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    Literary Review,Presented by Hu Lijun,Gender and translation are connected with each other for a long time with their tremendous similarities. For example, “in some historical periods women were allowed to translate precisely because it was defined as a secondary activity” (Chamberlain, 1998: 70).,“Translation has at times emerged as a strong form of expressing for womenallowing them to enter the world of letters, to promote political causes and to engage in stimulating writing relationships” (Simon, 1996: 39). Many researchers have turned to the field of research of gender and translation. First, lets have a literature review of the research situation on the study of gender and translation both abroad and in China.,The interplay between feminism and translation studies since 1970s in the West has ultimately exerted forceful influence upon the conventionally-held concepts of translation studies, and achieved fruitful researches in the academic field. The most outstanding achievements in the field of feminist translation are those of feminist researchers such as Luise von Flotow, Lori Chamberlain, Sherry Simon, Tina Krontiris and so on.,They focus on eliminating the discrimination against women in translation studies and translation practice, and redefining the relationship between translation and the original text. They get fruitful achievements both in the theories, and in translating practice in this research field.,Sherry Simon (1996: 52-58) also researches this field in her Gender in Translation. In this book, she mainly discusses the woman translator Aphra Behn, who is the first professional woman writer and an active translator.,The feminist translators try to interfere with the text and translate it according to the feminist value and political objectives. Luise von Flowtows representative works Gender and Translation (1997) comprehensively illustrates feminist translators' common translating procedures like, supplementing, prefaces and footnoting, and hijacking.,In 1980s, upon the implementation of Open-door and Reform Policy, feminism was introduced into China by Professor Zhu Hong. This thought has greatly influenced our foreign literature research and criticism in the following 20 years, and even has been influencing our feminist literary writing since 1990s. But it rarely affects our translation theory and practice.,“It was not until 2000 that feminist translation was noticed by the experts in our translational circle” (廖七一, 2000). In 2002, the feminist thought began to truly influence our translation study, and researchers began to issue some academic essays, Wang Xiaoyuan, Meng Xiangzhen, Liao Qiyi, Yan Jianhua, Liu Yaru, Liu Yong, Mu Lei, Jiang Xiaohua, to name only a few.,However, most of them are just theoretical literature review of perspectives in the West, and only a few papers touch on the translation practice and deep textual analysis from the feminist perspective.,Feminist translation theory is a combination of feminism and translation studies,with the aim toidentify and critieize the concepts which put feminism and translation into the underlying level of society and literature, and to shake the authority which maintains it. Therefore, it has made contributions both to the development of translation researeh and to that of feminism.,Merits of Feminist TranslationTheory,Breaking the conventional ideas Repositioning the translation subjectivity Stimulating rethinking of translation,There are many schools of feminism, and their views are too radical. They take the subversion of the traditional translation theory based on structuralism as their ultimate goal, which consequently left an exeuse to a variety of criticism.,Demerits,Non-feminist crities believe that feminist theory is narrowly partisan, with their arguments “too emotional, sectarian, idealistic and subjective“, and therefore it can not be true academic researeh.,Feminist translation theory and deconstruction translation theory are of the same in that their ideas are both too radical, laying too much emphasis on the translator's intervention and “rewriting“ of the text.,Thank You!,


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