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1、How to Design Grammar Test,2013.4,Two views of language,Identifying and Distributing Grammar Items,Types of Grammar Test,How to Design Grmmar Test,1,2,3,Prescriptive Grammar,Descreptive Grammar,Traditional grammar,Usage (惯用法) If I was you, I would go. I dont know nothing. (=I dont know anything.),Tw

2、o Views of Language,Identifying and Distributing Grammar Items,(上表摘自刘润清、韩宝成著书语言测试和它的方法,P95),Which items? & How many?,The qualities of Tests Achievement Test: what they have learnt 成绩测试就要考虑什么已经学过,什么在大纲范围内 Proficiency Test: pracitical purposes 水平考试要估计一下是高级阶段的,还是初级、终极阶段的,Identifying and Distributing Gr

3、ammar Items,Types of Grammar Test A. Multiple-choice items(多项选择),1. I _ ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since the New Year. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play 2. A 72-year-old Samoan who (1)_ no English at all spent thirteen days (2)_ on buses in the San Francisco area

4、 after he had become sepearated (3)_ his family, police said. (4)_ said that Faaitua Logo, (5)_ moved to the United States two years ago, left his son and daughter-in-law. (1) A. is speaking B. speaks C. has spoken D. was speaking (2) A. to ride B. was riding C. ride D. riding (3) A. with B. from C.

5、 by D. off (4) A. He B. They C.One D. It 短文的方式测试语法可以提供足够的语境(Heaton, 1990),Types of Grammar Test B. Error-recognition items(识别错误),My elder brother is too young that he connot be admitted to a university. A. B. C. D. 错误部分可以属于词法或句法中的任何一项。3个被标为正确部分就是干扰项。 设计这种干扰项比设计多项选择中的干扰项要困难得多,因为句子形式已定,有时很难找出一个学生容易犯错误

6、的地方。(刘润清,韩宝成,1991) 识别错误是一种比较灵活可靠的测试形式,可以用机器评分,美国托福测试以及我国研究生英语入学考试,出国人员英语水平考试中都采用这种题型。,Types of Grammar Test C. Completion items(填空),测量学生的产出性技能(productive skill),而不是接受性技能(receptive skill)。该题型也比较容易设计,信度和效度都有保证。(刘润清,韩宝成,1991) 唯一不足是不能采用机器评分。可用于课堂测试。 1. Fill in the blanks with a or an. If you think that

7、now word should be placed in the blank, put a cross () there. If you have _ cold, do you go to _ doctor ro go to _ work as usual? 2. 提供的词应多于空格,否则最后一个空格等于没用。 保证多余的词(干扰项)不能被使用于任何空格上。,Types of Grammar Test D. Transformation items(句型转换),这种形式开始接近于写作测试,但更侧重语法结构,而不是侧重创造句子的能力。 1. 不能使用机器评分(但剑桥英语水平测试坚持包括几项句型转换,可见它是比较可靠的测试项目) 2. 设计不易(一不小心也会出现多种可以接受的答案),Types of Grammar Test E. Paring and Matching items(配对),常用于考会话的题目中。这种形式更多是考察学生对语言得体性的敏感程度(sensitivity)及考生对语言功能的意识(awareness),而非单纯的语法知识。 Going to see film tonight? How was the film? I cant stand


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