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    Unit 2阶段能力训练(Lessons 1012).完形填空Last year I _1_ a trip to Italy. I visited some places _2_ it. I like the city _3_ Venice.There is _4_ street in Venice. There are some canals(运河) among the _5_. There is _6_ water in the canals. People _7_ Venice have their own boats. They go to work _8_ boat. And we go to work by bus or bike. Venice is famous_9_ its canals and boats. Venice is beautiful because of the _10_. I hope to visit it again.( )1.A.had B. having C. has D. have( )2.A.to B. in C. at D. on( )3.A.call B. callsC. called D. calling( )4.A.some B. manyC. any D. no( )5.A.boats B. roadsC. streets D. buildings( )6.A.many B. littleC. much D. few( )7.A.at B. inC. for D. on( )8.A.by B. withC. to D. at( )9.A.on B. withC. for D. to( )10.A.water B. grassC. houses D. trees.阅读理解Hello, everyone! I will tell you something about my trip to the U. S.When I got to New York, I began my visit. First, I went to a senior high school. I was happy on the first night there because I lived with a kind family, the Whites. It was a big family. They were very friendly to me. They helped me do many things. When I wanted to write to my friends, they let me use their computer. When I lost my camera, they helped me look for it.After some days, I went to another two schools. I lived in the Smiths' house. There were four people in the family. I was surprised that the parents were from two countries.It was a nice trip and I was happy to be with the two families. They would be my friends forever. ( )1.The writer lived _ on the first night.A. in a senior high schoolB. in the Whites' houseC. in the Smiths' houseD. in a hotel( )2.The writer went to _ schools.A. one B. twoC. three D. four( )3.Why was the writer surprised when he got to the Smiths' house?A. Because the parents of the family were from two countries.B. Because the family were not very helpful to him.C. Because the family was too big.D. Because there were only four people in the family.( )4.What's the meaning of the underlined word “forever” in Chinese?A. 从来不 B. 最好的C. 曾经 D. 永远( )5.What's the best title of the passage?A. My Best Friend in the U. S. B. Families in New YorkC. Schools in New York D. My Trip to the U. S.任务型阅读Bruce and David are twin brothers. One day they had a fight. So for a few days, they didn't talk to each other. One evening, Bruce was very tired. He went to bed early. When David went to his own room, he found a piece of paper on the table beside his bed. On it were the words, “David, wake me up at 7 o'clock.Bruce” Bruce woke up at 9 o'clock the next day. On the table he saw a piece of paper. “Bruce, wake up. It's 7 o'clock.David” it said.12题判断正(T)误(F);34题完成句子;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1. David and Bruce are classmates.( )2. Bruce went to bed early that evening.( )3. Bruce woke up at _ the next day.4. There was also _ on Bruce's table.5. _.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D6. C 7.B 8.A9. C be famous for意为“因而出名”。10. A.15 BCADD.主旨大意 David和Bruce是一对双胞胎兄弟。一次吵架后,两人之间发生了一件非常有趣的事情。1. F2. T3. 9 o'clock 4. a piece of paper 5. 因此好几天他们都不和彼此说话。


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