平桥豆腐 Pingqiaotofu._第1页
平桥豆腐 Pingqiaotofu._第2页
平桥豆腐 Pingqiaotofu._第3页
平桥豆腐 Pingqiaotofu._第4页
平桥豆腐 Pingqiaotofu._第5页
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1、Pingqiao tofu 平桥豆腐 Nutrient Value History Recipe for Pingqiao tofu 1 PartPart History HistoryHistory fHuaian is one of the origins of Huaiyang cuisine, and Pingqiao is the small town in Huanan. Tradition holds that the dish was served to the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty during the emperors t

2、our of Pingqiao. f In order to please the emperor and get some rewards, Lin Baiwan, a local landowner, had the road from Shanyang City to Pingqiao Zhen decorated with lanterns, colored banners(横幅) and faille( fel 罗缎) and invited the emperor to his home. While he was steeping the Crane Tea(仙鹤茶), a sp

3、eciality of Huaian, his cook was braising( brez 炖,焖) tofu containing Carp brain(鲤鱼脑) and mother chicken juice for the emperor. When the cook presented the dish, the house was immediately filled with the pleasant aroma ( rm 芳香,香味). f Although the emperor had tasted many delicacies from land and sea,

4、he was so pleased with the dish that he gave it his royal seal(玺) of approval, and named the dish the best food in China. Since then, Pingqiao tofu has become one of the most famous dishes of Huaiyang cuisine( kwzi:n 菜肴). f平桥豆腐是提及这菜的来历,还与乾隆南巡有关。平桥是隶属淮安的 一座古镇,濒临京杭大运河的东岸,古色古香的街道,加上淳朴敦 厚的乡风民俗,使这里很自然地成为

5、了富有情趣、令人向往的地方。 相传乾隆皇帝下江南之时,乘龙舟路经这里。当时有位名叫林百万 的大财主,认为这是天赐良机,是讨好皇上的大好时机,于是他依 仗自己拥有百万家产,令人在淮安至平桥镇四十多里的路上,张灯 结彩,铺设罗缎,硬是把皇上接到了家里。 f林百万是个很有心计的财主,早在接驾之前,他就派人探听到皇上 的饮食口味,所以他命家厨用鲫鱼脑子加老母鸡原汁烩当地的特色 豆腐款待乾隆。乾隆虽然尝遍山珍海味,可是他何曾品味过如此具 有地方特色的风味呢?因此他品尝以后,连连称好,挥笔写下“天 下第一菜” 2 PartPart Recipe for Pingqiao tofu (dried) shri

6、mps (虾米(虾米/虾仁)虾仁)25g black fungus 30g ham sausage (火腿肠)(火腿肠) 30g bamboo shoot (竹笋)(竹笋)30g tofu 300g chicken breast meat(鸡脯肉鸡脯肉) 50g fresh mushrooms (蘑菇蘑菇) 25 g dried scallop( sklp 干贝干贝) 25g garlic (大蒜,蒜头大蒜,蒜头) 15 g onion ( njn 洋葱洋葱) 15 g ginger (姜姜) 10 g cooking/rice wine(料酒料酒) 20g salt 10 g MSG(味精味

7、精) 3 g corn starch(玉米淀粉玉米淀粉) 25 g sesame oil( sesmi l 香油香油) 15 g Steps Wash clean the dried shrimps(虾米)(虾米) and soak them in lukewarm( lu:kw:rm ) water(温水温水). 4 Wash clean the dried scallop(干贝干贝) , remove the old bars(老筋老筋) and pour them into a bowl. 5 Add onion, ginger(姜姜) , rice wine(料酒)(料酒) and w

8、ater . Then place the bowl into the steamer(蒸笼)(蒸笼). Put the steamer over the fire , dont take it down until it is steamed(蒸透蒸透). 6 Heat a wok ( wk 炒锅炒锅)and add the oil. Pour in the ingredients , stock , and scallop juice . And bring them to the boil. 7 OneThree TwoFour Words of Recipe(烹饪方法) 1.fry油炸 2.blanch blnt 用沸水烫 3.stew stu: 焖 4.simmer sim 炖 5.grate磨碎 6.mash捣成泥 7.shell剥皮 8.boil煮 9.dice切小块;切片 10.slice切下 11.bake烘焙(面食类) 12.whip搅拌 13.shred rd 切丝 14.steam蒸 15.drain捞 16.smoke熏制 17.braise brez 用文火炖 18.mince mins /chop t:p 绞碎 3 PartPart Nutrient


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