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1、Understanding Dreams in Psychotherapy and Life在心理治疗和日常生活中理解梦,Beijing, China May 19-20, 2012 With Dr. Erik Craig Santa Fe, NM USA,Dream Quotes有关梦的名言,A dream that is not understood is like a letter that is not opened.Talmud 一个未被理解的梦就像一封未被拆开的信 塔木德 It is the way of dreams to give us more than we ask.Car

2、l Jung 梦带给我们的超过我们所求、所想 卡尔荣格,Dream Quotes有关梦的名言,Dreams seem to be induced not by reason but by desire, not by the head, but by the heart. Fyodor Dostoevsky 梦好像被欲望而非理性,被心灵而非头脑引导 陀思妥耶夫斯基 The astonishment remains that one should dream.Ralph Waldo Emerson 梦可以保全一个人的惊异 爱默生,Chuang-tse on Dreaming庄子的梦,Once u

3、pon a time, I, Chuang-Tse, dreamt that I was a butterfly fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was aware only of following my fancy as a butterfly, and unconscious of my human individuality. Suddenly I awoke, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whethe

4、r I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. (Cited from Boss, 1957, p. 11; cf. Chuang-tses Inner Chapters, end of Chapt. 2) 很久以前,庄子梦见自己就是一只上下翻飞的蝴蝶。庄子觉得他的认知和感觉都是一只蝴蝶,可是在潜意识当中却有人的性格。突然,自己醒了,又回到了自己的身体中。于是,庄子想我是一个梦见蝴蝶的人呢,还是一只梦见人的蝴蝶?,Where Dream Beg

5、ins 梦从哪里开始 Strip off kindness, Strip off shelter, Stripped down, friendless, Nor pride, nor warm shoes, Nor any covering A cold man might use When there is no sun, When heart is gone. Without coat or cape, Shoestring or doorlatch, Or one cosy hope, Stripped of odds and ends, Even at last of love, We

6、re the world ends, Go rich in poverty Go rich in poetry. This nothingness Is plentitude, Honeycomb wilderness Where the wild hare runs, Wind in the torn seams, Where rise buried suns, Where darkness begins. Here dream begins. May Sarton,The Primary Problem Dream Analysis析梦的难题,The basic problem of al

7、l forms of dream analysis is how to get from the phenomenon of the dream to understanding its meaning. This may be stated most briefly as follows: 对于所有形式的析梦而言,最基本的难题在于如何从现象到理解它的意义。这个可以按如下描述: P U (The phenomenon to its understanding) P - U (从现象到理解) D M (The dream to its meaning/s) D - M (从梦到意义) In th

8、e clinical analysis of dreams this is stated in terms of two different kinds of content. What are these? 在临床析梦中,这个难题呈现在两种内容中。这些是什么?,Two Kinds of Dream Content两种梦的内容,Manifest Content 显性内容 The dream just as it is lived or remembered 这个梦就像它产生和被记住的那样 Latent Content 隐性内容 The meaning of the dream arrived

9、at through the process of analysis 梦的意义是通过分析而产生的 This raises the question, “What is analysis?” 一个问题产生了,“什么是分析?”,The Meaning of Analysis分析的意义,The Greek word for analysis, analeuin, first appeared in Homers Odyssey where it described Penelopes “night work” of unraveling her uncles shroud. “分析”在希腊语中第一次

10、出现在奥德赛中。它描述佩内洛普每天晚上拆掉她叔叔的寿衣。 The same word was used to describe the striking of tents to set out for a new camp, the unmooring of a ship before setting out to sea, and the untying of bonds to set a slave free. “分析”也被用在拆解帐篷以为了新的扎营;解开栓绳,扬帆出发;解开绑索,给奴隶自由。 Analysis, then, means “unraveling something to s

11、et it free for other, future purposes and projects.” “分析”意味着,解放并给予他人自由,去追寻未来的计划和目的。,Primary Systematic Approaches to Dream Analysis析梦的主要体统途径,We will focus on the heuristic possibilities of four major systematic approaches to dream analysis. Each of these approaches has now succeeded in unlocking the

12、 secrets of millions of dreams. These four heuristic approaches are: 我们将聚焦于四种主要析梦的系统方式的探索可能性。这四种方法每一个都成功地解开了数以万计的梦的秘密。这四种探索性的方式是: Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud) 精神分析(弗洛伊德) Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung) 分析心理学(荣格) Gestalt Psychotherapy (Fritz Perls) 格式塔心理治疗(皮尔斯) Existential or Daseinsanalysis (Med

13、ard Boss) 存在分析(博斯),What is Heuristic?什么是探索性?,Heuristic: Serving to discover 探索性:为了发现而服务 Gr. Heuretikos: to discover, to find 希腊文:去发现,去找到 Archimedess Discovery: Eureka 阿基米德的发现:我找到了! Heuristics: Flexible, open-ended processes that allow individuals to learn things independently and for themselves 探索性:

14、弹性、结局开放的过程,允许个体独立的为他们自己学习。 Archimedes: Exemplar of the spirit of heuristics 阿基米德:灵性探索的典范,Universal Heuristic Processes普遍性的探索性进程,All four primary systematic approaches to dream analysis engage in four basic processes for the everyday and clinical study of dreams. These are: 所有这四种主要的系统析梦方式都包含着四个步骤以解析日

15、常和临床研究中的梦,它们是: Recalling 回忆 Exploring 探索 Understanding 理解 Synthesizing (Articulating) 综合,HEURISTIC PROCESS I: RECALLING THE DREAM探索性步骤 1:回忆梦,Primary Problem: Dreams are often difficult to recall 主要难题:梦常常难以回忆 Dreams are jealous of being remembered; they dissipate instantly and angrily if you try to h

16、old them.梦讨厌被记住;当我们试图抓住它们的时候,它们会很生气地转瞬溜走。 爱默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson,HEURISTIC PROCESS I: RECALLING THE DREAM探索性步骤 1:回忆梦,We have 5-100 or more dreams every night. Our problem is not having dreams but remembering them. Dream recall can be increased in several ways: 我们每晚会做5100个,甚至更多的梦。我们的难题不是要有梦,而是要记住它们。有几种方法可以有效地帮助我们记住梦: Taking sleeping and dreaming seriously,认真地对待睡觉和做梦 Learning about both sleeping and dreaming,了解睡眠和梦的知识 Being anxious (“thin boundaried”) 你来访者生活中的难处 The progress or structure (fra


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