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1、医药英语教材参考答案Unit 1参考答案:Exrdse 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. i nterfered2. Professi onal3. addicted4. may stem/stems5. nu tritious6. variety7. process ing8. fortun ateComplete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin es

2、e provided in thebrackets.1. that resulted in three patie nt deaths2. struggle with poor com muni cati on skills3. ease your tension and frustrati on4. the most time-c onsuming task5. found it impossible to accomplish such a complicated task6. make use of the time to do what you like7. Thanks to you

3、r timely help and support8. Not only does televisi on appeal to those who can read9. Find out what has caused the accide nt10. are less likely to suffer from certa in types of cancerExercise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false according to thetext.1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

4、 6. T 7. T 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1. 她脸上长了雀斑和粉刺,肤色变得暗淡、蜡黄,以至于看上去比实际年龄老许多。2. 我们知道,不健康的饮食会增加毒素。当我们出汗的时候,毒素则会毁坏我们的皮肤细胞。于是导致了雀斑、痤疮和脸色不好。3. 健康的饮食包括水果、蔬菜、纤维、少量盐和糖的摄入。糖可以促成胰岛素,而胰岛素 会提升皮肤的老化。4. 饮食中含有这些食物可以改善皮肤的外表和弹性。5. 所以,这也是验证了我之前的观点:健康的饮食是实现漂亮肌肤不可多得的好方法。Exercise 71-5. BCBAB

5、6-10. CADCA11-15. CABCB16-20. ADBDDUnit2参考答案:Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where necessary.1. comb ine2. nurse3. be compared4. label5. en ergy6. appealed7. promised8. in teractedExerdae3Complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng

6、the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. In additi on to the apples2. have an adverse effect on the environment3. has bee n hun ti ng for a better job4. take adva ntage of my failure5. for the ben efit of the public6. charged the man with driving after over-drinking7. Having asked us all kinds of que

7、sti ons8. a wide range of imported goods9. havi ng fulfilled their missi on10. when (we are) compared with othersExise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false according to thetext.1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5.F6. F 7.F8. FExcise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1.如果忽略皮肤护理这一

8、步,无论用多昂贵的粉底或者遮瑕膏,你都永远不会得到良好的 化妆效果。2.虽然你用肉眼看不见这些化妆品,但是皮肤上的毛孔里会逐渐堆积一些脏东西,积聚化妆品的残留物。3.将适量的保湿液倒入手掌中,两手相对进行揉搓,使其覆盖双手,将手放到脸上,使保 湿液均匀地覆盖整个面部。4.你对自己的油性皮肤越是忽略不管,脸上的油就会越多,这为长斑、毛孔变粗以及出现 黑头等脸部皮肤问题创造了有利条件。5.你的皮肤一直都需要精心的护理一一不仅仅在寒冷的季节才进行护理,全年的每一天都 需要护理。Exercise 71-5. BDCAD6-10. AABDC 11-15. CABCD16-20. DABABUnit 3

9、参考答案:Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. preve nt2. adequate3. in flue nee4. predictExciseAComplete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. adapt to the life in differe nt cultures2

10、. was so absorbed in her job3. con tribute to heart disease4. was so particular about everyth ing5. havi ng bee n can celed because of the terrible weather6. can be applied to the developme nt of new tech no logy7. no matter what job it is8. Not un til he had accomplished the task9. Thanks to a seri

11、es of new inventions10.if it is convenient for youExercise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false according to thetext.1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. TExercise6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1.他们被问及饮食情况和日常活动,以及既往疾病。2.糙米是谷物的原始形态。精米则经过加工而成。3.这意味着与精米相比,食用糙米可以减缓

12、糖分向血液中的释放速度。4.迅速释放糖分到血液中的饮食与患II 型糖尿病的高风险紧密关联。其确切原因尚不得而知。5.国际水稻研究所正在研发淀粉释放速度更慢的精米品种。Exercise 71-5. DCBAC6-10. BCDDC11-15. ACBAD16-20. BBADAUnit 4参考答案:Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. fulfill2. assessme nt3. pharmacy4. appr

13、oval5. prese nt6. professi onal7. retailer8. assura nee5. vary6. en ergetic7. in cluding8. increasedExerdse 3Complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1.such as engineering, design, development or writing2.both of them play vital roles in educati on3.no

14、 matter which athlete they look up to4.prepare for the challe nges ahead5.Due to your excessive delay in delivery6.fill them with lucky flowers7.should be equally resp on sible for bringing up the childre n8.meet the rising dema nd9.to have no access to the health service10.the results of which were

15、 surpris ingExercise 4Mark the following statements with T” for true and F” for false according to the text.1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1. 选择职业或跳槽可能是人生中一个大的转折点。2.努力想像从事这份工作会是什么样的一种情形。3.制定策略一一分步实施计划,获得你梦寐以求的工作。4.要利用现有的朋友圈子,让他们帮助你进行职业选择。5.怀

16、有强烈的愿望实现职业目标,热衷于追求自己的梦想。Exercise 71-5. CABBA6-10. CDCDC11-15. DDBBA16-20. DCBACUnit 5Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1.adequately 2. abandoned3. ignore 4. time-consuming5. intangible6.gran ted7. dema nded8. skepticalExercis

17、e 3Complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. working with him2. rema in the same for the foreseeable future3. the majority of the patie nts who have early stages of this cancer4. whether stude nts should take part-time jobs or not5. provide her child

18、re n with food and cloth ing6. in charge of the whole factory7. uni ess he/she studies hard8. importa nt social ability that con tributes to success9. will have found a soluti on10. the ignorant and ill-educated peopleExercise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false according

19、 to thetext.1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1. 政府已经花了数年时间为这样的疫情暴发做好准备,但是却在流感来袭时没法实施有效 的防护和救治服务。2. 尽管流感暴发时保护人民的安全应该是重中之重,但是无法回避的是,我们已经浪费了大量的金钱为人民提供了他们其实不需要的药品。3. 误诊除了给英国经济造成约5 亿英镑的损失之外,还有可能会给服用抗病毒药物的人造成新的健康冋题。4. 大量使用达菲对抗 H1N1 病毒效果甚微,因为病毒会产生抗药性。5

20、. 尽管越来越多的证据已经表明如此,但英国国民保健局拒绝承认科学已经被扭曲。Exercise 71-5. ADBCA6-10. DACAD11-15. BCABB16-20. CDACCUnit 6参考答案:Exrcise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. mutate2. conven tio nal3. Vacci ne4. in flue nza5. An tibodies6. Virus7. n eutralize8

21、. im muneExcise 3Complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. develop ing a unique flu vacci ne2. If it is just mild in flue nza3. What many people don realize4. points out the possible causes of childhood can cer in the area5. causes the body to produc

22、e an tibodies6. n eutralize varieties of flu virus7. only five passe ngers survived8. his immune system might have weake ned9. but also boost the n ati ons con fide nce10. drinking more coffee may protect aga inst some can cersExercise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false

23、according to thetext.1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1.一年以前,“ H1N1在报纸上以 72 磅的字体进入了美国人的视线。2.到月底,纽约、加拿大和欧洲突然出现了新增病例,官员们意识到遇到了全球性的危机。3.几个星期之内,H1N1 病毒就在全球传播了。截止到6 月,世界卫生组织已经再次提高预警级别,正式宣布了这种病毒在全球大流行。4.病毒流行初期,大多数 H1N1 病毒患者病情并不太严重,但官员仍然采取措施不让人们感到恐慌。

24、5.几百万支 H1N1 疫苗在医院的药架上过期了也没有使用,目前卫生官员正因过度宣传似乎无害的细菌而遭人猛批。Unit 7参考答案:Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. concen trate2. exclusive3. ambula nee4. efficie ncy5. inno vati on6. confine7. stunned8. con siste ntlyExercise 3Complete

25、the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. produce adverse effects on peoples hearts and lungs2. an overni ght success3. concen trate on your work4. founded the Microsoft s Corporation5. be recog ni zed as the sec ond city of the British Empire6. follow the in

26、 struct ions carefully7. She fin ally achieved her dream of being an actress8. stopped the postal com muni cati on un expectedly9. reward him for pass ing the exams10. promote the good relations between the two countriesExerci 71-5. CADBC6-10. ADCAB11-15. ABBAC16-20. DADBCExercise 4Mark the followin

27、g statements withT” for true and F” for false according to thetext.1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1.本文提出的营销组合包括以下要素:产品、定价、销售推广和地点选择。2. 定价策略的基础是营销组合中增值要素,其利润可以促进其它活动。以获得高端品牌资 产利润。3. 突出竞争力的定价策略适用于其它诊所已有的服务项目,包括针灸、按摩治疗、中草药 咨询和混合治疗等。4. 几乎所有的癌症病人

28、都可以从不同的癌症机构获得资助,因此这部分人群承担附加的辅 助替代疗法/中医疗法费用比较容易。5. 整合营销传播在现代营销实践,尤其是在商品促销中,效果很好。Exercise 71-5. ABCDA6-10. BCBAD11-15. BABAB16-20. CBABCUnit 8参考答案:Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. Similarly2. recomme ndati on3. reliable4. v

29、alid5. prescribe6. overheari ng7. inconvenience8. dispe nsedExercise 3Complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. prescribe specific medicati on2. the hand is quicker tha n the eye3. are actually operated by some traditi onal com munity pharmacies4. ha

30、d a stroke5. is similar to ours6. approve substa ndard medic ines7. (should) be as atte ntive as possible8. what was the oldest professi on in the world9. Having bee n damaged by the earthquake10. education suitable to their ageExercise 4Mark the following statements withT” for true and F” for false

31、 according to thetext.1.F2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1.我们国家的中药出口主要集中在中药原材料产品上,而不是具有更大附加值的中成药产品。2.到目前为止,中药提取物、中药切片以及其他的中药原料占据着中药出口的绝大部分。3. 目前中药出口的增长是建立在对于中药天然资源的过度消耗上,其中一些资源即将消耗殆尽。4.为了解决以上问题,卫生部在8 月份实施了产学联盟,以此在国际市场上推动中药的发展。5.成功注册以及国外消费者的认可是中国中药

32、企业进入西方市场的关键。Exercise 71-5. BABCD6-10. BBACA11-15. BCBDA16-20. DABBBUnit 9Exercise 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. con clusi on2. is determ ined3. collaborate4. outbreak5. effective6. hin der7. severe8. appropriateExercise 3Comple

33、te the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng the Chin ese provided in thebrackets.1. Thanks to/Due to a series of new inventions2. no matter what sacrifice I am going to make/ whatever sacrifice I will make/no matter how much I would sacrifice3. take people s sleep quality into account4. con tact u

34、s at the follow ing address5. it/ the former is more convenient and timesaving6. is measured by how much they can borrow7. ready to try our best8. Given the complexity of the problem9. decided to quit the match10. the sec ond cli nic trial on this new drugExercise 4Mark the following statements with

35、T” for true and F” for false according to thetext.1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. TExercise 6Tran slate the followi ng in to Chin ese.1. 科学家们表示他们已经在细菌中发现了一种新的基因(质体)。即便是效果最好的抗生素,在这种质体面前也是无能为力。2. 科学家发出警告说,已经在英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和荷兰的病人身上检测出了 这种超级细菌。3. 由于跨国旅游的人不断增多,为了节省开支而选择跨国求医的人越来越多,这种超级细 菌会跟着这些病人回到他们的祖国。4. 如果我们忽视这一点,令人恐惧的结果是,NDM-1 先是在不同细菌之间扩散使其具有了抗 药性,这些具有抗药性的细菌继而在病人之间传播。5. 科学家们认为要研制出一种新抗生素,起码要好多年。Exercise T1-5. C A B A B6-10. C C A B A11-15. D C B A C16-20. D A B A CUnit 10参考答案:Exerdae 2Fill in the bla nks with the words or expressi ons give n below. Change the forms where n ecessa


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