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1、section a research into population geneticsbackground information:1 columbus: christopher columbus, an italian-born master navigator (born in genoa, italy in 1451 and died at valladolid, spain in 1506) who sailed in the service of spain, is commonly described as the discoverer of the new world ameri

2、ca. his four transatlantic voyages (14921493, 14931496, 14981500, and 15021504) opened the way for european exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the americas. columbuss real greatness lies in the fact that having found the west indies making major errors in his navigational computations an

3、d location in doing so he was able to find his way back to europe and return to the indies. it is as the result of columbuss “discovery” that the new world became part of the european world. 2 human genetic map: our bodies are comprised of trillions of microscopic units called cells. cells in turn a

4、re built up from many specific types of molecules, both large and small. the large molecules or macromolecules include polysaccharides, nucleic acids and proteins. proteins are the workhorses of our cells. there are about 40,000 different types of proteins in our bodies. each protein is present in m

5、any, many copies. an adult, for example, carries about 1021 (a billion trillion) hemoglobin molecules. the flow of genetic information is from dna to rna to protein. each protein is a linear polymer of a specific sequence of 20 different amino acids. dna is also a linear polymer comprised of 4 types

6、 of nucleotides. the sequence of amino acids in each protein is encoded by a segment of dna called a gene. three consecutive nucleotides in a gene encode a single amino acid in the corresponding protein. the genetic code is universal among all living things. new words & expressions:1 to dateuntil no

7、w至今,直到现在this is the biggest donation ive had to date.这是到目前为止我所收到的最大一项捐赠。to date, research on the application of the genetic map is very limited. 至今,对基因图应用的研究工作还是非常有限的。2 nothing less than(used to emphasize how important or surprising sth. is) exactly, just, at least简直是,同一点也不差our aim is nothing less t

8、han to make china the best trained and educated nation in the world.我们的目标就是要使中国成为世界上受到最好培训和教育的国家。3 serve asfulfil the purpose of起作用,当成his remarks should have served as an encouragement to the authorities to develop this important aspect of community care.他的一席话应当视作是对当局发展社区保护中这一重要方面的一种鼓励。4 be confined

9、 tobe restricted or kept within certain limits限制于,局限于his concerns were not confined to property, housing and environmental questions.他所关心的事不局限于财产、住房、环境等问题。5 as of/fromfor practical purposes; in fact事实上,实际上in effect, the influence of this government was going down gradually.事实上,这个政府的影响力正在逐渐下降。the two

10、 economic systems are, in effect, identical.这两种经济制度实际上一模一样。6 in effectfor practical purposes; in fact事实上,实际上in effect, the influence of this government was going down gradually.事实上,这个政府的影响力正在逐渐下降。the two economic systems are, in effect, identical.这两种经济制度实际上一模一样。7 adapt tochange ones behavior or sth.

11、 in order to deal more successfully with a new situation(改变)使适应only when your approach to good health can be adapted to all your own requirements, will you really succeed in obtaining your goals of health care.只有当你对待健康的方法能适应所有你自己的要求,你才真正能成功达到你的保健目标。8 shed/throw light onmake a problem, etc. easier to

12、 understand使(某事)更为清楚,阐明(某事)to shed light on these questions, id like to take an example from the fairly recent past.为更好地清楚阐明这些问题,我想从最近的过去中举一个例子。language points1. while not exactly a top selling book, (para. 1) a top selling book: a book that a lot of people buy of the ten top selling books this year

13、, six are non-fiction ones. 今年10本最畅销的书中,有6本是非小说类的书籍。2. the most extensive survey (para.1)extensive: a. including or dealing with a wide range of information; covering a large area the baby was put through extensive tests during a 10-day stay but they failed to find any signs of the fits. 他们让这个婴儿住院10

14、天接受了全面的检查,但是没有发现任何突发病的症状。 the function of the victories in providing the regime with even more extensive popular backing seems undeniable. 这些胜利为政权提供了更为广泛的支持,这一点似乎是不可否认的。 only a small pool remains in the basin of what was once an extensive lake.这个盆地曾经是一个大湖,现在只剩下一个小水池。3. the most extensive survey to d

15、ate (para.1) to date: until now to date, research has focused on the most obvious feature of living things: cell multiplication. 迄今为止研究已集中到生物最明显的特性,即细胞繁殖上。 considerable evidence shows that, to date, those who have been successful through industrialisation and urbanisation have not been an independen

16、t, dynamic and progressive force in latin america. 大量的证据表明,迄今为止,那些成功经历过工业化和城市化的人已不再是拉丁美洲一股独立的、有活力的、进步的力量。 there is no evidence, to date, that making people belt up turns them into worse drivers. 至今仍没有迹象表明,司机们系安全带会影响驾驶。 color and height are discounted, (para.1)discount: v. think or say that sth

17、. is not important or not true much of what he says must be discounted; he imagines things. 他说的许多话都是要打折扣的,他喜欢想像。 we can discount liverpool they have three injured players. 我们可以不理会利物浦队他们有三名伤员。 he does not discount the possibility that the stress he was under affected his decision. 他没有忽视这种可能性,即他所受的压力可

18、能影响到他的决定。5. the variation among individuals is much greater than the differences among groups. (para. 1)variation: n. change in amount or level unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.白领工人的失业率与蓝领工人相比,地区性差异要小得多

19、。 the medical tests showed some variation in the babys heart rate. 医疗检查表明婴儿的心率有些差异。 there are wide variations in the way pensioners have benefited from the system. 靠领养老金度日的人们从这个体制中得益的方式有很大区别。 the research team has a very good record of day-to-day variation in pollution in the atmosphere. 这个研究小组很详细地记

20、录了大气污染每日的变化。6. is much more than an argument (para.2)more than: “having greater value or importance than sth. else” or “not only, not just” please note here “more than” is used in a sentence without an adverbial clause of comparison. 1)“more than” followed by a noun phrase: learning english is more

21、than attending the classes and taking notes.学习英语不只是来上课和记笔记。 hes more than a coach; hes a friend.他不只是一个教练,他更是一位朋友。 2)“more than” followed by a verbal phrase: we more than waited from morning till night; we were worried. 我们不只是从早一直等到晚,还担心受怕。 she more than suffered from the disease; she was penniless. 她

22、不仅仅是饱受疾病之苦,而且穷得身无分文。 he more than scolded me: he told me what to do next. 他不只是责怪我,还告诉我以后该怎么做。 james more than shouted: he threw the glass at the waiter. 詹姆斯不只是大声喊叫,还把玻璃杯扔向侍者。 3)“more than” followed by an adjective phrase: she was more than glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息她非常高兴。 his house is more than l

23、arge and beautiful. 他的房子非常大也非常漂亮。 i was more than frightened when i saw the terrible man. 当我看见那个可怕的人时,感到极度害怕。7. various proteins that serve as markers to reveal a persons genetic makeup. (para.3)serve as: fulfil the purpose of (sth.) the judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other mot

24、orists who drove without due care and attention. 法官说罚款会是对其他疏忽、冒失的驾驶者的一种警告。 in the absence of anything better the box would serve as a table. 在没有更好的东西的情况下,这箱子可以当桌子用。8. the authors assembled profiles (para.3)assemble: v. 1) bring people or things together as a group; come together as a group he has re

25、fused to come to any kind of conclusions until he has assembled all the information he thinks relevant. 他拒绝在收集到所有相关信息之前下任何结论。 the members of the tour group assembled at the airport for departure. 旅行团的成员们在机场集合准备出发。 2) fit together all the separate parts of sth., for example a piece of furniture the s

26、helves are easy to assemble. 这些架子很容易装配。 its one of those beds that you have to assemble yourself. 这种床需要你自己来装配。9. he was confronted by an angry farmer waving an axe. (para.4)confront: v. face sb., esp. in an unfriendly or dangerous situation; face sth. difficult bravely when theyd confronted him with

27、 proof of his criminal activities, he knew that he had to tell the truth. 当他们拿出他的犯罪证据与他当面对质时,他知道他不得不说真话了。 opening the door, he found himself confronted by a dozen policemen with guns. 一打开门,他发现十几个警察正用枪对着他。he prepared for the questions he expected to confront during the interview. 他为这次访谈中可能要面对的问题作了准备。

28、10. that were in their present locations as of 1492, (para.3)as of /from: (used when a new rule, system, or situation will start from) starting from as of the first of july, all back seat passengers must wear seat belts. 从7月1日起,所有后座上的乘客必须系安全带。the new timetable will come into effect as of january 200

29、3. 新的时间表将从2003年1月起生效。11. they were widely assumed to be closely related. (para.5)assume: v. 1) think or accept that sth. is true but without proof of it if you are rude to other people your child will assume that this kind of behavior is acceptable. 如果你对别人不礼貌,你的孩子就会认为这样做是可行的。 in other academic areas

30、 it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student. 在其他学术领域,人们都想当然地认为老师总是比学生知道的多。 2) (fml.) pretend to have a particular feeling or quality when socializing with his co-workers he would assume a hearty manner. 和他的同事相处时,他会装出一副真诚的态度。 she usually assumed that look just before he succeeded in r

31、educing her to tears. 在他使她流下眼泪之前,她通常会装出那副神态。 assuming a carefree air, he ran to the end of the spring board and dived into the water. 他装出一副无忧无虑的神情,跑向跳板的一端,跳入了水中。12. most closely resemble their neighbors, (para.5)resemble: v. look like or be similar to another person or thing it was not possible to c

32、hange direction suddenly, yet the damage to education was obvious as campuses sometimes resembled market-places rather than institutions of higher learning. 突然改变方向是不可能的,但是校园有时更像个集市而不是高等教育机构,这对教育的危害很明显。 what she saw was the face of a stranger who resembled her: mouth pulled out of shape, skin white,

33、hair without colour. 她看见一张很像她的陌生人的脸,嘴巴拉扯得变了形,肤色苍白,头发没有光泽。 compare:bear resemblance to; take after pauls features bore a strong resemblance to his fathers. 保罗的五官非常像他的父亲。 im afraid that youll find it hard to adapt, as the situation of the country bears little resemblance to that of our country. 该国的国情与

34、我国相差悬殊,恐怕你不容易适应。 the london of the 1990s bears little resemblance to the london of my youth. 20世纪90年代的伦敦和我年轻时的伦敦不太一样。 the boy takes after his father: he has the same red hair, big feet, and quick temper. 这男孩长得像他父亲:同样的一头红发,大大的脚,脾气暴躁。13. shed new light on the origins of populations (para.7)shed light

35、on: make a problem, etc. easier to understand but a better understanding of how it works could also shed light on other questions concerning the development of sensory nerve cells. 但是更好地理解它的运作也能帮助我们弄清有关感官神经细胞发育的其他问题。 scientists working in the gobi desert have shed new light on the life of dinosaurs.

36、 在戈壁滩上工作的科学家们对恐龙的生活有了新的认识。 in addition, the research is expected to shed light on the social consequences of cities changing economic roles. 另外,这一研究也希望弄清城市不断变化的经济角色所带来的社会影响。14. the khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors. (para.7)be descended from: have sb. as a

37、n ancestor she always claimed her family was descended from the ancient kings of egypt. 她总声称她的家族是古埃及国王的后裔。the university of edinburghs most famous dropout, charles darwin, pointed out that human beings are descended from animals. 查尔斯达尔文,这位爱丁堡大学最著名的退学者,指出人类是动物的后裔。15. their language is of unknown orig

38、in and cannot be placed within any standard classification. (para. 8)compare unknown with infamous: unknown: not known; not famous infamous: shameful, notorious the show was such a success that she went from an unknown actress to a star overnight. 演出非常成功,使她从一个默默无闻的女演员转眼成了一位明星。 the firm was almost un

39、known ten years ago but now it is famous for its high-quality products. 这家公司10年前无人知晓,但现在因其高质量的产品而著名。 his action in cheating poor, sick and elderly people of their savings was described by the judge as infamous. 法官把他这种欺诈穷人、病人和老人的存款的做法称为无耻。16. cavalli-sforza stresses that his mission is not just scien

40、tific but social as well. (para. 10)not just butas well: not only but also the government radio not only reported the demonstration, but announced it in advance as well. 政府电台不仅报道了这次示威游行,而且事先做了预告。 some parents are not only concerned with safety but skeptical of the educational value of such strips as

41、 well. 有些父母不仅关心这些连环画的安全性,还对它们的教育价值表示怀疑。section b geniuses and better parentingnew words & expressions 1 spring upappear or develop quickly and/or suddenly涌现,发生,迅速长出his success doesnt spring up out of nowhere. as he self-studied college english in high school, he has had a head start over his peers.

42、他的成功不是凭空而来的。他在中学就自学了大学英语,所以比其他同学领先了一步。2 out of nowherehappening or appearing suddenly and without warning不知打哪儿来,突然冒出来he was driving too fast on the express highway when a police car appeared out of nowhere and stopped him. 他正在高速公路上超速行驶,这时不知打哪儿冒出一辆警车把他拦住了.3 go out of ones waymake a special effort, es

43、p. in spite of difficulties 特别费心(作某事),千方百计mary always went out of her way to help me learn russian before i went to moscow where i soon picked it up. 过去,玛丽总是不怕麻烦地帮助我学习俄语。等我到了莫斯科后,我很快就学会了这门语言。4 pick upget information or a skill by chance rather than by making a deliberate effort学到,获得i picked up quite

44、 a lot of italian when i was in italy.我在意大利时学会了不少意大利语。as a mail boy, he had picked up the habit of addressing people by their christian names, whoever they were.作为一个邮递员,他养成了用教名称呼任何人的习惯,不管他们是谁。5 in questionunder consideration; being talked about 谈论中的,考虑之中的if the restaurant in question adds a service

45、charge, then there would be fewer customers.要是那家谈论中的餐馆增收服务费,那么顾客就会比较少了。6 pass ongive or leave to people who are younger or live later; give sth. to sb. else把传给genetics deals with how genes are passed on from parents to their offspring and a great deal is known about the mechanisms governing this pro

46、cess.遗传学涉及的是基因是如何从父母亲遗传给其后代的,人们对控制这一过程的机理已经了解了许多。7 have an advantage overbe better, more effective, and more useful than 比处于有利地位,比有优势she also realized that she had an advantage over her mothers generation because she was a working woman and she could do things in her retirement.她也意识到她比自己母亲这代人有优势,因为她

47、是一个有工作的妇女,而且退休后还能做事。8 in a (good) position to do having enough authority or power to do能够(做某事),有条件(做某事)he will then be in a good position to take over much of the rest of the property when his parents die.他父母过世时,他就能够接管其余的很大一部分财产。9 far fromnot at all远远不,一点也不far from damaging the environment, the expa

48、nded road program will improve the quality of life of thousands of people.扩展道路计划非但不会对环境造成破坏,反而将改善成千上万人的生活质量。language points1. supposedly born into a family of manual workers, ( para.1)supposedly: ad. according to what is generally assumed or believed (often used to indicate that the speaker doubts t

49、he truth of the statement) he was supposedly delivering some papers to her but i think it was just an excuse to see her. 据说他正在给她送一些文章,但我认为这只是他想见她的借口。 in public they have to boast about the training revolution they are supposedly leading. 在公开场合他们不得不吹嘘据称是由他们领导的培训革命。 there is a supposedly simple explan

50、ation for what happened. 据说对发生的事有一个简单的解释。2. his father had supervised manual workers, not been one, (para. 2)supervise: v. watch over (an activity or job) to make certain that it is done correctly, or watch over (sb.) to make certain that they are behaving correctly or are safe the un is supervising

51、 the distribution of aid to those areas worst affected by the fighting. 联合国负责监督分配援助物资给受战争影响最严重的地区。her new job involves supervising the companys operation in japan. 她的新工作包括监督公司在日本的经营业务。 the teachers take it in turn to supervise the children at playtime. 游戏时间内老师们轮流指导孩子们的活动。3. who would go out of their

52、 way (para.5)go out of ones way: make a special effort to help sb. even when this causes one difficulty or inconvenience my friend goes out of his way to pick me up to play golf. 我的朋友特地来接我去打高尔夫球。 jennifer went out of her way to help vicky to feel comfortable in her new job. 詹尼弗想尽办法帮助维基适应新工作。 they re

53、ally went out of their way to make us feel welcome. 他们确实是尽了全力让我们感受到欢迎。4. when these made a sound, they had to make a note of what they were doing and assess how happy and alert they felt. (para.6)make a note of: record (sth. that one wishes to remember) he made a mental note of the title.他记住了标题。 wil

54、l all members please make a note of the date of our next meeting? 请全体成员记下我们下次会议的日期。 i made a careful note of where i had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return. 我仔细地记下了我把包放在哪儿,这样回来时肯定能找到它。 compare: take a note of, take note of ill just take a note of your name and address. 我要记下你的姓名和地址。 you should take note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well. 你应该留意她对你说的话,因为她很清楚他们的策略。5. and assess how happy and alert they felt. (para.6)alert: a. able to think quickly; quick to notice things an alert postman noticed two men b


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