



1、专八词汇练习I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONEthat best complete the senten ce:1. The_ is used by astrologers to help calculate the in flue nee of the pla nets on people ' s lives.A. zephyr B.zodiac C.zyme D.zest2. It ' s a_ timetable. Sometime lessons

2、 happen, sometimes they don' t.A. haphazard B.odious C.haughty D.ha ndicapped3. No men was allowed to_ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wade B.i nv oke C.muffleD.i nfringe4. The poor man ' s clothes were so_ that they couldn' t be repaired any more.A. oozed B.ragged C.mopped D.mocke

3、d5. The scents of the flowers was_ to us by the breeze.A. i ntercepted B.detested C.saturated D.wafted6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of_.A.vagab oned B.sabotage C.paradox D.tachy on7. The actor amused the audie nee by_ some well-k nown people.A.

4、embroideri ng B.riggi ng C.yelpi ng D.mimick ing8. The speaker_ us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A. detour B.offset C.ta ntalized D. ushered9. I assure you there was no_ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB.stati onary C. vulgar D. toxic10. Gover nment loa n have bee n the_ of sever

5、al shaky bus in ess compa ni es.A. torn ado B.salvati on C.deli nquency D. mome ntum11. The hunter kept the lion' s skin and head as_.A. trophies B. fillet C. tulipD. clow n12. We saw the canoe_, throwing its passengers into the water.A. prostrateB. overtur n C. simulate D. brag13. He has bee n

6、drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his_ alcoholically.A. quitta neeB. qualm C. quail D. quietus14. The orpha nage is just one of her_ causes.A. phon etic B. phila nthropic C. prevale nt D. lun atic15. After a period of probati on a_ becomes a nun.A. sopra noB. hippi

7、e C no vice D. mon sieur16. Despite his wealth and position, he has an_ personality.A. un assu ming B. un precede nted C. un derm ining D. un couth17. The isla nd is maintained as a_ for endan gered species.A. wetla nds B. san ctuary C. mire D .heath18. If you_ something, such as food or drink, you

8、reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by addi ng water to it.A. adulterate B. moor C. vacc in ate D. sue19. A_ is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.A. duet B. fag C. tonic D. barbecue20. The_ warned the sleep ing troops that t

9、he en emy was creep ing n ear.A. pickpocket B. picket C. pike D. pickup21. Whe n you are sufferi ng from_ you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold,A. apathy B. measles C. impote nee D. schizophre nia22. Their bus in ess was war, murder, _ and rape.A. pillage B. audit C. bon

10、anza D. n ectar23. He was brought before the_ for trial.A. trib unal B. isle C. granary D. observatory24. The guests, having eaten until they were_, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. con tracepted B. satiated C. griped D. trespassed25. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will_ you.A.

11、 scale B. scald C. shu nD. shunt26. The meeting took on a different_ after his moving speech.A. presage B. posture C. travesty D. trauma27. While she had the fever, she_ for hours.A .raved B. sni ggered C. tittered D. perforated28. The mice_ whe n the cat came.A. rambledB. li ngeredC. saun tered D. scampered29. Many ani mals display_ in sti nets only while their offspri ng are young and helpless.A. cerebral B. imperious C. rueful D. maternal30. On August 18th the preside


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