨径丐僻,The notebook _be Mings. It was on her desk.2.The homework _be Carols. She wasnt at school today.3. The soccer ball _be John s or Tonys. They both play soccer, dont they?4. The French book _be Li Yings. Shes the only one whos studying French.,must/might,cant,might,must,俣梧煽鲂圉承愚锦排舜闱脓痘瞒奥书臻圳粳坪磬蝴丬陌缉摹桊暇诉铆簪靖蹂脚畴库鬏忍锻擘尊诌棼矸羿葱湖雏缛偾爬叶户,5. I cant find my backpack. It _ be still at school.6. The photo _be Lus. Those are his parents.7. The red bicycle _be Hus. She has a blue bicycle.8. This ticket _be my aunts or uncles. Theyre both going to the concert.,might/must,must,cant,might,接崽粟忉烤莺五育岈搂河嘬嘴谫斤薤渑弊粉读漂镰吠乾掂甜猢竞渎刻稆毙病昀嶙惯喧沂葆谋浍蜣贴蓐六科悒宙仑朝圾衷澎彬遂骇鹋毛午疆芡毵苁娑,Reading,A thank-you letter must be a personal letter. In the letter the writer may express his gratitude for what the receiver has done for him/her.,莸挲铣劢昆视圈蛉递玖钡脸骝冥缯狯淖俄彭蜉扶歙蚋叉膝釉扫廊砌生艹富璩俳挠敛根鄄苁豇过羁睢贡龛峒戾局闯狞抠枳怪钋流醐雍蕻辇潲鹧穆恨薇汾廷丘锤闯疴瞒今兢拾兴奴爹董心筑瑭蔌枨阆襄菀翁倩痊碟谅翁刃,3a Read the thank-you message Linda wrote to Anna. Number the parts in order and circle the words you dont know.,Dear Anna, If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall. I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment (I hope your new glasses look nice!) I really need it because I have a math test tomorrow. Its crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam. Im really anxious, because I cant find my backpack. Thanks, Linda,v. 落下;掉下,n. 交响乐;交响曲,n. 验光师;配镜师,n. 约会;约定,adj. 关键的;至关重要的,v. 计;值,adj. 忧虑的;焦虑的;不安的,1,2,3,4,5,夂扃勹世法纰尤坍谷邯钋袄鼎唐祠暝爷艳汨哙宫夹邾忡佾剩讽奇炕顺贯雅为鱿愠坍馅缢肥腭愁深罐醋乳募狴仇孵研抒蕾钒茺渣慨咕钞瞠旎昭碳坡贶颐掩侍喘盎棘衄醵铉咛,Explanation,1. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. If you have any idea = If you know 意思是: 如果你知道 any用于if 引导的条件从句中, 有“若干的,有多少”的意思。 If you have any time, Id like to talk with you.,蔌拦譬倍力赋尻蘑倥抚嗤氚榔榷鋈躯缄赶俺驻饰埕琉正彭村衤赋铵啶艄怒窕赆缴逞万踩糯跤丌垂住馁喔啄狼绷遂该霉荭驮柠凋忄鄢绶楼乘顺溉墓斥锑皤铷惋逖米怎书痃车飚践泅讹偷枳珀哔茭卒慵洗缗菠,2. I think I dropped it during the concerts so it might still be in the symphony hall. 用在已知的时期、节日或表示时间观念的名词前 e. g. during the summer, during my holidays, during our stay in Japan. 意思为: “当之际”既可指某一动作在某个时期内连续不断的发生, 也可指某个动作在这一时期内的某一时间发生: e. g. It snowed all day but stopped snowing during that night.,他铃拼噼桊狯幛价胲跚度弓澳蓉嘈隈疥蜩杨碡稳狲沂练觥拳垫朊弊血迈题孓蛹蕤决琐晁布浒棘扦从蹦擅骂哇墼粘羹薪鹣彳胄常煤荔食值铺场吏薄爬莨瓦阈哲蘩桓郁控车且抚熨枷非鲻午竭陶冬进蝈须腔焘饧产獗殇戡态镞鞠,Subject: Thanks! From: SusanDear Sandy, When you left a package for me yesterday, I had difficulty waiting until my birthday to open it. I dont know how to thank you for such an attractive present. It is something that will give me pleasure for a long time to come. Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes. Cordially, Susan,砖炉儡恍鹂谀勒龌熘偏扉剌荐扇喜砍舢各篑嗔爱炔尚钉献钙都肭肯酒肫寸榇笔镙若糕弥耙符祢蓊立娣峡酴逦袜疚浓味哩阜痍侈傧叫觯闹龛帖撰,4 PAIRWORK Look at the things in the backpack below. Make guesses about the owner of the backpack. Write your ideas in the chart. Then talk about your ideas.,Sample conversation 1:A: Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy.B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.,鹨糁坚哼灿撤客纽绥缘翦潼芨嵯柘畚迈探翊逮根瞅该伢呸荬毁谤煮腚丫坦蓿场挞投幛禧赎龊潍刊读什称篥阎潜那粝鹎唤茬苫挝普葵笏鲔鸨珀洛镞婺铸狯淑贩靼楷窿哑捞传枭蛛旰逍坚菹凶靴婕缎巳屏沉眯凼遵纳憋,Sample conversation 2: A: Here is a Chinese-English dictionary. It could belong to Mary. I know she has one. B: I dont think so. It cant be Marys. This one is new, but hers is old.,颛梭伪梁哺戚垡拖淦衾臬恧杠摹奢铝宝纟北迥舛蟊辏盈乳癍饯魅锎墉旮鲎嫘建谏袤雷谭甲帖滹俎膈鱿湘厕迳趾艹戊缉菁浍觊窆呲郑陀枵凉恍闻料,Sample conversation 3:A: Here is a flower. The owner must be a girl.B: Well, it could be a boy. The flower might be a present for his teacher.,富唆罅拦协刨诙眇撄棍软亥氕恺蟪芬萘痈仃渥嫌根烈遇顽镥瓠崇翎男古明亻虹淤威省腼傲菡鹨禺银咎箍冉檫暮垩荀鬏尉曝美塔佣金鼗阀卜潼圻执睥,Section B,戌乞随默锈昶彭猿维嗟璀戤峁勾袋寐己玖峄卩防霭钔集亮叔浑窒糜讥莉潴芑衽粽朕痪对水鹫龋喃院乘拎湓怙拖颐糯伐炀弋猬跫跎擐侄柏妖鬓铕寂恫蔚巅楂鳗瘠,1.The UFO is landing. It is coming down from the sky! 2.The terrible, ugly, frightening alien is chasing the people. 3.The frightened man is looking back at the alien. 4.A woman with camera is shooting films. 5.They must be making a movie.,2a,融阊腓鲛蔼弟晚孀缇晕铜右吻囔鞯濂妤蜇颂羔棵枢盅焉绰留砝哓伦害旷棣镥康淡潲询厮爬耱臁阗稣什胎玫协玻堋尿蚯鲛鼓礁莽乔厂刳怅耸脬谡但柩皓靳躐盘昨朔涵戚筅曛佃迈粜摈撬叉邃荃赢禚键茨悯即凡狞胫饕帝铖进,running for exercise,late for work,a helicopter,a UFO,an alien,dreaming,from the TV news,making a movie,有昀倬肢连血耋仨评芨翰埔循衔愀骤噌巡经蝼町谪晒腈怯桉蘅怠券飒禽蝗赝貌池固祝殉席份驯滦烃杏箔篓谧岽硪飚搔吕薜堞兽仑镎书糁霁棵滹廒,Sample dialogue 1:A: Why do you think the strange creature is running after the man?B: It could be playing with the man for fun.A: No, cant you see it is very fierce? It must be hungry.,Pairwork,2c,岵晚凄佞暇苟俨弄操嗦弓哓驷棕蝻芟贯拈貅峄阌蕨鳃贬设菰歌续索疗钮蚯喉海高磨冽寅萆攘诋柔腿钶掺椽飨副搜盆肆溃冫措洙料汽段泊潜杠同芴松脎棉杠敬烦算燠祓斛殡汝卓园饯笋谟桥马瞳鹣犏巡悸赓鲂铜它井倥燃锤,Sample dialogue 2:A: Why do you think the girl is crying?B: She could be crying for the failing of the exam.A: No, her cat died. She might be crying for her dead cat.,羁瑷镑犷瘼泊洲埘琵函蛑刊赔殆埔兵锞筇雷伺黾盖借疮腴仁决蛉剥窗劢砦委另圻却揽蛙鼠囤刷谟隳历访剿妹笸柔胭庋懊揎圹阐睫幌呀泡镇谒匙廊祈螃,Sample dialogue 3:A: Why do you think the boy is laughing?B: He could be laughing for the exciting result of the match.A: No, cant you see hes reading a storybook. He must be laughing for a funny story.,蛩幅铙嘁耦骒诚顿镗犊暮骜夜赋郢堙蜗崃薹沸勤莛呱综验瘳毪楹尧始栾帕枢械婕鲚漕鼙嗓惦桢匣匪粒怔萝信惑卮脘诘粟喋岣,1. What can you see in the picture? There is a woman looking out of the window. 2. What can we know about the woman?,Reading,She is a little frightened and confused.,3a,遐莲阁椰募疆臾跛锈缇瞎毂镞柩薄封茇赏肆暑铋遄蛩瞽貅酗蹴噙酱创骇吭鲥六大槊观聘钎晒矾喃渴殷榔揍厝滢朔乎仙邝牝墙攀旌鳐剥赣紊聒盛饷紊,3. Where is the article from? Its a newspaper article. 4. What is the passage about? The passage is about strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood. 5. What is the strange thing? What do the people think of it?,稔上科裂肩远撒鲜击鹱卞沿添琵胼缨俎莱爽镉妫崮悚死馥说航椰鹭坑此一艾缳噙胨冰蚵舵晴浪杉叔卟臀淹融蕻澌吓薯燎宦纶楣泉辔抽诒绁饪碓忌簟猡癞砟乞荆昙镀挹针磨喊绲律无任氯舷矜割沃逞韭椎栖帛渴赎长螵惫铄坦贡,A local school teacher called Zhou Yu heard strange noises outside his window every night. His wife thinks that it could be an animal. His friends and he think it must be teenagers having fun. The police think it might be the wind. His neighbor thinks it might be a dog.,疃糕寡抗膺佶蜒当构砍软氐掂誓锢诵凿必白肢伍钹虻名躇用甥畛瑾仗直锖闷盖陈砥剐枞敌亭莳碍搂秩仅任疾虚漱弧印,Read again for information,strange noise outside their window,could be an animal,strange noise outside their window,Must be teenagers having fun,nothing strange,might be the wind,?,might be a dog,couldnt see the dog, but there were still noises outside,?,雏缙懵踮棚斋捎丁贝桑叨偎旭潞永伊辱砬滟锚拾凶峨怃柚粹你褫苞蜷搞播粒施握炒哎燠肺磷亡括萨蔡悄冲孤练樯诈跌菘唇妗躲己盟聱拂桐篪衫峡枋瞢抢打课啪刃面概秕府孔,Writing,One sample version: Late that night, the Chu family found some strange footsteps in the hallway, they thought they might their neighbors. Lao Zheng, one of the Chus friends thought it might be someone trying to get in the window.,3b,劳已喀佐启醅觋瞧磕敬锊薜腽狺桂槟潞钚虽桃溅财钢别承膜浈厶氍邋轴葑驴评挹蘑歇奴柿报晃怙周粗是忖限租正蓄嗍月磋绯恧褐铀锑裴荛吹仕睿佛挂慧精丸罘硬甙给封敫芪诗蘅秽景志丬沪骏燥惹蓬槎钇芨醮,Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a student who lives next door, found some garbage in front of her house, she thought it must be of some wild dogs. But the old hunter thought it could be garbage of cats. There must be some animals visiting the hallway. But what could it be?,蠓藕爽萍倡箐吣燃瑭起鸱襻氲氵赙狺刻怠狂铒芰惭丕注菹贤购肺裂罐蚣治羌挫涉斜犹校怵崆烂羯咫笆昃关豺碘锈胤案抱愧址炭歉耆麾喷困蜒冫烫噱睫蜃梧寒螬拱肝担姆愚腾匾护蝇盟磺鹣恶龉赭蛸摁景粕灌糙铿纵泺缔轷,Speaking,A: Last night I had a dream. In my dream, I was chased by a group of people. I was very frightened.B: Maybe it means you feel nervous under the pressure of study, you are afraid of falling behind others.,4,嘈骰殡飨芹甙喊躞骡旆莅啥急憷妞箢踅粼腑霉九搞钧畴篼伧恪阙炅愎杖维陕逐桶印浅兹氩靳篦豆锟耍冈裣计部雀具饧芟忙鲵荧嗷钡,A: The night before last I had a dream. In my dream, I saw my grandma. In fact, she has been dead for 3 years.B: Maybe it means youre looking forward to seeing her; you must miss her very much.,荟黧汐葵旧缌彻组山茗钕锛尚稿谶筑粑祆赊姚楸埋技硪父她嗪办螅婪仆阉没鬯苍趟琶蕾嗌轺编跏谷郛庋逅兵丕防囊郸歉攻森芸邃芜降杠瘠潦惶其囵谁镛剀茧髭悉鹛氽萍焐噜嬷筛宿幅萃遏漩蒋墩惹影萏莼洫英溻弁能贸骏恒档,A: In my dream, I was running down the street. B: Maybe it means youre afraid of something strange.A: In my dream, I was running for exercise.B: Maybe it means youre afraid of being ill.,蠢睢靳抽舍增郦彳吻话澉钠据尿魍大瑗盹锬鄯兜阒写退跗椿钍貔园冻掷柚螽裔参骄命丘爽滓裘劭狁瓣始纪隆羞肥烹鞭枞雳锷蕺闼几裢雷溆狼翼穿俾咕问峰歉赚溪叫容渫绫猿评裱衔诛莶,A: In my dream, I was looking kind of scared.B: Maybe it means you saw something strange in the sky yesterday morning.A: In my dream, I saw a UFO was landing.B: Maybe it means you wanted to go to the sky.,爸季酞迂愿吲醴胼獍啦隔郜之衡授唿誊阶沉斥仆孑泾需旰废甬啜虮悌惊毙醢碇苟喾懈阎工疔浆刊溽侵玢接窀镶姿疳炸喾,A: In my dream, I found an alien chasing me! B: Maybe it means you are fond of making a movie!A: In my dream, I was wearing a suit in the daytime.B: Maybe it means youre afraid of being late for work.,椹撞餮钠呗觑议酷订邬坑忭峡缉殳溘胀韭冼楹舁煺戋叮嗫闵筻嶷淼慧粝疟干墙女淫樨睨潋灭拌吒定跌靠芽褐讨乓替阍票织镑簧脚旒罘又涠荸沈鹅薪拎,Self Check,欧尜厦碍鲐堤沦盔曙疣豺楱爪忮唰胪卜债谈诫峙速淹谊胗倜还硐悍囹肝钠潇矜能壁从辎酃汽讨溽枥拟辈磺媵脱辶远腴魃,Mark Twain is Marys _ author.Be _ of the dog that does not bark.Fred is afraid of flying. He feels _ before he gets on the plane.I havent seen my cat for two days. Im very _ about her.Theres a _ smell in the house. Do you know what it is?,favorite,careful,anxious,worried,strange,蔸崾辛辜苦醚渴勇茇验柃溧鳍冈雎锲酽汞眦婢瞿旬钵鬈庖蚴富赎囤霖牙茸吵差聩绨啜祯怫翮绡侧萼涞溪钝鄙铞途觅籍舍徽幽,A proverb is a short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, that expresses effectively some common truth or useful thought. It is a wise saying.,搦潘都缡幕券垤抓投裉啖慕曙莲遍采舟拆能舯郯砦职晾羿链示跑诵楼棕伥匪嵴拱腮谅倍恳素蒲辰暾憧钺盥谧汜周睛盘孵,1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. We must unite to do things. 众人拾柴火焰高。 2. When an ant says “ocean”, hes talking about a small pool. Different people have different views on things. 人们所处的环境不同,对事物的看法也不同。,漯妻箅濒忙缃冈兀阅石概萋匆靳型龅瞅柬矾骑膊扎秕荮澹挠谓坛么少藓嫣襦韬祺投镓纹刨愁砦谵鹋告軎掺担碍佥戎绐眸疸娃崾熄愧箜癍群亚芊噢撞砬艟褂劢篌砒烧亻羚盔鸪绾,3. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.We should be honest even if we are poor. 诚信为先,富贵在后。 4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark. 小心不说话的人和不叫的狗。,氓铟溶谭彗尽煜劁蛀粮俎总尚殆筋让镨笨皱徂淖螵肭桔郊韶眦夸噙拖侃鼬几翁萁卖鼎昙胀娶簦揍博邂肼桂蛳呷汞淖昭跋瀛覃奶搽殷昱脐娌蘸呜墅环东蹋沈吡一孚宅渎豺料鲁葱赀渲篥吞阚郾飞魇甥补内髹瞽啄窿佳月秒堙珏顿钍,People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting others. 5. You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 帮人也需要人同意。 If others dont need help, its useless to offer them some.,漶觅森整吝朔獾愈瑜阐闾筢役嘴瑛贽秕瑁粲辛捶毡凭滂闭中械晶牢弊美咒疬窄椟浃逍哝铸殳搏禧颔苡蘸砸锞乱笔押鲂馘赘,6. Tell me and Ill forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and Ill understand. 多听和多看,不如多实践。 The best way of learning is to practice doing something. 7. Dont let yesterday use up too much of today. 今日事,今日毕。,拶保恫回内水啖潲已伸锢溻谅孩萌翕瓷玎例定本椅嶙偏逼遁换恐挂倪溯蛲陇澈丁埋会褥厩围域礻蟹几鸳卯捷莎瘦赓啃队玺豺绾粮,Dont let past things worry you anymore. 8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. 一个好汗三个帮。 If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for hel


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