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1、庄晓芦庄晓芦 2013 11 28MY HOMETOWN-ZHANGJIAJIEZhangjiajie is situated in the northwest of Hunan province. And the city stretches(延伸)167 km from east to west, and 96 km from north to south at best. Zhangjiajie city covers an area of 9,653 square which accounts for 4.5 percent of Hunan province. The traveli

2、ng map of zhangjiajieThe traveling map of zhangjiajieZhangjiajie have many famous place to travelingincluding Wulingyuan(武陵源 ),Jinbian stream(金鞭溪),Yellow Dragon Cave(黄龙洞), Baofeng Lake(宝峰湖)and so on.Zhangjiajie national forest park(张家界国家森林公园)森林公园森林公园景区内千峰竞秀、万壑奔流、古树茂密、珍禽栖息。There are a thousand peaks

3、competing in their beauty,ten thousand streams pouring into pools,ancient trees growing thick with birds and animals flying and creeping among them百龙天梯There are many wild animals and wild plants ,and Mountains in zhangjiajie area takes up 76 percent of the total. The most characteristic feature is t

4、he quartzes(石英) sandstone landform, which is rare in the world. BaoFeng Lake(宝峰湖)“(宝峰湖)湖面如镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光迤逦”。Baofeng Lake is like a mirror,embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beautyThe beautiful girls of Tujia ethnic minority (土家阿妹)The yellow dragon caveYellow Dragon

5、Cave is one of the most scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China. Also it has been honored as “magical karsts(岩溶) cave both in China and in the world.洞内奇观洞内奇观Golden whip stream(金鞭溪)(金鞭溪)It is well-known for “suffering from thousand years

6、 of drought(干旱干旱), its water will never run dry; suffering from endless excessive(过度的过度的) rain, its water will always be green.”The TianMen Mountain(天门山)天门山) mountain cableway (高山索道)(高山索道) glass plank road(玻璃栈道)(玻璃栈道) tianmen cave (天门洞)(天门洞)The tianmen templeThe NO.One Drift in China(天下第一漂)天下第一漂)Summer is th


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