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    外商投资的公司设立登记申请书 工商行政管理(总)局:根据中华人民共和国公司法、中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法、中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法、中华人民共和国外资企业法和中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例等有关规定,现申请设立登记,请予核准。同时承诺:所提交的文件和有关附件真实、合法、有效,复印文本与原件一致,并对因提交虚假文件所引发的一切后果承担相应的法律责任。 Administration for Industry & Commerce:In accordance with the relevant stipulations of Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China , Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures, Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures, Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-funded Enterprises and Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of Registration of Companies, we hereby apply for your approval to our application for business establishment registration. We also undertake that all the documents, certificates and related appendixes submitted by us are true, legal and valid, and that the copies are identical to the originals. We will bear all legal responsibilities for any consequence resulted from submitting false documents and certificates.拟 设 立 公 司 名 称 Name of Enterprise to be Established:拟任法定代表人签字 Signature of Legal Representative to be Appointed :申 请 日 期 Date of Application:国家工商行政管理总局制HTTP:/WZJ.SAIC.GOV.CN Printed by State Administration for Industry & Commerce 指定代表或者委托代理人的证明 Certificate of Appointed Representatives or Authorized Agent兹指定/委托 办理本公司设立登记事宜。It hereby appoint/authorize to handle the company establishment registration matters 指定/委托的有效期限:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日The valid period of appointment and authorization is from Y D M to Y M D. 委托人: Authorizer: 注:委托人指全体投资者。 年 月 日Note: The authorizer refers to all the investors. Year Month Date(由投资各方法定代表人或其授权人签字盖章,投资者为自然人的由本人签字。)(It should be signed by the legal representative or the authorized person of investors. If the investor is a natural person, it should be signed by himself or herself.)指定代表或委托代理人信息Information of appointed representative or authorized agent姓 名Name身份证明复印件粘贴处To stick copy of ID card here单 位Company部 门Department联系电话Tel.拟设立公司工商登记联络员信息Information of the liaison man for business registration of proposed company 姓名Name身份证明复印件粘贴处To stick copy of ID card here部门Department联系电话Tel.固定Office Tel:移动 Mobile Phone:电子邮箱Email联系地址Address邮政编码Postal Code外商投资的公司设立登记所需提交的文件Documents Required for the Registration of Establishment of Foreign-funded Enterprise序号NO.文件名称Documents Name1拟任法定代表人签署的外商投资的公司设立登记申请书Application for Establishment of Foreign-funded Enterprise signed by the legal representative to be appointed2*审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)The approval Documents(written reply and duplicate 1of approval certificate)of examination & approval authority;3*公司章程Articles of company4*名称预先核准通知书Application of Pre-approval of Name5*投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明Qualification Certificate of Investor or ID Card of Natural people6*董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件Original Letter of Appointment of Directors , Supervisors and manager as well as the copies of their ID Cards.7*法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件Original Letter of Appointment of Legal Representative and copies of his/her ID Card8*依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明Investment verification Certificates issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority9*股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件The documents that certificate the property transfer formalities have been dealt with should be submitted if the first funding of shareholders is non-monetary property.10*公司住所证明Domicile Certificate of Company11*创立大会的会议记录Minutes of founding Meeting12*前置审批文件或证件Earlier setup examination & approval documents or certificates13*法律文件送达授权委托书The Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents 14其它有关文件、证件Other related document and certificates规范要求:1、本申请书应用黑色或蓝黑色钢笔、签字笔填写,字迹应清楚。1. The application must be filled out in black or blue-black ink with neat writing;2、以上文件除标明复印件外,应提交原件。2. Except where indicated, originals of all documents should be submitted with this application.3、以上所提交的文件若用外文书写,需提交中文译本,并加盖翻译单位印章。3. If the submitted documents above were completed using a foreign language, a Chinese language version with the seal of the translator must also be submitted.4、第2项申请者应自收到批准证书之日起90日内到登记机关办理登记注册手续;但以中外合作、外商合资、外商独资形式设立公司的,申请人应自收到批准证书之日起30日内到登记机关办理登记注册手续;募集方式设立的股份有限公司公开发行股票的,还应提交国务院证券监督管理机构的核准文件原件或有效复印件。4. In accordance with item 2, the applicant shall register in the relevant department within 90 days after receiving approval. If the company is a Chinese-Foreign Contractual joint venture, Chinese-foreign joint venture or wholly foreign-funded enterprise, the applicant shall register in the relevant department within 30 days after receiving approval. The applicant also should submit the originals or the valid copies examined and approved by the Securities Regulatory Authority of the State Council if the incorporated company established by means of promotion issues shares publicly.5、第3项公司章程需投资各方法定代表人或其授权人签字、盖章的原件,投资者为自然人的由本人签字。提交的公司章程应与审批部门批准的相一致。5.The above item 3, it is the originals of articles of association that should be signed and sealed by the legal representative of the investors or the authorized person. When the investor is a natural people, he/she should sign it by himself/herself. The articles of association submitted must be in accordance with the documents approved by the approval department.6、第4项名称预先核准通知书应在有效期内,且内容与拟设立公司申请的相关事项吻合。6. In accordance with item 4, the Application of Pre-approval of Name should be completed within the valid period and the content should coincide with the relevant items applied by the company to be established.7、第5项中方投资者应提交由本单位加盖公章的营业执照/事业单位法人登记证书/社会团体法人登记证/民办非企业单位证书复印件作为主体资格证明;外国(地区)投资者的主体资格证明应经所在国家(地区)公证机关公证和我国驻该国(地区)使(领)馆认证,如其所在国(地区)与我国没有外交关系,则应当经与我国有外交关系的第三国驻该国(地区)使(领)馆认证,再转由我国驻该第三国使(领)馆认证。香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者的主体资格证明或者自然人身份证明应当提供当地公证机构的公证文件。7. In accordance with item 5, Chinese investors should submit the sealed copy of the business license/certificate of registration of legal representative of institutional unit/certificate of registration of juridical association/ certificate of people-run non-enterprise unit as the certificate of qualification. The main certificates of the qualifications of the foreign investor should be notarized by institutions of notarization within the investors country of origin and by the Chinese embassy of consulate located in the investors country of origin. If there are other embassy authentications, they must go through an embassy or consulate of a third party country to receive authentication. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors main qualification certificates or proofs of personal identification should be provided by local institutions of notarization.8、第6项、第7项法定代表人、董事、监事和经理的产生应符合公司章程的规定。8. In accordance with item 6 and 7, the producing of enterprises legal representatives, directors, supervisors and managers must be in accordance with the guidelines of the articles of association.9、第8、9项仅适用于股份有限公司和金融、证券、保险类公司及基金管理公司,以及设立时缴付全部或部分注册资本的其他类型有限责任公司。9. Items 8 and 9 only apply to limited liability corporations, financial, security, insurance and fund management companies and the other kinds of limited liability companies that, upon establishment, pay the registered capital requirement in entirety or partially.10、第10项自有房产提交产权证复印件,并提交原件核对;租赁房屋提交租赁协议原件及出租方的产权证复印件,以上不能提供产权证复印件的,提交能够证明产权归属的其它房屋产权使用证明复印件。出租方为宾馆、饭店的,提交宾馆、饭店的营业执照复印件。 10. In accordance with item 10, if the investor owns property, he should submit a copy of the property deed with the original for verification. Investors leasing should submit the originals of the leasing agreements and the copies of the certificates of property. Once could not supply the copy of the property deed, supply the copy of other certificates of property rights which show the property ownership. Leasers leasing hotels or restaurants should submit copies of the hotels or restaurants business licenses. 11、第11项仅适用于以募集方式设立的股份有限公司。11. Item 11 only applies to joint stock limited companies established by means of promotion. 12、第12项指有关前置许可的批准文件或者许可证复印件或许可证明,适用于经营范围中有法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定必须在登记前报经批准的项目的外商投资的公司。12. Item 12 refers to earlier setup examination and approval document or the copy of license or approval certificate. It applies to the foreign investing company whose business scope has the project which should be approved before registration according to laws, regulations and decision of the State Council regulations. 13、第13项“法律文件送达授权委托书”由外国投资者(授权人)与境内法律文件送达接受人(被授权人)签署。该委托书应当明确授权境内被授权人代为接受法律文件送达,并载明被授权人的地址、联系方式。被授权人可以是外国投资者设立的分支机构、拟设立的公司(被授权人为拟设立的公司的,公司设立后委托生效)或者其他境内有关单位或个人。变更被授权人的,应当签署新的法律文件送达协议并及时向公司登记机关备案。被委托人地址等事项发生变更的,及时向公司登记机关备案。13. Item 13 “Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents” is signed by foreign investor (authorizer) and domestic serving legal documents receiver (authorized). The power of attorney shall explicitly express the domestic authorized instead accepts the submission of the legal documents and shall state the address and telephone of the authorized. The authorized could be the branch offices of foreign investors, proposed established company (When the authorized is a person of proposed established company, power of attorney takes effect after the establishment of company.) or any other domestic company or person. Altering the authorized person will require a new “Contract of the Legal Documents Delivery” to be completed and registered with the company. When updating the information of the authorized person, the new information shall be put on records in the company. 外商投资的公司申请设立登记事项Registration Form for the Application of Foreign-funded Enterprise 单位:万元 Unit: RMB ten thousand 名称Name联系电话Tel住所Residence邮政编码Post Code公司类型Type of Ownership法定代表人姓名Name of Legal Representative设立方式Founding Way投资总额Total Investment经营期限Term ofOperation自 年 月 日From_Year_Month_Day至 年 月 日To _Year_Month_Day 注册资本Registered Capital币种:Currency中方Chinese Investor折美元Dollar所占比例Proportion外方Foreign Investor折美元Dollar所占比例Proportion实收资本Paid-up Capital币种:Currency中方Chinese Investor折美元Dollar所占比例Proportion外方Foreign Investor折美元Dollar所占比例Proportion经营范围Business Scope许可经营项目Project Approved项目类型Type of Project投资者名称或姓名Name of Investor认 缴出资额Subscribed Capital Contribution出资方式Form of Contribution所占比例Proportion实 缴出资额Paid-in Capital Contribution出资方式Form of Contribution出资时间Time of Contribution中方Chinese Investor国别(地区)Nation(District)余额缴付期限Term of Paying Balance投资者类型Type of Investor证件类型及号码Type and Number of Certificate 中方Chinese Investor国别(地区)Nation(District)余额缴付期限Term of Paying Balance投资者类型Type of Investor证件类型及号码Type and Number of Certificate外方Foreign Investor国别(地区)Nation(District)余额缴付期限Term of Paying Balance投资者类型Type of Investor证件类型及号码Type and Number of Certificate外方Foreign Investor国别(地区)Nation(District)余额缴付期限Term of Paying Balance投资者类型Type of Investor证件类型及号码Type and Number of Certificate法定代表人登记表Registration Form for Legal Representative姓 名Name国别(地区)Nation(District)出生年月Date of birth照片Photo产生方式Appointed by性别Sex派出单位Recommended by证件类型Type of Certificate证件号码Number of Certificate住 址Address联系电话Tel身份证件复印件粘贴处To stick copy of ID Card here法定代表人签 字Signature of LegalRepresentative法定代表人审查意见Review Opinion of the Legal Representative 经审查,法定代表人符合有关法律、法规规定的任职资格,不存在以下情况:1、 无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的;2、 在被执行刑罚或者正在被执行刑事强制措施的;3、 正在被公安机关或者国家安全机关通缉的;4、 因犯有贪污贿赂罪、侵犯财产罪或者破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾五年的;因犯有其他罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾三年的;或者因犯罪被判处剥夺政治权利,执行期满未逾五年的;5、 担任因经营不善破产清算的企业的法定代表人或者董事、经理,并对该企业的破产负有个人责任,自该企业破产清算完结之日起未逾三年的; 6、 担任因违法被吊销营业执照的企业的法定代表人,并对该企业违法行为负有个人责任,自该企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年的;7、 个人负债数额较大,到期未清偿的;8、 有法律和国务院规定不得担任法定代表人的其他情形。审查人盖章(签字):OREX International, LimitedThrough examination, the legal representative is qualified for holding the position according to laws and regulations, without any of the following cases:1. Has no civil disposing capacity or his/her civil disposing capacity is limited;2. Criminal penalty or mandatory criminal measure is being enforced on him/her;3. Is being wanted by the police or state security departments;4. Is sentenced due to taking graft or committing bribery, offences against property, disrupting socialism market economic order and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 5 years; is sentenced due to other offences and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 3 years; or is sentenced to depriving of political rights due to offence and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 5 years;5. Ever was the legal representative or director or manager of any enterprise which was bankrupted due to bad operation and was responsible for the bankruptcy of such enterprise, and it is less than three years since the completion of liquidation for the bankruptcy of the enterprise;6. Ever was the legal representative of any enterprise which was revoked Business License due to illegal activities and was responsible for such illegal activities, and it is less than three years since the revocation of Business License;7. Has large outstanding debts, which is overdue;8. Other conditions that not allowed to be the legal representative according to laws and State Councils regulations.Seal of Examiner(Signature):注:“审查人”指选举、委派、指定、任命法定代表人的董事会、股东会、投资人等。Note: “Examiner” as mentioned here refers to the Board of Directors or Shareholders Meeting or Investors who elect, recommend, designate or appoint the legal representative.公司董事、监事、经理情况表Form for Information of Director, Supervisor and Manager姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address姓名Name职务Position产生方式Appointed by身份证件Identification Certificate号码NO.类型Type国别(地区)Nation(District)派出单位Recommended by住址Address领照清单Business License Collection Form注:领照人应为法定代表人或其授权人。Note: License Receiver should be legal representative or his or her authorized person.注 册 号Registration No.核准日期Date of Approval打印人Printer营业执照编号Business License No.正本: 副本1: 副本2:Original: Duplicate 1: Duplicate 2:缴费数额Amount of Fees缴费收据号Receipt No.领照人License Receiver签 字Signature日 期Date证件名称Name of Certificate证件号码Certificate No.发 照 人Issuer签 字Signature日 期Date备 注Remarks归档情况Filing Information送 档 人Handed over by接 档 人Taken over by送档日期Hand-over Date备 注Remarks15


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