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1、Unit6 Be a ChampionLesson 34 Modern Olympics 涿州实验中学 马微教材分析本单元主要是围绕奥运会和世界纪录来展开话题,通过本单元的学习,使学生了解有关奥运会的发展历史和世界纪录的相关情况,乐于接触并了解异国文化。在学习过程中,应该让学生能够对自己感兴趣的人物或事件,勇敢地用英语表达自己的看法,感受奥运健儿和世界纪录的创造者那种努力拼搏、不断超越自己的精神。Lesson 34主要是介绍现代奥运会的相关知识,让学生了解各国举办奥运会的基本信息,并敢于用英语来表述信息。1 教学重点:了解现代奥运的相关知识2 教学难点:如何根据图片和相关信息描述各国奥运会二、

2、教学目标: 1语言知识:掌握词汇: America, peace接触词汇 : continent ,torch, slogan, reflect, mascot, feature, fairly短语: stand for 2语言技能:通过本课的学习培养学生综合运用语言的能力,有效提高学生听说及阅读能力。3 情感态度:让学生通过本课的学习,了解世界各国举办奥运会的相关知识,拓展知识面,培养学生乐于接受异国文化的意识以及爱国情怀。4 学习策略:通过听力练习、小组活动来完成听说及阅读的训练。三、教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件、录音机 、磁带四、教学步骤Step 1 Free Talk(about 3

3、min)Ask : What do you know about the history of the Olympics ? Get the students to talk in class.【设计思路】:复习上一课内容,提高学生语言表达能力。Step 2 Leading in (about 2 min)Ask : In 2008, China hosted the 29th Olympic Games. What do you know about the 29th Olympics ?【设计思路】:激发学习兴趣,引入新课。Step 3 Presentation (about 6 min)

4、Show some pictures about the 29th Olympics, ask questions about the pictures and help the students answer. Then teach the new words and help the students talk about the pictures with the new words.【设计思路】:创设学习语言的情境,展示图片,激发学习兴趣,在谈论图片时新授生词,再让学生用新学的单词来谈论他们感兴趣的内容,达到在“用中学”的目的。Step 4 Practice (about 8 min)

5、Ask: Do you know about other Olympic Games ?Show some more pictures about the Olympics from 1992 to 2012, get the students to try to talk about them. Make sure that they can use the new words correctly.【设计思路】:拓展知识,给学生创造使用语言的情境,激发学生说英语的欲望,提高语言表达能力,巩固所学生词。Step 5 listening ( about 3 min )Get the studen

6、ts to listen to the tape and answer the questions. Then check the answers. Make sure they can understand.【设计思路】:培养学生听力,让学生在听的同时学会抓住重点信息。 Step 6 Reading ( about 10 min )Get the students to read the text and answer the questions.Then check the answers and explain the useful expressions.Show the pictur

7、e of the five ring flag, get the students to talk about what the five rings mean ,using “stand for”.【设计思路】:培养阅读能力,理解课文内容并能够准确回答问题。展示五环旗图片,让学生用所学知识进行描述,可以加深印象并巩固所学知识。Step 7 Test ( about 3 min )Get the students to finish the exercises in class and check the answers.【设计思路】:巩固检测本课知识,以便及时反馈。Step 8 Talkin

8、g ( about 5 min ) Ask : What do you know about the modern Olympics ?Get the students to work in groups, talk and write.Then ask several groups to present in class【设计思路】:发挥小组作用,巩固本课重点内容,提高语言表达能力。Step 9 Writing ( about 5 min ) Ask : Can you write down something about the modern Olympics ? You can also

9、 say something about the 29th Olympics held in China .Get the students to write down a short passage about the modern Olympics and the 29th Olympics held in China . Ask several of them to read in class.【设计思路】:让学生将本课所学内容由口头表达转化为笔头练习, 形成知识的输出,提高写作能力。Step 10 Summary and Homework (about 2 min)Sum up what we have learnt in this lesson.Ask the students to find more things which are the same or different in the modern Olympics and talk about them.【设计思路】:引导学生课下搜集更多资料,主动了解和谈论相关话题,开拓眼界,增长知识。Blackboard


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