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    Unit HelloTeaching Content教学内容Structure, letters (review)Teaching aims教学目的通过练习,使学生复习巩固本单元内容Teaching important教学重点游戏Teaching aids教学准备Ø Small red flashcardsØ booksTeaching procedure 教学过程Items项目Teachers Activity教师活动Students Activity学生活动Medium媒体方式1.Bingo1) Use flashcards, name tags and real objects to review wordsound letters that children have learned in the unit.2) Tell the children to turn their book to page 12 and explain the rules of the Bingo game.3) Ask the children to erase the circles and play the game for another time. 4) At the end of the game, review all the vocabulary in a class drill.1) The children circle the word or letter(in pencil)when they hear the teacher call it out.2) The childe call out Bingo each time they have circled a full column down their Bingol boards. Continue until all the squares have been covered.Page 12Play and revies.2.Snap1) Ask the children to take out their small red flashcards.2) Put the children in pairs. Have each pair mix their cards together and them spread them face down on a table.1) The children in each pair tale turns to flip over the cards, one by one, so that they are facing up. As soon as they see two cards with the same picture on them, they must call out Snap! And say the correct English word for the picture.2) The first child to call out Snap and the correct word or letter, keeps the two matching cards. The children continue playing until there are no cards left on the table. The winner is the child with the most cards at the end of the game.3) If a child calls Snap by mistake, for example when two cards do not match, or when he or she says an incorrect word, the other player takes the pair4) of cards and adds them to his or her pile.Red flashcardsPlay and saySelf-assessment1) The purpose of this part is to provide the children with a chance to carry out self-assessment. Try to have the children do this part by themselves. In the first activity, the teacher can indicate a few children in the class and ask them which character in the unit they like best. Then have the children choose their favorite character in their book.2) Try organizing children to do this part in groups. Assessing each others work in grou0ps and helping each other contribute to cooperative learning.3) If time is not available, have children do this part as homework.Do the assessmentBook page 13Assess themselvesEvaluation (自我评价)a) Pupils can do the exercises.b) Pupils can play the game.Blackboard (板书) Unit 1 (6) Date


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