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1、Journey to spaceUnit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.3金金星星地地球球火火星星木木星星土星土星水星水星天王星天王星冥王星冥王星海王星海王星Space & Earth1968 年12月27日, 阿波罗8号(Apollo 8)第一次载人的月球行动, 在完成了历时六天的历史性航行之后, 安全返回地球。Neil Armstrong尼尔尼尔 阿姆斯壮阿姆斯壮 (登月第一人)(登月第一人)名言:这是一个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步。Thats one small step for a man, one gia

2、nt leap for mankind.19861986年年1 1月月2828日日, ,“挑战者挑战者”号航天号航天飞机在肯尼迪航飞机在肯尼迪航天中心发射升空天中心发射升空不久后爆炸。不久后爆炸。“嫦娥一号”(Change-1)月球探测卫星于2007年10月24日在西昌卫星中心由“长征三号甲”运载火箭发射升空。经过8次变轨后,于11月7日正式进入工作轨道。2009年3月1日在控制下成功撞击地球,为我国探月一期工程画上圆满句号。“嫦娥二号” (Change-2)于2010年10月1日成功升空,这次最主要的一个任务就是对月球虹湾地区进行高清晰度的拍摄,而此次的拍摄将为嫦娥三号卫星的发射和着陆做好前

3、期准备。“嫦娥三号”(Change-3)“怀抱”中国首辆月球车“玉兔号”飞天落月,“玉兔号”于2013年12月15日着陆。Words Words and and expressionsexpressions1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about what you know about Chinese spaceships.Shenzhou-9 is a manned spaceship.1. Anyone out there?2. Life on Earth3. The sun and other stars4. The sta

4、rs at night2. Read the passage and choose the best title for it. 3. Check() the true sentences.1. The earth is a star.2. The sun is a star.3. There is more than one galaxy in the universe.4. The light from the stars in other galaxies has travelled for a long time to reach us. 5. Scientists have rece

5、ived many messages from space.6. Spaceships have visited most of the universe.4. Complete the passage with the words and expression in the municate environment none solar system universe Is there life on other planets? There are seven other planets in our (1)_, but (2)_ of them has a(n) (3)_ like th

6、at of the earth. solar system noneenvironmentSpaceships from the earth have done surveys of the other planets, but they have not found any life there. Why has no one from other planets tried to (4)_ with us? It is true that scientists have not discovered life on other planets in the (5)_ yet, but so

7、me scientists believe that they will find it some municateuniverse Theyve just heard a message from one of our spaceships. What have the scientists just received? (a message from one of our spaceships)5. Look at the picture from a acience story for children and answer the questions.1. Where has the

8、spaceship landed? (Mars)2. What has the spaceship discovered? (people on Mars)3. Why have the people on Mars not sent us a message? (do not know how to)4. Why have the people on Mars not visited us on the earth? (do not know how to)6. Write a passage to describe the picture. Use your answers to the

9、questions in Activity 5 to help you.We have just received a message from our spaceship to MarsPossible version: Weve just received a message from our spaceship to Mars. Our spaceship has discovered aliens there. They have never sent us a message because they dont know how to communicate with us. The

10、y have not visited the earth because they dont know how to fly to our planet, and they prefer life on Mars. They seem very happy on their planet. They have used parts from the other spaceships from the earth to make TVs, radios, etc. We hope they dont do the same with this one!Language Language poin

11、tspointsScientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. 科学家们认为,地球上的生母已经存在了数亿年了。hundreds of millions of “数亿,数以亿计”,表示约数。 There are millions of people in this city. 这个城市有数百万人。当hundred, thousand, million, billion前有具体的数字时,用它们的单数形式,如“five hundred”表示确数。如果没有具体的数字,则用

12、hundreds, thousands, millions, billions+of的形式表示约数。(中考链接)(中考链接)1. There are over_students in their school.A. hundreds B. nine hundreds C. hundreds of D. nine hundred2. Yesterday_people came to the town to watch the car race.A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred ofNone of them has an enviro

13、nment like that of the earth. 这七颗行星都没有像地球一样的环境.none “没有一个”,代词。 The question was too difficult. None of us could answer it.这个问题太难,我们没有一个人能回答。 It is impossible to imagine. 我们想象不到。imagine “想象,设想”,后面接名词、代词动名词。imagine doing sth.“想象做某事”。Just imagine becoming a teacher.想象一下成为一名老师。It is +adj.+(for sb.+) to

14、do sth. 句式,to do sth是正在主语,it是形式主语。 表示不可能时,impossible的主语不能是人,而只能是it或事情。翻译:我不可能那么做。Im impossible to do so.It is impossible for me to do so.(中考链接)(中考链接)It is important_people_learn team spirit.A. of; of B. of; to C. for; to D. to; toHowever, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy. 然而,还


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