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1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业一、民航、空管知识题:(共50题)1.我国主管民航事务的政府机构是( D )。 A.国务院 B.交通部 C.国家航天局 D.中国民用航空局2.中国航空运输业的最主要特点是( A )。 A.高风险、高技术、高投入、高收益 B.低风险、高技术、高投入、低收益 C.高风险、高技术、高投入、低收益 D.高风险、低技术、高投入、低收益3.自2007年起,中国(未包括港澳台地区)航空运输总周转量的世界排名已升至第( B )位。A.1 B.2 C.3 D.44.截止2011年底,全国境内民用航空(颁证

2、)机场共有( C )个(未包括港澳台地区)。 A.120 B.150 C.180 D.2205.世界海拔最高的机场( B ) A.西藏拉萨贡嘎机场 B.西藏昌都邦达机场 C.青海西宁机场 D.四川九寨沟机场6.在我国的邻国中,与我国陆地便捷最长的是( B ) A.俄罗斯 B.蒙古 C.印度 D.哈萨克斯坦7.首都国际机场第三条跑道的飞行区指示为( D )。 A.4C B.4D C.4E D.4F8.机场属地化改革完成后,对机场进行行业管理的部门是( B )。 A.地方政府交通部门 B.机场集团公司 C.中国民用航空局 D.交通运输部9.空客A320飞机属于( B )。 A.宽体机 B.窄体机

3、C.支线飞机 D.通用飞机10.北京-香港的航班属于 ( C )。 A.国际航班 B.国内航班 C.地区航班 D.不定期航班11.建设民航强国的战略目标之一是培育具有国际竞争力的( C )航空公司。 A.大型 B.网络型 C.大型网络型 D.综合性12.现代客机的蒙皮是( C )材料制造的?A.钛合金 B.铝合金C.铝合金,碳纤维 D.不锈钢,非金属复合材料13.如下活动属于通用航空的是( B )。A.空军飞行训练 B.公务飞行C.警用飞行 D.海关缉私飞行14.航空公司航班号中的二字母代码是由哪个组织制定的?( B )A.国际航空协会 B.国际航空运输协会C.国际民用航空组织 D.国际航空安

4、全联合会15.飞机的尾翼主要作用是( C )。A.美观 B.保证飞机重心处于中间位置C.保证飞机的稳定性和操作性 D.产生升力16.关于翼尖涡流形成及影响的描述正确的是( B )。A.翼尖涡流是由于机翼表面气流分离引起的B.翼尖涡流是由于机翼上下翼面的压力差引起的C.翼尖涡流产生的下洗作用使机翼的升力和阻力增大D.翼尖涡流的旋转方向为逆时针17.对飞行影响最大的垂直运动是( A )。 A.强对流 B.系统性缓慢抬升C.乱流 D.大气波动18.航空地图上的地形用( A )表示。 A.等压线 B.等高线C.实际地物形状 D.等磁力线19.仪表进近图的主要作用是( C )。 A.使飞机能够在着陆前围

5、绕机场进行目视飞行活动B.使飞机保持高度在指定空域内等待C.使机组能够向预定着陆跑道实施仪表进近程序D.指挥飞机沿预定的航道和下滑到下降着陆20.航空活塞式发动机所用的燃料是( A )。A.航空煤油 B.液态氢 C.无水乙醇 D.航空汽油21.二次雷达的主要缺点是( A )。A.不能发现无应答机的飞行器 B.作用距离不如一次雷达远C.对气象条件比较敏感 D.不能提供过渡层一下准确的高度信息22.( C )的风切变情况导致空速增大。A.增大顺风 B.顺风和逆风都增大C.减小顺风,增大逆风 D.减小逆风23.有充沛水汽的近地面层,出现逆温时的特征是( B )。A.将有强对流发生 B.能见度变坏C.

6、大气不稳定度增加 D.有积雨云出现24.( D )定为本站气压。A.高度表拨正值B.在机场标高上的标准大气压力C.本站气压订正到海平面上的气压值D.在机场标高上的实际压力25.( C )含有在航空器计划到达亩的地机场时刻的预期天气信息。A.雷达探测概要图(RSR)B.气象雷达通报和天气描绘图(RSR,WDC)C.终端天气预报(TAF)D.终端天气实况(METAR)26.航空燃气涡轮发动机反推装置要及时使用,其原因是( A )。A.飞机速度越高,反推力越大B.飞机速度越高,反推力越小C.飞机速度越高,反推力不变D.随着飞机速度增高,反推力先增加后减小27.座舱高度指的是( A )。A.座舱高度通

7、常用来表示相当于海拔高度的座舱压力B.座舱高度是表示外界的海拔高度C.座舱高度是反映座舱内外压力差的高度D.座舱高度等于飞行高度28.轴流式燃气涡轮发动机压气机的增压原理是( B )。A.叶轮对气体作功,使气体的温度降低.压力升高B.叶轮对气体作功,使气体的温度.压力都升高C.气体对叶轮作功,使气体的温度降低.压力升高D.气体对叶轮作功,使气体的温度.压力都升高29.复飞中间段的标称爬升梯度为( B )。A.5% B.2.5% C.2% D.3.5%30.可用起飞距离(TODA)是指( B )。A.适用于起飞时作地面滑跑使用的跑道长度B.可用起飞滑跑距离加上净空道的长度C.可用起飞滑跑距离加上

8、停止道的长度D.适用于着陆时作地面滑跑使用的跑道长度31.标准仪表离场航线上应标注的资料包括:离场航线代号、重要点及其间的距离、每个航段的磁航迹角或径向方位、( D )。A.沿航线的最低安全高度和过度高度层的限制B.沿航线的最低飞行高度和备用油量的限制C.沿航线的最低安全高度和过渡高度的限制D.沿航线的最低飞行高度和高度层的限制32.塔台、进近、区域管制室管制席位应当安排( C )以上持有执照的管制员执勤。A.2名 B.3名 C.2名(含) D.4名33.在AFTN电报中,PLN是指( B )。A.领航计划报 B.飞行预报C.修订飞行预报 D.修订领航计划报34.禁止起飞或者滑行的辅助指挥符号

9、和信号是( C )。A.昼间用双手组成一个“X”架B.昼间用信号旗,夜间用指挥棒组成一个“X”架C.昼间用红色信号旗向上指,夜间打开红色信号灯或向飞机前方发射红色信号弹D.昼间用白色信号旗向上指,夜间打开白色信号灯或向飞机前方发射白色信号弹35.飞行中,语带严重威胁航空器和机上人员生命安全的情况时,空勤组应当按规定发出遇险信号,装有应答机的航空器,应将其至于( D )。A.A7400 B.A7500 C.7600 D.770036.直升机机外载荷飞行遇有特殊情况时,允许驾驶员( B )。A.上升高度,向航行管制室或基地报告情况,听从指挥B.应急投放吊挂物和临时选场着陆,如果情况可能,向管制员和

10、基地报告,尽量降低飞行高度,选择投放场地,保证人员和财产的安全C.上升高度,返回起飞机场D.紧急情况下,带吊挂物着陆37.降落时间是指( C )。A.航空器接地的瞬间 B.航空器着陆后前轮接地的瞬间C.航空器着陆滑跑终止的瞬间 D.航空器脱离跑道的瞬间38.航路飞行,航空器是由中低空管制室还是高空管制室进行管制,取决于航空器的( C )。A.型别 B.巡航速度的大小C.飞行高度 D.航程的远近39.旅客包机飞行的简字简语是( C )。A.B/W B.B/G C.L/W D.X/W40.计算飞机的起飞油量时应包括( D )。 A.主发动机耗油量,辅助发动机耗油量和备用油量 B.飞行用油量,滑行用

11、油量和空调及座舱环境控制用油量 C.巡航油量,起飞用油量和备用用油量 D.预计空中耗油量,备用油量和地面耗油量41.( D )是通过数据链在地面系统和航空器之间交换协议,规定在何种条件下开始报告及报告中包括何种数据的一种监视技术。 A.空管一次监视雷达 B.空管二次监视雷达 C.广播式自动相关监视 D.契约式自动相关监视42.( C )是一种工作于超高频波段,通过接受和发送无线电脉冲对而提供装有相应设备的航空器至该地面设备连续而准确斜距的导航设备。 A.仪表着陆系统(ILS) B.甚高频全向信标(VOR) C.测距仪 D.无方向信标43.基于性能的导航规范包括 RNAV 规范和 RNP规范,两

12、者的区别在于 RNP 规范保护时( A )的要求而 RNAV 规范不含这方面的要求。 A.机载性能监视和告警 B.导航系统误差 C.总系统误差 D.目标安全水平44.从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人,根据飞行活动要求,划设的临时飞行空域的使( C ) A.3个月 B.6个月 C.12个月 D.18个月45.GNSS是全球卫星导航系统(Global Navigation Satellite System),GNSS的( C )能够提供GNSS卫星运行状态、实时卫星完好信息,且独立于GNSS的系统。 A.星基增强系统 B.地基增强系统 C.完好性监测系统 D.机载增强系统46. GPS的基本定位原

13、理是运载体通过测量电波从卫星到运载体的传播时间,得到和( B )颗以上卫星的距离,进而确定位置和时间。 A.3 B. 4 C.5 D.647.通话用语“WILL you pull over well to the left at the holding point, to let an aircraft with an earlier slot time take off before you”可以看出接受指令的航空器( B )。 A.可以立即起飞 B.需要等待,让另一架航空器先起飞 C.起飞时间提前 D.左转避让另一架航空器48.航行备用油量应根据天气情况,飞行性能,航程和备降机场远近等情况

14、确定,国内运输飞行有备降机场时一般应保证飞机到达降落机场不能着陆而飞抵最远备降机场上空后,还有不少于( B )的油量。 A . 30分钟 B . 45分钟 C. 6O分钟 D . 90分钟49. 重要天气情报( D )。 A.通报机场范围出现和预期出现影响飞行的重要天气 B.通报机场终端区范围出现和预期出现影响飞行的重要天气 C.通报高空管制区范围出现和预期出现影响飞行的重要天气 D.通报飞行情报区范围出现和预期出现影响飞行的重要天气50.确定MDH应以仪表进近程序设计确定的( A )为主要依据。 A.最低超阵高(OCH) B.瑕低扇区高度 C.航线安全高度 D.决断高度二、逻辑题:(共20题

15、)51.“大学生必须遵守法律”为真,可必然推出( C )。 A.“大学生必须不遵守法律”为真 B.“大学生可以遵守法律”为假 C.“大学生可以遵守法律”为真 D.“大学生可以不遵守法律”为真52.根据已知前提:“有的C是B和“所有A不是B,可推出的正确结论是( B )。 A.有A不是C B.有C不是A C.所有A不是C D.所有C不是A53.若“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”这一判断为真,则下列断定中一定为真的是( A )。 a.除非入虎穴,否则不能得虎子;b.若已得虎子,则必定己入虎穴; c.若未得虎子,则必定未入虎穴; A.仅a和b B.仅b和c C.仅a和c D.a, b和c54.已知:(1)、如

16、果甲和乙是肇事者,丙就不是肇事者;(2)、如果丁是肇事者,那么乙.f 是肇事者;(3)、甲和丙都是肇事者。由此推出( B )。 A,乙和丁都是肇事者 B.乙和丁都不是肇事者 C.乙是肇事者,丁不是肇事者 D.乙不是肇事者,丁是肇事者55.请从所给的四个选择项中,选择( A )填在问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。 56.请根据数字规律选择: 6, 24, 60, 132, ( D )。 A. 140 B.210 C.212 D.27657.新一年的音乐颁奖典礼打破了过去只有一首最佳金曲的评选方式,而按照摇滚、爵士 等几种音乐风格分别评选最佳金曲。这样可以使音乐工作者的工作得到更为公平的对待,也可以

17、使听众和音乐爱好者对音乐的优劣有更多的发言权。 根据以上信息,这种评选方式的改变所隐含的假设是( C )。 A.划分音乐风格,能促进音乐界百花齐放,百家争鸣 B,每一首歌都可以按照该划分方式进行分类,没有遗漏 c.听众和音乐爱好者都有各自喜欢的歌曲风格 D.评选方式的改变为音乐工作者提供了更多展现自己、实现自我价值的机会58.国际旅游人员,是指进入我国国境在我国旅行、访问、考察、探亲,以及从事贸易、体育、学术技术交流活动的人员(包括外国人、华侨、港澳台同胞)。下列属于国际旅游人员的是( D )。 A.驻华使领馆人员及其家属 B.国际轮船临时上岸的海员 C.来到我国定居的外国侨民 D.来我国进行

18、文艺表演的国外艺术团59.如果“机场运营”是必修的或者“机场安全”是必修的,那么所有学生都将学“机场管理”,一部分学生要学“空管概论”,但“机场运营”和“运输地理”是所有学生必修的。因此( D )。 A.所有学生都将学习“飞行原理 B.所有学生都将学习“机场安全” C.所有学生都将学习“空管概论” D听有学生都将学习“机场管理”60.军训最后一天,一班学生进行实弹射击。几位教官谈论一班的射击成绩。张教官说:“这次军训间太短,这个班没有人射击成绩会是优秀。”孙教官说:“不会吧,有几个人以他们的射击成绩会是优秀。”周教官说:“我看班长或是体育委员能打出优秀成绩。” 结果发现三位教官中只有一人说对了

19、。由此可以推出以下哪一项肯定为真?( A ) A.全班所有人的射击成绩都不是优秀。 B.班里所有人的射击成绩都是优秀 C.班长的射击成绩是优秀 D.体育委员的射击成绩不是优秀61.对许多科学家来说,克隆技术为更有效地设计新的生命形式、拯救濒危物种以及探索多种人类疾病的治疗方法提供了前所未有的机会。由此可推出的最恰当的结论是( B )。 A.克隆技术将会推动科学和社会的进步 B.科学家们都认为需要进一步发展克隆技术 C.许多科学家将会反对政府对研制克隆技术的压制 D.随着克隆技术的发展,克隆人的出现将不可避免62.某公司的销售部有5名工作人员,其中有两名本科专业是市场营销,两名本科专业是计算机,

20、一名本科专业是物理学。又知道五人中有两名女士,她们的本科专业背景不同。根据上文所述,以下哪项推论最可能成立?( A ) A.该悄售部有两名男士是来自不同本科专业的。 B.该销售部的一名女士一定是计算机本科专业毕业的。 C.该销售部三名男士来自不同的本科专业,女士也来自不同的本科专业。 D.该销售部至多有一名男士是市场营梢专业毕业的。63为降低成本,强生公司考虑对中层管理者大幅减员。这一减员准备按如下方法完成:首先让50岁以上、工龄满15年者提前退休,然后解雇足够多的其他人使总数缩减为以前 的50%。以下各项如果是真的,则都可能是公司这一计划的缺点,除了( B )。 A.由于人心浮动,经过该次减

21、员后员工的忠诚度将会下降 B.管理工作的改革将迫使商业团体适应商业环境的变化 C.公司可以从中选拔未来高层经理人员的候选人将减少 D.有些最好的管理人员在不知道其是否会被解雇的情况下选择提前退休64.产业结构政策,是指一定时期内政府为促进本国产业结构的调整、优化和升级所制定的政策。下面哪种政策不属于产业结构政策?( D ) A.产业组织政策 B.产业技术政策 C.对新兴产业的保护和扶持政策 D.提高人力素质政策65.风险投资:由职业金融家投入到新兴、迅速发展的、具有巨大竟争潜力的企业中的一种权益资本。下列属于风险投资的是( A )。 A.余某瞅准时机投资某新型电池制造公司,并取得其25%的股份

22、。 B.某外地老板听说房价还会涨,于在在杭州市中心购买了三套精装修房子。 C.老伍每年为自己与妻子购买大量养老保除,期望能够减轻子女赡养负担。 D.小宋将积蓄交给某“信得过”朋友发放高利货,利息率高达10%。66.工资市计是指国家审计机关或受其委托的机关,根据工资核算和管理要求,对企业、事业单位和国家机关的劳动工资政策及工资支付等情况进行的检查与审核。下列不属于工资审计的一项是 ( C )。 A.审计局派人员到某公司,根据按劳分配原则,正确计算职工工资、津贴和奖金。 B.审计所监督检查企业是否正确、合理地分配工资,是否按有关政策观定将工资计入产品成本、专用压金或其他项目。 C.总经理的妻子询问

23、丈夫的灰色收人。 D.审计局揭落某厂工资支付中的虚报冒领、逃避纳税、乱挤成本等违法乱纪现象。67.法律事件:是指不以行为人的意志为转移的法律事实。下列属于法律事件的是( B )。 A.张三违章开车 B.李四病亡 C.王五结婚 D.赵六继承财产68.越来越多的有说服力的数据表明,具有某种性格特征的人易患高血压。而具有另一 种特征的人易患心脏病,如此等等。因此,随着对性格特征的进一步分类研究,通过主动修正行和调整性格特征以达到防止疾病的可能性将大大提高。以下哪项如果是真的,最能反驳上述观点?( C ) A.一个人可能会患有与各种不同性格特征均有关系的多种疾病。 B.某种性格与其相关的疾病可能由相同

24、的生理因素导致。 C.某一种性格特征与某一种疾病的联系可能只有数据上的巧合,并不具有一般性意义。 D.人们往往是在病情已难以扭转的情况下,才愿意修正自己的行为,但为时太晚。69. 对于大脑相当于资料对于 。( B ) A.智力 书籍 B.记忆 硬盘 C.细胞 图书馆 D.学习 阅读70.在由发展中国家向经济发达国家前进的过程中,大量资本支持是必不可少的条件,而高储蓄率是获得大量资本的必要条件。就目前来说,中国正处于经济起飞时期,因此,储蓄率高是当前经济发展中的一种正常而合理的现象。由些可以推出( D ) A.有了大量的资本支持,就可以实现由发展中国向发达国家的跨越。 B.有了高储蓄率,就可以获

25、得大量的资本支持。 C.如果没有获得大量的资本支持,说明储蓄率不高。 D.如果没有高储蓄率,就不能实现向发达国家的转变。三、 英语题:Close(15 points)Directions:There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then marke the corresponding letter o

26、n Answer SheetFrom childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first _71_, they were like newborn children, unable to use this _72_ tool。Yet once language developed, the possibilities for humankinds future _73_ and

27、 cultural growth increased.Many linguists believe that evolution is responsible for our ability to produce and use language. They _74_ that our highly evolved brain provides us _75_ an innate language ability not found in lower _76_ .Proponents of this innateness theory say that our potential for la

28、nguage is inborn but that language itself develops gradually, _77_ a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical _78_ times for language development.Current _ 79_ of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilitie

29、s is undeniable Indeed,more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in _ 80_ grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being _81_ to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the_ 82_ of their first language have becom

30、e firmly fixed.Although some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been _83_ from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that _84_ with other human beings is necessary for proper language development.

31、Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language _85_ than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. In other words, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their childs language skills by p

32、ositively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.71. ( )A. Generated B. evolved C. born D. originated72. ( )A. valuable B. appropriate C. convenient D. favorite 73. ( )A. attainments B. feasibility C. entertainments D. evolution74. ( )A .confirm B. inform C. claim D

33、. convince.75. ( )A. for B. from C. of D. with76. ( )A. organizations B. organisms C. humans D. children77. ( )A. as B. just as C. like D. unlike 78. ( )A. ideological B. biological C. social D. psychological79. ( )A. reviews B. reference C. reaction D. recommendation80. ( )A. various B. different C

34、. the higher D. the lower81. ( )A. revealed B. exposed C. engaged D. involved82. ( )A. regulations B. formations C. rules D. constitutions 83. ( )A. distinguished B. different C. protected D. isolated84. ( )A. exposition B, comparison C. contrast D. interaction85. ( )A. acquisition B. appreciation C

35、. requirement D. alternative Reading Comprehension (15 points)Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) You should decide on the best choice and mark the corres

36、ponding letter on Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 86 to 90 are based on the following passageAs the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But

37、 relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stres

38、s gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the

39、 first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between fight or flight and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extr

40、eme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress. Since we cannotremove s

41、tress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.86. People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ( )A. they do not know how to enjoy themselvesB. they do not believe that relaxation is important for healthC. they are tr

42、avelling fast all the timeD. they are becoming busier with their work87. According to the writer, the most important character for a good manager is his ( )A. not fearing stressB. knowing the art of relaxationC. high sense of responsibilityD. having control over performance88. Which of the following

43、 statements is true? ( )A. We can find some ways to avoid stressB. Stress is always harmful to peopleC. It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work.D. Different people can withstand different amounts of stress89. In Paragraph 3, such a reaction refers back to ( )A. making a choi

44、ce between flight or fightB. reaction to stress both chemically and physicallyC. responding to crises quicklyD. losing heart at the signs difficulties90. In the last sentence of the passage, do so” refers to ( )A. expose ourselves to stressB. find ways to deal with stressC. remove stress from our li

45、vesD. established links between diseases and stressPassage TwoQuestions 91 to 95 are based on the following passage.New Orleans, Louisiana, was established as part of the French empire in 1718. Its location on the east bank of the Mississippi River gave it control of the American inner land and it b

46、ecame strategically important to many nations. It was transferred from France to Spain, returned to France, and finally sold by Napoleon to the United States in 1803. The city was the site of a famous battle fought in 1815 between the British, who hoped to control it, and the Americans under General

47、 Andrew Jackson. The riverbed of the Mississippi is constantly silting and the river is now actually higher than the city. Levees hold back the river and giant pumps are used to move water from the city into the river.Although New Orleans has been a part of the United States for almost two centuries

48、, its population takes great pride in its French heritage. Louisiana still retains parts of the code Napoleon which, form many years, was its only law. New Orleans is carefree city and it boasts its hot, Creole seafood and its native Dixieland Jazz. The Jackson Square neighborhood maintains its Fren

49、ch colonial homes and in other sections are pre-Civil War mansions. Visitors are surprised to find that behind this interesting facade of yesteryear, is a busy industrial and port city. Grain and coal come from the Midwest and foreign cargoes are unloaded here. New Orleans is no longer a sleepy Sout

50、hern townbut its still fun to visit.91. What accounts for the levees and pumps in New Orleans? ( )A. The Mississippi frequently floods the city.B. The riverbed has raised in the past 200 years.C. The torrential rains flood the city frequently.D. The high humidity cannot otherwise be controlled. 92.

51、The battle of New Orleans was fought by Jackson against ( )A. France B. Britain C. Spain D. The North93. The Code Napoleon was ( )A. an agreement to sell LouisianaB. a body of lawsC. a city planD. a military code for the army94. Which of the following elements does not apply to the attitude of the i

52、nhabitants of New Orleans? ( )A. Pride in their French heritage.B. A desire to retain picturesque colonial buildings.C. A refusal to engage in trade and commerceD. A praising of Dixieland Jazz.95. Tourists visiting New Orleans are surprised to encounter ( )A. Creole foodB. Dixieland jazzC. bustling

53、cityD. authentic colonial homesPassage ThreeQuestions 96 to 100 are based on the following passage. The productivity of Americans employed in private businesses has declined. The productivity of workers in countries such as Japan and Germany is increasing. American machine tools, on average, are old

54、, relatively inefficient, and rapidly becoming obsolete, whereas those of our competitors overseas, in comparison, are newer and more efficient. We are no longer the most productive workers in the world. We are no longer the leaders in industrial innovation (革新)。 We are an immensely wealthy nation o

55、f educated men and women who seem to have lost sight of the fact that everythingfrom the simplest necessities to the finest luxuriesmust be produced through our own collective hard work. We have come to expect automatic increases m our collective standard of living, but we seem to have forgotten tha

56、t theseincreases are possible only when our productivity continues to grow.One thing that must change is the rate at which we substitute capital equipment for human labor. Simply put, our labor force has increased at a far greater rate than has our stock of capital investment. We seem to have forgot

57、ten that our past productivity gains, to a large extent, were realized from substitutions of capital for human labor. Today, 3 times as many robots are listed as capital assets by Japanese firms as by United States firms There is no doubt that robots will become a common sight in American factories.

58、Representing a new generation of technology, robots will replace factory labor much as the farm tractor replaced the horse. Robot technology has much to offer. It offers higher level of productivity and quality at lower costs; in promises to free men and women from the dull, repetitious toil of the

59、factory, it is likely to have an impact on society comparable to that made by the growth of computer technology.96. The word obsolete(Para. 1) most probably means ( ) A. weak B. old C. new D. out of date97. The author is anxious about ( ). A, his people no longer taking the lead in industrial innova

60、tion B. his country no longer being a wealthy nation C. his people forgetting to raise their productivity D. his country falling behind other industrial nations98. According to the author, in his country ( ).A. the proportion of labor force to capital investment is quite lowB. the growth rate of lab


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