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1、150USgpm RO/EDI/DI 超纯水系统操作手册Content 目录Content 目录1-21System Operation 系统操作1-41.1General Startup/Shutdown Procedure 启动/关闭程序1-41.1.1General Start Up Procedure 启动程序1- Start up 初始化启动系统1- Start Up 快速启动1- Start Up 完整启动1-41.1.2General Shutdown Procedure 系统关闭程序1-41.1.2

2、.1Uncontrolled/Unintended/Emergency Shutdown 不受控制/非故意地/紧急情况下关闭1- Temporary Shutdown 临时关闭1- Prolonged Shutdown 长时间关闭1-41.2Operation Mode and Control Strategy 操作方式及控制策略1-41.2.1Pre-treatment 预处理单元1- Water Supply source and pipeline 原水补给及管道1- Wat

3、er Storage 原水贮存1- System 加热单元1- Water Pumps 原水泵1- Filter 砂床1- Carbon Filter 活性炭过滤器1- Filter 软化床1-41.2.2RO System 反渗透单元1- System 抗阻垢加药单元1- Filtration 保安过滤器1- 压力控制1-41.2

4、.2.4Instrumentation and Control 控制仪表1-41.2.3Polishing (DI) 抛光(去离子)1- Product/DI Return Water Storage 反渗透产水/DI回水贮存1- Feed Pumps DI输送泵1- Reduction Unit TOC去除器1- micron Intermediate Filter 1微米过滤器1- Mixed Bed 便携式混床1- micron Resin Trap F

5、ilter 0.45微米过滤器1- UV 紫外线杀菌器1- micron Final Filter 0.1微米最终过滤器1-41.2.4Loop 管道1-41.2.5Control 系统控制1- 控制1- Panel 加热控制器1- Panel 主控制面板1- Panel 反渗透控制箱1- 报警1-41.3Recommended Settings and Operation Parameters 推荐运行设

6、置及参数1-41.4Operation Data Logging 系统日志1-42System Maintenance & Troubleshooting 系统维护及故障排除2-42.1General Preventive Maintenance Chart 系统定期检修制表2-42.2General Preventive Maintenance Procedure 系统定期维护程序2-42.2.1Raw Water Tank 原水桶2- 清洗2-42.2.2Raw Water Pump 原水泵2- Bleed 排气2-

7、rvice 保养2-42.2.3Heat Exchanger 热交换器2- Bleed 排气2- 保养2-42.2.4MMF, ACF and Softener 预处理单元2- Initiation (manual, by pressure diff) 循环初始2- Change 介质更换2-42.2.5RO 反渗透单元2- Adjustment 流量调节2- Cleaning 清洗反渗透膜2- Chan

8、ge 更换反渗透膜2- Meter Calibration 电导率表校验2-42.2.6DI Loop (include DI Tank) DI输水/回水管道(含DI水桶)2- 消毒清洗2-42.2.7DI Pump DI输水泵2- Bleed 排气2- 保养2-42.2.8UV and TOC 紫外线杀菌器/TOC去除器2- Replacement 更换灯管2- Cleaning 石英灯罩清洗2-42.2.9

9、Filter (5 mm, 1 mm, 0.45 mm, 0.1 mm) 过滤器(5微米、1微米、0.45微米、0.1微米)2- Change (by pressure diff) 更换过滤芯(基于压力损失)2-42.2.10Mixed Bed Columns 混床2- Bed Column Replacement 更换混床2- Meter Calibration 电阻率表校验2-42.3Troubleshooting Guide 故障排除指导2-42.4Spare Parts and Consuma

10、bles List 备用耗品清单2-41 System Operation 系统操作1.1 General Startup/Shutdown Procedure 启动/关闭程序The following procedures are meant for most general occasions only. Specific procedures may be required under different circumstances. Please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team for assistance, if in doubt.以下操作程序适

11、用于大部分场合,在某些特殊场合中可能需要特殊的操作方式,届时如有疑问请与仕达纯水技术人员联系。1.1.1 General Start Up Procedure 启动程序This system will only be started up in 3 occasions:系统将在以下3个场合启动:o Initial Start up (during commissioning) 初始化启动系统(系统调试期间)o Quick Start Up (after Temporary Shutdown, either controlled or uncontrolled) 快速启动(临时关闭)o Full

12、 Start Up (after Prolonged Shutdown) 完整启动(长时间关闭之后) Initial Start up 初始化启动系统Please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team for assistance, if such service is required如有需要,请联系仕达纯水技术人员获取相关启动程序及数据; Quick Start Up 快速启动Temporary shutdown refers to shutdown for less than 3 hours (on DI Polishing L

13、oop). Such shutdown usually occurs during power trips/failures or unscheduled/scheduled shutdowns for short maintenance work on DI Polishing Loop. For specific start up procedure after individual service/maintenance work, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team.临时性关闭系统(抛光单元关闭少于3个小时)往往发生在跳电或定期/不定期的

14、维护工作(抛光单元)时。检查及维护工作结束后,可向仕达纯水技术人员咨询相关启动的细节。General 综述1. Switch all pumps and devices to OFF position.将控制面板所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态2. Ensure all main loop valves are opened (except for POUs).确认除用水点外的其它主输水管道的阀门处于开启状态。Pre-treatment 预处理3. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (raw water s

15、upply, heater, pre-treatment) are opened.确认所有主输水管道(原水进水、加热器、预处理)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启;4. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are closed.确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已关闭;5. Switch all Pre-treatment pumps and devices to AUTO position.将预处理所有水泵及设备切换至自动(A)状态;RO System 反渗透单元6. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on th

16、e main loops (feed, product, concentrate) are opened. 确认所有主输水管道(进水、产水、浓水)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启;7. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are closed. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已关闭;8. Switch all RO system pumps and devices to AUTO position. 将反渗透单元所有水泵及设备切换至自动(A)状态;DI Polishing Loop 去离子抛光单元9. Ensure all inlet and outlet

17、manual valves on the main loop are opened (except for Mixed Bed Column outlet). 确认所有主输水管道(除了混床出水)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启;10. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are closed (except Mixed Bed drain). 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已关闭(除了混床排水阀门);11. Switch all DI Polishing Loop pumps and devices to AUTO position. 将所有水泵及设备切换至

18、自动(A)状态;12. Turn on the Main Power Switch on Main Control Panel.开启控制面板上的主电开关;13. Open Mixed Bed outlet and close Mixed Bed drain slightly to check if output resistivity can meet requirements. Open and close respective valves fully and switch to electrode (1) to update the value of resistivity for re

19、spective Mixed Bed. 开启混床出水阀门、缓缓关闭排水阀门并检查出水水质是否达到系统要求。相应开启混床的排水管道并将面板上电阻率监测仪表探头开关切换至(1)的位置即可得知相应混床的电阻率值。14. Open POU valves whenever necessary.如设备需要用水,打开用水点的阀门;15. Verify all recommended system settings. Readjust if necessary. 检查系统数据,如有必要校验之。 Full Start Up 完整启动Prolonged shutdown refers to shut

20、down for more than 3 hours (on DI Polishing Loop). Such shutdown usually occurs during prolonged power trips/failures, unscheduled/scheduled shutdowns for extensive maintenance works on DI Polishing Loop. Start up for such shutdowns is preceded by sterilization in DI Polishing Loop. For specific sta

21、rt up procedure after individual service/maintenance work, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team. For prolonged shutdowns for more than 7 days, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team.长时间关闭系统是指去离子抛光单元停止3小时以上,往往发生在长时间的主电跳闸,定期/不定期的大范围维修过程中。启动系统前应做相应的管道清洗工作,以保证产水可达到设备用水水质要求。如系统关闭长达7天以上请与仕达纯水技术人员联

22、系。General 综述1. Switch all pumps and devices to OFF(O) position. 将控制面板所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态;2. Ensure all main loop valves are opened (except for POUs). 确认除用水点外的其它主输水管道的阀门处于开启状态。Pre-treatment 预处理单元3. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (raw water supply, heater, pre-treatment) are

23、 opened. 确认所有主输水管道(原水进水、加热器、预处理)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启;4. Ensure all bypass and drain valves are closed. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已关闭;5. Switch all Pre-treatment pumps and devices to AUTO position. 将预处理所有水泵及设备切换至自动(A)状态;RO System 反渗透单元6. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (feed, concentrate) and

24、RO product drain valve are opened, except for RO product outlet valve. 确认所有主输水管道(进水、浓水)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启。7. Ensure RO product outlet drain valve is opened. 确认RO产水排水阀开启;8. Ensure all bypass valves and are closed. 确认所有旁通阀门关闭;9. Switch all RO system pumps and devices to AUTO position. 将反渗透单元所有水泵及设备切换至自动(A)

25、状态;10. Turn on the Main Power Switch on Main Control Panel. 开启控制面板上的主电开关;11. Open RO product outlet valve, and close RO product outlet drain valve, when RO product conductivity is lower than desired value. 当RO产水电导率低于要求值时开启RO产水出水阀门后关闭RO产水排水阀;DI Polishing Loop 去离子抛光单元12. Ensure all inlet and outlet ma

26、nual valves on the main loop are opened (except for Mixed Bed outlet). 确认所有主输水管道(除了混床出水)进水及出水手动阀门均已开启;13. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are closed (except Mixed Bed drain). 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已关闭(除了混床排水阀门);14. Ensure no filter media present in the loop.确认过滤芯已拿出;15. Ensure no Mixed Beds are bypa

27、ssed with bypass valve or flexible hose.确认混床并未接入系统而是通过高压软管旁通;16. Ensure sterilant is completely neutralized before loading filter media and installing Mixed Bed columns.确认完成管道及设备的清洗后安装过滤芯及混床;17. Switch all DI Polishing Loop pumps and devices to AUTO position, and allow the system to run for a few mi

28、nutes. 将所有水泵及设备切换至自动(A)状态;18. Open Mixed Bed outlet and close Mixed Bed drain slightly to check if output resistivity can meet requirements. Open and close respective valves fully and switch to electrode (1) to update the value of resistivity for respective Mixed Bed. 开启混床出水阀门、缓缓关闭排水阀门并检查出水水质是否达到系统要

29、求。相应开启混床的排水管道并将面板上电阻率监测仪表探头开关切换至(1)的位置即可得知相应混床的电阻率值。19. Open POU valves whenever necessary. 如设备需要用水,打开用水点的阀门;20. Verify all recommended system settings. Readjust if necessary. 检查系统数据,如有必要校验之。1.1.2 General Shutdown Procedure 系统关闭程序This system will only be shut down in 3 occasions:系统仅在以下3个场合关闭:o Uncon

30、trolled/Unintended/Emergency Shutdown (e.g. Power failure, sabotage, unauthorized handling, emergency etc)不受控制/非故意地/紧急情况下关闭(如停电、未经许可的错误操作、恶意破坏等);o Temporary Shutdown, controlled. 临时关闭;o Prolonged Shutdown, controlled. 长时间关闭; Uncontrolled/Unintended/Emergency Shutdown 不受控制/非故意地/紧急情况下关闭Such shu

31、tdown mode is improper and is hence highly discouraged. Though all PURE-IONICS systems are designed with such possibilities in mind, irreparable damages may occur, and PURE-IONICS will not be liable for such damages and consequences thereafter. Hence it is Owners sole responsibility to ensure such s

32、hutdown mode is minimized, with necessary external physical features and operation policies.此关闭模式可能造成系统不可挽回的物理损坏,因此应尽可能避免,仕达纯水对此不承担任何责任。Main power is lost during power failure or any cut-off from upstream supply (i.e. Buildings main distribution/sub-stations, systems isolator switch etc). Co

33、ntrolled Temporary Shutdown 临时关闭Temporary shutdown refers to shutdown for less than 3 hours (on DI Polishing Loop). Such shutdown usually occurs during power trips/failures or unscheduled/scheduled shutdowns for short maintenance work on DI Polishing Loop. For specific shutdown procedure before indi

34、vidual service/maintenance work, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team.临时性关闭系统(抛光单元关闭少于3个小时)往往发生在跳电或定期/不定期的维护工作(抛光单元)时。检查及维护工作开始前,可向仕达纯水技术人员咨询相关系统关闭的细节。General 综述1. Close all POU valves. 关闭所有用水点的阀门;Pre-treatment 预处理单元2. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (raw water suppl

35、y, heater, pre-treatment) are closed. 确认所有主输水管道(原水进水、加热器、预处理)进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;3. Ensure all bypass and drain valves are opened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;4. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure.按照标签提示的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;5. Switch all Pre-treatment pumps and devices to OFF(O) positio

36、n. 将预处理所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态。RO System 反渗透单元6. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (feed, product, concentrate) are closed. 确认所有主输水管道(进水、产水、浓水)进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;7. Ensure all bypass and drain valves are opened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;8. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure

37、. 按照标签提示的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;9. Switch all RO system pumps and devices to OFF(O)position. 将反渗透单元所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态;DI Polishing Loop 去离子抛光单元10. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loop are closed. 确认所有主输水管道进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;11. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are op

38、ened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;12. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure. 按照标签提示的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;13. Switch all DI Polishing Loop pumps and devices to OFF position (DI Feed Pump last). 将所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态(最后关闭DI水泵);14. Turn off the Main Power Switch on Main Control Panel.关闭主控制面

39、板上的主电源开关;15. Turn off Main isolator switch. 关闭主电短路器;16. Lock out and Tag out all electrical components as per company SOP.依照公司标准操作程序关闭及标签提示电气设备。 Controlled Prolonged Shutdown 长时间关闭Prolonged shutdown refers to shutdown for more than 3 hours (on DI Polishing Loop). Such shutdown usually occurs

40、during prolonged power trips/failures, unscheduled/scheduled shutdowns for extensive maintenance works on DI Polishing Loop. Such shutdowns are followed by sterilization in DI Polishing Loop before any Start ups are to proceed. For specific shutdown procedure before individual service/maintenance wo

41、rk, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team. For prolonged shutdowns for more than 7 days, please consult PURE-IONICS Technical Team长时间关闭系统是指去离子抛光单元停止3小时以上,往往发生在长时间的主电跳闸,定期/不定期的大范围维修过程中。启动系统前应做相应的管道清洗工作,以保证产水可达到设备用水水质要求。如系统关闭长达7天以上请与仕达纯水技术人员联系。General 综述17. Close all POU valves. 关闭所有用水点的阀门;Pre-tre

42、atment 预处理单元18. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (raw water supply, heater, pre-treatment) are closed. 确认所有主输水管道(原水进水、加热器、预处理)进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;19. Ensure all bypass and drain valves are opened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;20. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure. 按照标签提示

43、的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;21. Switch all Pre-treatment pumps and devices to OFF position. 将反渗透单元所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态;RO System 反渗透单元22. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the main loops (feed, product, concentrate) are closed. 确认所有主输水管道(进水、产水、浓水)进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;23. Ensure all bypass and d

44、rain valves are opened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;24. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure. 按照标签提示的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;25. Switch all RO system pumps and devices to OFF position. 将反渗透单元所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态;DI Polishing Loop 去离子抛光单元26. Ensure all inlet and outlet manual valves on the

45、main loop are closed. 确认所有主输水管道进水及出水手动阀门均已关闭;27. Ensure all bypass valves and drain valves are opened. 确认所有旁通及排水阀门均已开启;28. Remove all filter media, and store submerged in recommended sterilant (in recommended concentration).移除所有过滤芯并置于相应浓度的药剂中(药剂浓度及种类咨询仕达纯水技术人员);29. Disconnect Mixed Bed columns, and

46、bypass with flexible hose. Drain the columns and cover the inlet/outlet with caps. 确认混床并未接入系统而是通过高压软管旁通,排空混床内残留的水并用堵帽封住混床进出水口确保混床不受污染;30. Tag all valves according to Lock out Tag out procedure. 按照标签提示的正常操作程序标示:关闭阀门-标签提示-维修维护-撤去标签提示;31. Switch all DI Polishing Loop pumps and devices to OFF position (

47、DI Feed Pump last). 将所有水泵及设备切换至关闭(O)状态(最后关闭DI水泵);32. Turn off the Main Power Switch on Main Control Panel. 关闭主控制面板上的主电源开关;33. Turn off Main isolator switch. 关闭主电短路器;34. Lock out and Tag out all electrical components as per company SOP. 依照公司标准操作程序关闭及标签提示电气设备。1.2 Operation Mode and Control Strategy 操作

48、方式及控制策略This system may be operated both in Auto (A) and Hand WARNING! For items controllable by both Auto/Hand, switching to Hand overrides all safety interlocks. DO NOT activate this feature unless properly trained and authorized to do so. (H) mode, and in most cases, the system is operated in auto

49、 and maintained/serviced in manual/auto mode. In Auto mode, all components start and stop according to feedbacks and interlocks. In Hand mode, all feedbacks and interlocks, if present, are overridden. The following describes all components that made up the system.本系统配有自动(A)和手动(H)操作模式,在大部分情况下,系统可自动运行

50、或在维修过程中自动/手动运行。在自动运行时,所有组件通过信号反馈和联动装置控制起闭;手动运行时,所有信号反馈和联动装置将被忽略。下文详细描述了系统各组件的控制策略。1.2.1 Pre-treatment 预处理单元Pre-treatment service cycle serves to make up DI Tank, and hence will be in service when DI Tank level is lower than medium level(pre-set), and remains in service as long as DI Tank level is no

51、t full, while Backwashing Sequence is not initiated.预处理单元的启闭取决于DI桶的水位,处于中水位时预处理启动直到DI桶高液位,此时,反冲泵不启动。 Raw Water Supply source and pipeline 原水补给及管道ItemModeFunction and ControlIsolation Valve主控制阀H手动Water source isolation水源补给控制Pipeline管线None无Water supply水源补给1.2.1.2 Raw Water Storage 原水贮存Tank原水桶(共

52、用)None无Storage储存原水Valve (inlet)原水进水阀A自动Water Supply Control 原水补给控制Inlet Control Valve will be opened automatically when the Raw Water Tank level is lower than medium level (pre-set), and remains opened as long as Raw Water Tank level is not full.当原水桶水位低于中水位时原水进水阀将自动打开直至原水桶补给至高水位;PRV压力调节阀A自动Backpressure adjustment/Pressure relief


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