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1、Florence is a city in the middle of Italy, alias Firenze.It located in the Western Piedmont basin which in the middle part of the Apennines .Florence was famous of art crafts and textiles in Europe ,and it was the most celebrated art center of Europe in fifteenth to sixteenth century.It was the birt

2、hplace of the European Renaissance and world-famous cultural tourist attraction. Glassware, ceramics, clothing, leather were the dominant factors of industry. Processing of gold and silver, art reproduction, and other crafts were also very famous. Florence International Biennale of Contemporary Art,

3、 along with Venice Biennial, Milan Triennale form the three art exhibitions of Italy.佛罗伦萨是意大利中部的一个城市,别名翡冷翠。位于亚平宁山脉中段西麓盆地中。十五至十六世纪时佛罗伦萨是欧洲最著名的艺术中心,以美术工艺品和纺织品驰名全欧。欧洲文艺复兴运动的发祥地,举世闻名的文化旅游胜地。工业以玻璃器皿、陶瓷、高级服装、皮革为主。金银加工、艺术复制品等工艺品亦很有名。佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,与威尼斯双年展、米兰三年展并称意大利三大艺术展。 Florence, considered to be the birt

4、hplace of the Renaissance, was the capital of Italy after its unification from 1865 to 1871.As the historic center, Florence attracted millions of tourists each year. It was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. 佛罗伦萨被认为是文艺复兴运动的诞生地,从1865到1871年曾一度是意大利统一后的首都。佛罗伦萨做为历史中心每年都吸引数以万计的游客。在1982年

5、被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。 In Florence,everything is art,no matter eat,sleep, even breath. Models of mans artistic genius almost stand on every street. Crowds of museums and art shops are waiting for your exploring. Florence of Italy, is the paradise of art lovers. 在佛罗伦萨这个城市里,吃的、睡的、和呼吸的都是艺术。人类艺术天赋的典范几乎矗立在每

6、一条街上,成群的博物馆和美工艺品店等待着您去探索。意大利的佛罗伦萨是艺术爱好者的天堂。 During the Renaissance (or Rebirth of art), Florence was the heaven for artists. In fact, the Renaissance gained fame and fortune here more than 500 years ago.Until this point, art works were focused completely on religious subjects. Then, the art took on

7、an infinite variety of form. Not only ordinary people, but also the history and characters from Greek and Roman myths be painted by artists . 在文艺复兴时期(或称艺术重生时期),佛罗伦萨对艺术家们本身就是个天堂,事实上在五百多年前,文艺复兴就在这儿发迹了。在这之前,艺术作品完全集中在宗教主题上,而文艺复兴时期的艺术则包含更多变化的风貌,艺术家们描绘一般人物的画像,也绘画希腊罗马神话中的历史和人物。Michelangelo was the greatest

8、 Florences artists. Visitors line up for hours at Galleria dell Accademia for looking at his impressive statue,David. This 14-foot-high statue has became the consummate figure statue of Renaissance. David is an example,showing the succinct and powerful style of Michelangelos figure statue. 米开朗基罗是佛罗伦

9、萨艺术家中的佼佼者。游客们在佛罗伦萨学院美术馆前大排长龙达好几个钟头之久,为了一睹他感人的大作大卫像的丰采,这一尊十四英尺高的雕像已经成为文艺复兴时期最完美的一尊人物塑像,大卫像是一种典范,表现出米开朗基罗雕塑人像简洁而有力的风格。 More Michelangelos works can be seen in the great Palazzo Vecchio,which housed the Florentine government from 1299 to 1322. Paintings and carvings of famous Italian artists fill the p

10、alace rooms. Michelangelo helped to decorate the appearance. He chiseled heads into the palace wall. A story says that to win a bet, Michelangelo carved the head with his hands behind his back, turning back on the wall. 在旧宫可以看到更多米开朗基罗的作品,这栋建筑在1299年至1322年曾是佛罗伦萨政府的所在地。著名意大利艺术家的画作和雕刻作品,摆满了宫中的各厅室。米开朗基罗也

11、协助装饰其外观,他在宫墙上雕刻头像,有一个传说提到,为了跟人打赌,米开朗基罗背对着墙,两手背在后面雕刻头像。 Florence Cathedral Square,not far from the Palazzo Vecchio,with the magnificent domed ceiling, or “ The temple of God,” took nearly 150 years to build (1294-1436),which designed by the most famous engineers at that time.Visitors still marvel at

12、the dome, it is the most remarkable sight as the imperial crown of the cathedral. So far, no building overtop the dome in Florence. 离旧宫不远的地方座落着百花圣母大教堂广场。华丽圆顶的百花圣母大教堂,或称神的殿堂,花了将近150年才建造完工(1294-1436),并由当时最著名的工程师设计而成。今日的游客仍惊叹于这个圆顶,它是教堂中最引人注目像皇冠似的一景。时至今日,在佛罗伦萨没有任何一栋建筑高过这个圆顶的。 Wandering across the narrow

13、 alley,tourists would stand at the famous Uffizi Gallery. This building was built in 1560 and used to be an office building that time(Uffizi means office in Italian). Now it is proud of the outstanding art collection. Visitors should be wear comfortable shoes, because it will take many hours to expl

14、ore the gallery. There are many amazing works including Botticellis Primavera and The Birth Venus. 稍作散步一番走过佛罗伦萨狭窄的小巷,游客将来到著名的乌菲兹美术馆。这栋建筑建于1560年间,当年是作为办公之用(乌菲兹美术馆在意大利语中是办公室的意思)。今日,它则以其出色的艺术收藏而自豪,游客们一定得穿着舒适的鞋子去参观,因为要一探这个美术馆得花好几个小时的时间。收藏中一些著名的作品包括有波提切利的春和维也纳的诞生。 The Pitti Palace couldnt be missed even

15、you are tired of art. It once the home of Medici family , Florences dignitary, which contains three museums now. 就算已经对艺术品很厌烦了,还是不要错过彼蒂宫。它曾是佛罗伦萨的权贵,美第奇家族的住处,这个宏伟的宫殿如今包含了三个博物馆。 The priceless artworks fill with the numerous rooms glittering with gold decorations. You may wandering among the statues and

16、 fountains of the palace gardens, which is the grandest garden in Italy ,for some fresh air. Besides filling the gardens with sculptures and fountains, the Medici planted potatoes and pineapples experimentally. 那闪闪耀眼置满金饰的厅室中,摆满了珍贵无价的艺术品。若想呼吸一下新鲜空气,可以在宫廷花园的雕像和喷水池间漫步一番,这是意大利境內极佳的花园,美第奇家族除了在花园里置满了雕像和喷水池之外,还实验性地在这儿种马岭薯和凤梨。 Ponte Vecchio,Florences most well-known outdoor scenic spot, across the Arno River.The bridge had been lined with jewelry shops and goldsmiths shops sin


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