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1、一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V1.  Either John or his friends _A_to blame for the bad results. A. areB. isC. wasD. has been      满分:2  分2.  Never hesitate to ask about _B_. A. that you don't understandB. what you don't

2、 understandC. which you don't understandD. what don't you understand      满分:2  分3.  This western restaurant is superior_B_the one we went to last week. A. thanB. toC. asD. for      满分:2  分4.  

3、;The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,_A_gave the criminal plenty of time to get away. A. whichB. thatC. soD. what      满分:2  分5.  Of the two cups, he bought_A_one. A. the smallerB. the smallestC. smallD. smaller     

4、 满分:2  分6.  Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, _B_to be difficult but useful for almost all students. A. proveB. provesC. have been provedD. are proved      满分:2  分7.  I was sure _B_I would overcome al

5、l these difficulties. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whether      满分:2  分8.  When spring comes, it gets _C_. A. warm and warmB. warm and warmerC. warmer and warmerD. more and more warm      满分:2  分9.  Liu F

6、ang studies much better than _B_student in his class. A. anyB. any otherC. the otherD. other      满分:2  分10.  The question_D_finally, we went home. A. to be settledB. settlingC. having settledD. settled      满分:2 &#

7、160;分11.  The machine is such _B_I have never seen before. A. whatB. asC. whenD. where      满分:2  分12.  The speech_D_, a lively discussion started. A. to be deliveredB. was deliveredC. be deliveredD. having been delivered   &

8、#160;  满分:2  分13.  The higher the standard of living,_D_. A. the greater is the amount of paper is usedB. the greater amount of paper is usedC. the amount of paper is used is greaterD. the greater the amount of paper is used      满分:2 

9、 分14.  How beautifully she sings!I have never heard_D_. A. the better voiceB. a good voiceC. the best voiceD. a better voice      满分:2  分15.  The water gives up energy and becomes cooler_B_the ice receives energy and melts. A. whenB. w

10、hileC. forD. because      满分:2  分16.  Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has _B_IQ. A. a highB. a higherC. the higherD. the highest      满分:2  分17.  I'd rather you_D_mak

11、e any comment on the issue for the time being. A. don'tB. wouldn'tC. shouldn'tD. didn't      满分:2  分18.  _C_right now, she would get there on Sunday. A. Would she leaveB. If she leavesC. Were she to leaveD. If she had left  

12、    满分:2  分19.  The secretary and treasurer of our company_D_the meeting. A. were to attendB. are to attendC. is attendD. is to attend      满分:2  分20.  _A_, the rivers were open and navigable. A. Being summerB.

13、 Been summerC. To be summerD. It was summer      满分:2  分21.  _C_, he slipped through the window. A. With anyone noticingB. With anyone noticedC. Without anyone noticingD. Without nobody noticed      满分:2  分22.&

14、#160; If only the committee_B_he regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible. A. approveB. would approveC. can approveD. sill approve      满分:2  分23.  He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I _A_of hunger. A.

15、would have diedB. would dieC. would be diedD. will die      满分:2  分24.  _D_is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. A. WhatB. ThisC. ThatD. It      满分:2  分25.  The company offi

16、cial _C_ I thought would be fired received a raise. A. whomB. whoeverC. whoD. which      满分:2  分26.  Large quantities of water _B_cooling purposes. A. are needed forB. is needed toC. are need toD. is need for      满分:2&#

17、160; 分27.  The more he tried to help her,_B_she seemed to appreciate it. A. lessB. the lessC. the leastD. the lesser      满分:2  分28.  I have no idea_C_ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year. A. whatB. howC. thatD. w

18、hen      满分:2  分29.  _B_we need more practice is quite clear. A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. When      满分:2  分30.  I recognized her_A_I saw her. A. the instant (that)B. afterC. if notD. unless  &#

19、160;   满分:2  分31.  I wish I_A_longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class. A. could have sleptB. sleptC. might have sleptD. have slept      满分:2  分32.  E-mail, as well as telephones,_A_an important pa

20、rt in daily communication. A. is playingB. have playedC. are playingD. play      满分:2  分33.  The International Studies University, _A_in 1951, is a military academy. A. foundedB. has been foundedC. to have been foundedD. was founded   

21、   满分:2  分34.  _B_,we will set off as we planned. A. Were it good or badB. Be it good or badC. Being good or badD. Whether good or bad      满分:2  分35.  We must do well_B_the boss assigns us to do. A. thatB. whatever

22、C. whicheverD. those      满分:2  分36.  You can't imagine_B_when they received these gifts. A. how they were excitedB. how excited they wereC. how excited they haveD. they were how excited      满分:2  分37.

23、0; I will give this book to_B_wants to have it. A. whomeverB. whoeverC. whateverD. wherever      满分:2  分38.  The time will come _B_ man can fly _ he likes in the universe. A. how . whereB. when . whereverC. where . whereD. what . which 

24、0;    满分:2  分39.  All things_C_, the planned trip will have to be called off. A. consideringB. be consideredC. consideredD. having considered      满分:2  分40.  Most of the stones are_D_ a man and weigh about two

25、 and a half tons each. A. more highB. much more highC. higher moreD. higher than      满分:2  分41.  I wonder how many years ago_B_. A. did your father retireB. your father retiredC. has your father retiredD. your father has retired   

26、60;  满分:2  分42.  Rather than _A_to see the film he would prefer_stay at home. A. go . toB. to go . toC. went . toD. would go . to      满分:2  分43.  Is this the place _A_the exhibition was held? A. whereB. thatC. on whichD

27、. the one      满分:2  分44.  _D_for my illness, I would have lent him a helping hand. A. Not beingB. Without beingC. Not having beenD. Had it not been      满分:2  分45.  All examination paper_D_, the teacher let the students leave. A. handing inB. having handed inC. to be handed inD. having been handed in 


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