Martys Story教学设计_第1页
Martys Story教学设计_第2页
Martys Story教学设计_第3页
Martys Story教学设计_第4页




1、Book7 unit 1 living Well Martys Story阅读课教学设计保定外国语学校 王磊一、教学背景 本单元的教学设计实施于高二下学期,学生在这一时期已经适应了在活动与任务中学习英语以及如何处理语言知识与活动开展的关系。并且,他们也已经形成并培养了一定的小组合作学习及自主学习的能力。对于有关残疾人及残疾人生活这方面的话题,同学们并不陌生,相信学生本身具备的知识将使得本单元的教学更加顺利的开展。当今社会,人们生活富裕尤其是孩子们衣食无忧,幸福感就没有多么强烈。通过残疾人身残志坚并主动创造美好生活的励志态度激发孩子热爱生活,乐观面对学习和生活中的种种磨砺。二、教学课题人教新课标

2、版选修七 unit 1 Living well 第二课时阅读课三、教材分析Living well高中英语选修7 第一单元的内容。本单元以残疾及残疾人生活为中心,介绍了一些残疾人凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生的挑战。本课时Reading部分。通过本节课的学习,帮助学生了解残疾,提高学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人的意识,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。因此在整个单元教学中情感教育目标占有十分重要的地位。这也是对新课程目标中情感态度与价值观培养的全方位体现。四、教学目标 1. 知识目标a. 掌握速读和精读方法b. 理解课文,提高学生的阅读能力。To lear

3、n the text well and improve students reading ability. Individual work, group work and the whole classs cooperation.2. 能力目标 通过对段落结构的分析,使学生掌握skimming的阅读技巧。目标在于提高他们的阅读速度和快速寻找信息的能力,培养他们分析和概括能力。3情感目标结合个人体会,充分体验残疾人的感受,提高学生理解、尊重、关心和帮助残疾人意识。加强合作意识、陶冶情操,培养正确的审美观和价值观,热爱生活,勇于面对学习生活中的磨砺。五、教学重点与难点1教学重点:理解Marty作为

4、残疾人身残志坚,以积极的态度快乐生活的故事,提高学生了解残疾、理解、尊重和关心他人的意识。2教学难点:帮助学生理解残疾人所面临的种种困难,增强学生的同情心与爱心,引导他们珍惜时间,珍惜生活。六、教学方法1任务型教学法本课选择任务型教学,如要求学生课前预习阅读文章,课堂进行小组讨论,填写信息及概括段落大意等,培养和强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习能力。2多媒体辅助教学法利用多媒体展示相关图片,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率。七、教具多媒体课件、黑板八、教学过程  Teaching objectives1. The students will be able to talk

5、 about something about people with disability.2. The students will practice their skimming ability and scanning ability by doing reading tasks.Emotional aims We should enjoy our life and live every day to the fullest. And dont forget to help others, especially the disabled. To be positive and strong

6、-minded when in trouble.Teaching important points1. Improve the students understanding about disability and learn from Martys story.2. Enable the students to tell something about people with disability.3. We should learn to enjoy our life and live every day to the fullest. And dont forget to help ot

7、hers, especially the disabled. Teaching aidsMultimedia blackboard textbooks三 Teaching methods Task-based teaching and learning ; group discussion;summarizing;practising and presentation四Teaching strategies: Speaking , , fast reading (skimming), careful reading (scanning) discussion and presentation五

8、 Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead-in(4 minutes)Leading-inAre you living well? In other words, are you happy? or are you satisfied with your life now? If your answer is yes, please raise your hand. Oh well we may get some help from a man. Look at these pictures, what can you see ?He is happy, because he

9、 wears a smile in every picture.He is living well, because he has a beautiful wife and a lovely child. And soon, he will have his another child.Nothing is impossible for him.He is optimistic about his life in spite of having no arms and no legs. He thinks he has no worries.He is ambitious, he wants

10、to bring hope to the nation.He is brave and strong-willed, and he is leading a life without limits.He is respectable, and he has set a good example to all of us. We should never give up on our dreams But he is far from us, he is a father, and he is famous and successful.Step2 Fast reading(1)(4 minut

11、es)Listen to the text and finish these exercises.1).Marty is a _ person.2).Marty has a _ disease.3).Martys disability has helped him become _ psychologically and more_.Fast reading(2)Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.Para.2 How his life has becom

12、e easier.Para.3 The advantages of his disease.Para.4 An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.Para.5 How his disability developed.Step3Careful reading(18minutes)Para.1:An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease._ _ _ that makes him very weak.Very _and cant_or _stairs as quickly as other

13、people. Very _ and _ things or_ furniture.To live one day _ _ _.Para.2 How his disability developedUntil I was _ years old I was the same as everyone else. I used to _, _, _, and dream about _ and _.I could only enjoy football from a _ at the stadium.In the end, I went into _ for medical tests.No on

14、e could give my disease a _.Para. 3-4 Fellow students attitude changed.children in primary school laugh at himfellow students at high school accept himMartys feeling primary school felt stupidat high school not annoyedPara. 4 How his life has become easier.What are the Martys ambition, ac

15、hievement and hobbies?Martys ambition_Martys achievement_Martys hobbies _the change of his feelings:The change of his feelings tells us that Marty has successfully _ _ his disability.Life is like a wave, full of _ and _. With the right attitude, nothing can stop us from achieving our goal. Attitude

16、is a little thing that makes a _ difference.Para 5. The advantages of his disease and the advice to healthy children.Read the first two sentences in this paragraph. These are the advantages of his disease. Marty grows stronger psychologically and more independent, and at the same time, he doesnt for

17、get his disabled fellows. Here is Martys advice1. Dont feel sorry for them.2. Dont make fun of them.3. Dont ignore them.4. Accept them for who they are.5. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do.Step4 Further understanding (3 and a half minutes)Whats Marys advice to healthy children

18、 on how to treat the disabled?A. To take care of them.B. To stay away from them.C. To accept them as they are.D. To show pity for them.What is the tone (语气) of the text? A. sad B. humorous C. positive D. negativeMartys characters: optimistic brave ambitious responsible kind considerate strong-willed independent reliable Step5 Discussion after reading(8 minutes)What have you learned from Martys story?How can we live well in future?Step6 Wisd


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