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—It's_____Lesson13 BodyParts一、单项选择1.Don'tworryaboutyourchildren.Icanlookafter(照顾)________.A.their   B.themC.myLesson13BodyPartsⅠ.单项选择。

Unit3BodyPartsandFeelingsLesson13BodyParts同步练习Tag内容描述:<p>1、Lesson 13Body Parts.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.部分________2.感觉;情感________ 3机器人________ 4.照相机________ 5闻起来________ 6.手指________ 7选手________ 8.家庭作业________短语1.play with____________2do ones homework____________ 3make sth. for sb.____________ 句型1.我能用它们看(东西)。I can ________ ________ them.2我们可以成为朋友!We ________ ________ friends!3我有十根手指就像你一样!I have ten fingers________ ________ ________!4我可以为你做面条。I can ________ noodles ________ you.用。</p><p>2、Body Parts .按要求写出单词 1they(宾格形式)____________ 2also(同义词)____________ 3hear(同义词)____________ 4foot(复数形式)____________ 5player(动词形式)____________ 6put in(反义短语)___。</p><p>3、Lesson 13 Body Parts .单项选择。 1My ________ are very small. Afoot Bfoots Cfeet Dfeets 2Whats this? Its ________ camera. Aa Ban Ctwo D/ 3I can see ________ my eyes. Aat。</p><p>4、Lesson 13Body Parts 一、单项选择1Dont worry about your children. I can look after(照顾) ________.Atheir Bthem Cmy Dme2I often talk ________ my friends ________ football after class.Aabout; with Bwith; inCof; with Dwith; about3A(n) ________ can make good pictures.Aeye Bear Ccamera Dradio4We walk with our ________.Afeet Bfoot Cfingers Dfinger5My mother likes flowers. My sister ________ likes them.Atoo Beither Ca。</p><p>5、Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 13 Body Parts 单词闯关 1 部分 p t 2 感觉 情感 常用作复数 fi l 3 机器人 r b t 4 照相机 km r 5 嗅 闻起来 smel 6 手指 大拇指除外 f g 7 比赛者 选手 ple 8 家庭作业 h。</p><p>6、Lesson 13 Body Parts 根据课文内容 完成下面表格 单词 1 部分 2 感觉 情感 3 机器人 4 照相机 5 闻起来 6 手指 7 选手 8 家庭作业 短语 1 play with 2 do ones homework 3 make sth for sb 句型 1 我能用它们看 东。</p><p>7、Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 13 Body Parts 单词闯关 1 部分 p t 2 感觉 情感 常用作复数 fi l 3 机器人 r b t 4 照相机 km r 5 嗅 闻起来 smel 6 手指 大拇指除外 f g 7 比赛者 选手 ple 8 家庭作业 h mw k 短语互译 1 和 一起玩 2 做家庭作业 3 make noodles。</p><p>8、Lesson 13Body Parts【教学目标】1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:part,feeling,robot,camera,smell,finger,player,homework。2.让学生了解如何介绍身体部位。3.让学生了解如何介绍身体部位的功能。4.让学生理解介词with的基本用法。【教学重难点】1.掌握一些与介绍身体部位有关的词汇:have,with,mouth,eye,nose,ear,arm,hand,leg,foot。2.激发学生兴趣,让学生运用所学知识介绍身体各部位能做的动作。3.掌握以下重点句子:I can smell with my nose.And I can talk with my mouth.I dont have ears but I can hear y。</p><p>9、Lesson 13Body Parts,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings,课前自主预习,part,feeling,robot,Lesson 13Body Parts,camera,smell,finger,player,Lesson 13Body Parts,homework,play with,do ones homework,做面条,说英。</p>
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