



1、波特魔法英语【1-3 册】018波特与魔法石管理员 3上集回顾上集同 Harry 一起打开了 Hogwarts 的录取通知书,也跟着他一起体验了扑朔迷离的身世。Harry was informedt he would have a place at Hogwarts and got his own real, live, ratherruffled-looking owl. For the verytime, he felt Aunt Petunias hatred and jealousy when sherecalled Harrys mother, Lily. Meanwhile, Ha

2、rry was confused about how his parents died afterlistening to Mrs. Dursleys complas.本集,Harry 终于不用活在和误导中,可以正式开始了解父母的过去。而海格就是这个戳破窗户纸的人。He threw a dirty look at the Dursleys.海格开口前,先白了德思礼夫妇一眼,throw a dirty look at them,向他们抛去“鄙视”的目光!意思是:这两个!然后他开始酝酿,怎么跟说:He sat down, staredo the fire for a few seconds and

3、 then said, It begins, I supe, with wicalled but its incredible yeh dont know his name, everyone in our worldknows Who?Well I don like sayin the name if I can help it. No one does.Why not?Gulpin gargoyles, Harry, people are still scared. See, there was this wizard who went . bad. Asbad as you could

4、go. Worse. Worsen worse. His name was .1Hagrid gulped, but no words came out.Could you write it down? Harry suggested.Nah cant spell it. Voldemort. Hagrid shuddered.海格盯着炉火看了一阵 stareo the fire for a few seconds,理了理思路,决定从一个关键人物讲起。说起这个人啊,的铺垫也是做的很强。你看,没有直接说他是谁,他做了什么,而是先说他的。Everyone in our world knows hi

5、s name,魔法界家喻户晓 a householdname。所以海格会说,Harry 你从没听过他,真是 incredible=unbevable 难以置信的呀!所以 Harry 和一样,必然要追问:Who?海格的回答又进一步调动了:I don like sayin the name if I can help it. 除非万不得已,我不想提他的名字(help 用法类似 one can not helpng sth 情不自禁做某事=难以控制自己),而且这还不是海格一个人的独家感受,no one does,所有人都不愿意提他。自然,Harry 和又都想问:Why?海格的回答又以一个很奇怪的名字

6、开始“Gulargoyles”,就是上次的“狂奔的工们”的另一个说法。也就是“哎呀个老天啊”。这个人是让大家至今 scared 心有余悸,这个人也是个 wizard,但是他变坏了 go bad,很坏很坏 as bad as you could go,坏到没法再坏 worsen worse,这个描述又让很想知道他到底干了什么?毕竟,善良限制了对坏的想象力。可再坏也有名有姓,他叫什么呢?天不怕地不怕的海格说起他的名字竟然几度语塞he gulped咽了一大口吐沫,却还是一个字都说不出来 no words came ourry 想了个办法,:he suggested,要么 write it down?

7、 海格果真还是没太有文化,直接说:不会拼啊 cant spell it!算了算了,豁出去了 Voldemort 伏地魔,说完了又把自己吓得够呛 he shuddered 打了个寒颤。伏地魔,一个让人不寒而栗的名字啊!这就是大恶魔“伏地魔”的出场,一个让人怕到名字都的狠角色,想必有点本事。接下来,海格很粗线条得讲了伏地魔的过去。2Anyway, this this wizard, about twenty years ago now, started lookin fer followers. Got em,too some were afraid, some just wanted a bit

8、 o hiser, cause he was gettin himselfer,. Dark days, Harry. Didnt know who ter trust, didnt dare get friendly with strange wizardsor witches . Terrible things happened. He was takin over. Course, some stood up to him anhe killed em.不要跟着海格奥,这家伙没把拼写,语法和发音当回事,所以海格的话,咱们重点看情节。通过他的描述,可以总结出 Voldemort 的几大特点

9、:1.武功盖世,魔力超强:线索 some just wanted a bit o hiser2.野心家,想要一统天下: look for followers 收门徒,壮大队伍3.,君王:dark days, didnt dare, terrible things happened, kill those who stood upto him.他像不像Hitler? 像不像撒旦 Satansetn? 不过并不是基于这些人物创造了Voldemort。据说,Voldemort 是抑郁症的产物。曾在很长一段时间里饱受抑郁症的折磨 clinic depres,日子那个时候对她来说太难了 life was

10、 too hard and bitter for her.离婚,失业,单身,作品无数次被拒,抑郁确实有情可原。每个与抑郁症的抗争的都能看到正常人看不到的,那是他们必须要与之抗争的暗黑力量,否则就会被拉进无限深渊,生命的终点。而看到的那个恶魔,她叫它 Voldemort。所以说,苦难给人灵感和素材,不是没有道理的。Voldemort 又跟 Harry 的父母关系呢?海格告诉 Harry,他的父母是最棒的男女巫师,但是他们被伏地魔盯上了。Maybe he thought he could persuade em . maybe he just wanted em outhe way. All an

11、yoneknows is, he turned uphe village where you was all living, on Hallon ten years ago. Youwas just a year old. He came ter yer house an an Hagrid suddenly pulled out a very dirty, spotted handkerchief and blew his nose wisound likea foghorn.3“没有人知体的情况,也许是为了让 Harry 的父母成为 followers,也许发现他们是不知好歹的硬石头,所以

12、 want them out of the way 铲除他们。于是,在十年前的万圣节【万圣节为每年 11 月 l 日】前夕,他来到住的村庄 turn uphe village,当时你只有一岁。他来到家就就”父母。他太难过了,pull out a handkerchief 抽出一海格不忍心说下去,不想说出他杀了根手绢,而且这手绢很符合他邋遢的人设 dirty, spotted 污渍斑斑的,然后用手绢 blow his nose捏鼻涕,动静大得像吹响了号角 foghorn。这个硬汉,还是像当年那么柔情,一直都有一颗柔软的心。力最强的巫师,伏地魔怎么会放过,斩草不除根 Not make a clea

13、n job of it,能够杀留着找刺激?但是 Voldemort 的didnt work on Harry. 他杀不掉这孩子,只留下了那道scar like a bolt of lightening. 海格说,这道疤t was no ordinary cut.ts what yeh get whenaerful, evil curse touches yeh.而这道疤也不是为了凹造型,而是全书的一个大大的伏笔。伏地魔后来不见了 Disappeared. Vanished. 但是大家坚信,他只是在暗处伺机东山再起。是啊,一本书如果没有大反派 arch villain vln (主要的=大反派)

14、,哪还有故事?虽然海格讲得很起劲,却始终都没有相信自己是个 wizard! 毕竟一个手无缚鸡之力的punch-bag 怎么会相信自己击退了 Voldemort。这是天大的误会。Hagrid looked arry with warmnd respect blazing in his eyes, burry, instead of feelingpleased and proud, felt quite sure there had been a horrible mistake.海格开始启发他,去回想一些看似寻常的不寻常,也一起跟着回忆一下吧。Not a wizard, eh? Never m

15、ade things happen when you was scared, or angry?Harry lookedo the fire. Now he came to think about it . every odd thingd ever madehis aunt and uncle furious with him had happened when he, Harry, had been upset or angry .chased by Dudleys gang, he had somehow found himself out of their reach . dreadi

16、ng going to4school witht ridiculous hair-cut, hed managed to make it grow back . and the very last timeDudley had hit him, hadnt he got his revenge, without even realizing he wasng it? Hadnt heset a boa constrictor on him?Language tips:1.looko 状态区别 look at 动作看看2.odd thing 奇怪的事儿= something peculiar3.be furious with sb. 对大发雷霆4.chase 追逐,追捕5.dread 害怕:dread sth.(dreaderview/examination); dreadng sth.6.revenge:报.之仇 revenge for .(insult);找报仇:vow revenge against sb.想起来这些神奇的事情


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