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    中考总复习作文专题中考英语写作热点专题:Positive energy 正能量Topic1:I have a dream 百校联考(三)三种时态综合作文 Whats your dream? - 一般现在时What made you have such a dream? - 一般过去时How will you achieve your dream? - 一般将来时Everyone has a dream. So do I. My dream is to be a cook in the future. Maybe some may think this dream is tiny and meaningless. But in my eyes, not only do the delicious food and the process(过程)of cooking give me lots of pleasure, but also sharing the food with someone I love makes me feel warm.When I was in Grade Seven, I had to eat alone at noon because my parents were both busy. Day by day, I couldnt used to eating outside. So I decided to cook by myself. The first dish was totally a mess. (整个就是一团糟) I mistook the salt as sugar. The moment my mother knew how I cooked, she burst into laughter with tears and encouraged me instead of blaming me .(指责我)Gradually, I can understand her words, which is life is not always sweet memories, it is salty, sour or even bitter. To achieve my dream, I will study hard and major in cooking in university. Of course, practice makes perfect. I will make an effort to practice my cooking skills both in the kitchen and my lifelong journey. 一般将来时 My dream job/My dream 我的梦想(职业)第一篇:老师Everyone has a dream. My dream is to be a teacher when I grow up.What should I do to make my dream come true? First, Im going to study hard at all subjects and get good grades. Next, Im going to study education at a university. Then, Im going to learn how to get on well with children. Finally, I will try my best to be an excellent teacher.I believe my dream will come true in the future.第二篇:专业篮球运动员I want to be a professional basketball player when I grow up.I like basketball very much. I am a basketball fan. After school, I often play basketball with my classmates. I want to be a superstar like Yao Ming. I want to play in the USA,too.What should I do to realize my dream? First, Ill have to practice playing basketball every day. Second, I will join a basketball club and have matches on weekends. Third, I will make a basketball team. I believe my dream will come true one day as long as I try my best.第三篇:计算机工程师 My dream is to be a computer programmer. I became interested in computer when I was ten years old . So I need to work hard at computer science .Then Im going to take more exercise to keep healthy. We can do nothing without a strong body. Im going to read more books on computer, and watch TV programs about it so that I can know more about it.I think my dream will come true in the future.备注:中考作文综合性较强,往往要考察多种时态。要注意题目中每个要求中提示的时态。每个时态都要涉及到,否则都会造成不同程度的扣分。Topic 2:Face the challenge bravely (标准考卷二)标准考卷二:面对挑战,战胜困难1. What challenge did you meet in your study or life?2. How did you deal with it?(一般过去时)3. What do you think we should do when we face the challenge?Everyone meets problems and challenges in their lives, and so do I. Sometimes the problems and challenges make us frustrated(沮丧的) and anxious(忧虑的),but if we face them bravely and deal with them, we will be successful. I still remember the time when I was in Grade 8. There was an English speech contest in my school and all my good friends took part in it except me because of my shyness. My English teacher encouraged me to take part in it as a hostess(主持人)She said my pronunciation was good and I had a sweet voice. I couldnt believe what she said! Though it was a great challenge for me, I decided to try,I started practicing every day for the contest. When I was on the stage(舞台),I became very nervous.Suddenly, I saw my teachers beautiful smile and it gave me plenty of confidence. Finally, I made it(成功,做成某事) and I was so proud of myself. After that, I know sometimes the biggest challenge is me myself. Every time I want to give up, Ill think of the reason why Ive held on for so long.(坚持这么久的理由)If we regard challenges as stairs(阶梯),we can always stand at higher places. Topic 3 :Happiness 幸福 (标准考卷一)Do you feel happy? Tell us one of your experiences that made you happy.What do you think can make you happy?Do I feel happy? I really cant answer it at once. Think it over -happiness is like warm wind that is always around me.One night before an exam, I studied till it was very late. I felt sleepy and tired, but there was still a lot of schoolwork to do. Just at that time, I heard someone go into my room. It was my mother. In her hand was a bottle of hot milk. Drinking the milk, a sense of happiness flowed into my heart together with it. In my opinion, happiness doesnt mean eating something delicious, owning a lot of trendy things or traveling around the world, but to get much care from parents or friends, which makes my life full of warmth. Topic 4: Traveling (标准考卷三&新航三)1. What do you think traveling is ?Why do you think so ?Please tell us a/an unforgettable /interesting/boring/fun/educational/thrilling travel experience you have ever had Traveling is educational Going traveling is one of my favorite activities during my holidays Ive gotten a lot from my previous experiences. Not only can I enjoy the beautiful sights, but I can learn something about nature and society. Last summer, I went to Hainan for vacation. I had a lesson about the under-sea life in the aquarium, which made me feel interested and excited. I had a difficult time learning diving skills. At first, I was too scared to dive. With my coachs help, I succeeded in diving into the sea finally. I thought the most important thing I learnt from it is that I should face every difficulty I have met bravely. It was really an educational trip. Dont you think so ?Topic5: Face problems bravely! (15年省适应性训练)Are you easy to give up when facing problems?Tell us a story that you overcame the problem you met. Please list at least 2 ways to deal with the problems. Life is full of ups and downs. When we are in trouble, we should not give up easily. What matters is to face the problems bravely and spare no effort to make a new start.I used to be a top student in primary school. But much to my disappointment, in the first math exam, I only got 85 points. Instead of feeling frustrated(沮丧的), I soon calmed down and managed to find out the reasons for my failure. Then I went out of my way to study following the teachers advice such as carefully previewing the lessons, correcting my mistakes and learning from them. My hard work was rewarded(回报) with great progress. Along with happiness, there must be problems and difficulties on the way to success. When we are in trouble, it is better to stick to our dream. We must keep believing ourselves. Whats more, we are expected to come up with different ways to solve the problems. In addition, asking for help is necessary at times. Keep trying and you are sure to succeed. 6


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